Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers

Chapter 35:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 35

Chapter 35 Evil Book Part 7

Parma locks himself in his apartment; he bars the doors, he pushes furniture pushed before the windows. He knows something is wrong, something horrifyingly wrong. But wood and locks are of little good; the demon is not attacking him from without, he is being attacked from within. As the night falls, Parma becomes ever more bestial. Hunger for flesh drives Parma to call on unholy power and smash down the walls of his home. Parma runs off into the night searching for that which will satisfy his hunger.

Parma runs for miles, touched by moonlight; he falls onto all fours running like a wild monster. Parma's hands become claws, her feet paws, his arms, and legs act as springs lunching him half a dozen yards with each bound. Parma's eyes burn with starlight, his noise twitches guiding him through the darkness.

A fairground lures Parma in, the scent of barnyard beast inspiring ecstasy. Now outwardly more monster then man Parma brakes into a display building, walls of cattle are lined up. Parma in savage greed starts sticking his noise against the tails of sheep, horses and cows alike filling himself with an all-consuming yearning for flesh. He considers reliving himself on a nameless beast but Eevee stops him. "save your energy, a cow soul trades for so little. Find a woman first, then you can have your mare."

Embraced by the umbral Parma crouches in the dark, his eyes lights shimmering in shadow. Parma isn't kept waiting long. A girl with sand yellow hair steps into the barn building, she is dressed in skinny jeans, and an orange knotted blouse, she has a fedora cast out of rawhide and matching high-topped boots, the lanyard around her neck has her photo and name, A.J.

Parma's blood runs hot; he pants in exhilaration at the young flesh that has walked into sight. "Eevee, I want the cowgirl." Wolfishly Parma whispers.

Eevee snickers "how would you like her?"

Parma looks about then locks eyes with a sheep, "like that." He points

"you, filthy wolf. I like it."

The panting, wheezing and mumbling of the wolf-beast hidden in the corner of the room catch AJ's attention. AJ is a rough-and-tumble girl; she had grown up in Arkansas with four brothers, that being what it is she learned how to look after herself. AJ took boxing classes in school, and after graduation, she got a hunting rifle and a six-shooter, she learned how to use them as well. AJ never leaves the house without a hunting knife and her six-shooter.

AJ approaches the sounds of whispering, one hand on her hip holding her gun, the other she grips a tactical flashlight in. AJ looks over a dividing wall, kneeling down she spots a monster that is something between a giant and a wild dog, Parma is laid forward onto all fours, unsheathed and playing with himself driven halfway to madness by the scent of sexuality.

Truth be told AJ can hardly comprehend what she is seeing, a wise man once said, "under stress, no one rises to the occasion, everyone falls to training." In one fluid motion, AJ pulls her gun, tucks her flashlight beneath it, and shoots the monster before her three times with the gun tucked under her breast to compensate for short range shooting. Three shots fired, three hits to the chest. Parma falls onto his back.

Eevee shouts angrily, her voice echoing in from all sides, "Parma, you weakling. It's only a scratch, get up, and let's fuck this cowgirl." Wind howls, loose piles of tools lift off the walls and fly before the exits forging walls of blades that one would need to contest to reach the outside. Pins brake open, and thunder roars frightening the livestock.

AJ pulls from her back pocket a phone to try to call for help, unsure what can or should be done to stave off such an otherworldly abomination. Eevee will have none of it, consumed by wraith Eevee starts to materialize in a physical form. But even powered up by rage at the moment Eevee can only muster becoming semi-tangible mist pulled together into a body that mostly resembles her own. Unaware of her restriction Eevee outstretches her arms to grapple with AJ.

Eevee cannot yet touch AJ, but the apparition alone is enough to scare the phone out of AJ's hands, AJ falls over backward scrambling away from the extraplanar atrocity, Evee walks forth, a wisp in the shadows struggling to keep within this transient reality. Even with Eevee's body, not yet stable her magic is however unchained. With a wave of a hand, Eevee offers sentients to chains and leashes, tools used by ranchers to restrain beast now slither along the ground like serpents.

