Red sand dust

Chapter 1016 Searching

While some unnoticed but far-reaching changes were taking place in Sunagakure Village, the Hyuga family far away in Konoha Village ushered in a period of peace as always.

Those inexplicable commotions some time ago were forgotten as if they had never happened at all.

There must still be spies secretly looking for clues, but under Byakugan's scrutiny, there haven't been any valuable clues for so long, and even Hinata Hiashi didn't think he could find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Hyuga Neji, who is closely related but free from the conspiracy, maintains the image of a genius of the branch as always. Apart from teaching Hinata Hinata and Hanabi Hinata conscientiously and being a qualified sparring partner, he has no special performance.

Only the level of effort in cultivation was higher than before, and even teammates Tiantian and Rock Li, who were competing together, didn't notice anything unusual.

Until Jin actually informed me that it was time for the plan to officially start.

The days at the end of March and the beginning of April are almost the most suitable seasons for Konoha Village. The passing rate of this year's ninja school graduates has increased slightly. The genin who have just embarked on the road of ninja are still under the guidance of the teachers who lead the team. , complete some D-level tasks that are not difficult but test your character and basic abilities.

Seniors like Hyuga Neji can no longer be described as newcomers.

Younger children always have a more imaginative future and attract more attention from their seniors.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Hyuga Neji, who was on vacation, was able to quietly facilitate Daimaru's actions.

In the forest training ground some distance away from Hokage Rock, I deliberately chose a somewhat shady evening to prepare here.

The choice of this location was not entirely Hyuga Neji's decision, but also Jin's conclusion after thorough investigation.

It's a little far away from Konoha Village, but not too far, just right enough not to arouse suspicion.

The genius of the Hyuga family, who has been keeping a low profile recently, adjusted his body to the best condition, and then under the guidance of Jin, he activated the secret technique of the Puppet Two-Life Curse Seal, which was led by Daimaru from a distance.

In an instant, Daimaru crossed countless puppet relays and projected his consciousness onto Hyuga Neji, mobilizing an inexplicable force that invaded the young man's spiritual core.

Feeling that part of his body was out of control, but his strength had increased a lot, Hinata Neji unconsciously opened his Byakugan.

"This is chakra vision, it doesn't feel special..."

For the first time, he felt this kind of state where he couldn't help himself and couldn't even fully control his power. Hinata Neji couldn't help but instinctively felt the desire to resist. But before he could implement it, all the chakra in his body was being mobilized. The pupils of both eyes converge.

"What are you doing?"

Hinata Neji was horrified,

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing the caged bird?"

"Do not worry!"

Daimaru's reassuring voice came,

"As long as the physical connection between the Byakugan and the 'Caged Bird' curse seal is not stripped away, it will not be activated..."

In this world, no jutsu has no weaknesses, and even the theoretical upper limit of power in the ninja world - the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki - can be defeated.

Hyuga Neji, who had gained a little understanding of him through Jin's guidance, although he still had doubts in his heart, had no intention of continuing to refute.

The previous contract between Jin and Hyuga Neji stipulated that Daimaru would not harm Hyuga Neji's body to achieve his goal. This should be reliable.

"Is this what you want to do? It's just to make the Byakugan more effective, there's no fundamental difference..."

The precision of chakra observation has been significantly improved. The blind spot defect that cannot be observed behind the scenes has also been made up. Even the observation range has been increased from one kilometer to nearly two and a half kilometers, which is obviously a big improvement. .

But this is only a "quantitative" increase, not a "qualitative" breakthrough.

"Don't be anxious, young man, you will know later..."

Daimaru said, across the long turbulence of time and space, he took out a small ball of jet black energy and focused it on Hyuga Neji's body.

"Feel it well. As long as you can decipher the mystery, let alone splitting up the Hinata family, you can even erase this family from the ninja world..."

Daimaru's chuckle sounded in Hyuga Neji's mind, but at this time, the genius of the Hyuga family was completely stunned by the earth-shaking changes in his body, and did not notice Daimaru's teasing at all.

