Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 121.

"See you at the gym day after tomorrow, Ji Hana!" , Shinefan poked his head out and waved, looking at Jihana's gauze tied foot with sudden remembrance, "Ah, you've hurt your foot, you shouldn't be able to come to training."

"It's fine, I'll come over then."

"Yeah?... Don't force it if it still hurts."

"Well, I will, bye."

After seeing Manabu's car walk away, Jihana turned around and limped towards the house.

"Jihana, wait!" , halfway there, someone suddenly called out to Jihana.

"Misei-sensei? Why would you-"

"Yah... After I sent them back, I thought I'd better let me explain, otherwise your mom and dad will be worried." , Mitsune scratched her head.

"No, no, I'll just talk to them-"

Without waiting for Chihuahua to finish her sentence, Misei moved forward to support Chihuahua's hand, "Alright, alright, don't talk nonsense, come on, I'll help you in."

"Thank you, Mitsune-sensei."

"Meowhaha, that's a teacher's duty."

".......Heh - that's roughly it, I'm very sorry as Jihana's class teacher, I couldn't keep an eye on my student, and I got her hurt." , Misao slightly bowed her head in apology.

"It's totally fine, Miss Adventurer!" , Hanori waved her hand. "The doctor also said that it's just a minor sprain, so don't blame yourself too much, teacher."

Shinobu pushed his glasses, "In the end, it's Chihuahua's own basketball game that got hurt, it has nothing to do with Teacher."

"Anyway, Chihuahua was injured at my house, so I'm really sorry, but fortunately, your daughter is not seriously injured, otherwise I really wouldn't have the face to meet you two."

"Oh, Teacher, there's no need to talk about it so seriously."

"Thank you." , Misei stood up. "Then, I'll take my leave, by the way, Jihua should pay more attention to rest in the next few days, you can't move around."

"I know, thank you, eldest teacher."

After Misao left, Hanaori immediately moved next to Jihana, "Here, Jihana, let me take a look."

"Mom, it's nothing wrong, just rest for a few days."

"Well, that's good, it looks like it was taken care of in time, so there won't be any aftereffects. You're really a very responsible teacher.", Hanaori-sensei." , Hanaori shifted her tone and said to Jihana somewhat seriously, "But Jihana, you have to remember that you have to be more careful when you play basketball in the future, if you hurt your ankle, not only will you not be able to dance, you won't be able to play your favorite basketball either, oh."

Zhihua nodded, "Yeah, I know, mom."

"Jihua." , Shinobu suddenly spoke up. "Lately, you seem to be putting too much of your mind on basketball, and you can't let go of studying, dancing and all that, you have to go out less often during this time."

"Hey? But I still have training-"

"Even the training won't work, and that summer festival, cancel it too."



"HEY?! Did your father forbid you to come to training?" , Subaru asked, wide-eyed and surprised.

"HEY?!!! Can't Jihana come to the Summer Festival!" At some point, the little lollies all came around, looking at Jihana with a surprised face.

"Yes...", Jihana replied in a low voice with her head down.

"So, did you actually go against your father's wishes by coming over here to train today...?"

"Well... it was only after mom talked to dad that I was allowed to come to the training."

"Hey, can't Jihana come to the Summer Festival, it's so boring to say~", Sanafu complained.

Saiki tugged on Sanafan's shirt, "Come on, Sanafan, it's not like Jihana doesn't want to come herself."

"No, it's okay oh! Don't worry about me, everyone, the summer festival is going to be fun, even with my share, okay?" , Jihana raised her head and smiled.


"Well, well!" , Subaru squeezed out a slightly embarrassed smile. "Anyway, let's go train now, we'll discuss these things later, okay?"


Lori promised to go back to the field to continue training.

Subaru leaned against the wall with his hands folded over his head, glancing at Jihana who still had her head down and was thinking about something, and placed his gaze on the little lorises running around the field, thoughtfully.

Chapter 218 - The Final Emperor is a father-in-law?!

"Kitten Kitten, look! Is that a yukata?!" , Lottie ran up to Subaru and spun around in delight.

"Not bad, it suits you hey." , Subaru's eyes lit up and he nodded with a smile.

"Right!" , who was so happy to get the compliment that Lottie was jumping for joy.

On the morning of the summer festival, Toru and the others mysteriously told Subaru to wait inside the living room, and then ran upstairs.

So it was a change of yukata.

"Humm, Subaru."

Suddenly someone tugged at him a few times, Subaru looked down, and Kanna took a few steps backwards, opening her hand like Lotte.

"Oh!!! Conner Sauce is pretty too!" , Subaru touched Kanna's head.

Although it was the same yukata, but Kanna was wearing one of those short skirt style yukata, along with the white silk she always wore, like a little prom princess.

"Hmph~~ Because I picked them all out oh!" , and Thor came down from upstairs too, jutting his chin proudly.

"Thor's pretty too!"


"By the way, what about the real white?" , waiting for a while Shinbaek still didn't come down, Subaru asked in confusion. "Didn't she buy a yukata?"

"Buy yah." , Thor tilted his head, looking towards the stairs in confusion. "We all bought our yukata together."

"Did you help her wear it? I guess True White probably wouldn't wear a yukata..."

"Helped yah, I came down after helping her get dressed."

"Strange, I'll go see." , Subaru walked to the stairs and suddenly turned back and said, "By the way, you have to be more careful oh, the start time is night, don't get your yukata dirty now."


Arriving at the door of Shinbaek's room, Subaru knocked on the door, "Shinbaek, are you there?"

