Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1057: Abyssal Demon Dragon

Shadowless Demon stamped his feet against the ground and shot into the skies. Like a shadow, he chased after the demon ape.

Wherever he went, countless flying demon beasts were split apart. Revolting black blood splashed down in a torrential downpour.

The 13 wounded and pale-faced Demon Generals reacted. Their complexions changed and they roared, “Take demon medicine and follow Lord Shadowless Demon!”

If they were the only ones remaining in this endless beast tide, even if they managed to last for a while longer they would eventually be worn down in a battle of attrition and killed.

They were well of Shadowless Demon’s origin. At such a time, he wouldn’t care about their lives.

As they each took mighty invincibility pills, the auras of the 13 Demon Generals began to rise. They formed a tide of death that rushed forward, stirring up a sandstorm around them. Like an earth dragon, they rushed in the direction of the demon ape.

At around the same time, the demon beasts that City Lord Blackpool and Black Astral surrounded also made the decision to run away.

The thousand foot long golden-eyed demon python flung its tail around as it raced away. Even if a mountain blocked its path, it would be blown apart without hesitation.

Endless abyssal energy gathered above City Lord Blackpool’s head, vaguely forming the phantom of a python. It stared at the golden-eyed demon python that was running away, greed in its eyes.

Mobilizing abyssal energy and condensing one’s natal demon seed was a formidable ability that Abyssal Kings possessed.

However, City Lord Blackpool’s demon python phantom had barely managed to form the outline of his demon seed. It was still far, far away from truly condensing.

But even so, this was a formidable strength that surpassed the limits of a Demon Commander.

With the help of a super mighty invincibility pill, he could unexpectedly erupt with such tremendous strength.

It could be seen that while City Lord Blackpool’s strength hadn’t reached the peak of a Demon Commander, the difference wasn’t that great.

As someone who could obtain the approval of this layer’s Abyssal King and become the City Lord of Great Deer City, ruling over this vast region of the abyss, his strength was worthy of his title!

As for Black Astral, the strength he erupted with surpassed everyone’s imagination.

An incomparably massive three-headed flame-spewing hellhound phantom appeared above his head, constantly roaring.

Its vicious aura even made the violent and brainless demon beasts feel fear. Even though the crow screeched and tried to drive the demon beasts towards him, they all stopped at a certain distance and didn’t dare to truly approach.

The three-headed hellhound constantly snapped at the fleeing crow. It just needed to close the gap a bit more before it could be grabbed. If this happened, one could imagine that this Demon Commander level demon beast would be torn apart in an instant!

The Demon Commander level demon beasts that controlled the beast tide outside of Great Deer City were unexpectedly fleeing after a brief struggle.

But if one stood in the skies and looked down at the entire beast tide, they would see that the three demon beasts were converging in one direction.

This beast tide had occurred due to the interference of the will of the abyss. It swept through the abyss ahead of time, even causing three controlling demon beasts to appear outside of Great Deer City, all so that it could erase Feature. How could it be dealt with so easily?

If Qin Yu saw this, he would certainly scream out loud to kill the three demon beasts immediately, no matter the price.

Otherwise, a great accident would absolutely occur.

But unfortunately, Qin Yu wasn’t here. Or to be more direct, even if he was here he wouldn’t have been able to change anything.

Because the will of the abyss was something that no abyssal being could resist – this was a mark branded on their souls from the moment they were born. It was something none of them could change!

Demonic power stirred within Shadowless Demon, causing endless abyssal energy to gather towards him and linger around his body like countless blades. Wherever he passed, demon beasts that tried to stop him were cut into countless fragments. More than a hundred thousand demon beasts were slaughtered, the stench of their black blood rushing into the skies!

Locking onto the escaping demon ape, Shadowless Demon’s red eyes flashed with restlessness – this demon ape really wasn’t fleeing. Otherwise, with its intelligence, it would know that it had to get away from Great Deer City if it wanted to keep its life.

But currently, this demon ape was still within the range of Great Deer City. It had no intention of leaving at all.

The shadows of the other two Demon Commander level demon beasts popped into his mind and a cold chill gushed out, causing his heart to quicken.

And at this time, before he could think further, two more tyrannical demonic power fluctuations appeared in his senses. He looked up. In the distance, he could see the phantoms of two giant demon phantoms hurtling in his direction.

“Natal demon seed!” Shadowless Demon shouted out loud. He could already see Black Astral and City Lord Blackpool running below the python and three-headed hellhound phantoms.

As an abyssal demon who obtained the approval of an Abyssal King and became the City Lord of Great Deer City, he could understand Blackpool’s strength. But the might with which Black Astral was erupting now far surpassed Shadowless Demon’s expectations.

Right now, the aura he released was no weaker than Blackpool’s. In fact, it even faintly suppressed it. After all, even amongst the many royal family bloodlines within the abyss, the three-headed hellhound was still an extremely formidable demon seed bloodline.

But this shock only lasted for a brief period of time. Shadowless Demon forced himself to focus on the three Demon Commander level demon beasts.

He thought about how they managed to perfectly coordinate together with the beast tide. And now, as the three of them were running, they didn’t choose to escape but chose to gather together instead.

Shadowless Demon didn’t believe this was a matter of comradeship where the three of them wanted to live and die together…there was a problem, there was definitely a problem!

“You two, finish them off no matter what! Do not let them gather together!”

Shadowless Demon roared. He fiercely spat out a mouthful of blood. His complexion paled and his eyes darkened with it.

When this blood left his body, it floated in midair and formed a fist-sized ball that howled forward together with him.

