Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1494: Behaved Correctly

This was his chance!

Qin Yu had been patiently waiting in the darkness. Over a hundred barbarians had entered

the tomb through the passage.

When the last person disappeared into the darkness, his eyes opened and there was a

sinister glimmer.

He had to move fast!

Once the passage closed, Qin Yu did not think that he would be able to re-open it.

Boom -

The ground broke apart and he flew out. He looked furious, "Night Shadow, you betrayed the commander. But with me around, you can forget about betraying the Western Han Clan!"

Night Shadow…was stunned!

He was really stunned. He stared as an unfamiliar cultivator emerged and charged at him.

For a moment, his brain lagged.

Was he one of the commander's men? With how cautious the commander was, he could have made some preparations. But I didn't do anything, so why is he saying that I am betraying?!

"Stop! What are you…" Night Shadow's shout abruptly fell short because the unfamiliar barbarian's speed rapidly increased in the air.

A murderous aura surged over and surrounded him, causing his entire body to freeze!

"He wants to kill me…" As soon as he thought this, Night Shadow charged towards the passage. He reacted very quickly but it was too late.

Qin Yu pretended to be a barbarian and took the first step in order to gain critical time. It seemed like just a few seconds, but it was enough for him to do a lot of things.

For example, killing someone!

Bam -

With a heavy sound, Night Shadow's head split open. The horrifying energy continued to surge like a torrent through his body and he lost all chance of surviving.

This trained scout from the Dark Night Tribe had amazing concealment abilities and could even hide from peak Rulers. But his true powers could not be compared to his concealment abilities.

It cost a lot of resources to groom such an outstanding scout. Hence, there was also a price to pay for killing him.

For example, Scripture Backlash!

In the moment that this barbarian died, the scriptures carved on the surface of his skin suddenly came alive like a black poisonous snake. It flew towards Qin Yu and in the moment that they touched, it entered his body.

Qin Yu frowned. Before he could react, glowing purple words appeared on his forehead.

At the same time, he could hear soft breaking sounds.

Crack -

Crack -

Like a dam resisting flood waters, it seemed to reach its limit and was about to burst.

Qin Yu obtained the purple words on his forehead, also known as a Curse Immunity Rune, from bearing curses from the Endless Sea. It was obvious that this rune was reaching its limit from resisting the curses from this barbarian.

If it entered Qin Yu's body, it may or may not be life-threatening but it would definitely be extremely troublesome. Before he entered the tomb, this was something Qin Yu could not bear!

"Stone Pagoda!"

Qin Yu growled. He only wished that Stone Pagoda could surprise him at this critical moment.

But then, there was a vibration from within him. Someone had beaten Stone Pagoda to it.

It was Furnace!

Buzz -

The Great Dao in Qin Yu's body changed suddenly and released an endless eerie cold and silence.

In the next moment, the purple rune on his forehead glowed even brighter. A faint gold color appeared from the deep purple.

Initially, it was just a faint color. But soon it spread, and within a few seconds, the entire rune changed to a light gold color.

The cracking noise was gone and all that was left was the sound of chewing and swallowing. All the black scriptures that entered his body were being eaten.

It was a Great Dao with curse attributes!

Qin Yu's face lit up in delight. He realized that taking the risk to kill Ning Xiao back in the capital was the right decision.

Furnace's transformation improved his Great Dao and helped him through two obstacles!

A Great Dao that could change attributes…this was enough to give many surprises. Along with his ability to change into multiple forms, he would be able to copy any Saint from the West Desolate that had been 'recognized' by the capital.

If even his Great Dao was the same, who would be able to tell the difference?

Taking a deep breath, he momentarily suppressed his thoughts. Qin Yu looked at the black pillar and stepped in.

The truth was that the safest method now was to wait a while before entering the imperial tomb.

At least, he should wait until most of the powerful West Barbarians had gone ahead in order to minimize the risk of getting detected and dying a horrible death.

But after killing the barbarian scout and facing the backlash of the black scriptures, Qin Yu was not certain that he would not be detected by other strong cultivators. Hence, he could only quickly enter the imperial tomb and avoid incidents.

The black light seemed like just a light ray. However, only after entering would one realize that it was not that simple. Its texture was viscous like a smooth oil. It felt like there was a heavy pressure.

Taking a step forwards, Qin Yu pushed apart the pressure and went ahead.

Just as he reached the outside of the space rupture and was about to enter, his expression changed as he felt a strong unease.

Stopping, Qin Yu frowned. There were a series of 'cracks' that could be heard from within his body and he shrunk.

He became skinny, and on his flesh, there were numerous strange scriptures.

In a flash he had turned into the barbarian scout that he had just killed!

In this process, the gold curse rune on Qin Yu's forehead appeared and the words on his body became alive.

That's right, alive!

Not only did he look like the barbarian scout, even the curse attribute was the same.

