Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 108.


The four lorries retreated contentedly, looked at each other for a few moments, and put their hands up in unison--


Chapter 195 - Shin Fan and Sa Ji's Birthday Party! (xiii)

"Uh - I'm a little sick to my stomach from eating so much..."

Subaru rubbed his stomach and walked alone on the beach.

After a pleasant barbecue time, the loris laughed and shouted after the fireworks, and also finally tired of playing, they went to take a bath under Nessun's guidance.

With the faint sea breeze brushing against her cheeks, Subaru squinted comfortably and sat down on the beach.

"Subaru, Subaru-chan?" , a voice suddenly sounded behind her and Subaru looked towards the source of the voice.

"Chihuahua, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

"Well - it's a bit hot from the shower, so I thought I'd come over here for a bit of a breeze."

"So, so did I." , Subaru turned back and looked at the horizon, "The sea breeze over here is still quite comfortable."

"Yes, it is." , Jihana looked at Subaru's back and hesitated a little, then went to sit down next to Subaru.

Subaru looked over at her, the school swimsuit had been changed out for what was probably her usual purple nightgown, but the ribbon in her hair was still tied as always, refusing to be removed even though she was about to go to sleep.

"Jihana." , Subaru called softly.

"Yes, yes!" , Chihuahua suddenly responded in a big way, startling Subaru.

"Uh- that, can I ask you a question?"

"HEY? Please, please ask."

"What is the special significance of this ribbon of yours? Because, I don't think you'll take it off even before you go to sleep."

"Hey, this?" , Jihana reached out and touched the ribbon tied to her hair. "It doesn't mean a great deal, it was given to me by someone I greatly admire, and it's because of him that I started playing basketball."


"Yes, yes." , said Jihana taking the ribbon off and handing it to Subaru. "It was a long time ago, I don't remember too well, but I remember that man teaching me how to play basketball for a few days, and finally gave me this ribbon, and then I was never seen again."

"I see...", Subaru picked up the ribbon and measured it for a moment. Indeed, it looked like it had been there for some time, and some of it had been washed and faded in places.

But there was always something familiar about the story that Jihana told? Subaru thought, and then didn't care too much about the story, probably from somewhere.

"So, that person could be considered your teacher of enlightenment." , Subaru said with a smile, returning the ribbon to Chihuahua, who tied it back into her hair.

"'s only been a few days, but I'm grateful to him for getting me into the sport of basketball, and also, for meeting...Subaru-nii-san..."

"Haha, so I really have that man to thank, I wouldn't have met you guys if it wasn't for him, let alone sitting on the beach with you and blowing off steam like we're doing now."

"Yeah." , Jihana nodded, her cheeks hinting at a bit of redness, probably because of the high temperature from the soaking bath earlier.

"That, Subaru-chan, can I, can I ask you a question too?"

"Well, if you want to talk about it, go ahead."

"What if, and I mean what if, if by the future, when we're all grown up and True Sail is willing to get engaged to Subaru, then Subaru-san, what will we do then?"

"Still talking about that." , Subaru lost his laugh. "That's just Uncle Kazuya's joke lah, you guys don't have to take it seriously."

"That's not what I meant, it's just, has Subaru-nii-san ever thought that there's a slight possibility that True Sail actually likes Subaru-nii-san?"

"Like? Maybe." , Subaru smiled back. "Although it might not be appropriate for me to be the one to say it, but I guess Shinefan and I are kind of close. To her, I'm like, well - like her brother right, isn't it normal to like your own brother."

As soon as Subaru finished speaking, Tomohana suddenly looked away angrily and muttered, "Subaru-nii-san, that idiot, didn't understand me at all."

"Uh, Chihuahua, what did you just say?" Subaru was stunned.

"...It's nothing." , Jihana shook her head, her expression seeming a bit sad. "Then, Subaru-nii-san, do you actually treat True Sail like a sister?"

"Of course it is." , Subaru was even more confused.

"Well, what about me?" , Chihuahua turned again, cheeks puffed up, and stared at Subaru.

"Huh?" Subaru was stunned again, then reacted like he was hammering his palm.

