Red sand dust

Chapter 1264 Diversion

"Quite an interesting ability..."

After controlling the aggregate formed by the infinite Tsukuyomi space, Daimaru carefully experienced some of Ichiban Katsuyu's little tricks, especially the use of chakra to "adsorb" different parts through specific "bonds" Power, the secret technique that comes together naturally, is really of great reference value.

False does not mean meaningless.

There are so many ninjas in the entire ninja world. Everyone has their own dream. Their infinite Tsukuyomi space is also different, but they are also inextricably linked.

Just like the infinite Tsukuyomi space of Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, there are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, but in different spaces, they are all false beings derived from the same prototype, even if they are separated by the "human heart" The distance is also connected by the looming power of fate.

Of course, this kind of binding force is very shallow, and each infinite Tsukuyomi space does not interfere with each other. However, there are many split bodies of Shengyu scattered in the ninja world, and they also form their own illusion spaces. These spaces are filled with wet bones. Lin's big slug body gathers spirits, and in each slug split body, there will also be vivid ninja phantoms.

When the infinite Tsukuyomi space created by many slug fragments gathered together, the originally disorderly binding force began to become regular. Through chain pulling, it slowly gathered together to form what it is now.

Just like the asteroid belt in the universe, each fragment in the orbit cannot gather into a planet because the gravitational force it can generate is too small. Instead, it continues to break apart due to collisions. But if a group of asteroids suddenly gathers together to form a more massive dwarf planet or even a planet, enough gravity can be generated to pull other asteroids over and turn them into larger masses.

The destiny connection in the spiritual realm is very different from the universal gravitation in the universe, but in terms of expression, it also has the same purpose.

Through this chain reaction, Sheng Yu actually had the effect of making a big difference without using much force.

"In terms of combat power, I no longer look down on you pioneers, but in terms of accumulation, I'm still far behind!"

Daimaru complimented sincerely.

There is just a layer of window paper separating ideals and reality, but if no one breaks through, I don’t know how long it will take to understand these little tricks.

Sheng Yu said very humbly:

"It won't be long before you understand this, but you've never had the opportunity to observe it on the spot before. I've seen it before, so I understand..."

"That's true!"

Daimaru nodded understandingly.

There is still a big gap between a young man who has only been born in the ninja world for twenty years and an old youkai who has lived for thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago, Kaguya Otsutsuki used the Infinite Tsukuyomi to dominate the ninja world, and the battles with Hagoromo Otsutsuki and Hamura Otsutsuki must have been witnessed by the masters of the three psychic beast holy lands.

In fact, these illusion spaces of infinite Tsukuyomi not only need the support of the sacred tree, but also can absorb the obsessions of all living beings and restore chakra.

Generally speaking, the Divine Tree not only does not make a loss, but also can definitely make a lot of money. Moreover, it is also a way of squeezing out the water, and the final residue becomes Bai Jue soaked in the power of the Divine Tree.

Another thing that is shocking is that there is no way to actively or passively lift the infinite Tsukuyomi space. Only by gathering the power of the tailed beasts and those with the samsara eye can they join forces to form the "child" seal, or merge the two into one. One person can perform it alone. Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke at their peak can work together, and the Six Paths Sage can also do it. Daimaru, who is not too weak, has not even touched the threshold.

The coercion and irreversibility are the terrifying aspects of this blood-inherited secret technique. Unless the caster shows great mercy, these people who are hung on the sacred branches can be regarded as dead in battle.

It is of course important to have the strength of the power. How to mobilize the underlying rules of the ninja world to serve yourself will produce even better and astonishing results.

On the former road, Daimaru is almost at the end. How to move from quantitative change to qualitative change is the key. "Cradle Garden", "artificial elf" and the puppet technology developed around regenerative cores, with the blessing of immortal magic, are just stepping stones to the threshold. Next, what Daimaru needs is a systematic path to heaven.

"The sacred tree system can be borrowed, but after all it belongs to someone else and does not completely fit my own ideas. I need more reference samples!" 』

It's not possible to build things behind closed doors. These long-established sacred places for psychic beasts seem to have some value.

