Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 107.

"That's not good!" , Subaru rudely interrupted Chihuahua's words. "The body is the foundation of playing basketball, and the hands are even more important, and even without those reasons, Chihuahua should know how to love her body, you know?"

"Oh, oh... but I still don't think it's that serious-"

"Don't say that, come on, stand up." , Subaru carefully let Chihuahua put her hand on his shoulder and then helped him up. "Miss Neisei, please take us there."

"Yes." , Naisei bowed. "Young Master Hasegawa, Miss Chihuahua, please come this way."

Halfway there, as if suddenly remembering something, Subaru shouted to the back, "Ah, you four play here first, I'll take Jihana back to get bandaged up and come over!"


Nodding, Subaru helped Chihuahua walk to the villa together with Naisei behind her.

"Nah, do you guys have the feeling that Subaru seems to be concerned about Jihana." , Shinefan said as he looked at the back of the three and suddenly elbowed Saeki next to him.

"Subaru-chan has always been so gentle la, but...", Saeki cupped her chin thoughtfully. "It looks exaggerated this time, it's the first time I've ever seen Subaru-nii-san so flustered, and he was talking about bandaging it when it was clearly just a bump..."

Ally thought for a moment, then spoke up, "I guess Subaru-san felt sorry for making Chihaya hurt, and that's why he thought to make up for it."

"Yeah, that's right." , Manabu placed his hands on the back of his head and kicked the small pile of sand by his feet in boredom. "If I was the one who got hurt, I wonder what Subaru would have done."

"...There wouldn't be that many ifs lah, if Shinefan was injured Subaru-niichan would definitely be like that too."

"Well, that's true, Subaru and the others will be here later, but before that, let's go for a little swim! I was sweating just now after running for so long!" , True Sail displayed a smile and took the lead in rushing towards the sea.


"That's fine." , Naisei smoothed out the potion dripping on Jihana's arm and put the medical kit away.

"Hey? Is that enough? Don't you need a bandage or something? Or maybe a little more massage to soothe the muscles or something-"

"Young Master Hasegawa." , Naisei said as he put away the medical kit. "Chihika-san is just a slight pain in the muscles of her arm, far from a fracture, you're overly worried."


"Then I'll go to Miss Manabu-san's place first. If you'll excuse me for a moment." , Naesei bowed and walked out of the room after setting up the medical kit.

"Hey, Subaru-san, I'm fine, it was just a mild pain, but now after applying the medicine it doesn't hurt at all, you see." , said Jihana, waving her hand and showing it to Subaru.

"I see, then I'm relieved." , Seeing that Chihuahua had no painful expression at all, Subaru was relieved. "Right, I'm sorry, Chihika..."

"Well~~", Jihana shook her head. "I don't blame Subaru-san, it was just a small accident, and I wasn't hurt."

"Then, let's go back!"


The two were walking on the pathway from the villa to the beach, when it was completely dark and the pathway was illuminated one by one by street lamps. From this side you could faintly see a glow on the beach, and it looked like the beach barbecue had already started.

"That, Subaru-san, is it okay if I ask you a question?" , Chihuahua folded her hands in front of her and suddenly spoke.

"What, you said."

"It's just, it's just that when we were having dinner today, Uncle Kazuya said that he wanted you to get engaged and, that, the, the, the engagement and all that, why did Subaru-san refuse at the time?"

"Hey?" Subaru didn't expect Chihaya to ask that question, and after a slight stare he still gave an answer, "Of course I'll refuse, if the reason, didn't I say so at that time?"

"I remember, Subaru-nii-san said that Makifumi was too young to understand his own feelings, and Go, is it really because Makifumi is too young...?"

"Yeah, you see, True Sail is so naive and cheerful and completely ignorant of such things between men and women, so if I agreed to Uncle Fenya's request at this time, I think... probably True Sail wouldn't refuse. But if it comes to the point where True Fan grows up and learns what he really likes, and he gets tied down by this engagement, then it looks like I'm a very despicable person ah."

"Subaru-nii-san is not a despicable person!" , Jihana suddenly raised her head and shouted, then her face reddened and she hung her head and mumbled in a small voice, "I mean, just because Subaru-nii-san didn't do that, it's not mean at all..."