"Well, Subaru-"

Before the words were finished, a sound of a heavy object hitting the floor was suddenly heard from inside the room.

"Shinbaek, what's wrong with you?!" , unable to wait for Shinbaku to respond, Subaru hurriedly pushed open the door and rushed in, then froze in place for an instant as if petrified.

There were manuscript papers scattered everywhere - let's leave that aside. To top it off, Shinbaku was lying on the bed, like he was playing something... like his entire body was tied up, and his yukata was wide open, revealing the snowy white skin inside.

"Subaru, help me." , seeing Subaru rushing in, Shinbaek put his hand to Subaru and said extremely naturally.

"What's wrong with you!" , Subaru said with his head pinned to the side, gritting his teeth. "Thor didn't help you put it on, why, it's falling apart again."

"Because the dress is loose. Subaru, help me put it on."

"Okay, okay. You, don't move, I'll untie you first." , Subaru replied, keeping his back to the real white and moving towards her step by step.

"You, you cover yourself, with your clothes first." , coming up next to True White, Subaru stammered.

"Yeah. Cover up."

Taking a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind about something, Subaru turned his head as he said.

"Even if it's loose, you ask Thor to help you put it on-"

"Well!!!" , Subaru spun back sharply and put a hand over his nose. "You, you call that dressing up, too?!"

Although he only had a momentary view of it, the white blossom still hurt his eyes. At this point, it was as if Shinbaek was using the yukata as a blanket to cushion his back, and the thin straps tied to his body turned out to be the only concealment.

Simply put, it was almost all fruit, or the kind that didn't cover the vital points at all.

"I can't move because my hands are tied too."

"Then you should have said so!" , Subaru was a little freaked out. "I'd better call Thor and get her to help you out."

"Subaru will be fine."


"Subaru help me put it on."

"...No. Oh no, Shinbaek, as a girl, you can't just let boys look at you, that, ahem, you can't let anyone look at your body, not even your father, got it?"

"Hmm." , Shinbaek replied blankly, not sure if he understood or not. However, her eyes were still so clear, and his back was the only view inside the pupil.

"Alright, I'll go get Thor." , Subaru said, and then fled out of the room, thumping down the stairs.

Ten minutes later, Thor and True White walked down together, this time finally without a hitch, but-.

"Subaru, did you see that?" , Thor looked at Subaru with a bulging face.

Driven by a strong desire to live, Subaru looked like I don't know what you're talking about and played dumb: "Huh? What do you see? Thor all of a sudden what are you talking about, ahhh..."

"Hmph, Subaru the pervert. Did you really make a move on Makabeisu."

"Who, who said that!" , Subaru straightened his back and instantly replaced it with an expression of great righteousness. "I definitely didn't make a move! I swear!"


"Of course it's absolutely true!"

Just an accidental glance....

"...Okay." , although there was still a slow suspicion in her eyes, but since Shinbaek himself didn't say anything, she didn't want to pursue it.

"Speaking of which." , Tor pointed to a bag next to the couch. "Subaru why did you ask me to buy another schoolboy yukata, it's not the right size if you give it to Kanna."

"Ah, that ah." , Subaru opened the bag and a purple yukata embellished with crushed flowers came into view. "Although not being able to buy it myself might seem a bit insincere, this is something I'm giving to someone else."

"Hey I know I know!" , Lotte Yi suddenly raised her hand. "It's for that Chihuahua, isn't it!"

"HEY?! How would you know!" , Subaru looked at her in amazement. "You shouldn't have such an IQ!"

"What! I'm a smart one, okay?"

"Subaru you've gone too far!" , Thor spoke for Lotte Yi. "Is it because Chihuahua was injured that day that you sent this to her."

Subaru nodded, "That's about right."

Subaru then recounted what Jihana had said at the gym.

"You weren't allowed to attend the training and summer festival because you were injured? That's so unfair, wouldn't that make Chihuahua miserable?" , Tor said.

"That's right." , said Subaru putting the bag away. "So I decided to pay a visit to Chihuahua's house once more with this yukata, both as a compensation for her dress and to talk to her father to see if I could possibly get Chihuahua to come to the summer festival as well."

"Haha, speaking of which." , said Subaru, suddenly laughing, and said to Thor, "How I've been dealing with various dads lately. First it was your dad, and now it's Jihana's dad."

"That's different oh." , Thor shook his finger out.

"Well, it is indeed different, your dad is a lot scarier than Chihuahua's dad, I almost died at his hands."

"It's not that la!" , Thor drummed his face. "Jihana's father is your senior at best, but my father is your father-in-law, oh!"


"So ah, my father is your father-in-law!"

"No, what kind of logic is that, when did the Terminator become my father-in-law?!"

"Of course it is! Because-", Tor suddenly held his face shyly. "Because Thor is your bride, and my father has admitted to saying so!"


"Ah, Subaru doesn't know yet, does he?" , Thor interrupted Subaru. "That blessing, in fact, is nothing more than a trivial power as far as its effect is concerned. However, if it is a blessing exerted by a father, it is different, it represents a father's acknowledgement of his children's loved ones!"

"And that meaning...", Subaru touched his forehead.

"Yeah, so ah, Tor will be your wife from now on, oh~~"

"Don't talk to yourself." , Subaru knocked Thor who was holding his face and twisting around. "Wife and all that, it's not like a blessing is going to solve the problem."

"I know I know, and I have to get a marriage license right! I'm going to get my watch now!"

"I refuse."

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