Red sand dust

Chapter 222 Source of Power

Following the star puppet line, Daimaru could clearly feel that something had left traces that shouldn't have happened in Ukon's originally dead spiritual world.

"Pain, despair and death, these are negative emotions sadder than Idu's anxiety, fear and hatred!" 』

There may be people in the ninja world who can break through Daimaru's star puppet line's blockade on Ukon's spiritual world, but there will definitely not be too many.

The only thing that Daimaru could relate to was the secret technique he had just experienced, Death Si Ping Xue.

There are many strange secret techniques in the ninja world, and the weirdest ones are those spells and sealing techniques that cannot find the source of their power at all.

It's unreasonable to ignore the barrier of space and just feed the damage back to Ukon.

What made Daimaru frown even more was that Ukon actually had a tendency to resist the Star Puppet Line.

Under Daimaru's control, because his mental power almost stagnated, Ukon's chakra amount was less than at its peak, but under the stimulation of these negative emotions, there were new changes.

Ukon's spiritual world, which had been sorted out by Daimaru, was like untainted fertile soil that had been cleared of all weeds. Some strange seeds suddenly poured in, wanting to take root and sprout here.

How could Daimaru, who regarded Ukon as his "private property", allow this to happen?

After swallowing and digesting these negative emotions that had not yet grown up, Daimaru was surprised to find that these "seeds" did not come from the outside, but were naturally born in Ukon's body.

"Creating something out of nothing?" Impossible, nothing can appear out of thin air. Could it be that..."

Suddenly, Daimaru thought of some inexplicable things!

Ukon, who is controlled by Daimaru, has no memory, no knowledge, his perception is completely isolated from the outside world, and he is unable to detect anything. He is in a state of de facto "brain death".

But Ukon did not really die. The instinct as a living thing still exists. Hidan's curse, Death, broke Daimaru's mental blockade on Ukon with his blood, allowing Ukon to feel his own physical existence for the first time in this period. .

After finally feeling "alive", I deeply experienced the pain and despair of dying.

This time Ukon was in danger, Daimaru realized that the young man who was firmly controlled by him was not only valuable to the blood successor limit - the art of parasitic evil and the ninjutsu he mastered. Ukon is a complete human being, and seeing it as a tool capable of performing ninjutsu seems to be underutilizing it.

As the spirit of all things, the most valuable thing is not other things, but the wisdom that far exceeds that of other beasts.

In view of this, Daimaru moved his mind to activate the spiritual world of Ukon's blocked brain as the "vice center" of his own thinking.

Daimaru's mental state has always been in a state where the total amount is extremely large, but the stability is poor. Isn't the reason for this because his "brain" is not enough?

It's not that I didn't have the idea of ​​borrowing other people's thinking ability before, but I couldn't even control the secret technique and the third eye, so I could only put it aside for the time being.

Now, Daimaru, who feels that he has made great progress, can he control the body of another young man who is close to growing up?

The Star Puppet Line controls Ukon, just like using cash puppets to manipulate a robot without a control system. Although it is a little more troublesome, it is safer and more reliable;

Once Daimaru takes over Ukon's brain, it is equivalent to direct control, more accurate and sensitive, but also more dangerous. Ukon's feelings and experiences will be directly fed back to Daimaru.

"It shouldn't be a big problem!" Even if something goes wrong, just use the star puppet line to "format" it! 』

With two sets of control systems at the same time, safety should be guaranteed.

After making up his mind, a sharp-toothed monster with a face very similar to Daimaru's, but taller and more ferocious with double horns on his head appeared in Daimaru's spiritual world and entered Ukon's mind along the star puppet line.

This was the first time that Daimaru sent his will containing his spiritual characteristics into other ninjas.

Through the star puppet line connecting the two, Daimaru could clearly feel that this two-horned monster spread out and spread in Ukon's mind, taking over everything. The originally barren spiritual world began to have some color.

Immediately afterwards, the severe pain from the injury between Ukon's chest and abdomen, who was suspended from death, and the numbing and itching sensation caused by the large amount of life energy that continuously stimulated cell division to recover from the injury, were mixed together and passed into Daimaru's mind!

