Red sand dust

Chapter 1142 Ambush

Unlike the situation where Kabuto Yakushi gave up a large part of his control after his improvement in order to actively strengthen the combat effectiveness of the dirty earth body, the "Akatsuki" organization nominally controlled by Konan and Daimaru who is invisible behind the scenes do not need to take too much risk. In exchange for too strong combat power, it is enough to retain the special ninjutsu of the dirty earth body.

Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Phantom Dragon's Nine Seals, Magic Lantern Body Jutsu, etc. are all usable. It's enough that they can come in handy at critical moments. We don't really expect these filthy physical powers to turn the tide.

Therefore, the control can be as strict as possible, even the basic thinking has been deprived, and it is completely a moving puppet.

So far, the combat effectiveness of Konan's side has finally surpassed that of Uchiha Obito's side on paper.

The tailed beasts will continue to be captured, but the Rain Country Headquarters must prioritize safety. Soon, the Five Kage Conference will be held. If there is no scene where Uchiha Sasuke invades the venue and Uchiha Obito declares war on the entire ninja world, what will happen next? There is a high probability that the five major ninja villages will join forces to suppress the "Akatsuki" organization entrenched in the Land of Rain, and completely eliminate the cancer in the ninja world.

In such a turbulent era, not to mention the "Akatsuki" organization, which is in turmoil and has constant internal strife, even people like Daimaru cannot guarantee that they can escape unscathed.

Which ones are chips that can be discarded, which ones are useful in the future, and which ones are "resources" that should be preserved as much as possible, all have to be carefully evaluated.

Daimaru, who had been watching with a cold eye and occasionally twirling the threads of fate, now began to increase his interference.

The pair of reincarnation eyes left behind by Uchiha Madara are the core of the storm sweeping the ninja world. As long as you hold it in your hands, the relevant people will come to you sooner or later, actively or passively.

Even Uchiha Obito and Zetsu, whose alliance foundation is so weak that they have almost no foundation, have not made it clear that they will withdraw from the "Akatsuki" organization or completely fall out with Konan.

"Come on, everyone, and struggle hard in this constant strangulation of flesh and blood battlefield. Only the last survivor will be qualified to divide the sphere of influence of the ninja world in the future..."

Daimaru, who had been able to initially control the direction of the incident, and other representatives of the Ninja Village who were stranded in Konoha Village, as witnesses, visited Shimura Danzo, who was giving orders as the official Sixth Hokage for the first time, to endorse his identity and reputation.

This meeting was more ceremonial than practical. Not only Daimaru, but also the more attentive envoys from other villages could almost see the gaps between the various forces in Konoha Village.

Although they are now barely able to blend together, it will take a lot of time to resolve their differences, and what is most lacking now is time.

Soon, Danzo Shimura, the sixth generation Hokage, began to make drastic adjustments to the policies of Konoha Village, especially regarding the internal structure and the relationship with the Land of Fire.

Asuma Sarutobi went on many missions, and after using both soft and hard tactics, he finally got the approval of the Fire Nation daimyo. The Konoha ninjas began to establish various private areas, armed trading stations, security fortresses, and private reception institutions in the Fire Nation to strengthen fire control. overall control of the country.

Although most of the new sites are in inaccessible or desolate and barren places, the combined area is quite large, and they are located at major transportation routes, strategic supports, and resource deposits.

After its influence has been greatly expanded, Konoha Village will also begin to learn from Sunagakure Village, using the absolute force of the ninja as a fulcrum to leverage the civil power of the Fire Country, trying to integrate the local forces of the Fire Country to integrate the ninja world. Lay the foundation for division of labor and commercial circulation.

The interests involved in this are huge, and it is inevitable that all parties will lend a hand, including the big and small families in Konoha Village, the nobles and wealthy merchants of the Fire Nation, and even a few sand ninja tycoons who are under the cover of private groups. .

In a very short period of time, Danzo Shimura, who had liquidated the almost solidified assets in the Land of Fire and was becoming more and more valuable, benefited everyone. If there were some doubts at first, they soon disappeared.

Silencing opponents with benefits may be crude, but it is also the most effective.

If there were two or three more years of preparation, Daimaru would even be sure to do it more ideally and get more benefits for himself, but that was all he could do for now.

"You are so rich, why are you still working so hard to make money?"

