Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 117.

"No, no, that...", Jihana still hung her head.

"What's wrong with you?" , Subaru realized that something seemed off with Jihana, the tips of her ears exposed to the light were all red, and Subaru tried to tilt her head to try and get a better look at her face.

"With the momentum of a basket, with the momentum of a basket, with the momentum of a basket..."

"What did you say, Chihuahua?" , Subaru couldn't hear even with his side ears, and somewhat worriedly placed his hand on Jihana's forehead. "It's not like you're sick." , fearing that his hand didn't measure correctly, he held Jihana's head again and put his forehead on it.

Zee, zee - bang.

There was a vague sound as if a kettle was boiling.

"I, I'm fine, I'm fine." , Jihana jumped away as if she had stepped on a trap, blushing as if she was about to explode. "Not sick at all, Subaru-san don't worry about me, ahaha..."

"Surely there's still something wrong with it, isn't there?" Subaru worriedly leaned in front of Chihuahua, now was not the time to be sad about Chihuahua's attitude - although it was indeed quite sad that she was so disgusted by his touching her....

"It's okay, it's really okay! Ah, I came to Subaru-nii-sama to tell you something!"

"Something for me? What is it?"

"It's just that, that...", Chihuahua fidgeted, looking over at Sage for help, who was shaking his fist at this side and making a few exaggerated mouth movements

Attacking with the momentum of an uppercut!

"Attack with the momentum of going to the basket, attack with the momentum of going to the basket, attack, eh heh heh~~", reading that, Jihana's eyes became spiral and her whole body became dizzy.

"Jihana, what's wrong with you, are you feeling sick somewhere?" , Subaru became even more worried and made a move to get closer.

"I'm fine!" , Chihuahua suddenly woke up. "That that that, ah right! Subaru! Please play ball with me!"


The other side.

"Saji, what's wrong with you?" , taking advantage of the gap when it came to the others' rounds, Mansail asked a confused Saeki with a big roll of her eyes.

"...I'm fine."

Chapter 211 - Confession? (above)

"Chihuahua, why did you suddenly remember to play ball with me?" , Subaru asked with a smile, casually slapping the basketball in his hand, which was extraordinarily small for elementary school students.

"No, for no particular reason! Just happened to want some exercise...", Jihana hung her head.

"Come on then." , Subaru tossed the ball to Chihuahua, suddenly stunned. "Tomohana, is it convenient for you to be dressed like this?"

Today, Jihana wasn't wearing any sports clothes, but a purple floral dress and ordinary casual shoes... all over her body, she didn't give the slightest hint of wanting to exercise.

"Ah, it's okay." , Chihika reacted only after Subaru reminded her. "As long as you don't run too fast, it's fine."

"It's okay."

Subaru didn't mind too much and took up a defensive stance, signaling that Chihuahua was ready to attack. Chihuahua nodded and began dribbling the ball. After so many mornings of training together, that bit of understanding was not lost on them.

They stared at each other intently, both anticipating their opponent's next move and rehearsing their own way of cracking it in their minds - it was supposed to be like this, and in fact Subaru did, but someone just seemed a little different.

"With the momentum of a basket, with the momentum of a basket, with the momentum of a basket..."

Tomohana was dribbling the ball and keeping her eyes on Subaru, and to an onlooker it looked like a very normal 1v1 duel indeed. However, only Jihana herself knew that although she was looking at Subaru, her eyes were completely unfocused, and even her head was dizzy, so she didn't know why she suddenly had to come here to play.

Ji Hana, this is... Did you practice a new move?

Seeing Jihana's delay in attacking over, Subaru thought confusedly. At the same time, her expression became more serious, although no one should have noticed this side, but if the skirt-wearing Jihana succeeded in breaking through, this would be a big loss of face.

"With the momentum of going to the basket, with the momentum of going to the basket, with the momentum of going to the basket..."

While Subaru was infinitely brainstorming, Chihuahua on the other side was still in a state of sixes and sevens.


"Yes, yes! What's going on!"

Zhihua suddenly shouted, startling the mentally tense Subaru, whose body instantly stiffened like a standing soldier.

"I'm going to attack."


Before there was time to think too much about it, Chihuahua had already rushed over with the ball. Even with this kind of clothing, her explosive speed was still a fraction of that of an elementary school student.

Driven by his body's natural reaction, Subaru first blocked in front of Jihana, then copied towards her ball with a quick eye, and managed to break her ball as they intersected.

"Haha." , Subaru picked up the basketball and spun it around a few times, then passed it to Jihana. "Surely it's still inconvenient to wear a skirt, isn't it, the first ball just broke off like that oh."

"Only, it was just a momentary mistake!" , Chihuahua pouted, unconvinced by the retort.

"Well, then, continue."


Tomohana then dribbled the ball, still staring at Subaru, and suddenly the corners of her mouth rose.

"That's fine.

Jihana continued to dribble forward, attacking Subaru's defense once again.

If only Subaru-niichan and I could play together like this, I would be happy. If only Subaru-niichan could play with me like this, I'd be happy...]

Already in front of Subaru, she turned her back and prepared to go around Subaru to continue her attack on the basket.

[But, what if-]



With a heavy weight on the ground and a hissing sound, Jihana fell to the ground, holding her ankle with both hands, looking like she was in pain.