Seeing that the possessed object was indulging in the magical "Yin Yang Escape" transforming the body, Jin curled his lips:

"Too imprudent. Seeing the opportunity to increase the upper limit of his strength, he ignored the kind people who gave him the opportunity..."

“Everything has a first time, it’s better to see more of them!”

Pressing Hinata Neji's surface consciousness to the bottom, Daimaru's arm controlling the body touched the "Caged Bird" curse seal on his forehead that was emitting bright blue-white light.

"If you fool it one after another, will you be discovered?"

Jin replied with a smile:

"Don't worry, Father, the Hyuga family is very confident in the 'Caged Bird' curse seal. I have been with Hyuga Neji for so long, and I have never seen anyone from the Hyuga clan inspecting the 'Caged Bird' curse seal of the branch."

Basically, as long as they don't show any ill will toward the clan members at close range, no one will care whether the "Caged Bird" curse seal has been bypassed.

A child of a branch family without much background, his relationship with other clan members is also very average, and there is no need for Konoha Village to interfere. In addition, his teacher is a pure taijutsu ninja like Metkai. Everyone felt at ease with him. No matter how much Hinata Neji tried, he was considered unable to escape the shackles of the "caged bird".

Because of this, Daimaru had the opportunity to cooperate with Hyuga Neji this time.

However, looking at the "caged bird" curse seal above his head that was working at that moment and restraining a lot of energy, Daimaru couldn't help but think of violently breaking it. After thinking about it, he gave up.

Doing so will have unpredictable consequences and cause unnecessary trouble.

"That's it for now!"

As he spoke, Daimaru immediately exerted his Yin-Yang Escape power to the maximum, resonated with Byakugan, and looked at the dim crescent moon hanging on the treetops.

The sun is about to set, the sky is still dark, and the moon can't wait to appear in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Daimaru stretched out his finger and tapped it, and a wisp of dark energy exploded from his fingertip, spreading to the distance of his sight like a spider web.

In the world that is invisible to the naked eye, white eyes with a hint of fluorescence look at the web of fate that envelopes the entire world.

"I finally understand why the old guy Gamamaru, who has lived for who knows how long, gets all his reliable prophecies in dreams. Normal people would go crazy just by looking at this thing when they are awake..."

Peeping at the thread of fate can easily lead to backlash, especially when you actively try to change.

Every time you take advantage of this state to benefit yourself, it is a risk, and the risk is second only to telling others about the prophecy.

Every life, in this all-encompassing network, restrains and influences each other. The greater the disturbance, the more terrifying the backlash. Those seemingly inconspicuous, but actually astonishing powers of destiny are like The gathered noose is not only a restraint, it can also cause death.

Of course, if it is strong enough to resist its side effects, the benefits are also considerable.

Today, Daimaru is not trying to make a prophecy, but to achieve his own goal through the blood connection of Byakugan.

Lowering his head and focusing his gaze on himself, Daimaru could clearly see the shining threads entangled around him.

There are just other threads of fate that are far away from each other. From his eyes, a pale golden thread of fate that is obviously thicker and still trembling slightly is thrown towards the group of threads of fate not far away. big bright ball and connected with it.

If you look closely, you can see that Hyuga Neji himself is actually part of it, but the connection is not so strong.

"Then they must be the Hyuga clan members who are connected by blood!"

Then Daimaru raised his head and saw a dim star in the sky, emitting blue light, shining on the sphere formed by the entangled threads of fate of the Hyuga clan.

Not only that, but further behind this dim star, there seemed to be a few looming stars twinkling.

"Otsutsuki Toneri, or other visitors from outside the world?"

Daimaru was able to tell that they were related to the Hyuga family, or more precisely to the Byakugan, but who they were was unknown.

"No wonder those prophecies are just specious words. Many times, we can only see the general outline, and it is not all because of mysteries..."

The Great Toad Sage can see that a blond boy has become the savior and promoted the reconciliation between humans and tailed beasts, but when exactly he will appear and what his specific appearance will be, he cannot predict.

