The appearance of the Barbarian King's tomb was just around the corner, and the West Desolate teams that were scattered around had finally gathered together.

The Night Demon Sect Master took the initiative to speak, and said with a heavy and apologetic tone, "I will not shirk responsibility for the accident caused by my carelessness. When this matter comes to an end, I will personally report it and bear the consequences."

Silence fell.

This silence was an implicit agreement that there was no other way to go about this matter at this time. Simultaneously, it was everyone's way of showing dissatisfaction.

The five teams had split up and entered the Western Barbarian Land, and only the Night Demon Sect Master's team met with an accident.

Although accidents were beyond anyone's control, for them to believe that it was really an 'accident'…hmph, as if!

"You and I are both deep inside the Western Barbarian Land. No matter which side's interests we represent, we are all in the same boat now. If this boat capsizes, it will not end well for anyone, so I would like to ask you to be more cautious next time."

The person who spoke was one of the two unfamiliar faces among the five peak-level Rulers. She looked like an ordinary middle-aged woman, and her aura was not much stronger than the rest.

But at this moment, since she spoke and the rest of the Rulers remained silent, it showed that she was indeed qualified to be here. The reason was quite simple. It was because this woman's surname was Zhou. To put it more bluntly, she represented the Royal Family's power and authority.

The Night Demon Sect Master looked sad, and nodded slightly without saying a word. The three Saints behind him looked angry and wanted to say something, but the Sect Master stopped them by raising his hand.

Ye Qin coughed lightly and said, "Although it's just a small matter, I think I should let you all know about this before entering the Barbarian King's tomb. The Darkness Ruler assigned under my command has left his post without authorization and his whereabouts are unknown. If anyone finds him, you are free to kill him immediately."

When he was speaking, he looked at Ye Ziling from the corner of his eyes, but Ye Ziling's expression was still cold and did not change at all. He did not know what to make of this.

The Darkness Ruler was a mere Saint, of course it was not worthy of being mentioned in front of the peak-level Rulers. The problem was that the Darkness Ruler represented the Sixth Prince's last hope. Now that he "left without authorization", and had probably defected, it meant that the Sixth Prince had completely plunged into the abyss, without any chance to rise in power again.

For the five peak-level Rulers, except for that middle-aged woman who represented the Royal Family, this was probably good news…at least, a trivial matter had been resolved.

Hong -

It was not space that was shattering, but the astonishing movement formed by raging winds that ripped apart the earth frantically.

Above their heads, countless bolts of lightning flashed and thunder roared. The huge shadow of the Barbarian King's tomb in the space rupture became clearer and clearer.

It gave the impression that the tomb was just very slightly short of descending completely.

But in fact, it had been in this state for a long time, and had never been able to cross this boundary.

The five peak-level Rulers raised their heads, and their eyes fell on the shadow of the Barbarian King's tomb. At this moment, there was enlightenment in all their hearts. Perhaps this was already the final state of the Barbarian King's tomb, and even if they continued to wait it would not descend completely.

As for the reason, no one really knew why. However, they guessed that it was probably a sort of defense mechanism made by the late Barbarian King.

Since the Barbarian King's tomb was not going to descend completely, there was no point in waiting any longer.

The middle-aged woman representing the West Desolate's Royal Family looked at the four people around her and said, "Everyone, let's go."


The five peak-level Rulers spread out, with three Saints following each of them. The Rulers each occupied a corner and if there was a line that connected them right now, it would form a pentagon.

Hum -

Hum -

The five peak-level Rulers raised their hands at the same time and placed them between their eyebrows. When their fingertips touched their skin, it instantly turned red, like viscous blood plasma.

At the same time, a strange, gloomy, cold, violent, destructive, solemn and majestic aura burst out from their bodies.

The space was distorting. Deep, rough lines and shadows emerged in the surrounding space.

At first, they were thin and weak, but as time passed, they gradually became more distinct. Gradually, the outline of five phantom huge stone statues could be seen.

They were of different shapes and sizes, but looking at them, these statues seemed to represent the same person.

"Come in!" the middle-aged woman representing the Imperial Palace ordered. The three Saints that followed her disappeared into the phantom statues.

One was in the statue's chest, and two were in the statue's legs.

The next moment, the stone statue's eyes suddenly lit up, as if awakened from a deep sleep. At the same time, Ye Qin, Ye Ziling and the other peak-level Rulers also completed the same action.

The phantoms of the five huge stone statues were resurrected at the same time!

Dong -

Dong -

A low and heavy sound came from the phantom of the stone statues, like a strong beating heart. The sound spread and dispersed throughout the space, causing layers of fluctuations like a stirred water surface.

The five stone phantoms had five 'hearts' that were beating at the same time. The fluctuations produced oscillations and collided with each other, making the whole situation even more chaotic.

However, this chaos also felt slightly mysterious.

