Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1439: Reforming Great Dao

It was going to be hard for the Darkness Ruler to escape!

Qin Yu did not hesitate as he flicked out his second finger and joined hands with Eye of Eternal Night, sending the person into the Abyss.

But just at this moment, there was a huge holler as the Darkness Ruler lifted his hand and hit his chest, splitting his body into two.

Through this, he was able to split apart and block the swallowing power from Eye of Eternal Night.

Abandoning his bottom half, he only dragged his upper body. The Darkness Ruler growled angrily as he punched the air and flew into the hole in the space.

Having lost the control of the Ruler’s will, the bottom half of his body that was abandoned was quickly swallowed by Eye of Eternal Night and the darkness became deeper.

Woosh –

A single eye appeared. It looked at Qin Yu and a strong thought was transferred to his mind, “Once you have recovered, follow my aura and enter the World of Darkness!”

Buzz –

In the vibration, Eye of Eternal Night disappeared. It was going to chase the Darkness Ruler who had escaped.

Qin Yu took a deep breath as he suppressed the murderous intent he felt. Since Eye of Eternal Night requested for him to go after recovering, he must know something.

Although this attack had caused severe damage to the Darkness Ruler and he even lost half his body, in the World of Darkness he was still an existence equivalent to a Ruler.

So if he wanted to kill the Darkness Ruler, he could not take too long. Otherwise, the Darkness Ruler may have some way to recover as well.

Qin Yu felt the urgency but no matter what, he had to deal with the things in front of him first.

Woosh –

Qin Yu flew to the Transcendent Sword Sect. Using his divine sense, he detected Soaring Sky’s aura. He was quite lucky. Although he was severely injured, it was not a big issue.

Waving his sleeve, the debris covering Soaring Sky was thrown off. When he saw Qin Yu, his face filled with gratitude.

“Mister Nine, thank you!”

Although he did not personally witness everything that happened today, he was able to sense it.

Qin Yu lifted his hand and touched the air. The restriction around Soaring Sky broke as he spoke, “I have something urgent to do and can’t stay long. I will leave this place to you.”

As he spoke, the sound of someone flying through the air could be heard. It was Rice Paper who had been hiding far away. After she saw the fight end, she finally dared to appear.

“Mister Nine!” She bowed respectfully, her voice filled with admiration.

Having seen Qin Yu’s terrifying power, Rice Paper thought that Mister Nine was the strongest after the Rulers in the Vast Brightness World.

It was to the point that if Mister Nine were to face a Ruler…Rice Paper did not think that Mister Nine would definitely lose.

Qin Yu nodded, “Rice Paper, stay here for the time being to help Soaring Sky deal with the Transcendent Sword Sect.” He paused for a while before continuing, “Don’t worry, something like this will not happen anymore.”

This was not a lie.

If there were no incidents, the Darkness Ruler would definitely not be able to survive this. After getting rid of him, Qin Yu would get the crown and become the new controller of the World of Darkness – although Eye of Eternal Night did not explicitly state this, this was most likely its plan. Only as a Darkness Ruler would he get a chance to enter the West Desolate.

At that time, no one would ask about what happened in Bounded Zero Place.

Having Qin Yu’s promise, Rice Paper felt relieved as she agreed.

Without it, she would not have dared to stay any longer at the Transcendent Sword Sect. For if someone with malicious intent saw her, she would be the unlucky one.

Lifting his hand to stop Soaring Sky from speaking, Qin Yu said, “I will be leaving first!”

He then lifted his hand to pull and a door suddenly appeared where the air was shaking violently.

It was made of thick and sturdy peach blossom tree wood. This was the Peach Garden’s Peach Wood Portal Door. Initially, because he was not sure where the Transcendent Sword Sect was located, he had no choice but to cross over the nothingness.

Now that Qin Yu was here, he was the strongest and clearest indicator and could call on the Peach Wood Portal Door to forcefully open a route back to the Peach Garden.

Of course, a cultivator had to be of a certain level to teleport such a long distance. But to Qin Yu, this was nothing.

After waiting for the portal door to completely form, Qin Yu pushed it open and stepped in.

Buzz –

After a faint vibration, variegated and messy lights appeared. Qin Yu waited until the lights stabilized before he pushed open the door and successfully reached the Peach Garden.

The movement from the teleportation could not be hidden from White Phoenix, who was controlling the defensive screen over the Peach Garden, as well as elder apprentice brother, who was now a True Saint.

