Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 120

"Why not?"


"Well?!!" , the final emperor's tone was a little harsher, the atmosphere was becoming more and more oppressive, even Subaru, who was on the periphery, felt his chest tighten.

"Goo-", Thor hung his head, his fists squeezed to death.

"You disappeared for such a long period of time that I won't hold anything back on the matter itself. I can also comfort you with the pain you once suffered from the battle. But-", the Final Emperor paused, focusing on Subaru next to Thor. "Absolutely not in this world! Only in this world, the principle of non-interference is absolute for us!"

No interference? Subaru's eyelids jumped.

"...But, but, I won't interfere with this world, because here, there's where I belong-"

"That world is where you belong!" , the Final Emperor interrupted Thor. "Tell me, how did you get in this no! Yes! Dragon! of the world and find your way back to it!"

"But, Father, you see, there are many dragons in this world as well, are they living well in this world as well."

"Hmph, it's just some trash that brought our heritage to this world. Do you understand? Thor, you're not like them, you're my daughter."


"The world, it doesn't recognize you, Thor. You do not fit into this world. Can you really live peacefully as a human being? After the human next to you dies, and then the next human?" , the Final Emperor softened his tone a bit. "Come back with me, Thor, before you get hurt."

Before Thor replied, there was a sudden flash of golden light and another person instantly appeared in front of Subaru.

"Jubari, what are you doing here...", Subaru asked blankly.

"Well, just curious." , Jubari replied, but kept her eyes on the Terminator and moved her feet in front of Subaru.

"Angel?" The Final Emperor looked at the Japari in confusion. "When did it become possible for angels to have their identities known by humans. Or have the angels of this world completely forgotten their heritage."

"You don't need to bother with that."

"Hmph, I don't have that mind for your angels either." , the Final Emperor held out his hand to Thor. "Thor, come back with me."

"I...", Thor looked at Subaru and then at the Final Emperor, his hand holding onto his skirt in a death grip.

I'm sorry for interrupting the father-daughter conversation, but if I don't say anything at this point I'll definitely be scolded to death by Tenayikonna and Mitsune and the others.

Subaru's eyes glazed over and took a step forward, "That-"


There was a sharp cracking sound, and a beam of light shot past the side of Pleiades cheek at an indiscernible speed, eventually hitting the door and leaving a small smoking hole in its wake.

Subaru's pupils shrank, his cheeks had oozed blood, and a long, thin wound was crumbling across his face.

"Mind you, human, I want you to think before you open your mouth next time, and you'd better deliberate on the words you use, or it could be your heart you're aiming for. So..."

"What are you trying to say?!"

"Subaru!" , Thor shrieked, trying to run to him, but his feet were as heavy as a thousand pounds.

"You! Asshole!" , Jia Baili gritted her teeth, her wings suddenly opened, and a pale golden shield blocked in front of the two.

"Hmph! Angel, watch your language!" , the Final Emperor waved his hand, a cracking sound sounded, and the shield shattered completely like a glass that fell to the ground.

"How could...", Jubilee stared. The shield that had been assembled with all one's might, just like that, shattered?

"Jubari, get behind me." , Subaru put one hand on Jubari's shoulder and dragged her behind him. Then, he took a deep breath and put his hands together in a trumpet shape and yelled, "Hey! The Emperor! Thor has already said she doesn't want to go back with you!"

"You!" , the Final Emperor's finger extended and pointed at Subaru.

Subaru smiled, "According to the rules, you shouldn't be able to interfere with this world, so you can't kill me either."

"Yeah, but, I can also make you live or die!"

"If that's all it is, then it's better to let me finish." , Subaru's mouth lifted, and he met the eyes of the Terminator without fear.

"Yes." , the Final Emperor bowed his head. In the next instant, flashing in front of Subaru, a pair of vertical pupils stared at him dead in the face.

"I'd like to see what you can say."

Chapter 216 - Even a district human would like Thor?

In the living room, Subaru and Ultima stood facing each other, with Thor sitting on the couch in the middle and Jubilee standing next to Subaru, staring at Ultima dead in the face.