The chaotic fluctuations produced by the oscillating space between the stone statues and the space rupture above their heads were highly overlapping.

And as time went by, they were becoming more and more synchronized with each other.

Dong -

Dong -

The 'heartbeats' became faster and faster, and the chaotic fluctuations became stronger with them, and when it reached a certain limit…

Whoosh -

The five stone statue phantoms, including the people in them, disappeared.


Deep underground, hiding himself in the darkness and wrapping himself in the Sunmoon Force Field, Qin Yu saw everything. His eyes were filled with surprise.

Even though he had already guessed that finding the remains of the Barbarian King was probably related to the Barbarian King's tomb descending, this incident was still unexpected.

With the help of the power of the five stone statues, the West Desolate's cultivators managed to break into the tomb…what should he do?

He would try recreating five more 'flesh altars', but he did not know how to do it. Even if he did, he did not have the time anyway. By the time he was done, perhaps all the treasures in the Barbarian King's tomb would have been taken away by others.

Hide yourself and wait for the right moment…great, now someone else used a method that he could not use to enter the tomb. He felt like he had been abandoned.

Hold on, don't panic!

Qin Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to rush out. He swept his eyes across the space rupture and looked at the current state of the tomb within it.

West Desolate people had successfully entered the tomb, but the process…felt a little too smooth-sailing.

What about the West Barbarians?

Were they really going to watch helplessly as West Desolate cultivators invaded their ancestor's tomb and stole their treasures?

There was something wrong!

For Qin Yu, this was a good sign. Otherwise, he would really have been left outside with no chance to steal the treasure for himself. Furthermore, he was neither on the West Desolate's nor the West Barbarians' side. If both of these sides fought each other, he would be happy to watch as a bystander.

To put it more bluntly, the bigger the conflict between them, the higher the possibility of Qin Yu getting an opportunity. Otherwise, if everything went smoothly, it would be difficult to get his hands on the Barbarian Clan treasure.

In other words, Qin Yu's best option now was to continue waiting…wait for the West Barbarians to respond! Of course, in fact, this was the only thing he could do now anyway.

Under the darkness that shrouded him, Qin Yu was more and more conscious. He completely restrained his aura and even closed both his eyes. He also stopped paying attention to the tomb in the space rupture.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half an hour had elapsed. The wait was boring, and anxiety gradually filled his whole heart. Just when Qin Yu was about to lose his hold, the West Barbarians that he was waiting for finally arrived.

The person leading all of them was extremely old, and one of his eyes was covered by a terrifying scar. He raised his head to look at the space rupture, and cold light flashed in his eye.

He was the Dark Night Tribe Commander!

Behind him, there were nearly a hundred of the strongest West Barbarians, including many tribe leaders and top-level powerhouses from each tribe.

All of them had terrifying auras. As they breathed through their noses and mouths, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, making the air suddenly feel condensed. It was difficult to breathe, like a mountain was pressing on one's chest!

Deep underground, Qin Yu, who was shrouded in darkness still, felt his heart shrinking. It felt like there were countless tiny sharp needles constantly trying to pierce his flesh and soul.

He felt extremely uncomfortable and uneasy, as if he was going to be discovered in the next moment.

"Chief, it's been more than half an hour since they entered the tomb." The space suddenly squirmed, and a thin figure emerged. He was crawling on the floor, and his body was naked. His flesh was covered with strange scriptures. Looking at him made one feel dizzy and disorientated.

There was actually a West Barbarian hiding here, yet the West Desolate's five peak-level Rulers did not notice at all.

Qin Yu was stunned internally and cold sweat soaked his inner clothes. He was shocked and happy at the same time. Thankfully he was careful just now, otherwise he might really have been exposed!

This also confirmed Qin Yu's thoughts from earlier…the West Barbarians had long ago detected the West Desolate's invasion of their territory!

They deliberately let Ye Qin, Ye Ziling, the Night Demon Sect Master and the others enter the tomb. They even waited for another half an hour before showing up.

This showed that the West Barbarians were confident that the cultivators from the West Desolate would not be able to get their hands on the Barbarian Clan's treasure so easily.

Or, it was simply a plan for them to kill these West Desolate cultivators!

The Dark Night Tribe Commander laughed coldly and said, "Our guests must have been waiting for a very long time, let's not delay this any longer." He reached into his arms and took out a black stone which shattered into powder with a 'ka-cha' sound.

The Barbarian King's tomb that hid within the space rupture suddenly erupted with a rich, black light that fell straight down like an arrow, wrapping the Dark Night Tribe Commander within.

He stepped forward, and as if he was stepping on stone stairs, he ascended towards the sky. The rest of the strong barbarians followed behind him.

"Night Shadow, you stay here and defend this place. When all of us have entered, close the passage," a commanding voice came from a distance. The thin boy who had scriptures all over his body, bowed to the ground and respectfully listened to his orders.

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