The imperial tomb was like a palace complex on a grand scale. Although the construction style looked rough, it was majestic in its own unique way. But the most amazing thing about these palaces was that they did not have any roofs.

If one lifted one's head to look up, only pitch blackness could be seen. It was like an endless night that could swallow and drown everything.

Qin Yu was now staring at the darkness above him, his brows slightly furrowed.

When he looked at this darkness, he understood why Li Zhouyi had gone to great lengths to find the 'Darkness Ruler' as his last hope to gain power.

At first glance, this night sky seemed rather normal, but its aura seemed to be connected to the entire imperial tomb. It could even be said that it was the foundation for the existence of this tomb.

This was because the palace complex in the imperial tomb was not really without a roof, but the roof was integrated into the darkness…in other words, the palace complex was part of this night sky.

Qin Yu had already received some reminders from Her Excellency and was not surprised by this. What he really cared about was that this darkness did not seem as simple as it appeared to be on the surface. There seemed to be something else that was hidden in it.

He could not really sense what it was.

After thinking about it, the Darkness Crown appeared on his head, and the Eye of Eternal Night that was in the center flashed.

"Furnace!" Qin Yu said with a low voice, and the attributes of his Great Dao changed instantly. Absolute darkness gushed out from Qin Yu's body, wrapping him within so that he had become a part of it.

At this moment…he was the Darkness Ruler!

No, in terms of the power that he could mobilize, he was even stronger than the Darkness Ruler.

The darkness that covered the entire imperial tomb suddenly became clear at this moment.

Tiny spots of light emerged in the depths of the darkness, shining like stars.

Behind the darkness, there were an endless amount of stars. If you saw it for yourself, you would have found it unbelievable!

What were these stars? Why would they be hiding in the darkness? It was not like they could be naturally shy and embarrassed to show themselves.

Qin Yu frowned, staring at the stars and trying to find out their hidden secrets.

As he continued to stare, he was suddenly in a trance. In the endless sea of stars, he found a single eye.

Whoosh -

Cold sweat broke out instantly, densely covering his forehead. His face turned pale and fear started to fill his heart.

This single eye…

Stop thinking about it!

He could not think about it, otherwise he would be noticed!

Qin Yu did not know who this eye belonged to, but he could feel its extremely dangerous aura. If his identity was exposed to the owner of this eye, he would end up in a terrifying situation.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the fear in his heart, he managed to regain his composure after a while.

Whoosh -

With a flash, Qin Yu quickly left the place.

As he moved quickly, the thoughts turned in his mind at great speed. This place was the Tomb of the Barbarian King, so the eye that was hiding in the endless sea of stars must have something to do with this place.

In other words, it must be related to that infinitely powerful Ancient Barbarian King's existence. Or, to make a bolder guess, it was that Barbarian King's eye!

The tide of fear that washed over him became even more turbulent. Could it be that the Barbarian King had not died yet?

The reality was indeed even more exciting and bizarre. Qin Yu never imagined that other than the West Desolate and the West Barbarians, if he wanted to get his hands on the Barbarian Clan Treasure to complete Her Excellency's assignment, he would have to face an even greater and even more terrifying enemy.

Even though he did not have much understanding about this Barbarian King who had been 'dead' for many years, he could infer that this person was at least in the Half-King realm, because he had tried to enter the King realm back in the old days.

If such an existence really had not died, then everyone who broke into his tomb trying to steal his treasures had stepped into the gates of hell, with virtually no chance of escaping alive at all!

Naturally, this included Qin Yu.

Was he anxious?

Bullshit, of course he was anxious, anyone else would be if they knew this.

However, panicking in such a situation was not helpful at all. It would only make him die faster. Therefore, even though Qin Yu was anxious, he kept telling himself not to panic. It really was a contradictory and weird situation.

Stay calm, I have to stay calm.

The most important point was if this Barbarian King was really still alive, then he would not stay silent if someone started to dig up his grave.

Yes, this must be the case!

Thinking of this, Qin Yu's heart calmed down a little and was finally able to take a breath.

According to his speculation, the Barbarian King was indeed alive, but since he had remained silent so far, it showed that it was probably difficult for him to take action. At least until now, he had not made his move.

There could be many reasons for this, but no matter which one it was, it showed that the Barbarian King could not act recklessly because there were many constraints.

Qin Yu's eyes shone and he felt that he had to change the way he thought.

Before, what he thought about was how to provoke a conflict between the West Desolate and the West Barbarians. After all, he was not close to both parties.

If both parties fought with each other to the death, it would be the best situation for Qin Yu as all he would need to do was reap the benefits.

Now…he could not do that anymore.

The biggest enemy now was that eye that was hiding in the darkness behind the endless amount of stars, the owner of this imperial tomb. He had to find a way to make the West Desolate and the West Barbarians realize this as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if they fought with each other, who was going to deal with the final boss?

The problem was, how was he going to go about it?

Qin Yu stopped in his tracks. He had a vague idea, but he still needed to test it.

First, he needed to verify if his idea was feasible. Secondly, it was just Qin Yu's speculation…what if this was all just him overthinking?

He needed to prepare for both outcomes.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yu flicked his fingers and a drop of blood flew out. This drop of blood contained a powerful aura and his vigorous vitality.

With the naked eye, his blood looked the same. However, Qin Yu felt that it had changed…just that he had not noticed it.

Frowning and carefully observing it for a while, he still did not get any insights. Qin Yu thought for a few moments, before he raised his hand and tapped his forehead lightly to activate the connection with his Divine Nation.

Back then, since he had established the strong Ancient Barbarian Nation, he naturally would have interacted with a Divine Nation. From this aspect, Qin Yu might be able to get some insights.

It turned out that doing this was effective!