Kurama Yakumo, who handed over most of the trivial matters and just acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, even thought about letting Shizune serve as the permanent secretary of the Hokage's office. This would also give some comfort to the somewhat disappointed Sandaime and his family, and not to do anything behind their backs. stumbling block.

Unfortunately, considering the risk that Danzo Shimura, the Sixth Hokage's control, may be exposed, we have to put it on hold for the time being.

After confirming that the guards attending the Five Kage Conference were Kurama Yakumo and Haruno Sakura, a partial compromise was actually made. The "Sannin" and their disciples were not abandoned, they were just no longer in power. They still have their share of the big cake of Ye Village and even the Country of Fire.

The eldest lady of the Kurama family, who had been thinking a lot, spent her free time interacting with several young Konoha female ninjas she was familiar with. Although she was not very close, she got to know them a lot. Apart from that, she was just waiting for the opportunity to take action silently. Daimaru discussed how to control the capital flow of the Fire Country.

"Although it seems a bit hurtful to say it, for those of us who truly control the resources of the ninja world, getting rich is only the first step. How to make the general public poor and widen the status gap between us is the next step. The most important thing is that you and I can use our personal ethics and empathy to avoid being coerced by capital instincts, but it’s hard for others to say..."

Daimaru answered Kurama Yakumo's question calmly.

The biggest difference between the ninja world and Daimaru's previous life is that the existence of chakra and ninjutsu has actually made ninjas unequal to ordinary people.

Daimaru is well aware of the power of the "scourge".

In the current social state of the ninja world, the limit is to promote peace of understanding and love. Ninjas who possess extraordinary power have a productivity level far higher than that of ordinary people. Take the snowy plateau peaks of the Land of Wind and a series of huge projects that have transformed the sea into mulberry fields. Ordinary people who don't know ninjutsu can't do it even if they work hard for a hundred years.

A hard worker who carried dozens of loads of soil a day went to the ninja who built a canal and asked for the same treatment. It would be considered polite if I didn't make you unable to take care of yourself.

If we insist on equal pay for equal work, ninjas can beat ordinary people thousands of miles away. The key point is that this gap in production capacity is not the result of foreign technology and technological development, but is something that the ninjas themselves possess after hard training and belong entirely to themselves. .

It doesn’t matter if you can be reincarnated, or someone supports you, or it’s the result of your hard work. The strong helping the weak is a beautiful quality of human nature that surpasses animal nature. But if the gap is too wide, the “value” that ordinary people can exploit will become It is optional, only God knows what the result will be.

The smart Kurama Yakumo understood the subtext of Daimaru's words and nodded incomprehensibly:

"If everyone had money and lived a comfortable life, who would be the laborers and sharecroppers, and which family would send their children to be apprentices? People who are superficial and ill-intentioned will think that eating too much will reduce everyone's enthusiasm. , in fact, it is just to provide theoretical support for my sensual life!"

"Generally speaking, Uchiha Madara and Nagato's ideas about the peace brought by the ultimate mode of the ninja world are somewhat reasonable. The power of ninjas is actually tied up and locked in a cage, but sooner or later the restraint will fail. , when the time comes, a situation like Kaguya Otsutsuki, in which one person controls the entire ninja world, will appear again. The difference is that one person is replaced by a group of people, or even a small group of people. Which one is more friendly to ordinary people at the bottom, it is difficult to say. …”

Money, status, and fame are all vain. There is only one way to truly prevent the most extreme situations from happening, and that is to popularize ninja education for all people and open up channels for mastering extraordinary power and promotion.

The strength can be temporarily inferior, but there must be hope for improvement so that class differences do not really solidify to the point where they turn into racial differences.

To do this requires massive investment, and it must continue. If we don’t take advantage of the era of barbaric growth to make more money in order to lay a solid foundation, it will be difficult to change later.

"That's why you value puppet technology so much?"

"Because puppet technology is the lowest threshold for extraordinary power. As long as ordinary people study hard, they can also find some ways. Not to mention becoming more proficient, at least it is not difficult to get into the ninja group..."

Daimaru confirmed Kurama Yakumo's guess.

The development of puppet technology requires an extremely special environment. A few years ago, to learn C-level ninjutsu, one had to practice silently for nearly ten years, hoping for opportunities to perform and be appreciated by superiors in order to progress further. This is a model with no future. .