With her back to the wall AJ pulls herself upright, she slides a hand behind her back producing her hunting knife. Animate chains snap out in an attack. AJ fights back, with one slash of her blade she frightens one away, with two more a second, but then a third catches her unaware, gripping the cowgirl by one lag it pulls off to one side throwing her off balance. Leashes tack AJ by the arms dragging her across the barn, the chains tie her to one of the sheep Parma had sniffed.

Girl and sheep tied together, darkness mounts, light fixtures rumble then burst. Evee's evil magic distorts the creatures into a single one. The fusion monster has gray back skin on its face and underbelly, accented by pink patches, think curly white wool covers much of its body, hands hand feet give way to three-cloved pseudo-hands. This fusion is less then perfect, though the body mutated the brain is left untouched, the beast is only a skin.

Eevee pulls AJ over to a wooden horse, the living chains binding her hands to the horse chest, her legs to the wooden effigies hindquarters. "Why do you fight?" Eevee asks, an almost earnest crackle bleeding past the dominating grow. "you would be having so much more fun if you submissive."

AJ squeals, she wiggles, and shouts trying to break her binds. AJ is strong, but not stronger than a demon. Eevee slides over to AJ, she tucks her hands between her thighs to lean in nose-to-nose with her slave. "you see AJ, I am trying to be human with you, I want to talk. But if you, on the other hand, are too rude to offer such a simple courtesy so be it. My avatar is going to use your flesh; then I am going to use your soul. Let me send you to heaven before I send you to hell."

AJ has nothing to say to Eevee, what even could be said? She can only whimper and fight waiting for the wolf-beast to come back to life and have his way with her. AJ isn't kept waiting long, Parma stands up, dry blood clinging to his fur. Parma drools hungrily. The sheep is all gift wrapped and set out for him already.

More animalistic then anything Parma slides over to AJ, he stands behind her and grips the sheep by the haunches. He starts to rub his hips up and down hers, quickly his cock slides out of its sheath. The small sheep is surprisingly loose, comfortably Parma parts AJ's lips and slips into her soft wet body.

At first AJ struggles, but after a few moments her body turns on her, she starts having fun. Parma moves fast and harsh, but AJ seems well suited to take it. Drunk with pleasure Parma pulls up on AJ to find a comfortable angle, AJ pushes her back end up to the best of her ability wanting him to do so.

The sex is fast and savage; there is biting and kicking involved but all in good fun. Parma's unit swells plugging up AJ, AJ twitches and shakes booth lose themselves in the pleasure. Both faint after Parma empties his love into AJ…


Hetatsubachi has become a pack leader; he runs across space with Jessica the Weaver at his left, Loki at his right, Vita at the center of the pack and Ami at the end. To run at the end of the pack is no disgrace, the wolf in the rear of the run is charged with watching the rest, to protect their back and to be in a place where one can run in to join at any post.

It takes Loki a dozen tries to find Vita's twin. When Loki had discovered that Eevee was uncontrollable, driven only by hunger and desire, Loki protected himself and his family by casting Eevee into the mist sending her spiraling across space with no direction

Thankfully Loki had gotten her scent and was able to lay chase after some backtracking. Once the lot of them are in the right pace, it becomes frightfully clear. Evil magic has tainted the town that the five of them finds themselves in. People have become animals, animals have become people. Everyone that Eevee has touches had become consumed by a need to eat and fuck endlessly every moment of every day spent in search of food or a mate. Only preteens and woman late in pregnancy are shown any form of mercy.

The group finds their way to a dairy farm, the smell of sex and blood in the air the wolves all find distracting. This gives a bull the opportunity to try to sneak up of the group. Vita gets picked up by a monster that is mostly cow but with human arms. Vita bark. Ami comes to her aid. Ami jumps in a circle, her tail leaving behind a trail of burning light with it. The laser-like tail slash gets the monsters attention.

The bull turns to attack Ami instead, Hetatsubachi and Loki Jump at the bull grabbing it by the back legs. Ami grabs it by the neck. These three hunters drag the beast to the ground and force it to submit to them.

Five cows walking on their back legs sway over, they hold out their arms like jiangshi they have locked on to Loki and Hetatsubachi, they salivate, the cows will not be happy until they have forced themselves on the two wolf boys.

