Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1438: The Attack From the Mysterious Being

That thought quickly vanished from Qin Yu’s head. He realized that even if the Darkness Ruler was not wearing his oversized robe, Qin Yu would not be able to see his face.

Right at this moment, the darkness dispersed and when light shone onto the Darkness Ruler, he was lit aflame.

That’s right, the fire started out of nowhere and it quickly enveloped his entire body.

Actually, the fire was not started. Instead, it looked as if the Darkness Ruler was unable to withstand the scorching rays from the sun. The moment his flesh was exposed to light rays, he was ignited.

This might be a trick by Eye of Eternal Night.

No wonder the world fell into pitch black darkness when the Darkness Ruler descended. He had to live under strict environmental restrictions and not many people must have known about this fact. Thankfully, Eye of Eternal Night was one of them.

Qin Yu could finally rest assured. Not even a Ruler would take a sword strike from the sacrifice of a Great Dao well, not to mention this imitator.

Now that the darkness dispersed and he was exposed to the sun, he was being burnt. How would he be able to flip the situation around?

These thoughts crossed Qin Yu’s mind. However, there was a slight unease in his mind. It felt like he had missed out on something important. This should be related to what he saw in front of him.

Just as he frowned and pondered hard, a calm voice rang in his mind. There was a calmness as silent as the night and this came from the burning Darkness Ruler in front of him.

“Extreme darkness would give birth to light. I thought you would have known such simple logic. What a pity that it seems you still don’t understand it.”

Qin Yu’s heart tightened sharply and he finally realized the source of his uneasiness.

Light and darkness were two sides of a coin. As someone who knew both sides, it was a huge mistake for him to overlook this.

Who was the person in front of him? The powerful Darkness Ruler was a terrifying opponent even to Vast Brightness World Rulers, even though the World of Darkness was now under the control of the West Desolate.

Evidently, the Darkness Ruler had a deep mastery and control of darkness and Qin Yu could not compare to him at all. Otherwise he would be the embodiment of darkness itself. Anyone who looked at him would see the endless abyss. Naturally, the Darkness Ruler would be insignificant to him then.

Since Qin Yu had comprehended the Light and Dark Body, why couldn’t the Darkness Ruler have done so too? Obviously, the Darkness Ruler’s mastery was far superior to his!

In other words, the Darkness Ruler appeared to be ‘burning’ and about to perish. However, the blow had done nothing to him.

After all they had done to kill the Darkness Ruler, Eye of Eternal Night’s plans had fallen into a void!

Like he had prepared to confirm Qin Yu’s thoughts, the burning flesh on the Darkness Ruler quickly turned into a scorched sticky mess that dripped down. The flames also disappeared soon after.

The man who appeared before Qin Yu now was a skinny, pale young man who looked like he had never seen the light of day before. He was charming and there was a smirk on his face. Suddenly, he reached his hand forward and gripped the air. A round bead appeared. It was black without any impurities inside, seeming like it was made from the darkest depths of the night.

As his white fingers gripped onto the bead, it vibrated continuously, trying to escape from the grasp. Small cracks started to appear on the handsome young man’s fingers silently until his red flesh could be seen.

“Eye of Eternal Night, we have known each other for a long time and I thought we had an understanding of each other…however, looking at things now, you didn’t really understand me, but I knew you very well. You tried to expose me to light and absorb all my darkness at once. How does it feel to be bitten in the back? Never mind, I will resolve this for you very quickly.”

With that, he devoured Eye of Eternal Night like he was eating a grape. Qin Yu’s eyelids twitched as he watched this. Was this the end of Eye of Eternal Night? That was so pathetic!

Before he could continue to curse and lament, Qin Yu suddenly shuddered as an overwhelming sense of fear surrounded him. He looked up and saw that the Darkness Ruler, who had just swallowed Eye of Eternal Night, was now smiling at him.

“Mister Ninth of the Peach Garden…I should have guessed that only someone like you who rose up the ranks in power like a comet would be bold enough to disrupt the status quo and challenge the West Desolate and Mysterious Clan. You seem to be fearless of the consequences.”

