Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1058: Defeated Once More

The newborn abyssal demon dragon roared into the air. Its dragon cry surged through the world, causing endless abyssal energy to boil and tumble.

The Demon Dragon Clan was known as being the favored pet of the abyss world. They received the attention of the abyss from the moment they were born and would obtain the approval of the abyss when they grew up. Their strength was comparable to that of an Abyssal King, and every action and movement they made could summon a massive amount of abyssal energy.

Although this demon beast had just transformed into a dragon and could barely be considered a baby of the Demon Dragon Clan, the aura it released was several times greater than before.

A demon dragon was a demon dragon. Even if it was newly born, it still dominated all other tribes in the abyss.

A formidable oppression that came from a superior bloodline swept through the entire beast tide. Tens of millions of different kinds of demon beasts, whether they were strong or weak, shivered with fear. They crawled onto the ground, expressing their awe and fear.

The python phantom above City Lord Blackpool shrank into a ball. As it stared at the distant abyssal demon dragon, it constantly shivered.

All snake-type demon beasts were inherently suppressed when they faced an abyssal demon dragon. It was already difficult for it to maintain its form and not disperse at such a close range.

Of course, if it was like this, City Lord Blackpool’s strength would be reduced if he went against the abyssal demon dragon, leaving him in an even more pitiful state.

“You lowly and pathetic ants, you dare to harm the great me? This is unforgivable!” The demon dragon that had grown to over 10,000 feet in length roared out loud. Its billowing voice shook the air, causing endless abyssal energy to condense into black fog that picked it up and lifted it into the skies.

Its dragon body was hidden within, only partly visible. But, everyone could feel the overwhelming killing intent it released.

Black Astral took a deep breath and the fear in his eyes quickly disappeared. All that remained was cruelty and destruction.

“The abyssal demon dragon will repay any blood debt. Since you and I almost killed it today, this is an immutable hatred that will never be resolved. If we don’t kill it here today, all of us will die!”

Shadowless Demon shivered. He stared at Black Astral with wide eyes, his face covered with disbelief. He couldn’t believe that after watching this golden-eyed demon python evolve into an abyssal demon dragon, he still dared to say something so recklessly arrogant.

Killing an abyssal demon dragon? Did he really dare to say that? Did he not know that everything beneath a dragon breath would be turned to flying ashes?

This was a dragon, a genuine abyssal demon dragon. It wasn’t some random wyrm or flood dragon type beast!

Taking 10,000 steps back, if this abyssal demon dragon hadn’t yet reached its peak strength because it was only just born, perhaps the three of them had a chance of success if they went all out.

But so what if they succeeded? Who in the abyss didn’t know that the Abyss Dragon Clan was the one that most fervently guarded their shortcomings? Anyone who dared to kill someone of their bloodline would have to face a crazy retaliation.

The Sable Abyss City of the past was the best example. Many people were able to correctly guess that the shadow of the Demon Dragon Clan was behind that event. There were even many Abyssal Kings that were enraged because of it.

But so what? Sable Abyss City had fallen and the hundreds of millions of demons there had died. But even today, the Demon Dragon Clan remained alive and well. They still dominated above the other tribes of their abyss, maintaining their superior position that no one dared to provoke.

Could the three of them stop the retaliation of the Demon Dragon Clan? Haha, don’t joke around here, perhaps they would be crushed to goo at the first sign of confrontation.

“Black Astral is correct. We already have no other road we can retreat to today. If we don’t kill this beast now, we will all die here.” City Lord Blackpool slowly said. It was unknown what secret art he used, but his eyes began to gradually turn blood red. At the same time, the eyes of the python phantom above his head also seemed to be dyed red with blood. All of the fear there dispersed, with nothing left but reckless destruction. “The Demon Dragon Clan is terrifying and even if we succeed here today, we will still have to face their pursuit. But, that is a matter for another day!”

Shadowless Demon’s heart shook. Insane, these two had both gone insane! But, the fear in his eyes mostly faded away.

City Lord Blackpool was right. Even if he were to face the retaliation of the Demon Dragon Clan, that was a matter for another day.

What he had to do here was survive. That was the key to everything else. If he died, all else was meaningless.

Moreover, the Demon Dragon Clan was a frightening tribe, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a chance they could survive.

Because they had His Excellency Liu Huo standing behind them. Even the Demon Dragon Clan had to give sufficient respect to a peak Abyss Walker.

Thinking of this, Shadowless Demon’s eyes brightened. The despair in his heart gave way to hope once more. But, all of this was based on the premise that he lived.


City Lord Blackpool’s snake-type demon seed bloodline was overwhelmed by the aura of the demon dragon. But, he was still the first to attack. He raised a fist and punched. Endless abyssal energy surged in from all directions, wildly gathering together.

Above his head, the python phantom roared out loud and sank into his body.

Rumble rumble –

Endless abyssal energy tumbled around, unexpectedly condensing into a python that was several thousand feet long with crimson eyes.

Facing an abyssal demon dragon, it actually felt no fear. Rather, there was even more bloodlust and killing intent in its eyes.

Without any hesitation, the several thousand feet long python swung its tail. It shot towards the abyssal demon dragon as fast as a lightning bolt.

At almost the same time, Black Astral also made his move. He placed a finger between his eyebrows, and with a light crack, the skin there split open and dark red blood flowed out.

The blood didn’t fall to the ground, but was instead drawn up by an invisible strength, firing into the three-headed hellhound phantom above his head.

In the legends of the abyss, the three-headed hellhound was one of the incarnations of the abyss’ will. It was the gatekeeper to the Lord of Destruction and was extremely violent by nature. The three-headed hellhound could swallow everything, and even the heavens and earth could become a part of its food.

