Red Moon Returns

Chapter 90 Ambush

Lynch didn't want to put little Martha in danger, he just wanted to find out how little Martha used the message board.

Entrusted by Officer Natalie, Lynch didn't intend to let Martha contact Maya at this time, that was too dangerous, but for a child, it was useless to forcibly stop such a thing, he had to use roundabout means.

He planned to send little Martha home after she used the message board, and then come back to leave a message for Maya in Donnie's codeword, and ask Maya to meet and talk in detail.

It would be best if Maya was willing to go, if not, he used little Martha's contact information, Maya would naturally think that Martha was unreliable, and would not contact her again, so that in any case, little Martha's safety could be guaranteed, and she would not be involved in such dangerous things.

He had a good plan in mind, but the stench disrupted his plan.

A typical smell of ghouls.

Is it a sewer ghoul? A mountain ghoul? Or Maya?

Lynch made a judgment after a little analysis, it would not be the first two.

The message board is next to the square in front of the station, only six or seven hundred meters away from the Watcher's Scarecrow Club. Those bored Soul-Traveling police officers go to the square to buy coffee and snacks almost every day to have fun. Unless the Watcher and the ghouls have reached some agreement, the ghouls dare not be too ostentatious to follow in the square.

And the probability that the Watcher has a problem... Lynch has never doubted the Watcher, at least he doesn't believe that Officer Natalie would deceive him so thoroughly.

Therefore, the one who left the smell is likely to be Maya herself who does not understand the mysterious world.

And this smell of the ghoul is particularly clear, and it can be so obvious in an open-air place with a large flow of people. Obviously, it will not stay for too long.

At most, it was last night or this morning.

It is not impossible that the other party is still nearby.

Perhaps this is the closest time to the female reporter.

Lynch took a deep breath, bent down and picked up little Martha. In any case, the safety of the little guy is the first priority.

Holding the little girl in his arms, Lynch stood outside the crowd on the message board, just like the passengers waiting in line to leave messages. Surrounded by the crowd with the same intention, Lynch used this as a cover to sweep his eyes around.

The environment was very messy.

The roadside sewer was emitting dirty waste steam, and the roar of the train whizzing past came from the long sewer, like the roar of a monster.

Not far away was the entrance of the train station, where passengers kept coming in and out, dragging their suitcases over the stone bricks at the entrance of the station.

On one side of the entrance was an open-air rest stop, where many neatly dressed gentlemen and ladies sat at round tables for a rest. There were also several stalls selling coffee and snacks outside the rest stop, and the queue was quite long, with no end in sight.

Several homeless people were leaning against the wall of the station to catch lice in the sun, with dirty luggage piled up on the side, looking quite leisurely.

On the other side of the entrance was the message board, where a large group of people surrounded the message board, with heads surging and noises.

Everything is like what happens every day.

No, I can't find it.

Without professional training and without a target, it is difficult to find a suspicious target among the countless faces around.

Lin Qi felt a little irritated, but then he thought that she had been hiding and suddenly appeared in a crowded place like the train station recently, probably just to see this message board. This means that she is also waiting for someone to contact her. Combined with the fact that she asked Martha to send photos before, the person she expects to contact is probably Martha, waiting for a reply or looking forward to the next step of help.

Then I shouldn't be anxious. If she is not nearby, I will act according to the original plan. If she is nearby, Martha and I are not wearing makeup, she will definitely see the two of us. I can't recognize her, but she will recognize Martha and should not miss this opportunity.

I just wait for her to contact me.

Lin Qi took a deep breath to calm his thoughts, and slowly squeezed into the crowd around the message board with the girl in his arms. Surrounded by the crowd, Lin Qi leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Listen, I know you want to contact your sister, the reporter, but she's in trouble recently, and it's serious. Remember, you shouldn't be in danger when leaving a message, but if there's any emergency, hold me tight, never get off me, and don't run away. I'll try my best to protect you. If you really separate, go to the Scarecrow Club and find Aunt Natalie as soon as possible, understand?"

Little Martha nodded, not quite understanding.

Lin Qi patted her little head, held her in front of the message board, and watched her pick up the chalk and start leaving a message.

While Martha was writing, Lin Qi continued to look around, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Someone was staring at this place, and there were quite a few of them.

Over at the coffee table, there were two gentlemen holding coffee cups who hadn't drunk a sip, but their eyes drifted over here from time to time, but their eyes were scattered and there was no clear target. They should be staring at the entire message board.

Next to the station entrance, a porter was smoking in the shade, but he rolled a cigarette and lit it, but he didn't take a single puff. He let the cigarette burn out, but he kept staring at the message board furtively.

There was also a horse-drawn carriage waiting for guests not far away. A driver had already rejected the inquiries of two groups of guests. His hat covered his face and blocked his eyes, but he was facing this side.

There was definitely something wrong with these people. The more Lynch looked at them, the more frightened he became. Fortunately, his and Martha's behavior was the same as the people around them, and they would not attract attention, which made him feel a little relieved.

Are they following? Who are they?

They are all human beings, and the characteristics of ghouls cannot be seen. They are basically ordinary people. Why are they so blatantly setting up surveillance at the door of the Watcher's house?

Hiss, it's probably the Rangers and the police of the Hall of Order.

Lynch realized that he had overlooked one thing. Since he could smell the stench, others could also smell it. He could associate it with Maya, so it was easier for others to associate it with her. The Rangers were looking for Maya, so it was not surprising that they followed the smell.

No, if Maya fell into their hands and was handed over to the ghouls by them, it would be troublesome.

Crunch, crunch.

The sound of chalk stopped.

Looking closely, the message board was scribbled, and there was an extra line of words at the end.

"XYZ: 6 pies, 8:00."

The inexplicable message was inconspicuous among the messages on the blackboard. It seems that this female reporter has always been so cautious that she even contacts the informant in a secretive way.

"Don't show a weird expression, write another sentence." Lynch whispered, "There is an ambush, run away."

Little Martha's body suddenly stiffened, her breathing became rapid, but she still had that innocent expression, and turned her body to face the blackboard, smeared the last 8:00, changed it to 24:00, and added three exclamation marks at the end.

While she was making the revision, Lynch suddenly smelled another stench.

It was not the stench of rotting meat, but a very turbid smell, like the smell of garbage dumps and sewers.

Then, he felt something behind him touching his pocket, and he couldn't tell whether someone was stealing or stuffing something in it.

Lynch reacted instantly, only the stench could cover up the stench.

The only way for a person with a rotten body to avoid being noticed is to make himself become something that is already stinky.

For example, the group of dirty and sloppy homeless people.

Looking towards the entrance of the station, the number of homeless people decreased unknowingly, and the movement of the person behind him suddenly stopped.

Because Little Martha has finished the revision.

"Run away, go to the Scarecrow Club for help."

Lin Qi whispered without leaving any trace, and the movement behind him stopped abruptly. Then there was the sound of someone leaving, and several people who were watching nearby also moved and surrounded this side.

This chapter is really stuck, and the next chapter will probably be in the afternoon, sorry

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