In addition, cultivate Sunagakure Village's own power base, use more genius wisdom, explore more possibilities, and be more efficient.

"It takes a larger body and more elites to push the development of ninjutsu to the next level!" 』


Daimaru looked at Slug who wanted to say something but didn't know where to start:

"I don't have any objection to continuing to stay in the ninja world as a psychic beast, but taking a clear-cut stance will make the unexpected ninjas in Konoha Village feel scrupulous. Do you understand what I mean? "

Sheng Yu responded softly:

"It's not that I prefer Konoha ninjas, but there are few psychics in the outside world who can meet my requirements..."

Daimaru waved his hand and said calmly:

"I'm not going over old scores. The physiques and chakra levels of the Senju family and the Uzumaki family, as well as the medical ninja system of Konoha Village, are indeed much higher. No one can do anything about it. Don't worry too much about the past. In the future, you guys When participating in disputes in the ninja world, just don't aim to manipulate the direction..."

Similar to Miao Mushan's style of holding the child of destiny in his hands and not allowing other forces to reach out, it was too ugly to look at, and he often ended up personally.

Ryuji Cave was too insidious, treating the ninjas who came to ask for advice as begging insects and killing them arbitrarily, showing no respect at all for the wise species and the elders of the ninja world.

Since those big snakes regard humans as dogs and sheep, don't blame Daimaru for overturning their nest.


Sheng Yu briefly thought about it and agreed.

The internal battles among human beings, whether it is the toads in Mt. Miaomu, the big snakes in Ryūchi Cave, or the slugs in the Shimogun Forest, are not directly related. If they lean towards a certain force, or even join forces to support one of them, they will break the five major powers in the ninja world. The balance of power between shinobi villages.

Just holding a long sword, Gamabunta can fight a one-tailed Shukaku for hundreds of rounds. For thousands of years, there have been countless powerful toads on Myoboku Mountain. If they really tried their best, they would be no worse than a great ninja village. .

"so be it!"

Daimaru recycled and put down the slug split body. Just when it was about to be wrapped in the vines of the sacred tree, Shengyu suddenly asked:

"Aren't you going to help Sakura and Naruto seal the Ten-Tails?"

"Too dangerous!"

Daimaru shook his head:

"If they can't kill Otsutsuki Kaguya together, and I can't reverse the defeat, the Sage of Six Paths has already arranged everything, so I don't have to worry about it!"

As Daimaru spoke, he watched as the slug split body was wrapped into a rice dumpling again and hung up.

Later, Daimaru returned to the "Cradle Garden" for a break. He made repeated attacks and absorbed several more mature regeneration nuclei. With Daimaru's accumulation, he seemed a bit frivolous.

In particular, the impact of the hatched regeneration core in Uchiha Madara's body was even more serious than that of Otsutsuki Toneri, an extraterrestrial visitor.

By now, Daimaru had begun to feel the danger of Kabuto Yakushi's desperate move to gather all the genetic samples into himself and use all his strength to attack the Snake Senjutsu.

It is not that simple to transcend the mortal body and reach the realm of gods and humans. Stacking up strength is only the foundation. In essence, it is still moving towards the "inhuman" realm.

This process is very dangerous. Once one's strength is not enough, or one cannot sustain the consumption, he will become a monster like Yakushi Kabuto, neither human nor ghost.

This is something Daimaru pays special attention to.

His basic appearance is below the average. He relies on his temperament, strength, and worth to raise his average score. If he had horns on his head, a snake on his belly, and a pair of ugly fleshy wings on his back, it would be impossible to look at him.

However, what is concerning is that after absorbing several regeneration cores of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, Daimaru's face is much softer than before, not as rigid as before.

I had some insights when I tried it on Deidara and others before. At that time, the changes were not obvious, but now it is clear at a glance.

"There are both external influences and internal causes. After all, appearance comes from the heart, and it cannot be completely ignored in the ninja world." 』

Don't talk about not judging a book by its appearance. In the ninja world, chakra exists, an extraordinary energy that connects the soul and the body. Those who use ominous chakra to fight may not be villains, but their faces have evil looks and they look full of evil. Yes, it is really possible that the soul is an even more filthy individual.