But the reason legends were legends was that there were far too many exaggerated factors. For instance, the so-called Lord of Destruction represented the violent side of the abyss’ will. Although it had countless believers, it had never once truly descended into the abyss.

The three-headed hellhound didn’t have the great strength it was prescribed in the legends, but its demon seed bloodline was truly lawless and wild…because of this, Black Astral was the first one to express his thoughts of killing the abyssal demon dragon.

Since he had already said it, he couldn’t hesitate when it was time to take action.

The upward flowing blood poured into the three-headed hellhound phantom. Then, countless lines started to appear within its body.

Like wildly growing bloodlines, they spread through the body of the three-headed hellhound. As this happened, its body gradually condensed into reality until it was no different from a living creature.

Hou –

Hou –

Hou –

The three-headed hellhound roared upwards. Its six cold and cruel eyes were flooded with greed as it stared at the abyssal demon dragon. Then, its sturdy and powerful legs propelled it forward, casting a great shadow on the ground in the process.

“These two lunatics…” Shadowless Demon muttered to himself. Then, he immediately exploded, turning into a mass of black shadows that sank into the ground and merged into the abyssal demon dragon’s shadow.

Then, thick shadow chains appeared, twining around the abyssal demon dragon’s shadow and constantly tightening.

Countless demons in the abyss world were aware of Shadowless Demon’s infamous name and his incredible concealment methods.

But in living until this day, he had encountered numerous dangerous and powerful enemies. It wasn’t just his speed and hiding ability that allowed him to preserve his own life.

Shadows were invisible and intangible, but they could undoubtedly kill people!

Hou –

The abyssal demon dragon roared into the skies, endless anger flooding its eyes. It couldn’t imagine that these three low and humble ants, even after confirming that it had become the noblest demon dragon of the abyss, still dared to attack it. And, they were preparing to kill it!

“I will tear you all to shreds!” With a roar, the abyssal demon dragon’s body tumbled. Cracking sounds resounded in the void around it, as if an invisible barrier was being ripped open.

The shadow chains on the ground quietly disintegrated. In the next moment, they condensed once more at an astonishing speed, twining around the dragon once again.

Of course, accomplishing this didn’t come without a price. Shadowless Demon constantly shivered as if he was withstanding continuous attacks.

Drops of blood fell down beneath his black robes, crashing into the ground.

And this blood came from the orifices of his head…

How could it be simple to imprison an abyssal demon dragon? He naturally had to pay a sufficient price.

And at this time, the blood-eyed python and three-headed hellhound began to engage the abyssal demon dragon.

Rumble rumble –

Wild fluctuations of aura were whipped up like a violent storm, sweeping out in all directions. Even though the surrounding demon beasts had lost their intelligence, when they were covered by this terrifying aura they howled in sorrow and constantly drew backwards.

Thus, in this beast tide formed of tens of millions of demon beasts, a strange blank space appeared.

The remnants of the original 40 Demon Generals that came out from Great Deer City gathered together. There were fewer than 30 remaining.

Their eyes were wide with shock right now as they watched the distant battle. Horror flooded their hearts, nearly drowning their minds.

In the abyss, a Demon General belonged to the ruling class. No matter where they were, they could be considered an absolute master.

As long as they joined an influence they could obtain considerable status as well as decent treatment.

But now, facing this battle that erupted between three Demon Commanders who had taken super mighty invincibility pills and a newborn abyssal demon dragon, they didn’t have the qualifications to interfere at all.

In fact, if they just approached closer, they might be torn apart by the wild shockwaves of strength.

The Demon Generals gulped and cautiously drew backwards. All they could do now was wait.

If the three Demon Commanders won, they might have a chance of surviving. After all, in the eyes of the Demon Dragon Clan, mere Demon Generals were an ant-like existence that wouldn’t even register.

If so, they might escape the following calamity.

Being despised by others certainly wasn’t a joyful matter. But compared to living, they couldn’t even be compared with each other.

There was a saying, how to say…you just treat me as a fart…this was a vulgar saying and it was even more inappropriate to use it on women, but this was how the Demon Generals were thinking right now.

But facts proved that an abyssal demon dragon was still an abyssal demon dragon. Even if it was just born, it was still incomparably terrifying.

After desperately fighting without fear of death, the blood-eyed python was bitten by the abyssal demon dragon. It let out a roar of unwillingness. Then, its massive body was ripped apart and it rapidly faded away.

The light in City Lord Blackpool’s eyes instantly vanished and he fell over like a stone statue. His entire aura disappeared when the blood-eyed python faded away.

Death came this brutally and without warning!

Black Astral’s eyes flashed with sorrow and self-ridicule. Killing an abyssal demon dragon was indeed an impossible matter.

City Lord Blackpool had been killed, and as a result, this barely manageable situation had thoroughly collapsed. If he continued going all out he would just end up ruining himself.

Hou –

The three-headed hellhound roared and exploded into pieces.

A giant stone gate phantom appeared within the fluctuations of the explosion. Although it was blurry and almost couldn’t be seen, one could still sense the richness of years coming from it.

As if this stone gate had already existed from the day the abyss was born.

Outside, a giant stone carving was set up. It was a hound beast that guarded the courtyard. It had three heads and its six eyes were closed.

But now, this giant hound carving seemed to sense something. An eye on the left head slowly opened after shaking a little.

Kacha –

Kacha –

The surface of the abyssal demon dragon’s body suddenly turned grayish white. It was like stone that had been exposed and weathered for countless years, instantly losing all vitality.

Black Astral fell facedown but was caught by Shadowless Demon. Carrying Black Astral in one hand and City Lord Blackpool’s corpse in the other, he frantically ran into the distance.

The hunt had failed. All he could do now was flee from here. 

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