So that's it! Looks like I've been saying I see True Sail as my sister and Ji Hua is jealous, fail fail fail....

"Of course, Chihuahua is also my most important and - important sister! In my heart, Zhihua's position as a sister can't be replaced by anyone!" , in order to cheer Chihuahua up, Subaru deliberately exaggerated, however-...

Jihana suddenly stood up, tears in her eyes, and yelled at Subaru with all her might, "Really! Subaru-nii, you idiot!!!"

"Hey, Chihuahua!" , Subaru tried to reach out and pull Jihana, but she had already run away.

"Jihana, where are you going?! That's not the way back!" Fearing that Chihuahua might be in some kind of danger, Subaru hurried after her - but, perhaps because he had just eaten too much barbecue, Subaru's stomach was now churning and a twinge of pain assaulted Subaru's nerves.

"Chihuahua! Come back!!!" Subaru had fallen halfway to his knees in pain, and could only watch as Jihana gradually disappeared from his sight.

Subaru-niichan, that idiot! Big dummy!!!! Chihuahua ran further and further away, dots of crystals glittering in the air.

Before you know it, you run to another beach, and Jihana sits on her knees, head hanging, tears falling silently on the sand and seeping in.

"Chihuahua, got you."

A pair of hands suddenly rested on Jihana's shoulders, then hugged her.

"Subaru, Subaru-chan?!" , Jihana's shoulders shook violently, and then she was about to struggle out.

"Stop it, Chihuahua, let's go back."

"Subaru-san, what's wrong with you?" , Chihuahua just realized that Subaru's voice was unusually weak, and turned around, looking at Subaru worriedly.

"It's fine, maybe I ate too much barbecue, my stomach is a bit overwhelmed...", Subaru squeezed out a smile. "Well, let's go back, can I get some rest."

"Yeah! We're going back now!" , Chihuahua nodded like a chicken, and even put Subaru's hand on her shoulder and carefully helped Subaru up, just like how Subaru looked anxiously when Chihuahua was injured at that time.

"Brother Subaru, just hold on for a little while longer, we're almost there, I'll go right back to find Miss Nessun when we get back, she'll definitely have a way!"

"Totally minor problem lah, it's just a stomach ache, don't worry so much!"

"It's no small problem! Subaru-san just told me to love my body, and now I can't do it myself?!"

"Uh-", Subaru didn't expect at all that Ji-Hana would use what she had said to contradict herself, and didn't know what to reply, so she just silently followed Ji-Hana's pace and walked together to the villa.

"Nah, Jihana." , Subaru looked at Jihana and then put his eyes forward.


"Why were you angry, did I say something wrong?"

"...don't tell you."

Chapter 196 - Ji Hana's Parents

After a night's rest, Subaru had fully recovered and was back to playing with the loli at the beach until the afternoon, when the two-day birthday party would be called to a close.

"I'm so very sorry, Master Hasegawa, I didn't know you were uncomfortable from eating too much barbecue, and the blame lies entirely with me-"

"It's okay. Miss Nesshin, it has nothing to do with you at all." Subaru smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

No matter how much he tried to persuade Subaru, Naisei always thought that the responsibility was his own, until he sent Subaru out of Misawa's house, and Naisei didn't forget to apologize once again, which made Subaru helpless as well.

"Young Master Hasegawa, let me take you home, after all, you are still not feeling well-"

"No la! Didn't we still have a whole day at the beach today, and I don't feel uncomfortable at all, so don't worry about it, I'll just go back by myself." , no longer giving Nessun the chance to retort, Subaru waved his hand and headed to the station with Chihaya - according to the original plan Chihaya was also going to ask Nessun to take her back, but for some reason insisted on taking the train with Subaru.

"No problem, the two of them." , Manabu said with a tilt of his head, looking at the back of the two of them.

"Well, after all, Subaru-san didn't want to bother anyone in the first place." , Saiki staked her hand, then looked meaningfully at the petite back next to Subaru. "It's just that Jihana's intentions are a bit suspicious..."

"Oh~ What's Chihuahua's purpose, what's Chihuahua's purpose?"