"Speaking of which, I'm curious as to why you can accept Thor." , Terminus sat down and propped his head on his hands. "You should be well aware that dragons are very troublesome creatures to this world. Or are you still just a teenage boy who doesn't understand that?"

"Huh? Why." Subaru scratched his head. "Because Thor was still at our house when I got back from school, that's all."

"What kind of reasoning is that..."

"Anyway. You are Thor's father, I think you should understand Thor better, Thor and I have said that she is tired of fighting and that world. You are her father, it doesn't matter if you help or not, but you should support your daughter as well."

"Huh. I am loving Thor in my own way, that's why I want her to follow the laws of the world." The Final Emperor wrapped his arms around her. "And, boy, not only am I helping Thor, I'm also saving you."

The Final Emperor paused and continued, "Not to interfere with this world is a rule that all creatures follow, and even more so for those of us with greater power. If the outside world knew that the dragons guarding the order not only didn't guard it, but broke the rules themselves, do you know how serious the consequences would be?!"


"It might be okay this time, since they're all friends of Thor, and there's still the binding of Ercoa. But if the next time it comes with an aggressive species. You humans, can you guarantee your survival against those forces?"

"If it does turn out to be that day, and the human race becomes extinct as a result, do you think that you or Thor is responsible for that?!"

"But even on that day, I don't think it was Thor's fault." , Subaru retorted. "What do creatures that want to invade themselves have to do with Thor? You're merely cherry-picking concepts to force the blame on Thor."

"Because that's the evil that Thor incurred! If Thor isn't in this world, then no other species will find a reason to come to it!"

"It's none of my business! Non-invasion or invasion, the fault itself is not Tor, okay! Aren't there rules that all creatures follow! What do those creatures not following the rules have to do with Thor! In the end the ones who want to invade can you guarantee that even if Thor doesn't stay in this world they won't invade over?!"

"So, can you guarantee that if Thor stays in this world they won't invade?"

"Can't." , Subaru laughed, suddenly shouting, "Don't try to take my Thor! Because she's mine!"

"Don't give me too much arrogance, kid!" The Final Emperor's eyes stared, and a beam of light shot out from his fingers, straight at Subaru.

The instant the beam shot out, Thor, who had been sitting in the middle with his head bowed, reached out and grabbed the beam with precision, then the beam disappeared into the air as if it had gone out.

"Thor!" , the Final Emperor snapped.

Thor looked up, and they looked at each other.

"You-", the Final Emperor froze for a moment, then sighed. "Never forget that, the one who insisted on staying in this world at the risk of scaring me off, but you..."

The Final Emperor stood up and silently walked towards the door.

Subaru sat dumbfoundedly, seeing that the Final Emperor was already about to walk out of the living room before he reacted and called out to him, "Please wait!"

"Humans, there is something else. I have no desire to stay in this world for long."

"That...", Subaru walked up to the Final Emperor and bowed deeply in front of the dragon who could destroy himself by raising his hand. "Thank you for understanding Thor. Also, I was a bit emotional earlier and I'm sorry if some of my words offended you."


The Ultimate Emperor snorted and turned to leave, then suddenly paused again.

"Could it be that you, boy, like Thor? A mere human...unbelievable." The Final Emperor pointed at Subaru.

"This?" , Subaru scratched his hair and looked at Thor. "Maybe. Actually, you're right, Tor she's troublesome."

"Both cheerful and optimistic, always treating the people around her with a smile, even if she had something sad to say, she would keep it to herself and never refused to discuss any problems with me. Every time it makes me worry about it afterwards, really...", said Subaru, laughing.

"It's a very troublesome sister Shiver Dragon, but I know I'd be very lonely if Thor was gone."

"Yeah." , the Final Emperor stepped back in front of Subaru and suddenly put a hand on his head.

"Subaru!" , Jubilee made a move to rush over.

Subaru waved his hand, "I'm fine, you guys don't move."

As soon as the words fell, the hand of the Final Emperor glowed brightly for a moment, and a pattern that seemed to be a dragon head slowly appeared on Subaru's forehead, quickly disappearing.