"What's wrong Chihuahua, did you twist your ankle?" , Subaru anxiously picked up Chihuahua and carefully removed Chihuahua's hand over her ankle, and sure enough, it was already swollen there.

"What's wrong what's wrong!"

The door was opened and Mitsune who also noticed the situation here immediately ran out.

"Sprained foot." , Subaru replied sullenly, putting Jihana's hands on his shoulders. "Here, Jihana, come on my back and I'll take you to the hospital."

"It's a sprained foot, it's not serious, I'll just rest it." , Jihana managed to squeeze out a smile, but the pain in her ankle immediately made it impossible for her to keep her smile.

"No! This is the kind of injury that can easily go untreated if left untreated! Do you want to never be able to play basketball again, Ji Hana?!" , Subaru said sternly with a frown.

"What are you doing?!" , Mihoshi patted Subaru's head and gave him a blank look. "Chihuahua is injured and you're still here to be mean!"

"Sorry, I was in a hurry..."

"Well, hurry up and take Ji Hana to the hospital, I'll deal with you afterwards. By the way, do you want me to send it?"

Subaru shook his head, "No, it's not very far from the hospital, so Mihoshi-san will just tell the others not to worry."


"Then Chihuahua, we're off." , Subaru said to Jihana on her back and ran all the way out the door.

"How's it going, Chihuahua." , walking down the street, Subaru asked. "Does your foot still hurt now?"

"No, no." , Jihana replied in a small voice.

"That's good." , Subaru was relieved, it was possible that if it kept hurting it would be more than just a sprain.

Only, Subaru held Chihuahua's hand and distinctly felt her tremble slightly.

"That... Subaru-chan." , Jihana said.

"What's wrong? Does it really still hurt, I feel you-"

"No, no... that, Coco can..."

"Well? What did you say, Ji Hua?" , Subaru looked to his back, completely missing what Jihana said.

"That, that, Subaru-san your... hand..."

Jihana barely raised the volume a little, and after saying that immediately buried her face shyly in Subaru's back, even the tips of her ears were red.

My hand? Subaru wondered, his hand subconsciously scratching. Well, there was no touch of clothing.


Wait, no touch of clothes?!

Subaru looked at his hand in horror, frozen as if he had been struck by lightning, unable to speak at all. All because, his hand, through the torn skirt, was resting on Jihana's thigh....

"Hug Hug Hug Sorry! I didn't mean it! This, that...", Subaru instantly panicked, not putting it down or not, anxiously spinning in circles.

"Ah, Subaru-chan, it's okay!" , as Subaru panicked, Jihana panicked as well, blushing and burying her face into Subaru's back again, a sentence so small that she probably couldn't even hear herself floated out, "Just, it's fine just like that, I don't hate what Subaru-nii-san says..."

"Oh, oh..."

Clearing his throat, Subaru spoke up a bit awkwardly, "So, I'll keep going then?"


"Hug, sorry."

"It's okay..."

Subaru didn't know what to say for a moment, so he walked towards the hospital in this silent and awkward atmosphere.

Chapter 212 - Confession? (below)

"It's not a very serious sprain, it's been bandaged, so it'll be fine as long as you rest for a few days and don't move around too much. As for the medicine, it's not necessary."

"Well, thank you very much, Doctor."

Subaru was only relieved after hearing the doctor's diagnosis. After bowing to the doctor and thanking him, he smiled and looked at Jihana, who was sitting next to him, who smiled as well. The skirt that was ripped next to her had been simply tied up.

"Alright, Jihana, let's go back." , Subaru crouched down in front of Jihana and motioned for Jihana to lean onto her back.

"No, it's okay, I can walk now.", , Tomohana crouched down in front of her, motioning for her to lean back. , Jihana said with her head down, a little shyly.

"Look, didn't the doctor just say to minimize walking around, come up here."

"Well, thank you, Subaru-chan..."

"It was already because of me, how can you say thank you to me. Hehehe-", Subaru adjusted Chihuahua's position and smiled. "Well, we're going back."


Walking back down the street, the two were strangely silent again.

But hearing that Jihana was fine, Subaru relaxed a lot and took the initiative to say, "Right, Jihana, I'll take you back with Mihoshi later, and I must explain the situation to your mom and dad too."

"No, no need lah."

"How can that be, it's still my fault after all, and I let you tear your skirt..."

"No really, it's so late."

Subaru nodded hesitantly, "Okay then..."

Hesitantly, Jihana pressed her face against Subaru's back and closed her eyes with a hefty smile.

"The point now is not what you're going to play, but what you're going to say, and most importantly to create time alone for the two of you..."

I don't know why, but that suddenly came to mind. Jihana opened her eyes sharply, a blush creeping back onto her cheeks.

Alone, alone time... Jihana straightened up and looked at the back of Subaru's head. The latter was focusing his attention on the road ahead and wasn't paying attention to Jihana's side.

The events that had happened between the front and Subaru were presented in the mind like a movie, the not-so-romantic first meeting, the rescue on the runway, the shouting on the field, the injury at the beach and this time....

"That, that, Subaru-nii-san...", the ghost of a man, Jihana opened her mouth to call out.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"No, it's fine..."

"Yeah." , Subaru smiled and turned his head to continue his journey.


"Well, I'm listening."

"Subaru-chan, really, is a very gentle person." , said Tomohana, and put her face on Subaru's back again, closing her eyes reassuringly.

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