Jessica the Weaver takes her staff from the sling on her back and swings it across her body, the mouse calls out of the earth a spire of flames between the wolves and the cows. The cows pay no heed to the inferno, instead they merely waltzing through the flames at their targets.

From the streets a horde of love hunger animals can taste the unused raw body of Vevavita Una, the idea of unspoiled flesh calls them to feast. Hetatsubachi summons his cloak of blades, Ami's tail shimmers like silver, Vita transforms her beaded necklace into a whip, Loki shows her fangs. Jessica mounts her staff in the ground and holds one hand overhead; clouds gather and thunder roars.

Vita looks to Loki. "Grandma, what is going on?"

Loki looks to Vita offering a swift and easy explanation "you are a virgin. I imagine that comes with a premium on a planet like this one."

Hetatsubachi turns his eyes watching as the crowd gets into melee range "was that before or after you sent a love-crazed Nephilim here?"

Loki makes fun of it all "Market value may have been inflated."

Jessica thrust her hands at the ground calling on a monsoon lightning. This proves to be enough to frighten the approaching monsters.

Loki looks to Vita with a grin "Plan B was to offer you as a sacrifice by the way."

Jessica holds her hands up reading a second wave of holy vengeance "will you kindly stop playing around and find this half Tamriel. I will not be able to throw lighting endlessly."

The wolves leave Jessica behind to deal with the horde as they carry on to the barn. The barn doors burst open. Eevee knew well that the wolves were coming, she is waiting with her newest and her favorite creation. The wolf beast Parma shows his fangs, the sheep AJ grows a three-pointed mandible-like jaw with turtle shaped teeth.

The wolves assume a wing formation, Tatsu at the front, Ami at the right, Loki on the right and Vita alongside Loki. The battle is underway without a word. AJ gets down on all fours; she runs forward with her mouth open, she intends to swallow Hetatsubachi whole.

Loki comes to Hetatsubachi's defense, Loki holds a paw forward reaching out with her feelings, Loki orders in a soft yell "Stop!" this seems to have an unexpected consequence. AJ freezes in place; her eyes roll back, AJ faints. Eevee was already controlling AJ, and once Loki pressed her will on AJ, there was merely more psionic power flowing through her.

Parma lunges forth; he brings his claws out to pick up Vita and Ami in a swipe. Hetatsubachi interrupts the attack by possessing a plank of wood and smashing it over Parma's back. Vita follows up throwing her necklace which acts like a choking snake dragging Parma backward. Ami slashes her tail in the air conjuring six phantom knives. Two slashes across Parma's neck, one down his nose, one slash from the liver to kidney, the next pins Parma's jaw shut, the last spikes him throw the chest into the ground. Parma is crippled in an instant.

Eevee watches the overwhelming strength of the wolves' attack. 'A Nephilim, an Asgard, an Angel, and a Demon. I am be outclassed.' She thinks. Eevee tries to confuse the wolves, convince them to attack each other. Eevee erects her field of sexual magic. She tries to tack control of the wolves'.

Hetatsubachi grins as he growls slowly swaying over to Eevee, Hetatsubachi taunts "Nice trick. What have you been practicing with, Mortals?"

Eevee understands that she is bet. In this four on one, she can't hope to win. Eevee turns herself to a spectral shape; she tries to run. Hetatsubachi has seen magic like this before; he runs his claws across the ground drawing out an anchor spell. The doors are shut, Eevee can't run, the wolves must stay and fight also. At some point, Eevee will need to drop her phantom spell. Once she does the wolves will rip her asunder.

Hetatsubachi is in control, he knows it. Tatsu reaches into the mist; he produces a tengu mask. "Here is the deal." He throws the mask on the ground. "you cannot win this fight, you are too dangerous to be allowed to walk around freely. You can give up now; I can protect you. You will step into the mask; I will cast a sealing spell. I will find you a safe place on some world where everyone looks like you. That or I wait here, kill you, and eat you. Simple as that."

Eevee thinks it over. Maybe the wolf's offer is worth consideration.

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