Red sand dust

Chapter 1152 Shortcomings

What Daimaru regrets most is that the method expected to guide the direction of the Fourth Ninja War is not so reliable.

That's how things are in the world, Uchiha Madara felt that he controlled Uchiha Obito, and Shimura Danzo thought that he had grasped Orochimaru's handle.

In the face of the unpredictable people's hearts, strategy and layout can only affect a few possibilities at most, and are not the decisive factors that play a key role.

From the perspective of strength, Daimaru has Sunagakure Village on his back, so he is not necessarily afraid of Ryūchi Cave, but...

"There is no need to fall out with the White Snake Immortal over some uncertain petty gain!" Relationships can be estranged or even discordant, but there is no need to make enemies randomly. 』

Now the small spark of Orochimaru's resurrection was directly extinguished, and the remaining chakra and cell tissue were "grafted" to Yakushi Kabuto, and merged into one body under the kneading of Senjutsu chakra.

A research-oriented ninja with a more chaotic self-perception and a more crazy mind is about to be born.

In terms of groundbreaking work, Kabuto Yakushi's talent is not as good as Orochimaru's, but his ability to follow an established path is still pretty good.

I originally thought about getting a good helper, but now I have to let it go for the time being and wait until the right time to harvest it.

"How unpleasant!"

Daimaru, who was not in a good mood after a hard work, was in a daze at the newly built "Quick Rescue Team" headquarters office in Konoha Village with his chin in his hands.

The hot water in the tea cup on the table has been changed several times, and the taste is a bit bland. The calm assistant Qian is about to make another cup, and Daimaru takes a deep breath:

"No need! I wanted to take a nap for a while, but I couldn't sleep after drinking too much!"

"Are you not feeling well lately? You always seem to be sleep deprived..."

Stopping what he was doing, Qian asked in agreement,

"Is there any trouble that's upsetting you?"

"Projecting power over long distances, causing temporary confusion of perception..."

Daimaru sighed slightly,

"When my strength reaches my level, my body's development level is close to the theoretical limit, but there is still no end to the improvement of strength. This will cause an uncoordinated dilemma, and I need to adapt..."

For example, Daimaru controls several puppets at the same time, including multiple models of vision, hearing, taste, touch and even intuition. Because of the strength of his mental power and soul, he can still cope with it, but this mortal body is a bit... I can't bear it anymore.

The strangeness in the soul will gradually be fed back to the body through chakra. This change is subtle and takes time to pass slowly.

Correspondingly, more inhuman characteristics will appear uncontrollably.

The current Daimaru is still under control. It is really weird to have so many snake-like characteristics like Kabuto Yakushi, and even a snake tail growing out of his abdomen. Uncle "Aka no Sanddust" should not become like that.

However, physical fatigue does need to be alleviated.

"In general, you have absorbed too many negative emotions before, so that your body's limited energy cannot keep up with your overly excited spirit, right?"

"Roughly the same!"

If I had to make an analogy, it would be like the software performance is too superior and the hardware is a bit outdated.

"Do all powerful ninjas go through this process like yours?"

Qian asked worriedly,

"Is there no solution?"

"It's just that the strength of the body lags behind a bit, so it won't really lose control!"

Daimaru responded with a smile.

The body and soul are in dynamic balance at both ends of the chakra. The current Daimaru is only too skewed at one end. Just be careful not to rush for quick success in order to improve your strength.

It has really reached the point of no return, just like Kurama Yakumo's troubled state when he was a child, where his mental power almost overwhelmed his body. The problems Daimaru encountered were far from reaching that point.

"So, I often wonder why blood-successor limited families and secret ninja clans are so popular, and even guys whose fathers and ancestors have produced powerful ninjas often have a brighter future! The ninja world we live in is really unfair, starting from birth , I was divided into three, six or nine levels! If I had Uchiha, Hinata, Uzumaki or even Senju bloodline now, would I still need to worry about this?"

There are definitely ways to make up for the gap the day after tomorrow, but it’s too difficult.

A person like Rock Lee who has worked hard to practice Eight Door Dungeon is already very lucky. Even Danzo Shimura had to transplant the first-generation cells and the Mangekyo Sharingan to improve his congenitally deficient body.