The situation in which most residents of the ninja world have no connection with ninjas is unsustainable. Daimaru plans to roll out simple and easy-to-use puppet technology in Sunagakure Village first, and then roll it out to the ninja world. This first-mover advantage will give The Sand Ninja based in the Kingdom of Wind have brought great development. Once a technological moat is established, it will not be easy for latecomers to break through.

"Change yourself, change your home, and then change the world? What a greedy guy..."

Kurama Yakumo chuckled and teased, and Daimaru responded casually:

"Just do it if you can, forget it if you can't. Anyway, without me, there are endless fates in the ninja world that care about saving the world. I just need to silently harvest spiritual power and chakra, strengthen myself, and improve my vision to prevent more inexplicable enemies from destroying me. My daily life is enough..."

"Enemy? Do you really think that the pursuers of the Otsutsuki clan will come, instead of just deceiving Otsutsuki Toneri and Black Zetsu?"

"Kaguya Otsutsuki is so nervously preparing for the battle. It's not fake. Someone should come to check the situation..."

Daimaru can't say what will happen in the future. Only when he becomes stronger can he be able to resist powerful enemies.

In addition to preparing for the Fourth Ninja War, the Five Kage Conference has been arranged by Shimura Danzo.

After impatiently arranging things that take several years to do in a short period of time, how to deal with Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Sasuke who is about to come to seek revenge is the most difficult problem.

Now without the chess piece of the Sixth Hokage, if we want to force Asuma Sarutobi to take over, the arrangements made are not enough.

Not to mention anything else, with the bearded man's strength, it is still a bit weak to be on an equal footing with other Kage. If the Fourth Ninja War breaks out, Naruto will become a laughing stock if he cannot hold on.

The most ideal situation is actually that Danzo Shimura died heroically in the Fourth Ninja War, died on his deathbed, and asked Asuma Sarutobi to take over, and then issued a "Togo Edict" and let several elder advisors use their remaining energy, Endorsement for the bearded man.

The deceased is the most important person, and those who have objections should not express their objections openly. When the dust settles and the names are decided, it will be another story.

The reality is that the "thunders" laid by Shimura Danzo in the past few decades are too great, each one is more difficult to sort out, and in the end they will probably not be able to survive this year. At least Uchiha Sasuke will not survive this level.

You can use the same method of "dragging orphans on deathbed" as mentioned above, but the effect is undoubtedly much worse. Dying for the Leaf Village in the Ninja World War is not on the same level as being killed by a descendant who is nearly forty years younger than seeking revenge. The problem.

Nowadays, the ninja world is about to undergo drastic changes. Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are the inevitable trend. It is extremely difficult to stop them. It is definitely not advisable to hold on.

In fact, there is still a way, and that is Naruto Uzumaki. Only a "savior" of the same level can stop another "savior".

Just relying on the Mangekyō Sharingan in Uzumaki Naruto's body that is sealed with the most powerful genjutsu - the other gods, there is hope of getting back.

You can't be an enemy of Konoha Village, so naturally you shouldn't kill the current Hokage.

Regardless of whether this illusion is worthy of its name and cannot be solved, as long as it lasts for another year and a half, there will be a lot of time.

"It seems that Uzumaki Naruto's problem must be solved!" 』

If you can get together a pair of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, it might be useful at a critical moment.

"That's it! Let's see first the development of the Five Shadows Conference, and whether Uchiha Sasuke will force his way into the venue, and where he will intercept and kill Shimura Danzo..."

Now that Uchiha Sasuke has learned Professor Daimaru's Sage Mode, facing the enemy head-on, the newly-baked Sixth Generation of Hokage has little chance of winning, but if Uzumaki Naruto and even Hatake Kakashi can catch up, the Uchiha orphan's revenge will be The drama will also include the reunion of Team 7. In this case, there may be some unexpected developments.

Daimaru calmed down and said:

"First think of a way to get Uzumaki Naruto to undergo a special care inspection. If that doesn't work, in the name of the Sixth Hokage, assign a special rescue mission to Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto, and be ready to respond at any time to stop Uchiha Sasuke... "

The idea is good, but whether it can be realized in the end depends on the development of the situation. Uchiha Obito's current action pattern is difficult to predict. After suffering two big losses from Daimaru, he has become much more cautious. , Shenwei's space transfer ability is really troublesome, and he can lead the enemy to a long-distance raid at any time in a short period of time.

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