Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers

Chapter 34:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 34

Chapter 34 Evil Book Part 6

Parma is shocked awake, how much time has passed is unclear, the fog has cleared from his mind, as has his monstrous mutation melted. Artus, on the other hand, seems to be missing. As if jolted awake by night-terror Parma spins about collecting his surroundings. He is on the bathroom floor, the shower still on, running cold. Parma jumps to his feet shouting "Artus!"

Ice crackles spreading sharply across the mirror of the bathroom, Parma cries out for his sister two more times before the mirror yells at him. "Bite your tongue marshmallow, unless you are looking for a fight. Artus is fine; she is with me in the book."

Through the spreading ice a face forms in the mirror: a hauntingly Stunning, vaguely human, grotesque vestige, discreetly feminine, pearl white skin, eyes sewn shut, hair replaced with hooks and chains flung back from the scalp, an empty slit running down the neck giving the only sign of color, a bright pink gash against sliver white backing, its lips black like coagulated blood.

Parma locks eyes with the monster in the mirror; the mirror orders him "go downstairs, grab my book, I want Jun next. Pick one of your sister's animals, and I will turn the two of them into a striking forbidden pleasure for you."

Parma's mouth drapes open as he gazes on the inhuman creature "I can see you."

"I coming, becoming more like what you are, coming closer to your world."

"for what purpose? What are you after?"

"What do you care Marshmallow? You benefit all the same."

In a half-intoxicated state Jun stumbles up the steps having heard Parma yelling. "Parma? Everything good?" Jun notices the Ice; she is shocked into alertness. Jun catch the smallest glimpse of the monster under glass. Jun turns to flee, Eevee notices.

Eevee shouts at Parma "Get the book, bring me Jun." Parma enticed by the prospect of power Eevee is offering turns to face where Jun had just run from and laid chase

Jun rushes down the steps and to the front door. The door locks itself, Evee giggles, excited by the game they are playing. Jun rounds the corner making her way across the kitchen; she scoops up a mop as she runs sliding it under her arm as a bo-staff. Parma catches up shortly.

Jun tries to open the back door with the same results as before; the door locks itself. "Jun, wait!" Parma calls. Jun thrust out with the mop jabbing Parma forcing him to buckle forward, she then sidesteps in and swings down breaking the mop over his back.

Eevee whispers to Parma "just tell me what you want from this scrappy dog and I will make it happen."

Parma sits up, darkness finding his eyes, the promise of power boiling his blood. "what is a good idea? I think my sister has a wolf puppy, use it." Light flashes, the book on the table snaps open flooding the floor with magic.

Jun picks up a folding chair from the front room in preparation for punching out a window. The magic dust filling the room loosens her grip, her eyes widen as the chair drops, her will to fight robbed from her. Apatheism overrides all other feelings, Jun's head tips back; her jaw stretches, white fur covers her body, her arms, and legs stretch, growing new joints and muscular structure, her clothing peals away from her body. Merely moments after the light fades Jun is gone, and a monstrous shewolf out of Norse mythology has replaced her. Seven feet tall, hunched forth onto all fours, hands, and feet wider than a human chest, crooked teeth two inches long each. Her clothing stretched and ripped in ways that make it functionally useless

Eevee cackles "here you go marshmallow, your own personal wolf bitch. Anything else I can do for you right away?" Parma approaches wolf Jun. He walks around her looking her up and down. Under her white fur, her skin has turned a coal black, her eyes retain their human expression. Jun stands still in a blank state, her mind still rebooting after the shock of her transformation. "Go ahead, tell her to do something."

Parma shacks he head, "this is so wrong."

Eevee snarls "you are already balls deep in this, Don't you dare go soft! You have power, use it!"

Parma starts to complain "But…"

Eevee cut him off before he can finish a thought "It's only skin."

Parma's mind is warped, his thoughts twisted, Eevee invades Parma's lower brain pulling at his most beastly nature "Jun," Parma orders "stick up your tail. I want to take a peek."

Jun recognizes the voice; she must comply. Jun lays forth, her hindquarters extend, and her tail lifts sticking her ass end in the air, her head turns and ears drop as she watches Parma. Parma sets a hand on Jun's back petting down her back and up her tail, his head lowers as he looks at her underside, quickly his hand moves from her tail to her underbelly, then his hand wraps around her spade shaped lips.

A tiny drop of fluid forms at the tear of Jun's lips. Parma moves both hands onto Jun's hips, he rubs up and down her sides, his hands ruffling up her course white fur. Jun's tail falls off to one side flagging; her mouth slides slightly open letting the tip of her tongue leave her muzzle, her eyes widen with a soft wine. Jun can taste the lust on Parma's body; the passion infects her.

Jun jerks her hips from side to side rubbing Parma off on her; Parma allows his unit to be slid into Jun. Parma gasp as Jun's lips squeeze down; Jun starts bobbing her hips up and down forcing Parma to play with her fast and harshly.

Parma grips Jun by the hips holding her back against him; he gives her what she demands, Parma pushes hard into Jun then starts giving her quick strokes. Jun can't take the pleaser for long. After only slightly over five minutes of being played with Jun has a sticky spray of feminine juice onto Parma, Parma falls forward onto Jun's back and empties his love into her body in return. Jun collapses overwhelmed.

As Parma is recovering the book slams closed, Jun vanishes drawn into the pages of the book. Parma rolls onto his side, a stinging pain pushing throw his body. He growls and barks rolling around on the floor. Parma's body is molded by Eevee; Parma grows younger, thinner, his hair darkens, his eyes become hypnotic. Parma jumps into the shape of a wolf momentarily, then a rat, then back to himself before the pain stops.

Eevee is no longer just in Parma's mind; she is now in his body as well, ever time Parma calls on her a piece of him will vanish and a piece of her will replace him. The possession has begun. Once half Parma's body belongs to her, Eevee can kill off her host and be brought fully into this world unhindered.

"Parma, my love." Eevee whispers, "how may I pleasure you next?"

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