"The troubles of the strong!"

Hearing this Qian Qing laughed and said,

"The vast majority of ninjas cannot reach the upper limit of their qualifications, so how can they have the chance to worry about this!"

Undoubtedly, the amount of water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest piece of board. Daimaru now has to make up for his shortcomings, but thousands of ordinary ninjas have worked hard all their lives and cannot even save the shortest "water amount". Not even a single board could be reached.

Not only ninjas, but also all walks of life and many people are like this. Only a few lucky people can truly surpass their own limits.

For example, Beilihu who should exist in the memory, in order to compete with the "Sannin" teammates, he did not hesitate to make himself a human and a ghost, and finally suffered a brutal blow from the iron fist of justice. Unfortunately, Daimaru learned through Shimura Danzo that such a person had never appeared in Konoha Village.

The imaginary technique of Oni Yaluo is quite interesting. It may have a positive effect on the transformation of biological puppets. The hope of overcoming blood inheritance limit cloning will undoubtedly be much greater.

"But, then again, I always feel like there's something I haven't noticed..."

Daimaru smiled knowingly at his teammates' teasing. Qualification is only one of the more important points. There are many external factors. If you really care about them one by one, you can't tell clearly for a while.

"The stall is too big, and I always feel that there are too many places where chakra is consumed. I don't even know where to start if I want to sort it out..."

Since Nagato attacked Konoha Village, Daimaru personally took action and consumed a lot of chakra reserves. Later, he lent part of it to his father-in-law, which almost wiped out the remaining savings.

When the quantity was large, I didn't feel it, but now the base number is small, but the consumption ratio has increased significantly.

"It seems that there is a little more waste than expected. Is it because there are too many times of cross-space communication and projection power?" 』

After a few rough tests and no abnormalities were found, Daimaru had no choice but to put it aside for the time being.

There is no need to pay too much attention to minor problems that have no impact.

Qianya could only listen to this kind of question. He had no idea where to start, so he had to change the topic.

"Hyuga Neji has returned from Kawa no Kuni. Didn't you say you have some questions to ask him?"

"So fast?"

Daimaru was stunned and asked a little strangely,

"That chaotic country shouldn't be cleared up so quickly, right?"

"Konoha ninjas are very powerful, and Hyuga Neji himself is also very capable..."

Qian explained slowly,

"Although this is the first time I have gained front-line authority, my performance is very eye-catching..."


Daimaru nodded understandingly.

Among the twelve outstanding juniors of the new generation of Konoha Village, Nara Shikamaru has the highest IQ, but in terms of overall ability, Hyuga Neji is not bad either. If Aburame Shino can overcome the flaw of weak presence, she will also be a temporary choice.

"The talents of the children of the family are indeed higher than that of civilian ninjas, and their abilities are more comprehensive..."

Having received an elite education since childhood is much better than a child from a small family who only went to a ninja school and grew up barbaric.

In addition, Hyuga Neji's performance is so eye-catching, and it is probably because he has a stronger insight ability after being induced by Daimaru.

In front of those pair of eyes that have completed their initial evolution, no wandering ninja, bandit or bandit can hide.

However, after completing the task assigned by Shimura Danzo, is there any other reason for returning to Konoha Village so eagerly?

After all, in the land of Kawakawa, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Suna ninja and Konoha ninja cannot interfere too obviously. Hyuga Neji can completely live the addiction of a local bully.

This young man, who had other ideas, readily gave up on such an opportunity.

Not having this ambition is the main reason. I am afraid that he is smart and has long realized where he really relies.

At the Hokage's house, Danzo Shimura looked through the mission report submitted by Hyuga Neji, and then looked up at Hyuga Neji who was obviously more calm.

"Well done! Next, you will have a week's vacation, have a good rest! There will be more and more important tasks waiting for you in the future, and I look forward to your performance..."

Hinata Neji agreed, saluted respectfully, and then walked out of the door of the Hokage's house. He was already more than ten meters away. Then he hesitated and turned around, looking in the direction of the Sixth Hokage on the second floor. His eyebrows were raised slightly, and he looked a few meters away. Seconds later, he returned to the family station to report.

That night, in the secret laboratory of the Kurama family, Hyuga Neji, who had undergone a long-awaited physical examination, sat with Daimaru and Kurama Yakumo in the reception room.