After changing his aura and ensuring that there were no gaps, Qin Yu took a deep breath and stepped in.

Boom -

In the moment that Qin Yu entered the space rupture, a horrifying aura washed over him.

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly understood. It was a way of preventing anyone who wasn't from the Barbarian Clan from entering the imperial tomb.

If he did not realize this and had just stepped in, he would have clashed with the destructive aura that had just washed over him. Qin Yu would have been crushed!

Everything the West Desolate did previously was most likely to avoid this and successfully enter the imperial tomb.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the joy and fear that he felt. Qin Yu looked up and saw the imperial tomb.

The end of the passage was about to be reached.

He continued on forwards. The sticky black light shone on the solid and thick stone walls of the imperial tomb.

Hesitating slightly, Qin Yu reached out. In the moment that his fingers touched the stone wall, he felt a strong pull.

He did not resist and allowed the energy to surround him. His entire body passed through the stone wall and he entered the imperial tomb.

Woosh -

Beads of cold sweat could be seen on his forehead.

It was because Qin Yu was now surrounded by the Barbarian Clan.

Numerous sinister eyes were staring right at him!

The commander of the Dark Night Tribe was staring at him coldly, "Night Shadow, what happened?"

Having heard from the Ruler, Qin Yu had learned Barbarian Clan's language and talking was not an issue.

He thought quickly and without hesitating, he fell to the ground as if in shock. His voice trembled, "Co…commander, after you all left, there were some cultivators from the West Desolate that emerged from the ground. I was not their match and could only enter the passage in panic…"

The commander of the Dark Night Tribe sneered, "How dare you lie to me. Kill him!"


Qin Yu shouted as his forehead was drenched in sweat. He could sense the murderous intent from the barbarians around him.

It was obvious that if he did not do something, he would really die.

As for fighting back…with just him, he would die even if he exhausted all his skills.

"Good, it seems like you have decided to tell the truth. Then tell me who you are…you actually dare to pretend to be our scout. You don't know…the real secret of our scouts!"

The commander was looking at him oppressively, "This is your last chance. I hope you make a decision that you don't regret."

He was talking too much, and this seemed abnormal.

Qin Yu felt as if he had caught onto something, he quickly glanced to the side. After confirming that he had no chance of escaping…he could only give it a shot!

He closed his eyes and shouted, "Commander, everything that I am saying is real. Because I am your scout, you should know that I am me!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The death he was waiting for did not come, and Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes. He saw the commander frowning.

Qin Yu had bet correctly!

The scouts from the Dark Night Tribe had such incredible concealment ability for two reasons. The first was talent, while the second one was the scriptures given to them by the tribe.

Not only were the scriptures able to give them a strong concealing ability, they were also crucial in confirming their identity…or more accurately, these scriptures would ensure that scouts remained loyal to the commander and not do anything to betray them.

Because the scriptures carved onto their bodies were like a lamp in the darkness to commanders and it was not possible to hide.

With the same logic, no one would be able to impersonate the scouts after they died.

Because although the appearance of the scriptures could be faked, the charm and aura was impossible to replicate. There was also the curse from the tribe that would be impossible to mimic.

But this was the part the commander could not understand. He had clearly sensed the death of the scout earlier on.

Unless, he had sensed wrongly…or maybe, it was this tomb that disrupted his connection with the outside world.

It would have not been possible at other places, but here was the tomb of the last Barbarian King. It had a suppressing force over all barbarians. It could somewhat explain the situation.

He had chosen correctly!

Qin Yu felt emotional. It felt as if he had been standing at death's door. However, he did not show any of these emotions. He knew that the chopper was still above his head and could fall at any moment.

"Get up." The commander of the Dark Night Tribe said slowly and the murderous intent from the other barbarians disappeared.

Qin Yu struggled to stand and at this moment, the commander spoke once more, "Since you are here, pass me back the thing I handed you."

Stunned, Qin Yu raised his head, his face full of puzzlement, "Commander, what did you say?"

The commander looked at him but did not answer, "Destroy the passage!"

The barbarians seemed to hesitate, but eventually, they obeyed him. They shouted and a few of them started hammering the walls of the tomb.

A strong force caused them to fly into the air and blood spurted out of their noses and mouths. But their actions had caused the black pillars to shatter.

At this moment, the tomb's connection with the outside world was broken. Unless someone was able to get the inheritance and reopen the passage.

"Stay here and rest, the rest shall follow me." The commander turned to instruct, "Night Shadow, go and find the way."

"Yes Commander!"

This was when Qin Yu had truly passed.

The most dangerous part was the final questioning. If he had hesitated in the slightest, he would have been killed without hesitation.

But Qin Yu knew that entering the tomb was to find the chance to become a Half-King.

But at a time like this, any strong cultivator from the Barbarian Clan would utilize all available power and not leave any outside.

So he had behaved correctly and successfully survived.

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