"This kind of sourness is really hard to describe in words!" 』

With a wry smile and bared teeth, Daimaru waved his hand to make the hollow stand-in puppet carrying Ukon invisible, follow him, and then walked in the direction of his Suna ninja companions with heavy steps.

After the fatal crisis passed, the originally tense heart relaxed, and the physical fatigue could no longer be hidden.

After a while, Daiwan, who had regained his strength, saw his compatriots waking up one after another.

"Yo, are you guys okay?"

"It feels okay!"

Nighteye's face was pale, and there was still some indescribable dirt on the corners of his mouth. He had probably just vomited and hadn't completely wiped it off.

"Then why did you secretly kick my puppet Ghost just now?"

"you saw it?"

Yemu waved his hands awkwardly,

"I definitely don't mean to complain, I just want to try if it falls from the sky and breaks..."

"what's the result?"

"It's very strong. It's worthy of being your work, Daimaru!"

Ye Muyan praised sincerely.

"Very well, thank you for your hard work!"

Daimaru looked at Nighteye strangely, a vague but real emotion emanating from his body, and then absorbed by the spiritual clone that Daimaru sent into Ukon's body.

"Does Idu have such ability?" Maybe, there should be some special abilities to be able to discover the huge spiritual energy sleeping in Daimaru's body! 』

Because of Daimaru's order, he had to enter the puppet ghost and once again experienced the uncomfortable feeling of vomiting out the acid in his stomach. It was normal to be dissatisfied with Daimaru.

The resentment mixed with a little fear was noticed by Daimaru, and was absorbed by the Ido clone simulated by Daimaru, and turned into spiritual energy, making the amount of chakra in Ukon's body a little more abundant.

At the same time, this extremely weak spiritual energy can be used by Daiwan to replenish himself at any time.

With the assistance of the "vice center" of thinking, Daimaru's speed in clearing his own mental hidden dangers has been significantly increased.

"If it's not the Idu clone, then is it because of a physical change? 』

In addition to mastering outstanding spells, Hidan also possesses an extremely outstanding amount of chakra.

In the "Akatsuki" organization, not to mention the out-of-standard Nagato, the only one who has more chakra than Hidan is Aki Kakisame; the Akasaka Scorpion who made himself into a human puppet is slightly inferior, and the others are even more so. Not even close.

Hidan's physical fitness is excellent, because the immortal body granted by the evil god gives him considerable physical strength and strength, but it is impossible for a guy as arrogant as Hidan to have strong mental power.

How could he have a chakra level comparable to Kisame Kisaki, the so-called "Tailless Beast"?

Perhaps, by casting the curse Death Si Ping Xue, the powerful ninja was tortured to death. The pain and despair of dying not only made Hidan more and more crazy, but the negative emotions he absorbed also made his distorted mental power become... Getting stronger.

Hidan's immortality was not created by his strong vitality, but by the accumulation of extreme negative emotions, which forced him to maintain physical activity, so that he would not die even if he was fatally injured.

Hidan has probably become a semi-spiritual energy creature like Ukon controlled by Daimaru, and his body is just the carrier of his power.

"Cursing a strong man to death is not only a quirk of his character, but also a means to enhance his strength. As long as he keeps killing people and replenishing them, Hidan will live forever until his spirit is wiped out or his body completely decays and becomes inactive, unable to serve as a carrier of his spirit. 』

Therefore, harm to Hidan's body is meaningless, he has no vital points in the ordinary sense.

It doesn't matter how Hidan and Evil God share the power generated by the negative emotions of these dying people.

What Daimaru cares about is that the current change occurred because he drove his Idu clone to occupy Ukon's body and gnawed away the remains of Hidan's sacrifice to the evil god?

"Why are all demons and monsters evil?" Probably because the uglier it is and the more fear it arouses in humans, the more advantageous it is! 』

Daimaru looked at Yeme's negative emotions towards Daimaru, most of which were absorbed by Idu's clone, and a small part disappeared into the air, and he couldn't help but think deeply.

"Thinking has power, or rather, it is power. 』

As for how this power is transmitted and manifested, Daimaru stretched out his hand and felt the vague spiritual energy around him, as well as the obscure but mighty natural energy that could occasionally be detected.

The will of all things in the world produces natural energy, and human emotions are certainly part of it.