Just when Qin Yu activated his connection with the Divine Nation, he could see that his blood had some obvious changes.

Different from what his naked eye could see, the 'Divine Nation senses' could reveal that the drop of blood seemed to have completely lost its vitality.

The reason for this was because of the extraction power that enveloped the entire imperial tomb which stole vitality from living beings.

This extraction power came from the darkness above their heads which covered the entire imperial tomb. To be more precise, it was the stars that were responsible for this.

Qin Yu did not know the final destination of where his vitality went, but it was enough for him to make an accurate judgment - there was something wrong with that eye that hid in the darkness, and it was the one that was stealing everyone's vitality!

Peak-level Rulers meant that they were on the verge of entering the King realm, and their senses were naturally amazing. Even without the Divine Nation, they would be able to detect that something was wrong.

Then…let's take action!

In fact, Qin Yu's plan was very simple. His current identity was Night Shadow, a scout of the Dark Night Tribe, and he was indeed a very outstanding scout. At least when it came to hiding his aura, no one else in this imperial tomb was better than him.

Therefore, it was not difficult to find the West Desolate cultivators that had also invaded this tomb.

It was a very simple thing to scatter some 'tentacles' from both parties so that they would collide with each other.

However, the West Desolate and the West Barbarians were like fire and water. The blood feud between them has lasted for generations and the moment they met each other, their eyes reddened with hatred, much less in this place, the Barbarian King's tomb.

The West Desolate cultivators thought that they had been discovered!

Whereas, the West Barbarians thought that these bastards were invading their ancestor's grave…there was not much to say. The moment they met, they fought each other to the death.

It was violent and intense. Both sides suffered from heavy casualties and after seeing that they could not completely defeat each other, they could only retreat strategically to get help from larger troops.

The dozen or so cultivators from both parties quickly retreated with hateful glares.

Qin Yu's figure appeared somewhere not far from the battlefield. He had done everything he could, he just hoped that they were not a bunch of idiots.

Whoosh -

With a flash, he disappeared.

Half an hour later, Qin Yu returned to where the West Barbarians were and bowed, "Commander, I have found where the West Desolate cultivators are!"

It was the truth, and when the scriptures on the surface of his body started to glow, the Dark Night Tribe Commander could directly sense where he had been.

Honestly, this was the best decision!

The Dark Night Tribe Commander glanced at him and said, "Get up."

Qin Yu respectfully got up, glanced around, and could not help frowning secretly…there was a problem! The West Barbarians who were fighting against the West Desolate cultivators should have returned to report the situation already.

Yet, the West Barbarians seemed very calm…could it be that they did not notice the problems in their body at all?

If that was the case, then that would be troublesome. Qin Yu could not possibly directly explain the matter and say that he saw an eye!

"Night Shadow, continue to monitor the West Desolate cultivators, do not let them know that you are there. If there is any activity, report it back to us."

Qin Yu received the order and turned to leave, his eyes flashing slightly.

This was good. Since there was no clear answer from the West Barbarian side for the time being, he could go take a look at the West Desolate side.

He might gain some insights!


The West Desolate cultivators that broke into the imperial tomb a step ahead did not look very good. The reason was because they seemed to realize that they had underestimated the dangers in the imperial tomb.

The stone statues that could resurrect were bringing them a lot of trouble. Even though there were five peak-level Rulers to prevent anyone from getting injured, the speed of their progress slowed down significantly. They were now much slower than what they had originally planned.

And at the same time, there was the West Barbarians' sudden ambush, which made them feel uneasy.

Sure enough, the West Barbarians had already made the necessary preparations for the descent of the imperial tomb.

The fact that they successfully entered the tomb without much trouble was probably part of the West Barbarians' plan too. If that really was the case, then they must be even more cautious with their upcoming plans.

The five peak-level Rulers ordered all teams to maintain a high level of vigilance, and they arranged for Saints to split up and patrol the surrounding area to ensure that they would not be ambushed when they were resting and recovering.

In the quiet hall, on the top of a giant stone statue, a West Desolate Saint quietly laid down on his stomach. His heartbeat had almost come to a stop, and he completely sealed his aura.

Only his eyes, which were cold and silent, stared at the corners of the hall. He was ordered to stay here to look over them, and if something went wrong, he could immediately send a signal.

Suddenly, this Saint frowned as if he detected something, but when he used his divine sense, he found nothing.

Was it a delusion?

He hesitated, unsure whether he should send out a signal or not. Then, his eyes suddenly widened. The next moment, his pupils froze and then returned to darkness.

A black shadow appeared behind him and glowed slightly. Then, a figure walked out of it. Looking at the appearance, it looked like that West Desolate Saint who had just died.

Looking down, he waved his sleeves, and dark energy quietly flowed out, wrapping the corpse inside and crushing it into powder.

Hu -

He blew lightly, and all traces of that Saint were gone!

Qin Yu glanced around at the surroundings while patiently crouching on top of the stone statue, maintaining the same posture as that unlucky Saint just now and quietly waiting for the shift rotation.

Half an hour later, he could hear the sound of footsteps. Qin Yu flew down the stone statue. Frowning, he said, "Be careful, do not make any noise."

After speaking, he quickly left without waiting for the next guard to speak. Coincidentally, Qin Yu happened to see this scene when he entered the place where the West Desolate cultivators were recovering.

"Five Rulers, we've taken care of the Saint that died. The remaining wounded have also been treated. Fortunately, their injuries were not too serious…" Having said this, the person who came to report also continued hesitantly, "However, something seems to be wrong with their condition…"

This person obviously had more to say, but the Royal Family's peak-level Ruler held up her arm and interrupted him, "Alright, I understand. You may go and take a rest first."

Her eyes looked straight at him with a fierce expression.

"…Yes, Your Excellency," the Saint bowed his head and left.

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