When Qin Yu stepped out, the two of them were already waiting outside. Seeing that it was him, they both looked visibly relaxed and they smiled.

Elder apprentice brother was smiling as he spoke, “I knew that you would be fine.” But after he said it, he looked Qin Yu up and down and his expression changed slightly.

Qin Yu knew that he had found out about his Great Dao getting destroyed. He said, “Don’t worry, I am not like normal cultivators. Even if my Great Dao is not present, it is not life-threatening. Elder apprentice brother, don’t worry.” He paused and lowered his voice, “How is Peachy?”

Elder apprentice brother replied, “Junior-apprentice brother, don’t worry. After seeing your message, I took action immediately and she is stable.”

Qin Yu sighed in relief. This was the true reason why he rushed back to the Peach Garden. He had to first make sure that Peachy was fine.

He thought about it and said, “Elder apprentice brother, I will leave the Peach Garden again very soon. This time, there might be some danger. I will leave Peachy temporarily in your care. But elder apprentice brother, don’t worry. Once I am back, I will take over.”

Elder apprentice brother smiled softly, “Master was extremely good to me and it is only right that I take care of junior Apprentice Sister in the same way.”

Qin Yu greeted, “Thank you.”

Damaging his own Great Dao in order to lengthen Peachy’s life. This was the price the Spring Master paid because Peachy was his beloved daughter.

Qin Yu did this in order to save his companions and could not let Peachy die.

Comparatively, elder apprentice brother’s current actions were extremely noble. After all, to a True Saint, their Great Dao was their foundation and they could not afford to damage it at all.

Not everyone would be able to make such a decision!

Qin Yu nodded to White Phoenix before turning to leave. Time was of the essence. After ensuring that Peachy was fine, he could not delay any longer.

Seeing Qin Yu leave, White Phoenix looked stunned, “Elder apprentice brother, did junior-apprentice brother say that his…Great Dao…is gone…”

Although he heard it clearly, he could not help but swallow a chunk of saliva when he repeated it. He thought that it was unbelievable.

Elder apprentice brother coughed lightly, “Junior-apprentice brother has a secret and he is not the same as me. Do not be too shocked.”

He waved his hand and turned to leave.

White Phoenix’s mouth twitched as he was stupefied. How could he still be alive and kicking after his Great Dao was gone?

If there was no need to be shocked by this, then was there anything else in this world to be shocked for?

White Phoenix however, did not see elder apprentice brother’s face. After he turned away from White Phoenix, he looked extremely regretful.

When Qin Yu returned to his residence, he quickly chased Lei Xiaoyu away. She pouted unhappily and shut the door with a ‘bom’.


Growling, Qin Yu crossed his legs and sat, immediately going into a state of cultivation.

More accurately, he was trying to adjust his current powers to cooperate with Furnace to complete his Great Dao.

Buzz –

There was a vibration in the air and Furnace’s illusion appeared, covering Qin Yu.

In a flash, five days passed. Within the cultivation chamber, Qin Yu opened his eyes. The amount of time taken was a lot more than he thought. After asking Furnace, he confirmed his suspicion.

`Repairing after getting damaged’ was a lot more difficult and this was the same even for Qin Yu.

Simply put, although he had been very successful in forming his Great Dao at the start, after shattering it, trying to gather it once more was more difficult.

In the future, it would be the same.

Every time his Great Dao was shattered, the difficulty to gather it would increase. But at the same time, after reforming the Great Dao, the power and quality of it would increase as well.

This was some sort of consolation. However, Qin Yu was still slightly disappointed and indignant. He had to suppress his thoughts of breaking his Great Dao as a way to strengthen it.

It seemed like he should break his Great Dao less. Who knew if he would be unable to gather it one day after breaking it too many times. That would be a huge problem.

Of course, more importantly, the Great Dao that had been repaired multiple times would be stronger, but its connection with Qin Yu would also be stronger.

This meant that when it broke, Qin Yu would have to pay a greater price. Eventually, it may cause him to be like regular True Saints – once his Great Dao shattered, he would die!

But this was ultimately a problem for the future. Qin Yu took a deep breath and squashed all these thoughts. With his Great Dao mended, his internal injuries were easily solved.

Hoo, if other people were to find out that Qin Yu reformed his Great Dao in a mere five days after breaking it…hiss. All the True Saints in the world would be targeting him in the blink of an eye.

Stepping out of his residence, Qin Yu did not hesitate to call on the Peach Wood Portal Door. As he pushed the door open, he stepped in and there was a ‘buzz’. The portal door disappeared.