In this world, hiding one's thoughts is more difficult than in Daimaru's previous life. Even a multi-faceted spy like Kabuto Yakushi who is good at disguise needs to wear glasses to hide his overly sharp gaze.

Just when Daimaru was about to calm down a little and sort out the surge of power in his body, Koyamabuki, who had been responsible for taking care of the "Cradle Garden", sneakily came over and said to Daimaru mysteriously:

"Father, I discovered that there are some very interesting discoveries in the infinite Tsukuyomi illusion space that was collected not long ago..."

"Huh? What bad things did you do again?"

"No way!"

Koyamabuki said a little embarrassedly,

"It's just a little immature opinion. For example, by analyzing the combinations of various infinite Tsukuyomi spaces, you can tell the depth of the bonds of many specific people..."

"Well, that makes sense!"

This is just like physicists and astronomers, who can judge the mass and composition of stars through the movement trajectories and light emitted by celestial bodies, and predict future development.

The individuals in the Infinite Tsukuyomi space are similar. For example, Uchiha Sasuke is a very popular genius. Many girls in Konoha Village admire him. In the Infinite Tsukuyomi space, he will show a strong tendency. Many similar women Ninja, the positions of the combination are relatively close together.

After all, even if it is a dream, people who are more satisfied in reality will have an advantage when it comes to daydreaming.

"So, I found that the fate of many ninjas is deeply entwined with their father!"

"Isn't this normal?"

Daimaru responded matter-of-factly,

"I am the 'Red Dust' who led the trend of Sunagakure Village, and also acted as Kazekage for a while. I don't know how many people's fates have changed because of my actions!"

Although Daimaru's experience is not as grand and twists and turns as that of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, it is still quite representative. He can barely be regarded as the leader of an era, but he is not as favored by fate as the darlings of the era.

"However, most of them are young female ninjas. I have arranged them in order based on the depth of the bond. Father, do you want to take a look?"

"You! If you have time, you should study more on how to make the 'Cradle Garden' more mature, instead of thinking about these things all day long..."

The little guy has grown up, his mind has become mature, and he is more and more interested in making fuss about the gaps in people's hearts. He behaves like a psychology expert, and he also teaches several sisters. The big sister is becoming more and more sophisticated.

"Aren't you interested? Then, father, do you want to know how many people like the girls around you and how many of them have spare tires ready?"

Daimaru reached out and knocked Koyamabuki on the head, feigning anger:

"Where did you learn these words? Don't think of these as worldly feelings. Too much confusion in people's hearts will only make people trapped and lose the motivation to move forward..."

"If you don't like it, forget it..."

The little guy rubbed his forehead and continued with interest,

"Then I'll go talk to my mother. She will definitely be interested!"

"You might as well go find Shanai, that guy who is full of torment. He must be very passionate about this..."

"Her? Forget it!"

Koyamabuki hesitated for a moment, but still refused.

"That is to say, you pretend to be an expert, but you are actually a layman!"

In terms of looking at human nature, Koyamabuki now has some experience after being with Daimaru for a long time.

While the two were chatting, the illusion space of Infinite Tsukuyomi gradually stabilized with the support of the double trees of Sara, and began to continuously infect, slowly snatching control.

Correspondingly, the chakra absorbed by Kaguya Otsutsuki from the space of the first ball slowly began to decrease.

The energy flow that was originally very abundant will definitely not be as good as before with Daimaru's share.

Soon, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was fighting with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, noticed something unusual.

"What... happened outside?"

There are not many factors that can affect the efficiency of the sacred tree in absorbing chakra. The entire ninja world is almost static. A large number of creatures will not die in a short period of time. The natural energy concentration of the ninja world will no longer be so short. Guilt has been reduced to this level.

As for usurping control of the sacred tree, it is even more impossible. As a guardian, Kaguya Otsutsuki cannot find anyone with equal authority in the ninja world.

Unless there is another Otsutsuki clan member or the sacred tree causing harm, Otsutsuki Kaguya is an immortal god.

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