He surveyed Qin Yu intently and his smile grew even brighter, “The Rule System Body and a God Mark from the True God Path. There is also something in you that I cannot see…hehe, you have many secrets on you.

“Under normal circumstances, if you had sufficient time, you might have been able to achieve my level of power very soon as with your growth trajectory. However, it is a pity that you revealed yourself too early. You have only your carelessness to blame.”

The Darkness Ruler licked his lips and a sudden flicker passed his eyes, “Aren’t you wondering why I am speaking so much?”

Qin Yu thought about it and replied, “You are delaying for time.” It was a simple deduction. The Darkness Ruler had devoured Eye of Eternal Night decisively and it was only natural he would have the same thoughts for Qin Yu. As such, it was easy to deduce that the Darkness Ruler was only stalling for time. Otherwise, did he change his mind about Qin Yu?

The man in front of him was dashing and anyone who looked at him would praise his good looks. A smile crossed his eyes and the Darkness Ruler said, “I have to admit that I can’t see through your intentions. You know that I am stalling for time but you are still letting me have my way.”

He shook his head and said, “Under different circumstances, or if I broke through the shackles on me, I might have spared your life. After all, smart people are rare in this world. It is a pity to kill you.”

By the time he said this, his preparations must have been complete. It seemed that he had already suppressed the resistance from Eye of Eternal Night.

The darkness around Qin Yu slowly started to dissipate. The edge of the darkness shifted slightly and it looked like a black flower that had bloomed.

Evidently, although the Darkness Ruler comprehended the Light and Dark Body, he was more in favor of using the power of darkness.

Qin Yu grunted lightly as his vision turned dark instantly. The reason why he went along with Darkness Ruler despite knowing that he was stalling for time was because he needed time as well. He had to sort out the chaos within himself that resulted from the backlash of his Great Dao destruction.

This was the only way for him to control his strength and have a chance to survive.

Granted, Qin Yu knew that this chance was very slim. He had never imagined that he would have to rely solely on himself for this.

It was very dumb and there was hardly any chance of success for that. Qin Yu refused to be dumb.

His goal was to defend himself from the killing strike by the Darkness Ruler. Then…he would run for his life!


This was all because of Eye of Eternal Night. If he had not been determined to reveal the Darkness Ruler’s face and stopped boasting, things would not have become like this.

Qin Yu’s opinion was that he should call that woman directly. Even if the Darkness Ruler was stronger than he was now, that woman would be able to crush him with her hand easily.

As for now…hehe, Qin Yu could only hope that the absorption of the Darkness Ruler was not as powerful as his cultivation. Otherwise, even if the Ruler came and rescued Eye of Eternal Night, Eye of Eternal Night might not have his full form.

Qin Yu’s vision turned dark, indicating that it was time to take on the Darkness Ruler. He urgently tried to summon the woman. All of a sudden, he heard a groan and the large black flower around him suddenly withered.

Surprised, Qin Yu raised his head and saw that a small hand had sprouted in front of the Darkness Ruler.

This hand was smooth and beautiful. It was flawless and eye-catching. Anyone who saw the hand could not help thinking of the appearance of the woman it belonged to.

Yet, the Darkness Ruler was in no mood to admire the hand that came out of nowhere. His handsome face turned stern and his pupils contracted. He instantly gave up on trying to devour Qin Yu’s dark energy and this showed how nervous the Darkness Ruler was now.

What followed next confirmed this point. He did not falter as he retreated backwards quickly. Like the wind blowing against a field of weeds, there was a sense of mysteriousness as he fled backwards.

It did not seem like he was moving very quickly but in the blink of an eye, he had increased the distance between him and Qin Yu. Nonetheless, his expression was still stiff and he only grew more serious as time passed.

The reason why was simple. The beautiful hand was like a shadow that followed him closely. If he slowed down, it would quicken and in a short period of time, he knew it would be his ending.

“Hmph!” The Darkness Ruler grunted angrily and forced himself to stop. At the same time, an explosion occurred where his head was and a black void was formed. This void appeared endlessly deep and it felt like it would suck things into a terrifying place.