"Haha, thank you for understanding lah. So, when True Sail grows up, at that time, if Uncle Kazuya brings this matter up again, if True Sail is willing-"

Jihana swallowed quietly and looked nervously at Subaru.

"Then we'll talk about it then, haha."

"Phew~~", Jihana let out a sigh of relief. "So, what does Subaru-san think of True Sail?"

Subaru cupped his chin and thought for a moment, "Makifumi? Well - very lively, always energetic, and -"

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, that, is that Subaru-nii-san likes, does he like Makifan?"

"Like yeah."


"I like all five of you, oh." , Subaru put his hand on Chihuahua's head. "That's exactly why I agreed to be your coach all the time."

A little girl like a sister asking herself, no one can refuse, well... Subaru thought to himself.

"Well, well...", Jihana's head hung even lower.

"And for example, what happened just now, it's because I like Tomohana that I don't want Tomohana to get hurt oh?"


"Ah! It looks like they've already made the barbecue, sorry but we can go eat it ready-made, let's go, Ji Hana!" With that, Subaru quickened his pace.

Chihuahua was also busy following Subaru's side, walking together towards the firelight, but no matter how you looked at it, her steps were a bit faint, as if she was drunk, and her face was as red as if she was drunk.

Subaru-san....likes me....

Chapter 194 - Shin Fan and Sa Ji's Birthday Party! (xii)

"Ah, here it comes!"

Seeing the figures of Jihana and Subaru on the beach, the little lorises immediately surrounded them.

"How's it going, Jihana, how's the hand?" , Manabu held Jihana's arm left and right, and even sniffed it.

"It's fine, it's perfectly fine."

"But, I see your face seems very red oh?" , said Saji putting her hand on Jihana's forehead. "It's hot, what's wrong, is it a fever?"

"Hey, Chihuahua, do you have a fever? Why didn't you tell me about it?" , Subaru also noticed Saiki's said condition and somewhat anxiously put his hand to Jihana's forehead.

Chihuahua recoiled and waved her hand, "Ahhhh! I'm fine, really, I'm fine!"

Subaru frowned, "Really, Chihuahua, if there is any discomfort in the body to say it directly ah, the beach can come to play anytime, you want to play I'll come with you next time just, or forget about it today?"

"It's really okay!"



"Well then, if I find out that Jihana is lying, I'm going to get mad oh?"


"Scatter, don't say that, the barbecue is ready, let's go eat!" , Manabu said excitedly, pulling Subaru's arm up and running over to Neisei.

"Slow down, it's not like anyone's grabbing you, really." , Subaru shook his head in amusement, letting Makifan pull him along like that.

"Whoa! It looks plentiful, Nesshin-san." Subaru exclaimed, picking up a skewer of roast meat that looked perfectly cooked.

"Enjoy your meal, Master Hasegawa-sama, there's seasoning here."

"Then, I'll get started." , after saying that, Subaru took a bite of the grilled meat on his hand.

"Yummy!" , Subaru stared at the barbecue, destroying it three times. "I didn't know that Naisei-san was so good at barbecuing too! It's better than any barbecue I've ever had before!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Master Hasegawa." , Naisei-san bowed again habitually, scaring Subaru to turn his back immediately.

The grilled meat was delicious, but it was too unguarded ah Naisei-sama! Subaru sputtered silently.

"Well-", Manabu looked at Nessun, then at Subaru, and suddenly held out his hand to Nessun, "Yamahara, give me a skewer of grilled meat!"

"Okay Makifan-san." , Naisei took a skewer of roast meat from the grill that was tested to just right, brushed it with sauce, and handed it to Makifan.

"Not this one!"

"Isn't that it? Miss Manabu-san, do you want a roast?"

"Yes! But I'm going to have it! I want to bake my own!"

"I see."

Hey eh~ Is this a sign of displeasure from Manabu? Subaru laughed a little, thinking in his heart that it was Manabu who wanted to compare barbecue skills with Naisei.

"That, Naisei-san, please also give us a skewer of raw grilled meat."