Very quickly, the portal door appeared once more. As Qin Yu pushed it open and stepped through, he returned to the small world that the Transcendent Sword Sect was in.

The portal door released a huge aura and startled the people. The numerous cultivators in the Transcendent Sword Sect stared at him with fear and respect in their eyes. Their unease was apparent.

Back then, the World of Darkness had made use of the Transcendent Sword Sect just to lure Qin Yu and did not massacre them all.

Or perhaps they had thoughts of taking the chance to subdue them and make up for their own losses previously. So although some people died, it was not many.

When the Peach Wood Portal Door appeared, Soaring Sky, who was talking to the head of the Transcendent Sword Sect, immediately rushed to say, “Mister Nine is here!”

Without waiting, he stood and rushed out. He appeared in midair and bowed to Qin Yu, “Greetings Mister Nine.”

Rice Paper appeared as well and bowed.

Qin Yu nodded and glanced at the Transcendent Sword Sect. he said immediately, “I will leave right away; you don’t have to mind me.”

He then closed his eyes and located Eye of Eternal Night’s aura.

Qin Yu was also someone who had a Light and Dark Body. Detecting auras was not difficult.


At this moment, he suddenly thought of something. With the level Eye of Eternal Night was at, he did not detect his Light and Dark Body?

Even if he did not know, as someone who had followed a Ruler, he must have heard of it before. If he considered it from this angle, perhaps the matter when Eye of Eternal Night was swallowed by the Darkness Ruler was not so simple.

There was a high probability that this was its plan all along. After all, attacking the enemy from within was a lot stronger than attacking from outside.

Tsk tsk, this Eye of Eternal Night was scheming and very brave. After all, being swallowed meant that he could die if he made any mistakes!

This was just a random thought and Qin Yu had no time to think of it now. This was because he was slightly anxious right now.

Truthfully speaking, Qin Yu was extremely anxious. After all, he was about to enter the World of Darkness and the World of Darkness was the Darkness Ruler’s homeground. If he had been tricked, Qin Yu would be giving his own head on a platter if he were to barge in now.

But now that things had turned to this, there was no turning back. If he waited until the Darkness Ruler recovered, he would really die.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his thoughts and his eyes lit up.

Found it!

The remnant aura from Eye of Eternal Night. As soon as he detected it, there was a reaction.

Buzz –

A black vortex suddenly appeared in front of him. It was extremely dark as if it linked to an unending abyss. Gritting his teeth, Qin Yu stepped into the darkness. His figure disappeared into the vortex.

Soaring Sky and Rice Paper saw this. Having personally experienced that battle a few days ago, they both were able to guess what Qin Yu had gone to do. They looked at each other and could sense the surge of emotions from within each of them.

Mister Nine was really the peak being in this world. He even dared to think of killing someone like the Darkness Ruler.

More importantly, within a few days, Mister Nine’s aura had returned to its peak and was even stronger than before.

His abilities made them admire him!

If only Soaring Sky and Rice Paper, who were full of admiration for Mister Nine, knew how scared he had been at that moment, their jaws would drop.

Woosh –

There was a flash in the air and the leader of the Transcendent Sword Sect, a Half-Saint, appeared. As he saw the black vortex disappear, his eyes were filled with gratitude and respect.

“Was that Mister Ninth from the Peach Garden?”

Soaring Sky nodded, “Yes leader, that was Mister Ninth.”

The leader gasp and smiled, “Alas, he is one of a kind. Just his appearance attracted everyone’s attention.”

He paused, “It is a pity Mister Ninth had to rush off, I was not able to thank him…but the black vortex just now had an ominous feeling. Mister Ninth is going…”

He looked at Soaring Sky in confusion.

Soaring Sky hesitated and decided that this was not a big secret. Since Mister Ninth appeared in front of everyone, it was obvious he did not mind people finding out.

Spitting out a breath, he lowered his voice, “Leader, I told you that the Darkness Ruler was defeated and had escaped. Mister Ninth…most likely went to the World of Darkness today.”

The leader’s eyes widened as his face froze. He knew a bit about the existence of the World of Darkness.

He felt reverence for the Darkness Ruler who was rumored to be extremely powerful and mysterious.

To be able to hurt him and force him to retreat was already something that was unbelievable. Why would anyone want to barge into his nest and try to get rid of him?

In the World of Darkness, the Darkness Ruler’s abilities and power were amplified. If Qin Yu failed and died, then wouldn’t their Transcendent Sword Sect be in huge trouble?

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