"Well, Hyuga, you won't understand even if I tell you now, you'll know when you grow up.", Sage patted Hyuga's shoulder. , Sage patted Hyuga's shoulder with a smug look.

"Oh~? But Hyuga's Opie is bigger than Saiki oh, why doesn't Hyuga know that?"


" can't talk about such things." , Ally put her hands on Hyuga's shoulders and leaned in to her ear and whispered, "Look at Sae, it's been a complete shock to you."

"Oh~~ I know, I won't say Sae-Ji's Opie Jr. anymore!"


A dull fall sounded and Hyuga tilted his head, unable to comprehend the current situation.


"So, Jihana, see you later."

"Well, Subaru-san, please take care."

Although Jihana refused, Subaru insisted on dropping Jihana off at her home before returning out of a sense of duty as a proper coach, and the two were now standing in front of Jihana's home.

I didn't expect that Jihana's home was still such a rather old-fashioned building... After taking a slight look around, Jihana's home was an old-fashioned building like the one you often saw on TV. It seems that Tomohana's parents were also quite traditional, no wonder they were able to teach their daughter such good manners-...

"Ah la, Jihana, back already?"

As she was about to head to the station, a female voice sounded ahead of her, Subaru unconsciously stopped and looked up, a woman was standing in front of her.

"Mom!" , Chihuahua suddenly shouted, then ran to the woman, laughing happily.

"Hey? Mom?"

Subaru looked at Chihuahua in surprise, and then at the woman. Indeed, the two had almost the same hair color, and their faces were somewhat similar - the

So it looked as if Chihuahua had perfectly inherited her good genes, and Subaru even saw hints of Chihuahua growing up from her.

"Jihana, welcome back."

"Yes, I'm back!"

"Chihuahua, is this someone you know?" , Chihuahua's mother suddenly pointed at Subaru and whispered to Chihuahua.

"Ah, this, this is my coach, the one I told you about before...", Jihana suddenly stammered, her face was a little red, and she hadn't made Subaru's identity clear in the middle of the day.

Subaru walked straight up, "Hello auntie, I'm the coach of the women's basketball club that Chihuahua is in, Subaru Hasegawa, and I came here today to take Chihuahua home."

"Yah, a very polite young man. I'm Minato Hanayori, Chihuahua's mother." , Hanayori smiled and nodded to Subaru.

"Hello, Auntie Hanayori, then, Jihana has arrived home, I should take my leave, goodbye."

"Subaru-kun, wait." , Hanaori called out to Subaru who had already taken a step. "I've often heard about you from my Chihuahua, would you like to come to my house for a cup of tea first? Her father and I are curious about what kind of coach Ji Hana keeps talking about."


"Alright, alright, Jihana, didn't you say that your coach has helped you a lot, how can you be polite if you don't return the favor properly? Forget what your mother taught you?"


Jihana hung her head, seemingly dejected, but if you looked closer, you could see that Jihana's face was already as red as a ripe red apple.

"How about it, Subaru-kun, can you go sit inside the cold house for a while?"

"Uh - this, is it convenient?"

"Convenient yo, it just so happens that both Shinobu and I would like to get to know Subaru-kun."

Thinking for a moment, there was nothing important at the moment anyway, Subaru nodded, "Then, I'll respectfully excuse myself."


"Here, Subaru-kun, enjoy the district's inferior tea." , after sitting for a few minutes, Hanaori walked into the room with a few cups of tea.

"Thank you." , Subaru sat down on the tatami and took a small sip from the cup in as polite a position as possible.

"Because Jihana's father studied the tea ceremony, so we have all kinds of tea in our house, Subaru-kun can always tell me if you think the tea is bad, oh."

"How so! It's a nice cup of tea."

"It is!" , Hanaori clapped her hands happily. "It looks like the tea ceremony that Jihana's dad studied is still very useful."

"Say, speaking of which, what about Dad?" , Jihana, who hadn't spoken, suddenly interjected.

"Ah, your father he, is resting inside his room-"

"Chihuahua, what do you want from me?" , a thick, deep voice sounded, and then the door to the Japanese-room was pulled open.

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