Red sand dust

Chapter 1015 Potential

It's just that the appearance is somewhat similar, which makes this little girl feel a bit similar.

"Can you really see?"

"I have no idea……"

Daimaru's questioning made the little girl a little nervous and hesitantly said,

"Those nurses told me that this... is fire..."

Because of the existence of medical ninjutsu, the initial recovery after the transplant operation is extremely fast, which means that the visual function is activated and requires a longer period of adaptation.

She couldn't see anything before, she could only hear other people's narrations, and had a vague preset impression in her mind. Until now, she had never really seen something in detail, and she didn't even have a standard for judgment. Naturally, she couldn't No way to confirm.

Daimaru also expected this situation.

After comforting the somewhat anxious little girl, Daimaru then tested her visual acuity using chakra properties and morphological changes of different attributes. As for the result, it was a little disappointing.

After it was over, Daimaru gave a few gentle compliments, sent the little girl away, and let the nurse on duty take care of her before she felt relieved.

"What? There was an accident..."

Miss Saya asked a little strangely,

"Even the light-sensitive vision is a mess, but you can vaguely perceive chakra. Is this the Byakugan's ability?"

Daimaru shook his head and replied:

"It's not that easy! It's just a child with a natural sense of sensitivity who has co-evolved with the cloned retina cultivated by the cells of the Hyuga tribe."

"What is 'co-evolution'? There have been a lot of new words coming out of your mouth recently..."

"Mutual stimulation activates the originally recessive characteristics. Generally, transplantation is just a mechanical combination of the two, so that the original functions complement each other. In rare cases, a magical reaction will occur and an improvement beyond imagination will occur..."

For example, after the first-generation cells are combined with the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, they will gain the power of the Samsara Eye, which is an extremely ideal state. After the perfect jinchūriki and Susanoo power are merged, the powerful weapon Susanoo can also be considered powerful. It is relatively common for Shima Sennin, Fukasaku Sennin and Jiraiya to join forces and use the art of two lives to merge and complement each other's shortcomings.

Nowadays, most of the humans in the ninja world, after thousands of years of integration, have more or less remnants of ancient bloodlines. For example, these children in front of them have been transplanted with cells from the Hyuga clan. It cannot be ruled out that they will not be able to awaken the power of the Byakugan, but instead Master the possibility of Burning Escape or Melting Escape.

"Yeah, that little girl is really lucky..."

It is extremely rare for someone who has no blood connection to happen to be able to carry the inheritance fragment of a powerful bloodline.

It is a rare blessing for a girl who was born blind to have normal eyesight. She also received outstanding ninja talent, which is even more touching.

Especially sentient ninjas, who are considered rare talents in the entire ninja world, are even rarer in Sunagakure Village.

As long as this little girl is not too bad to be accepted in the future, she should have a place in the future Suna Ninja team.

"Maybe, it's not all a coincidence..."

Daimaru rubbed his chin, thought for a while and then said,

"The Hyuga clan members themselves are good at eye skills. Even if they don't awaken the Byakugan, the insight and perception abilities they passively provide are already stronger than most ninjas, and..."

After a pause, Daimaru continued to explain:

"Perception is a very magical talent. There is almost no way to greatly improve it through acquired training. Perception ninjas basically rely on God to feed them, but..."

As if aware of Daimaru's hesitation, Miss Saya asked:

"It's hard to explain clearly? We are all genjutsu ninjas with very strong perception ability, and our natural intuition is superior to others..."

The so-called danger prediction, strong chakra control ability, strong will and not easy to be intruded are just appearances. Being sensitive to clues from the outside world and being able to notice details that ordinary people easily overlook is also one of the important abilities.

"There is no unchangeable training method for perceptual talents that are closely related to the spirit and soul. However, over the years, some people have summarized some secret methods that can gain benefits. For example, those monks who practice closed-mouth meditation and the pain of blinding their eyes. A monk, a Shinto saint who was born deaf and mute. This world is not kind, but if you are deprived of something innately, you will always be given appropriate compensation in other areas..."

