Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 118.

"Haha, thanks. Why are you saying that all of a sudden."

"Because Subaru-nii-san has always been there, protecting me, and the members of our women's basketball club and our important places, all the time, protecting me and my basketball."

"It's not as dramatic as you say it is." , Subaru responded. "Anyone else would have chosen to do the same thing I did, and do it better than me, maybe."

"No." , Jihana straightened up and shook her head. "No one can replace Subaru-chan, because to me, Subaru-chan is unique."

"Is that so." , Subaru chuckled lightly. "I'm glad I'm that important to Chihuahua."

"Nah, Subaru-nii-san, with, can you still play ball with me from now on?"

"Of course, didn't I promise you guys I'd be your coach until you graduate? I'm sure I'll keep my word."

"But it's not enough..."

"What did you say, Chihuahua?" , Subaru looked to Chihaya, confused.

"I...", Jihana lowered her head, and Subaru couldn't see her face with only the dim streetlight. "I, I said, it's not enough..."

"What isn't enough?"

"...Subaru-nii-san, that's too sly." , Tomohana suddenly raised her head and muttered in dissatisfaction.


Stupid Subaru-nii! Why is it that you can't always understand what people mean and why do you always go off on tangents! Ji Hana looked away, a tear in her eye.

"What, what's wrong?" , Subaru panicked. "Jihana, is it the foot that still hurts? Still-"

"I'll be fine!" Ji Hana wiped the tears from her eyes, still refusing to look this way.

When he saw that Chihuahua was still like that, Subaru asked incoherently, "Is it because of me? Ji Hwa, what's going on? Am I hurting you? Still, it's because the skirt is torn-"

"Pfft-", Chihuahua suddenly broke into a smile and turned her head. "I told you I'm fine, Subaru-san, you're too nervous."

"Oh, oh..."

"Subaru-chan, it's really very gentle." , Jihana's eyes became incredibly gentle, quietly looking at the person she said was very gentle.

Subaru chuckled lightly, "Why are you talking back to this again."

"Such a gentle Subaru-chan, I like it the most."

"Haha, is that so, I like Jihana too."

"Idiot Subaru-nii-san..."

"Hey - what's wrong again."

"Not telling you."

"Tell me~~"

"Hehehe, that's my secret."


Subaru and Chihuahua laughed and laughed, their silhouettes lengthening as they were illuminated by the streetlights.

"How's it going?" , walking to the front door of the house, Misei, who had been waiting at the door, immediately greeted him.

"It's fine, it's just a slight sprain, the doctor said it'll be fine as long as it's rested."

"So." , Mihoshi was also relieved, then patted Subaru's shoulder meaningfully. "Let's talk about it later."

"Ahaha... Mihoshi-san, this, this won't be necessary, you see, everyone is still playing now, by the time it's over it's already late, it's time to go back to rest after you send everyone back...", Subaru's shoulders shrank a few times unconsciously, it was a horrible memory hidden deep in his body....

"Huh." , Mitsune gave him a blank stare. "Go in first. Jihana, does your foot still hurt now?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." , Jihana shook her head.

"That's good."

Walking into the house, Subaru carefully placed Chihuahua on the couch, the other lorises knew that Chihuahua was injured and immediately gathered around asking about her condition with concern.

Subaru made room for the little loli, smiling at Jihana who was surrounded by them. Suddenly inadvertently noticing the skirt tied up by Jihana's leg, Subaru cupped her chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"Hey~~! Subaru, let's play chess! There seems to be large flying chess here!"

A call interrupted Subaru's thoughts, and looking up, Satania was waving her hand this way.

"...Satania." , Subaru walked over and put his hands on Satania's shoulders. "You remember, about games that require a dice roll, especially flying chess, never, never, never! Don't call me." , and after that, Subaru turned around and walked away as if staying a second longer was torment for him.

"Oh...", Satania replied frostily as she watched Subaru's back. "Subaru, what happened to him?"

"Satania." , Thor laughed. "If it's one of these games, you better not call out to Subaru oh, he might get mad."

"Oh...", Satania nodded in a plausible manner and refocused on the board.

While Subaru's party was still happily going on, outside the house.

The night sky cracked open again as if it had been torn apart, and an eye appeared again, silently watching the people inside the house. Soon, the eye disappeared again.


Thor tilted his head in confusion as he looked out the window. Then he didn't care and returned his attention to the flying chess.

Chapter 213 - The Final Emperor! Come here!

"Well, I'll take my leave, thanks for today's hospitality."

"Well, bye, and be careful on the road."

Subaru waved, and Masamune waved in response as he walked away, then put his eyes on the tablet again.

"Well, we're off too." , Misao said peeking out from the car, as it was a bit late today she was just in charge of getting the three Runs back. As for Manabu and the others, they called the maid-san Yamahara to send them.