Being able to absorb and utilize all natural energy, so far, only the sacred tree is known to be able to do this.

It is not easy for other living beings to be able to sense the existence of natural energy. Among them, a very few outstanding ones can barely use some of it, such as the chakra of senjutsu, cursed seal chakra, tailed beasts, Asura and Indra. Reincarnation etc.

These all place their will on natural energy and make use of it, so they are extremely powerful.

This is actually a very superficial and controllable way of "fitting the body with the Tao", and you can live longer...

For example, the evil god can grant Hidan an almost unlimited lifespan, so of course he cannot be a short-lived ghost.

In fact, the Sage of Six Paths is not dead, and the chakra that carries part of his power still exists in the ninja world.

The immortals in the three major spiritual beast holy places also live long lives. They do not seem to teach spells such as Death Si Pingxue and grant immortality to believers like the evil gods. However, they have passed down the immortal model with their own characteristics!

The power of human thoughts and emotions, no matter what kind, is very powerful when accumulated in large amounts.

They are all leeks anyway, so what does it matter how you swing the sickle?

The evil god took the path of uprooting himself. The three major spiritual beast holy places taught the immortal model, but they only cultivated land and raised leeks to meet their own needs, so they became evil gods on the one hand and holy places on the other.

Of course, these things are not very useful to humans anyway. It is no big deal to go to the three major spiritual beast holy places or even find evil gods in exchange for power.

Therefore, the monsters and monsters in the ninja world are very aloof. As long as they don't have the idea of ​​​​destroying the world, everyone is generally in peace and patiently looks after the "leek field" of the ninja world. Until one day, the Otsutsuki clan comes. Not only do they enjoy themselves by "stealing vegetables", but they also want to destroy the "vegetable field".

"Perhaps, in the future, I will become one of the "pests" who break into the "leek field" and steal vegetables! 』

Thinking of this randomly, Daimaru couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you lucky enough to escape? Are you so happy?"

Temari stood up unsteadily, holding on to the three-star fan handle, and immediately saw Daimaru with a strange expression.

"Of course I'm happy to be alive. I miss you, the majestic 'Red Sand Dust', but my great ambitions have not yet been fulfilled. How could I die like this?"

"Ambition? You'd better pay off your debt first!"

"Don't worry, I already have a comprehensive plan! Just wait and see how I open the hot spring hotel!"

As long as the "simplified version" puppet opens up the market, Daimaru will be rich!


Temari looked at Daimaru suspiciously, and then at Kankuro not far away.

"You two chatted for a long time that day. Did you have any plans? I would like to remind you not to cause any trouble that is difficult to deal with..."

"How can I get into trouble? If there is a problem, I can't drag my brother-in-law into trouble, right?"

"brother in law?"

Temari snorted and looked at Kankuro who seemed to have no intention of explaining.

"You can take care of yourself!"

Temari said as she turned and walked away.

Kankuro looked confused and sneakily approached Daimaru:

"Do you really want to hide this from Temari and Gaara?"

“It’s not too late to wait until we succeed!”

"Why do you need to say that it's successful? It must have reached their ears long ago!"

"So, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not! You're not going to back down, are you?"

"I will never go back on what I promised!"

Kankuro asked hesitantly,

"Do you think they will blame us?"

"No, it's nothing!"

Being so close, Daimaru didn't feel any negative emotions towards him from Temari. This arrogant girl didn't hate him as much as her apparent attitude.

"Then why does she look ugly?"

"I think..."

Daimaru replied leisurely,

"Probably because of you..."

"I didn't do anything bad..."

Kankuro argued forcefully.

"Idiot, because you are his biological brother..."

Daimaru punched Kankuro lightly on the shoulder, and then prepared to take back his puppet Ghost.

As close relatives but unable to be honest with each other, it's not surprising that Temari would be unhappy.

Kankuro, who seemed to understand somewhat, looked at Daimaru's back:

"Isn't that what you said, business secrets cannot be leaked in advance?"

Daimaru waved his hand and replied casually:

"You are not wrong. Of course, there is nothing wrong with Temari being angry with you. As long as we succeed, nothing will be a problem, so you have to work hard, brother-in-law..."

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