Red Moon Returns

Chapter 92 Other Pursuers

Covering Martha's eyes to prevent her from seeing the monster clearly, Lynch felt scared.

If he had only asked about what happened to the female reporter instead of insisting on sending Martha home first, the three of them would have been blocked in the carriage by a group of ghouls.

Lin Qi can be proud to confirm that he will never be able to withstand it for thirty seconds, unless he directly activates the divine power.

No wonder I always feel like someone is watching me along the way. It must be them. What is the origin of these ghouls?

They are definitely not mountain people. Are they the sewer ghouls that have never shown up? Then they followed along the sewer, no wonder they were never found.

When she turned her head, the female reporter couldn't tell her expression, but her body was shaking a little. Lin Qi knew that she must be afraid, so he pointed to the outer wall that she was about to climb over.

His cloudy red eyes were a little confused for a moment, but he soon regained consciousness. He nodded to Lynch, and the two of them hugged Martha and slipped back to the outermost edge of the covered abandoned carriage.

"Bang", there was a muffled sound behind them. The group of ghouls had returned to their homeless appearance and were rummaging through other carriages. They had not yet realized that their target was escaping.

The wall was not very high, but the ghoul's eyesight was fine. If someone climbed up, he would definitely be discovered. Lynch gritted his teeth, put on his gloves and put them on the shoulders of the female reporter.

Divine power, concealment, ability, presence, activation.

But there was no response.


Only then did Lin Qi remember that there were limitations to his ability. The target must trust himself enough, otherwise the success rate would decrease proportionally.

It won't work at the critical moment, right?

After trying again and failing again, Lynch finally understood what it meant to succeed with Officer Natalie last time.

Time does not allow for any more success. The ghouls are searching and destroying one carriage after another. Seeing the ghoul getting closer and closer, Lynch was anxious for a moment.

What to do, we must find a way.

You are a time traveler, and your greatest advantage is the breadth of thinking in the era of information explosion. You have an open mind.

There are so many weird abilities that can be used to your advantage as long as you use them correctly. It's just that you didn't expect it, Lynch.

Creaking, another carriage was invaded by several ghouls, and even the doors were torn down. The worn-out doors were thrown out casually, flying over the hiding place of the three people, until they hit the wall, and leaned against the wall. By the wall.

Um? It seems that there is a bug here to get stuck.

Looking at the space between the door and the wall, Lin Qi felt something in his heart and realized that there was a problem with this ability.

Instead of making the target invisible, it makes those around them ignore the ability of the target and turn a blind eye to it.

In other words, the ability goal actually exists there, but what if there is something hidden behind the ability goal?

Hidden objects are theoretically blocked by the target, and the target is not invisible. It is impossible for the enemy's line of sight to bypass the ability target and directly discover the hidden object, so a paradox arises. Hidden objects that are not covered by abilities, through this paradox Achieved a hidden effect.

For example, the female reporter and Martha, and the car door that flew over was a hidden object brought to the door. There was also a lot of garbage piled up against the wall, just enough for the two of them to climb over the wall.

Lynch immediately used his ability to cover up his voice, and briefly told Martha and the female reporter Maya his idea. The ghouls were searching for them right away. Time did not allow for slow experiments, let alone for the two of them to hesitate. Try it anyway. Better than waiting to die.

You only have three seconds, and you have to do it right the first time.

The two ladies, one large and one small, stared at the debris in the corner, their faces a little nervous.

Fortunately, neither of them seemed to be ladies, and their movements were still very flexible. After looking at each other for a few seconds, they both nodded to Lin Qi.

Taking advantage of the cover of the nearest carriage, the three of them reached under the wall. Lynch took a few deep breaths and grasped both sides of the carriage door tightly with both hands.

Three, two, one.

They made a mouth gesture like "One", and raised the car door above their heads with both hands to block the wall. At the same time, they activated the ability to exist. The two ladies were not surprised that the car door suddenly disappeared. They both made moves at the same time and ran up under the cover of the door panel. Wall top.

Lynch had forgotten to breathe. The problem was that even his own line of sight was blocked by the car door. He couldn't see the two ladies climbing the wall at all. He could only listen intently to the voice of the ghoul.

It will definitely succeed, it will definitely succeed.

There was a thud, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, which made Lin Qi's heart almost beat out of his chest, but he immediately recognized that the sound of the landing came from outside the wall, which meant that one of them had successfully jumped out.

As for the ghouls, everything was normal and they were still destroying and rummaging.

There was also a rustling sound coming from the wall, indicating that the other one had not yet succeeded.

A scream like a baby's cry rang out. Several ghouls had discovered something and were communicating with each other. However, the sound was so weird that Lynch couldn't recognize it for a while and could only suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

Plop, a second sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from outside the wall, and at the same time, the harsh voice of the ghoul on the other side of the carriage gradually approached. Lynch didn't even care whether the car door was still hidden. He gently placed the car door on the ground, then activated his latent ability to hide himself, and ran up the wall like a cat.

At the same time he escaped, several homeless people came out from behind the abandoned carriage. Their eyes passed over Lynch squatting on the wall, but they seemed to have seen nothing. They walked around nearby and found nothing. Abnormal, so he went back again.

Finally, his heart was at ease. Lynch jumped down the wall with his cane. As soon as he landed, an excited little Martha rushed over and held his hand.

Before leaving the dangerous place, Lynch didn't want to delay any longer. He gestured to the female reporter, and the two crossed the road one after the other and went deep into the alley on the opposite side. After entering the deserted alley, they ran all the way until they passed several buildings and confirmed that the ghouls could not see them. Then the three of them stopped.

"Huh." Lynch let out a long breath, "It's safe for now. I'm afraid you can't stay here any longer. Do you have any place to stay?"

The female reporter didn't respond, but just looked around worriedly, then shook her head blankly and said, "I don't know who else is looking for me, let alone where it's safe."

"Let me recommend you a place." Lynch thought for a while, "I know you don't trust anyone now, but I just know a place where no one is, the Thorn Flower Club, where a group of cultists used to live. It was just cleared out recently and the building is in an abandoned state. It is now managed by the Watchers, but there is only one gatekeeper. You just need to avoid the gatekeeper and go in, hide in the underground secret passage, and you shouldn't be found."

"Okay." The female reporter knew that only Lynch could help her now, and she didn't hesitate at all.

"I'll take you there first, and I'll take Martha home after you hide. You..."

Lynch's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his voice stopped abruptly.

A burst of baby crying, unique to ghouls, came from the alley behind, along with messy footsteps.

Then, a voice that was particularly deep among the ghouls sounded slowly.

"I smell her scent. She just passed by not long ago. Find her out. We can't fail again this time."

Lin Qi's heart sank, realizing that he had avoided the rangers and the ghouls in the sewers, but ignored the mountain people who had not appeared today.

The old mountain people had caught up with him.

"You know the thorn flower, right? Well, then you go first, I'll help you stop them."


"Don't talk nonsense, my relationship with you is not to the point where I have to sacrifice myself. I dare to stay and naturally have the ability to protect myself. You go there and wait for me. I will rush over in a few hours at most."

"Thank you, you... be careful."

The female reporter was quite decisive. She bowed deeply to Lin Qi, then turned and ran into the alley, while Lin Qi sighed deeply and turned to face the direction where the mountain people gathered.

I went to the hospital to check my stones today, so I took a leave and only updated once.

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