In the past, Daimaru rarely thought about mysterious things in this field, because these phenomena were almost not very reliable and regular, and he couldn't find a clue at all.

The deaf-mute monk who spoke, Saga who opened his eyes, or Nagato who had healthy legs, or even Madara Uchiha who had exhausted his pupil power and replenished it with the Mangekyō Sharingan, a bloodline relative.

"I've heard of what you said..."

Miss Sha Ye was stunned and then said,

"It's like a weight in physical training. Feeling damaged is like putting a limit on yourself. When you break through, you will be strengthened by leaps and bounds..."

"Of course I have seen a lot of these phenomena, but what is the principle behind their occurrence? The rules summarized are not very valuable. There is almost no way to use them. I can only rely on trial and error one by one..."

"Isn't that what Ninjutsu research is all about?"

Daimaru shook his head:

"I hate aimless research without any theoretical support. In the final analysis, I am just an opportunistic ninja, not a scholar or researcher who truly studies unknown mysteries."

It is not impossible to build a nuclear fusion power plant without even having a solid theoretical foundation of the theory of relativity, but the effort and investment, as well as the risks involved, are completely immeasurable.

Although Daimaru is now prosperous, it is not time to spend money freely.

"All the achievements I have now and the plans I am advancing are all based on a certain foundation and I have enough confidence to start executing them. I have not made up my mind to get involved in a completely unfamiliar field..."

It is what people like Orochimaru do to truly discover unknown mysteries in a world that their predecessors have no understanding of. With Daimaru's IQ, he can only maintain follow-up tactics at present, making full use of the advantage of being a latecomer, and bringing valuable information to the world. Combining the secret skills and making full use of them, if you want to support the pace of the pioneers, it is still not enough.

Seeing Daimaru's hesitant expression, Miss Saya smiled reassuringly:

"Puppet masters like us who have set foot in taboo areas can easily be doomed if they are not careful. There is no way to turn back. Necessary caution is indispensable..."

"Thank you for your relief..."

Daimaru shrugged helplessly,

"How many seemingly beautiful beginnings ended up with sad endings. I have dealt with the human puppets made from the bodies of the Red Sand Scorpion, the Third Generation and the Fifth Generation. I have learned from the past and have to guard against..."

As the group got deeper and deeper, many children and staff saw Daimaru. The ignorant children were still wondering who the big brothers and sisters in front of them were. The ninjas who recognized them even scolded the naughty little ones. Their voices couldn't help but become much quieter.

Looking at the awed eyes around her, there was also an attitude of watching the excitement, and she probably regarded Miss Saya who came to visit as a sneaky cat who took advantage of Temari's absence.

Although she is a little uncomfortable, Miss Saya has grown up a lot and is no longer the little girl who used to cover her face with thick makeup for the sake of others' comments.

Not far away, the keen Shanai glanced around, making everyone with teasing eyes bow their heads obediently.

The two sisters, Saya and Shanai, are the largest shareholders in this laboratory besides Daimaru. Daimaru basically does not take care of the general affairs. Shanai is responsible for the daily management.

"Miss Saya, thank you!"

"Huh? What..."

The sudden gratitude brought Miss Saya back to her senses while she was thinking about something.

"Without your support, it would be really difficult to set up this laboratory in such a short time..."

The training of medical ninjas is the most troublesome. It requires not only talented children, but also enough patients to practice on them to gain experience.

Generally speaking, it is an ideal situation to be able to train a flexible genin-level medical ninja to the point where it is usable in three to five years.

Like Haruno Sakura and Tsunade, those whose masters are skilled and whose apprentices are amazingly talented are special cases among special cases.

The most lacking thing under Daimaru's command is the medical ninja. This thing has no background. If you want to overtake in a corner and come from behind, it is almost impossible. Daimaru can make achievements in biotechnology, but he still extorted a lot of ready-made medicine from Orochimaru. For the sake of results.

"Without your help, my journey would not be so smooth..."