He lifted a hand and pointed a finger. The fist-sized sphere of blood erupted with light, condensing into a phantom that had the exact same appearance as Shadowless Demon.

Bang –

This phantom started to burn. Wrapped in scarlet flames, its speed shot up and it instantly overtook the demon ape. It spread out its arms and its body inflated, soon surpassing a thousand feet in height as it grabbed at the demon ape.

At the same time, the aura released by the phantom became cruel and hot, flooded with the desire for destruction.

Hou –

The demon ape reared back its head and roared. Its massive body froze in place. It turned its head and looked at Shadowless Demon, ice-cold mockery in its purple eyes.

Then, the demon ape blew apart. A terrifying strength smashed the approaching phantom into pieces.

Shadowless Demon staggered. He had been struck hard. He spat out mouthfuls of blood and even bits of organs were mixed in.

He stared at the area where the demon ape had exploded. The hashed meat and blood that filled the skies didn’t fall down. Rather, it formed a torrent of flesh and blood that went straight to the golden-eyed demon python. The python opened its mouth and swallowed this all up in the blink of an eye.

Hou –

When the golden-eyed demon python swallowed the essence of the demon ape, its thousand foot long body crazily grew. Layers of skin were shed off, revealing crimson flesh and blood beneath that rapidly regenerated.

In an instant, it surpassed 3000 feet in size. Its aura also rose by an unimaginable degree, almost reaching the limits of a Demon Commander level demon beast.

It fiercely swung its tail. With a bang, City Lord Blackpool was sent flying away. The python phantom above his head revealed dread for the first time. It was clear that the strength of this golden-eyed demon python threatened it.

But this wasn’t the end.

After sweeping away City Lord Blackpool, the golden-eyed demon python opened its mouth and sucked in. However, what it aimed at wasn’t the three Demon Commanders, but the demon beast that the three-headed hellhound phantom was chasing – the Demon Commander level crow.

Facing the golden-eyed demon python’s swallowing strength, it flapped its wings. But it didn’t resist. On the contrary, it flew into the python’s mouth on its own initiative. Aided by the swallowing strength, it immediately escaped the three-headed hellhound phantom that chased after it.

Hou –

The golden-eyed demon python roared once more. After swallowing the crow, its body began to inflate and grow once again, soon surpassing 5000 feet in length. It became thicker than an ancient tree. Black scales started to fall off from its body, because it couldn’t withstand the wild strength growing and brewing within it!

Then, new scales started to grow. At first glance they were no different from before. But if one looked closely, they would see that these scales were covered in fine textures. They wove together in mysterious patterns that expressed endless mysteries.

Looking at these textures, it even made one feel as if they could see the entire abyss within them.

“Will of the abyss!” Black Astral shouted out loud. His pupils shrank and panic rose on his face.

City Lord Blackpool and Shadowless Demon felt their hearts sink as they heard this. They started to feel fear.

As mentioned before, strictly speaking, the endless hordes of demon beasts were the genuine masters of the abyss. As a result, they received treatment similar to the abyssal demon race – in other words, when their strength reached a certain limit, they could also receive the approval of the abyss’ will and become a new Demon Beast King!

And unlike an abyssal demon, a demon beast that was recognized by the will of the abyss to become a new Demon Beast King would be helped by the will of the abyss to prevent their demon seed bloodline from causing a backlash. As a result, they would regain their consciousness and possess an intelligence no less than that of the abyssal demon race.

The golden-eyed demon python had continuously swallowed the demon ape and crow, two Demon Commander level demon beasts. Now, its strength had risen again and again, and it had broken through the limits of a Demon Commander level demon beast. As a result, it received the blessing of the will of the abyss, condensed into the textures on its scales.

These textures contained the might of the will of the abyss. They were not just beautiful to look at; the defensive power of these scales was at least ten times greater than before.

This was already a power that only Demon Beast Kings could possess.

And in fact, City Lord Blackpool, Black Astral, and Shadowless Demon still underestimated the strength of this golden-eyed demon python. Or, they simply didn’t know how intensely the will of the abyss wished to destroy Feature.

A golden-eyed demon python with powers of a Demon Beast King was already extremely terrifying. But this was not enough. With the will of the abyss interfering, everything had to be perfect and without flaw.

As a result, the golden-eyed demon python suddenly roared out loud and its massive body tumbled and writhed on the ground. But as these pained roars filled the skies, one could hear the joy and excitement there.

Fierce thundering sounds came from inside the golden-eyed demon python’s body. They gave off a feeling of rushing rivers and streams, vast and astonishing.

At the same time, a second pair of pupils appeared in its golden eyes. Pitch black pupils directly overlapped with the original pupils, giving off a sense of inexhaustible majesty.

Hou –

The golden-eyed demon python howled in pain. At the same time, the surging sounds in its body reached a peak. With a hiss, its abdomen split apart. Four sturdy claws wrapped in mucus drilled out. The bulge on top of its head split and two sharp horns appeared.

“Dragon evolution…” City Lord Blackpool’s voice shivered as he spoke.

The Demon Dragon Clan was sexually obscene and lascivious. Almost all snake-type creatures in the entire abyss had the blood of the demon dragon bloodline flowing in their bodies.

Of course, except in some formidable flood dragon tribes, the demon dragon bloodline of these snake-like demon beasts remained in a dormant state.

Besides certain extremely rare and extraordinary circumstances, this bloodline would never be activated…but now, it was clear that they had run into such a rare occasion.

The golden-eyed demon python had obtained the attention of the will of the abyss and its demon dragon bloodline had recovered along with it, unexpectedly transforming it into a dragon. Now, to be precise, it was more accurate to call it an abyssal demon dragon!

Hou –

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