Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1496: The Woman Who Picks Peaches

The five peak-level Rulers made a decision after a brief discussion, leaving two Saints to take care of the wounded while the rest continued to explore the Tomb of the Barbarian King.

Everyone knew that it was an extremely dangerous move to leave the shelter of the five peak-level Rulers after the West Barbarian tribes had also entered the place. If they were caught by the West Barbarians, there would only be death.

However, regardless of whether it was the injured or the two Saints, when facing the five peak-level Rulers, they had no say in the plan. They could only accept whatever was decided.

As the team began to move, with Qin Yu a part of them, he tried to keep a low profile for fear of someone noticing his true identity.

After all, one's cultivation level and aura could be copied, but usual behavior and habits were not something he could imitate.

The good news was that these West Desolate cultivators came from all walks of life and were not familiar with each other. Coupled with Qin Yu's intention to keep a low profile, everything went smoothly for a while.

The reason why he continued to stay was to confirm whether or not the West Desolate and the West Barbarians had already noticed what he had discovered.

Just now, that Saint's report had been interrupted, which was indeed out of the ordinary.

Qin Yu saw what happened, but it was not enough. This was a life and death matter, and he had to double confirm it.

Because the previous journey had already been traversed by the West Desolate cultivators, Qin Yu did not encounter too much danger. Now that he was traveling with these 'pioneers', he could feel how terrifying this Barbarian King's tomb was.

The most terrifying things were the stone statues that were everywhere. They were resurrected the moment they felt the breath of life. Even though they looked rough and had a strong barbarian style in appearance, the speed and power they possessed were shocking.

It seemed to be because they had absorbed some kind of power after being soaked in the tomb's energy over the long years. The stone statues were indestructible, and terrifying power burst out with every small gesture.

Qin Yu saw with his own eyes how a Saint from the West Desolate flew out with a punch from a resurrected stone statue, and blood spurted out from his nose and mouth. If it was not for the intervention of the peak-level Ruler who instantly shattered the stone statue, this Saint would have been killed on the spot.

The most bizarre and terrifying thing was that the shattered stone statues were not destroyed, but could instantly restore themselves back to their original location…it was as if they fell into a deep sleep once again, silently accumulating strength and power, waiting for their next awakening.

Seeing that the West Desolate cultivators were not surprised by this scene, Qin Yu knew that this was something they had encountered before. It was likely that they had tried, but there was no way to completely destroy these stone statues in the tomb.

Even a peak-level Ruler was unable to do it…as soon as he thought of this, Qin Yu's gaze towards the stone statues was filled with awe.

Vaguely, he felt that these stone statues, which had terrifying power and could not be completely destroyed, were not so simple.

His mind was blurry, and some thoughts flashed through his head, but he still could not really grasp the most important part. Qin Yu frowned, and just when he was in deep thought, he felt someone approaching.

He raised his head and looked to his side. He was slightly startled, but his face remained calm.

Blood Flag's eyes were very cold, like two arrows piercing through Qin Yu's chest.

"Do you need something?"

Because Qin Yu was not sure how to react, he could only try to be brief. Since Blood Flag was right in front of him now, he could no longer remain silent, otherwise it would be very suspicious.

However, brief words often represented a tough attitude. At this moment, Qin Yu was keenly aware that there were many eyes looking at him now, slightly surprised.

They did not expect Qin Yu to treat Blood Flag with this attitude.

He had made a slip-up!

Qin Yu thought to himself, 'this is not good', but he kept his composure. He knew very well that he could not panic now. If someone found that he was panicking, he would be exposed.

"This is your decision?" Blood Flag said slowly.

To be honest, Qin Yu was completely unaware of what was going on, but he still had to act like he was calm and knew this whole situation.

It was quite a psychological test and also required top-class acting skills to be able to do this.

The good thing was that Qin Yu was not lacking in both areas, so he paused for a while before nodding his head.

He just used one action to give his reply. As the saying went, the more you do, the more mistakes you might make, and the less you do, the fewer mistakes you might make.

"Very good!" Blood Flag sneered and turned to leave.

At this moment, Qin Yu could feel the surprise and admiration in the eyes that were looking at him.

Hmm, no, why does someone's expression look so heated…

Quietly, Qin Yu swept his gaze over and was almost blinded by the fiery eyes of the other party. Fortunately, it was a woman. If it was a man, Qin Yu could not guarantee that he could have maintained his act.

The five peak-level Rulers never looked his way, and they obviously did not wish to waste their time and energy because of a small conflict between two brats.

When this wave of statue attacks was over, they announced that they would take a break here, and everyone dispersed.

Qin Yu walked to a corner, and before he could think about anything, his face changed slightly.

That woman who was looking at him just now walked over!

She went up to Qin Yu, her eyes burning brightly. "It seems that you still think of me…" Her words were extremely gentle and sweet.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, nodded, and said nothing.

The rules were the same; if he could stay silent, then he would be silent. If he spoke too much, he would get stared at by these small eyes. It made him feel itchy inside!

The woman glared at him and paused slightly, "Xu Anyu, do you have to be so petty? Although I was a bit mean to you, could it be…hmph, come with me!"