After casually recounting his general experience in Kawa no Kuni, Hyuga Neji suddenly said:

"Is there any problem in the village recently?"

"Why did you ask so?"

Daimaru asked strangely,

"The Ninja world is calm now. It should be the last calm before the storm..."

"I saw... the aura of death permeating Danzo-sama. I have only seen this kind of situation in those criminals who were to be executed for heinous crimes in the Kingdom of Kawa..."

"Death prediction?"

Kurama Yakumo, who was initially a little unmotivated, was suddenly shocked.

"This is a really rare skill, are you sure?"

"I don't know if it counts!"

The inexperienced Hinata Neji asked tentatively,

"Is there any precedent for this in the ninja world?"

"Let me think about it..."

Daimaru, who felt more and more that there were more and more things beyond his control in the ninja world, pressed his somewhat swollen temples, pondered for a moment, and then answered,

"It really does exist! This kind of prophecy talent is either powerful and talented in itself, or it is a by-product of a terrible curse..."

"Which one do I belong to?"

Hinata Neji asked hopefully. Daimaru looked at those white eyes and replied without thinking,

"It should be the former. Byakugan is a very rare blood inheritance limit..."

In the past, Hyuga Neji only had a vague vision of fate, but now he has developed a vision of death, which is very interesting.


Hyuga Neji didn't have any clue, so he asked another question,

"Since there is no big turmoil in the village and the ninja world now, why is the Sixth Generation facing death threats?"

As a Konoha ninja, he had just been bulldozed and humiliated the entire village. It would be a shame if Hokage was killed again.

"How should I put it? Many years of grudges and hatreds must be understood! However, all of this has nothing to do with us and the Hyuga family..."

"Don't you care?"

Facing Hinata Neji's burning gaze, Daimaru chuckled and said,

"You want to ask if I am adding to the flames, right? You have really wronged me this time! I personally really hope that the Sixth Hokage can take charge of Konoha Village for a few more years. Unfortunately, as a Suna Ninja, it is not easy to interfere too much. What happened in Takuha Village! I have been acting in the name of 'Darkness of the Ninja World' for many years. I don't know how many people I have offended and how many enemies I have made. The Sixth Generation is in a lot of trouble..."

"Can it be saved?"

"I'm trying my best, but as for the results, I can't expect too much!"

Daimaru didn't go into too much detail. Although Hyuga Neji trusted Daimaru more, after all, they belonged to two different ninja villages. It was not good to talk too much about too sensitive topics.

"If there's anything I can do, just ask!"

Before leaving, Hyuga Neji solemnly asked him that in the final analysis, he could not get rid of his identity as a Konoha ninja, and it was understandable that his sense of identity drove him to fight for the Leaf Village.

After the genius boy left, Daimaru yawned and stood up to leave, when Kurama Yakumo suddenly stopped him.

"Speaking of which, what criteria did you use to name those 'artificial elves'? They all belong to the category of flowers and plants."

It’s neither a flower meaning nor a talent, there really aren’t many rules.

"Is this important? It depends on your hair color and clothes..."

"It's that simple?"

"It's really that simple. Those little guys really like it. What else do you want?"

Daimaru asked suspiciously, Kurama Yakumo smiled and said:

"Just ask, by the way, why don't you give yourself a resounding surname to start your family? I see that in Sunagakure Village, although there are few inherited ninja clans, there are also many people who like to use their family crests and posthumous names. Just wait and be proud of yourself..."


Daimaru curled his lips in disdain.

Kurama Yakumo smiled and said:

"Can I also give an explanation of what you have done in your life..."

"What's the use of that thing to me? How can I sum it up in such superficial words?"

"Then what does the 'red sand' you keep talking about mean?"

"There are too many people in the ninja world who use Daimaru as their childhood nickname. There needs to be a name to distinguish me from others! Besides, that is the wish of my cheap father-in-law. If you don't accept it, it would be disrespectful. Already..."

Daimaru said, humming an unknown tune, and staggered away, leaving Kurama Yakumo talking to himself alone.

"You really shouldn't ask him about this kind of thing! Let's ask Sakura and the others, just use the excuse of giving love to the pets at home..."

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