"Hey? Chihuahua, do you want it too?" This time Subaru is a little surprised. If it's because of his personality that he wants to bake by himself, then it's a little confusing that Jihana, Saji and even Airi Hyuga want to bake by themselves.

Nowadays, school children are so independent. It's just like an old man in his twilight years, Subaru said in his heart.

But since no one will eat it, I'll make myself at home oh ooh ooh ooh ooh....

Subaru was hungry after playing for so long, how could he fill his stomach with just a bunch of roast meat?

A few minutes later.

"Yah~~ Nessune-san's barbecue is so delicious." , Subaru burped contentedly and gulped down most of a bottle of soda from inside the box.

With a casual glance at the little lorries, the five of them were still seriously turning their barbecue under Naisei-san's guidance. Subaru chuckled softly, finishing off his soda and leaning back comfortably in his chair.

"Nah! Subaru! This one's for you!"

Subaru slowly opened his eyes as the sound of Makifumi's voice suddenly rang out in his ears, only to see that Makifumi was holding a skewer of grilled meat up to him, wiping his sweaty forehead every now and then.

"This, for me?" , Subaru froze and pointed at himself.

"Right. It was originally baked for Subaru!" , Makifumi smiled brightly, her little tiger teeth gleaming in the firelight.

"Really, thanks-!" , Subaru received the grilled meat from the real sail, and a warmth flowed through his heart. Although some parts of the roast were a bit burnt and the sauce was not evenly coated, Subaru thankfully ate all of the roast meat even though he was full.

Makifan looked at Subaru expectantly, "How was it?"

"Well! It's delicious! Thank you, True Sail!" , Subaru reached out and ruffled Makifumi's hair, who squinted his eyes in great amusement.

"Yay! I did it!"

Haha, what an overgrown child. Subaru laughed along with her when she saw the cheerful appearance of Makifumi.

"That, that..."

"Well?" , Subaru turned to the other side. "Ah, Chihuahua, what's wrong, is something wrong? Is it not feeling well?"

"No, no! That-"

Hesitantly, Chihuahua's hand behind her back reached out and a few drops of an unknown liquid were flung onto Subaru's face, still hot.

"Ah! I'm sorry Subaru-niichan! I'll rub it in!"

Jihana was so shocked that she pulled out some paper to wipe the -sauce - off Subaru's face.

"It's okay it's okay." , Subaru was only slightly shocked and quickly returned to normal.

"I'm sorry...", Jihana deflated her mouth in aggravation, looking like she was about to cry.

"I told you I'm fine lah, it's not hot. By the way, what does Chihuahua want with me?"

"Ah, this-", Jihana handed Subaru the grilled meat in her hand. "This, I grilled it for Subaru-san..."

"Baked it for me?"

"Yes...please, please use!" , Jihana suddenly raised her head with a look like she was seeing death.

"Oh... Oh..."

"Oh~~ There's also Hyuga's, Oni-san wants to eat it too~~", another skewer of grilled meat suddenly stretched out in front of Subaru, it was owned by Hyuga who had long pink wavy hair and exuded pure magical charm all the time.

"Ehehehe~ That one, Subaru-nii-san, make sure you try my grilled meat." , Another bunch, this one is Avery's.

Shinfan's voice rang out, "Hey? Saji, aren't you giving Subaru yours? You baked it for Subaru, too, didn't you?"

"Where, where!" , Saiki's voice also came over. "But, but, since everyone is roasting for Subaru-nii-san, it's easy for me to gain weight if I'm the only one who eats roast meat, in that case... Subaru-nii-san, please try my roast meat too!"

Four skewers of grilled meat came together in front of Subaru, and if they could replace the grilled meat with a microphone, Subaru would now be no different from those who held press conferences and then were scrambled by reporters to be the first to be interviewed.

"I, I get it..."

Subaru picked up all four skewers of grilled meat and looked at them a few times, but he just couldn't get down....

Already full...but-.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the four little girls, already unable to eat such words Subaru could not say....

Having made up his mind, Subaru fiercely closed his eyes and opened them again, wolfing down four skewers of grilled meat without even having time to taste it directly.

"Mmm! Everyone makes great barbecue! Thank you all!"

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