She turned and walked away.

This area had already been cleared out, so it was temporarily safe. As long as they were not far from the team, it would be fine.

However, though they were not very far away, it was far enough for them to not be heard or seen.

Maybe it was the tomb, but as long as there was more than a hundred meters between two people, movements were hard to detect.

He could use his Divine Nation's power to detect some movement, but not all. Even if this was the case, it was enough to be helpful to him. In this tomb, he was far more 'sensitive' than others.

This was why he was able to find a group of West Desolate cultivators so easily in this big imperial tomb. It was also the reason why he was so able to assassinate Xu Anyu so easily earlier on, without giving him any time to react at all.

Should he follow her…

Qin Yu only hesitated for a second before deciding to follow her. It was not because this woman was quite beautiful, but because the eyes that were looking at him told him that there would be trouble if he did not.

When the eyes behind him that were looking at him were blocked, Qin Yu stopped.

The woman who was leading the way turned around and rushed over. Qin Yu withdrew the punch that he was about to give.

In the next moment, she hugged him, and he could smell her warm fragrance and her smooth and soft touch. In short, it felt very good.

"Damn you, I knew you would give that thing to others. Even though Blood Flag is powerful, as long as you are with me, you don't have to be afraid of him at all!"

The woman twisted her body as she spoke.

This gave Qin Yu a strange feeling. All the Saints that he had met before kept a dignified appearance; when would they ever be so loosely behaved?

Did Saints just act very dignified in public and were actually like this in private, or was this woman an exception? Cough, no matter how he thought about this, the former seemed more possible.

Stop, there's no time to let your thoughts run wild now!

Qin Yu coughed lightly, put both his hands on her shoulders, and softly pushed her away, "That's enough, this is not the right place to do this."

It would not be good if he was too harsh about it, but it was even worse to be hugged. He felt burdened.

The woman huffed and suddenly lowered her hand. Qin Yu took a step back, narrowly avoiding the peach-picking hand.

Sss -

This time, he was really taken aback!

Were Saints so touchy with each other like this in private?

The woman glared at Qin Yu, gritted her teeth, and said, "What's with you? When you were in my room last time, you were not like this."

Qin Yu lowered his head and did not speak. Firstly, it was because he did not know what to say. Secondly, he was afraid that if he did say something, he would get more inappropriate details that he did not want to know.

"Hmph! Just wait and see how I will bite you next time…" the woman said fiercely, but her eyes became watery and she subconsciously licked her red lips.

Qin Yu was stunned!

Speaking of, how did it feel to experience shocking things time after time? Whatever it was, Qin Yu felt sour inside, thinking that the noble circle of people was probably very chaotic.

"Where's that thing?"

The coldness hit Qin Yu's heart instantly. He thought he had managed to escape that situation just now. He coughed lightly, "It's not the right time…"

As for when the right time was, no one knew.

The woman glanced at him, "You are so cautious that you can't even trust me…fine, just wait, I will bring you to see Her Excellency."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Her slender waist and big buttocks twisted from side to side in front of him, making her look very charming.

Qin Yu suddenly felt that it would be better for him to leave as soon as possible. If he continued staying here, he was afraid that there would be a big problem.

But what the woman said just now seemed to have another meaning. Qin Yu was just feeling frustrated over not being able to get a confirmation about that incident, which made him a little unwilling to leave now.

After hesitating again and again, Qin Yu gritted his teeth and returned to the team, where he received a few contemptuous eyes. At first, he did not respond. He walked for a few steps before coming to a realization, which made his heart tremble.

Did the Saints in the West Desolate have nothing better to do? What dirty thoughts were they having in those brains of theirs?!

This body, this aura, this gaze…cough, even if this body isn't mine, my aura and gaze should be enough for you to know what kind of an upright man I am!

It was such a short time that they went away for! Even if he spent ten times longer with her, or even a hundred times, he still would not be tempted!

Qin Yu laughed coldly, but it was not like he had the time to think about such things now. However, this matter was related to a man's dignity, and he found it unbearable to leave it like this.

When the team had almost finished recovering, that woman came over again and said, "Let's go, Her Excellency wants me to bring you to her."

She was quite efficient!

Qin Yu, of course, had no objection. He nodded, got up, and followed her. He wanted to ask a few questions, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he did not even know this woman's name.

Uh…this seems a bit too much…maybe I shouldn't ask…

Qin Yu shut his mouth and followed her through a corridor and entered a large hall. In this process, he could clearly see the envious looks coming from behind him.

Sure enough, the source of malice was jealousy!

Huh? It's her!

Qin Yu really did not expect that the one who would be in this large hall was the Royal Family's peak-level Ruler. Even though he was surprised, he did not let it show on his face. He quickly stepped forward and bowed to greet her, "Xu Anyu greets Your Excellency!"

He had to be thankful to that woman who had almost succeeded in picking his peaches…otherwise, Qin Yu would not even have known about his 'own' name.

"Get up," the Royal Family's peak-level Ruler said calmly. "Don't worry, as long as you are loyal to me, I will keep you safe."

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