"Goodbye Subaru-chan!"

"Well, goodbye."

"Subaru, we're off too! See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow."

Once the lorises and Masamune were gone, Subaru turned to the people behind them and said, "Well, let's just let Tor take you back."

"Leave it to me," , Thor jerked his sleeve, and then transformed, turning into a dragon covered in shimmering green light.

"Well, I've put a cognitive hindrance on you, come on up."

"That'll be a pleasure, Tor-san." , Vernette nodded her thanks and then flew onto Tor's back with Llafair and Satania.

"Well, let's go inside and get ready for bed." , Subaru lightly patted Lotte and Kanna's head.

"Hahaha, it sure is exciting!" , Satania sat on the back of the dragon and yelled.

"By the way, can't you angels and demons fly, too?" , Thor asked.

"Well, it's possible to fly, but-", said Vernette looking over at Satania who was more excited than a roller coaster ride. "We don't fly that fast."

"Yeah oh, I don't think you guys have had much training. After all, this world isn't like our world where angels and demons have always been incompatible, let alone still studying in the same school."

Rafael laughed, "Yeah, as an angel, I've always felt that Satania, who is a demon, is my best friend."

"Huh?" , Satania shuddered. "I'm not your best friend!"

"By the way Tor-san, why did you come to this world ah, and stay at Hasegawa-san's house.", Vineet asked. , Vineet asked curiously.

"Well, for many reasons, I guess, I'm tired of that world over there."

"But, for you dragons, it must be boring not being able to release your true bodies at will and having to go to school every day."

"Well. Although life is a bit more boring now than it was before, I, too, want to enjoy the boredom."

"Because of Hasegawa-san?"

"Well! Because I like Subaru the most ah."

"Hey eh~~ Hasegawa-san is really happy."


After dropping all three of them off at home, Thor transformed back into his human form, humming all the way home as he prepared to walk, stopping by to buy a few snacks for the fridge - the fridge had never been alive for two days since Lottie had arrived.


A low call sounded, and Thor was on his feet, staring dead ahead at the tall figure in the streetlight.

"Thor." The man held out his hand. "Come back with me."

Thor was silent for a long moment, then two words came out of the corner of his mouth, "Father."


"HEY? Thor she's a little slow." Subaru sat on the couch and took a casual glance at the time and pronounced. At this hour, both Shinbaek and Lotte had gone to bed, leaving Kanna and him still waiting in the living room for Thor to return.

"Humm, Lord Tor might have gone shopping."

"Did she tell you that?"

Kanna nodded.

"So...", Subaru nodded, but there was always a bit of uneasiness in his heart.

"...The Final Emperor."

"Huh? What did Conner Sauce just say?"

Conner shook her head, her hands unconsciously gripping her skirt...

Meanwhile, walking down the street, Ercoyah and Fafner looked serious as they all looked in one direction.


"Come back with me, Thor." The Endbringer held out his hand. "I have allowed you to return to this world again to say goodbye. There is no place for you here, come back with me."

" it turns out, I still want to stay in this world, please understand."



"As a rule, we are not allowed to disturb this side of the world, and if you are here, do you know the consequences yourself?"

"...I know that."

"Then, come back with me. The world here can't hold you."

"But, Father! I sure as hell still want to stay in this world!"

"Careful living as a human being? Don't you understand the truth that paper can't wrap fire?"

"I...", Thor was speechless for a moment.

"Thor, my daughter." , the Final Emperor walked up to Thor and held out his hand. "As my daughter, you must know that the rules, are insurmountable, and your existence will inevitably bring chaos to this world, only over there, is where you should exist. Come back with me."

"Father...dear." , Thor slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on the Final Emperor's hand.

The robe of the Final Emperor opened and wrapped around Thor. The two of them then disappeared in an instant, leaving only the bag of food that had fallen to the ground....

"Lord Thor!" , Kanna opened her eyes sharply.

"What is it, Conner sauce? What happened to Thor?" , Subaru asked in confusion.

"Tor-sama she... went home."

"Huh? But Thor's not back yet."


Subaru chuckled, "But Thor obviously hasn't come back-"

"Go back!" , Conner hung her head. "Back to the world over there."

"Huh? Oh...probably something about going back."

"Probably...not coming back this time, back to this side of the world."

"Sh?!!" , Subaru's pupils narrowed and he put his hands on Kanna's shoulders. "What's going on? Why can't Thor come back here? Is it because she's going back to fighting!"

"It's the Final Emperor." , Kanna replied sullenly. "Thor's father-sama, came to this world and brought Thor-sama back. The Final Emperor's orders cannot be disobeyed, and Lord Tor, probably won't be able to return."

Subaru said stunned, "But if it's Tor's father, why did he suddenly bring her back-"

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