"Kid, if you're going to have Thor accompany you, don't die so easily." After saying that, the Final Emperor turned around and walked out the door, before disappearing into the air.

"Gone...", Subaru followed out, there was no longer any figure of the Final Emperor.

"Tor, just now...", Subaru asked to Tor behind him in confusion.

Tor grabbed Subaru's wrist, the pattern on Subaru's forehead quickly came back to life, and she took out a mirror, "Father just gave you a Dragon Blessing, when you were fatally wounded, this blessing will instantly heal you and send you back to the coordinates Father set, which now seems to be home."

"So." , Subaru touched his forehead, a hint of warmth still lingering on it.

Jubari followed behind and suddenly said, "Well, since it's okay I'll go back."

After saying that Japari spread her wings and disappeared in an instant.

"Obviously you can play a bit more before leaving. At least let me express my gratitude." , Subaru scratched his head. Obviously such a short distance, but Jubari flew straight back like she was too much energy.

"Alright, don't stand around silly, let's go home." , Subaru stroked Tor's head, and wanted to take her hand and walk in with her, but didn't.

"Subaru." , Tor hugged Subaru, not knowing when the tears had wet her cheeks.

"What's wrong, it's good to be back, isn't it. But I'm sorry, I said some very capricious things."

"Your injury..."

"Ah, that ah." , Subaru touched the wound on his face. "It's okay, your father stayed his hand, it's just a little scuffed skin, it'll be fine soon."

"Subaru." , Thor sniffed. "What exactly am I supposed to give you to repay this kindness. Give you everything I have, all of it, all of it, all of it."

"Tor...", Subaru chuckled softly, suddenly reaching out and knocking Tor on the head, taking her hand with him back inside.

"I can't take that much la."

Chapter 217 - Jihana, Summer Festival.

"Alright! Let's all train full of energy today, too!"


"Hey, Jihana, did Subaru encounter something, he looks like he's happy." , while walking towards the field, Manabu asked while elbowing Jihana next to him.

"I, I don't know ah...", Jihana lowered her head. "I haven't seen Subaru-chan since the party."

"Speaking of which, did you get your yukata ready for the summer festival?"

Jihana nodded somewhat hesitantly, "Well..."

The day after Tor's return, it happened to be training time for the women's basketball club. After that, the three of them came back surprised and happy to see Tor show up at the house, and then Tor cooked, and a few of them celebrated properly - during which Subaru was spat on by Lottie for not cooking as well as Tor at all.

Even so, I taught Thor's cooking!

"Look look look, Subaru's smiling again...oh no! It's not like it's too hot to be hot, is it?"

"Nothing of that sort lah. Well, today's training task is also heavy, so let's start."

"Huh- so suspicious...", Manabu half-lidded his eyes and stared at Jihana.

"Heh, heh? Wha, what suspicious?" , Jihana blinked, acting like I have no idea what you're talking about.

"Hmm, that suddenly reminds me, you and Saeji were nowhere to be seen while we were playing the game. What the hell happened at the party, huh? Hurry up and confess from the truth!"

"Really, really nothing happened, I just hurt my foot!"


"Really, I-"

"Chihuahua, True Sail, what are you guys doing there?" , in the distance, Subaru suddenly shouted towards this side. Hyuga Saji and Airi had already started training, while Sanohan and Jihana were still shrinking away from discussing something.

"Sh, nothing!" , Shinefan replied a bit panicked and immediately went into training.

And Chihuahua bowed and sat down on a chair holding a basketball - at my request, even if my feet can't move strenuously, I'll be with you during training.

Subaru thought about it, and walked over to sit down next to Jihana.

"Jihana, there's something I'd like to ask you."

"Yes, yes. Please ask, Subaru-san."

"Did your parents say anything to you after that night?" , Subaru asked somewhat apprehensively.

"That day...", Chihika tilted her head.

"Miss Jihana, I will see you off here, your leg has just been injured, please take care of your health." , sending Jihana to the door, Naisei bowed.

"Well, thank you, Miss Naisei."

"Then, I will take my leave." , Naisei bowed again and returned to the car.

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