Providing manpower and material support when Daimaru needs it most is tantamount to giving timely help.

Especially during the Chunin Examination two years ago, Daimaru used a bunch of bad checks to exchange for a bunch of combat supplies from Miss Saya. Without those, Daimaru might not have been able to escape from the Leaf Village unharmed. So smooth.

"Everyone takes what they want from the deal!"

Miss Saya, who has never received much gratitude from others since she was a child, showed a trace of panic on her usually calm and pretty face, snorted coldly and said forcefully,

"I have my share here, and I am also half the master. Don't get me wrong..."

"After all, you have helped me a lot, so you can't be so ungrateful! Let's do this, I will let the apprentices from Awaji Village and Naruto Village take over the share of your 'Righteous Puppet' split agent..."

Although Miss Saya's family is wealthy and has many puppet masters that can be used, the apprentices and genin-level potentials who can really be used are not as good as Daimaru, a rising star.

Holding two villages with endless potential, Daimaru was only nominally inferior to the Kazekage Godaime, but the actual power he controlled was no worse than that of the factions that had been operating for many years.

"Free? This is what you promised yourself, you can't go back on it..."

Daimaru showed a simple and honest smile and said calmly:

"Although it can't be said to be a piece of cake, it still counts!"

Overall, it was mutually beneficial. Of course, Miss Saya obviously benefited more.

After the agreement was made, Miss Sha Ye was in a good mood, and the arrogant smile that had been on her face all year round could not help but relax a little.

After carefully examining the conditions of several concerned children after their transplant operations, they once again saw the little girl who had high hopes for Daimaru, learning to know new things under the guidance of several older children.

"I really envy these little guys. Although their starting point in life is full of misfortunes, they were born in a good era!"

Daimaru said with a smile,

"A few years ago, how could the village have the money to take care of these disabled orphans who are almost worthless..."

Even the descendants of meritorious martyrs like Daimaru have to fight for their lives to become ninjas. The hopes of many children who were originally enthusiastic were buried deep in the vast sea of ​​sand.

"The luck of the times?"

Shanai, who had been rarely speaking, sneered.

"That's because they were lucky enough to meet us. From now on, we should teach them who to be grateful to..."

Daimaru's skills and the strong support of the two sisters Saya and Shana made this scene possible.

Compared with the little mood of her younger sister Shanai, the proud elder sister Saya did not care about these small details. She looked at the little girl who was struggling to understand this glorious new world and said:

"She has great potential, but she's a bit dull! Is her ability Chakra Vision?"

"How is it possible? Even in the future, the possibility of awakening this ability is very low..."

Daimaru laughed.

It is extremely rare to directly see the blood limit of chakra. Most perceptive ninjas rely on mental power and intuition to roughly judge the flow of chakra. Depending on the level of ability, everyone's level of precision is different.

For example, the human form that Aburame Shino perceives may be a monster with fangs and claws in Kiba Inuzuka's perception.

The flame form that the little girl sensed just now is just an energy release phenomenon after chakra escapes from the body and merges with natural energy.

Just like human beings cannot see hydrogen and oxygen, but they can be observed by burning and glowing flames.

Of course, the situation is still different from real flames. Most ninjas can only see the form of ninjutsu formed by chakra, such as water dragon bullets, water shark bombs, huge fire balls, etc.

Chakra and natural energy are both invisible and invisible to the naked eye. Except for the Byakugan, which can be seen clearly, most ninjas perceive the changes in form and nature as a reaction phenomenon after they are dissipated.

"However, at such a young age and without even knowing how to refine chakra, you can see this, and your talent is pretty good..."

If ordinary ninjas are mortal to the naked eye, this little girl is equipped with a thermal imager, and she is obviously much better at the beginning.

"It's decided, I want to accept her as my disciple..."

Miss Saya, who was chatting, suddenly thought of something and suddenly said something that shocked Daimaru.

"Accepting a disciple? This is too sudden..."

"Being able to see the energy release of chakra reaction is a very useful talent for a spiritual puppet master..."

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