Daimaru, who was observing the surroundings and wanted to get some useful information, suddenly felt his spirit tremble. Then, Hinagi and Kobayashi, who shared weal and woe, appeared in this place. Finally, following the connection of the contract, Kurama Yakumo and Miss Saya appeared in this world that was almost impossible for anyone to observe.

"Is this... the dark side of the world?"

The two people who were invited to assist, Miss Saya glanced at the girl opposite with dissatisfaction, snorted coldly and said nothing, while Kurama Yakumo said curiously,

"It's much more boring than I thought..."

Daimaru scratched the back of his head in embarrassment:

"No matter what you think, you have to be careful. Even I don't know where the traps are..."

Of course, the three of them came here today just to find the location of the Earth-Moon Passage.

Among the people Daimaru knew well, they were the only ones who had enough strength, mental strength and perception to help.

"Obviously Suna Ninja is not bad, why do you always try to trick Konoha Ninjas?"

Miss Saya complained dissatisfiedly.

Daimaru replied helplessly:

"Because we in Sunagakure Village don't have the blood inheritance limit like Byakugan..."

No wonder other ninja villages covet the status of Konoha Village. They occupy the best position, the most fertile land, the largest population, and the most talented ninja clan. It is impossible not to attract prying eyes.

With the help of the puppet's eyes, Daimaru, who temporarily had two sets of vision, controlled Hyuga Neji's body to move towards the position where the stars in the sky were shining with light, bathing in it.

As far as the eye can see, it seems that it is not far away, but as Daimaru steps forward, he finds that even if he moves forward at the same pace, the speed of approaching the light beam changes all the time. In many cases, the progress is very slow, but occasionally suddenly The close distance made Daimaru feel strange.

This is actually the result of the intersection of the ninja world and out-of-control turbulence. The straight-line uniform speed in the real world is not necessarily the case here.

The patient Daimaru relied on his instinctive perception and kept getting closer. I don't know how long it took. The concept of time was a bit blurry, and his patience was worn away a lot, until he finally reached a position within easy reach.

In reality, what comes into view is a small sparkling lake.

"This is it!"

In the out-of-control turbulence between reality and illusion, the finished characters of Daimaru, Kurama Yakumo, and Saya-san surround a moving band of light.

"That's it, right? It looks like a space-time passage transformed from a relatively stable illusion space. One end of the anchor point is not far from Konoha Village, and the other end..."

The three of them raised their heads and looked at the light of the lens that extended into the dark void.

"That's the moon, and the person I'm looking for is there, but..."

Today is not the time to visit yet. It is too risky to rush to the Moon Palace with Daimaru, who is unable to exert his full strength against Hyuga Neji's body. We are not completely sure, so we should not be too reckless.

“Knock on the door and say hello first, and then mark it so that it won’t be difficult to find next time!”

"What are you going to do?"

It was the first time for Miss Saya to see such a strange sight. She temporarily suppressed her displeasure at Kurama Yakumo joining forces.

"Is it really that difficult to deal with? There are three of us together, and there are not many people in the ninja world who can match us..."

Such complacent words made Daimaru laugh and said:

"Although that guy's current strength has not reached its peak, he is holding a powerful 'weapon' that can almost destroy the ninja world. If we are not careful, we may provoke the 'big devil'..."

The Byakugan of the Soga family has not snatched Hinata Hanabi, and the Tsangikan has not yet been synthesized, but the giant Tenseigan as the core of energy and seal is still there. This thing can not only support the amazingly powerful chakra weapon, but it can also launch extremely powerful attacks. It wouldn't be a problem to cut the moon in half with one blow.

"Then you still flirt with him?"

Miss Saya said dissatisfiedly.

Although he knew that Daimaru was very courageous and the things he did had great influence, he never expected that he would be in such trouble.

Kurama Yakumo has a good mentality. Although he has the unique genjutsu-type blood inheritance limit in the ninja world, it is the first time he has encountered such an opponent, and his curiosity suddenly surges into his heart.

"What are you going to do?"

Daimaru looked at it carefully and replied:

"This earth-moon passage transformed from the illusion space also bears the responsibility of rebuilding the world based on it once the ninja world is destroyed. Let's work together to open a backdoor in it first..."

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