Right before the hand touched the void, it sensed the threat of the void. In the next second, it vanished in the same way it appeared; there was no warning.

Suddenly, the hand appeared again and it pressed on the chest of the Darkness Ruler. It coincidentally landed on the spot Qin Yu’s sword strike targeted before. There was now a gaping wound across the Darkness Ruler’s chest.

‘Crack!’ The sound ruptured from the Darkness Ruler’s body like a hard object was forcefully torn apart.

The voice of the Darkness Ruler came from deep within the void but it felt very distant and muffled.

“You have been fooled…” His words were abruptly cut off because black blood suddenly spurted out of his chest. The blood that was supposed to land on the hand went right through it like air and the hand remained unstained.

A light laughter that sounded like the chime of a bell echoed through the air. Qin Yu felt like someone came very close to his ear and whispered, “I have paid back what I owed you.”

The mysterious being hidden in time and space!

At this moment, there was an energy fluctuation from the contract in his body. Qin Yu confirmed the attacker’s identity through this.

Both Eye of Eternal Night and Stone Pagoda had been fearful and hostile of the mysterious power. However, her beautiful and mesmerizing voice told Qin Yu a different story.

None of this was important. Even if this mysterious existence was an absolute beauty, there was no way for Qin Yu to have any relationship with it that went out of the natural boundaries of the world.


Qin Yu realized that the binding force from the contract in his body did not dissipate. Instead, it felt like there was an external force had been injected into the contract, making it more stable.

The feeling was similar to a worker being promoted. Qin Yu was utterly bitter. This was not the outcome he wanted.

Since the contract had been fulfilled, shouldn’t they both go their separate ways? Why were they bound together?

Stone Pagoda was silent and it was obvious that he was not prepared to give an explanation. Either way, Qin Yu did not have time to be bothered about this.

The Darkness Ruler had suffered heavy injuries because of the blow from the mysterious being from time and space. He was not in a favorable condition now.

With a grunt, the Darkness Ruler stumbled. There was a gaping hole in the middle of his chest.

Unexpectedly, no blood flowed out of this hole. It was just a pitch black hole that looked like a mouth!

Terrifying forces rushed out of the black hole, madly absorbing the blood and flesh of the Darkness Ruler. It was about to devour his entire being.

It was Eye of Eternal Night who was doing this, having been devoured by the Darkness Ruler a moment ago. This was what the Darkness Ruler deserved for being greedy.

Previously, the Darkness Ruler had mentioned that he had been eyeing Eye of Eternal Night for a long time, trying to seek an opportunity to devour him and break the seal.

In fact, it was only right to turn the situation around…you want to eat me? You have to be prepared for me to want to eat you too.

This was a brilliant opportunity for Eye of Eternal Night. Having suffered multiple heavy blows, the Darkness Ruler had no way to fight back.

Qin Yu’s eyes sparkled and he stomped down. His body flew forward and he pressed his palm down heavily.


With a low blow, the flesh around the Darkness Ruler’s chest exploded and turned into waves of bloody mist. Before the bloody mist could disperse in the air, it was sucked into the black hole.

This attack was a combination of Star Retrieval and Royal Attack. Moon Embrace could devour the target’s soul and it was a shortcut to raise his strength. Similarly, Star Retrieval could do the same with the target’s physical body.

Of course, the same limitations applied to both techniques. Shortcuts should not be used too often or problems would arise.

Star Retrieval was a technique to steal the target’s physical body and it was not as effective as Moon Embrace which targeted the soul.

This meant that the shortcut for Star Retrieval was not as harmful as for Moon Embrace. Also, all Divine Ways in the world had to be used according to the situation.

With Moon Embrace robbing the Darkness Ruler’s physical body and the menacing black hole in his chest, the two-fold attack was terrifying.

Very soon, the black hole had widened. It was obvious that the blood and flesh of the Darkness Ruler that could no longer be seen had been devoured by Eye of Eternal Night!

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