Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 122

"Hey~ Why~~?"

"A rejection is a rejection, there's no why!"

"Why ah~~"

Thor grabbed Subaru's arm and kept spilling his guts.

"Ahhh, then I want it too! Kitten Kitten, I want to be your bride too!" , Lottie's eyes lit up and jumped onto Subaru's back.

"Tenyi you too!"

"Humm, I'll take that too."

"No, Conner sauce, it's too..."

Shinbaek quietly looked at the rowdy four, something glinting in his eyes.

"The bride..."

Chapter 219 - Visiting Again


Subaru cleared his throat and straightened his collar again, making sure there was nothing inappropriate on him, then took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

"Yes, who is it?"

"That, I'm the coach of the girls' basketball club at Huishin Elementary School, Hasegawa-"

Before Subaru could finish his sentence, he was interrupted, "Ah! Are you Subaru? Are you here to see our Jihua?"

"Uh-yes, if it's convenient right now."

"Just a minute oh!"

The call was interrupted, then a short while later, the door was opened and Hanayori rushed out of it.

"Hello, Auntie Hanayo." , Subaru bowed politely.

"Hello, Subaru-kun." , Hanori ushered Subaru inside.

"Subaru-kun." , at the entrance, Hanayori mysteriously leaned in to whisper. "You're here so that Jihana can attend the Summer Festival, right?"

"Yes, yes. For that too, Jihana came to apologize for being injured at my house."

"There's no need to mind that little thing, and she's already been here that night, Teacher."

"Mihoshi-san-no, did she come here, Teacher Zing?!" Subaru was a little surprised. If I remember correctly, I think Mihoshi-san was the one who sent Run and the others home that day.

"Yeah, I've been apologizing for what happened to Jihana, so she's really a very responsible teacher."


Mihoshi-san... Subaru's gaze softened for a moment.

Walking to the living room, they sat down at the table.

"Well, let's ignore that for now." , without even bothering to serve the tea, Hanayori said again. "As much as I would like to let Jihana go to the Summer Festival for a good time, Shinobu has never allowed it, and I don't have a good word to say to persuade him."

"Surely, or is it because of the injury?"

Instead of answering directly, Hanaori asked, "Subaru-kun, do you know anything about what happened before Chihaya transferred to another school?"

"Well, I know one thing, it's probably that Chihika would transfer schools all because of basketball."

"Yes, ever since then, Shinobu hasn't been very supportive of Chihaya continuing to play basketball again, but Chihaya insisted on playing and he couldn't bear to just forbid Chihaya, but this injury turned out to be the trigger that completely strengthened his resolve to not let Chihaya play basketball anymore?"

"I see." , Subaru chanted as he cupped his chin.

No wonder the attitude towards me that time was a bit...was it because I was their basketball coach?

"Ah, yes, I haven't told Jihana yet, I'm calling her down-"

"Subaru, Subaru-chan?!!!" , as she said, another voice overshadowed Hanori's.

"Jihana." , Subaru smiled and waved his hand to Jihana who was standing in the doorway with a shocked face.

Hanori smiled and stood up, "Then Subaru-kun, you two talk oh, I'll go prepare snacks for you."

"Ah, right." , Hanori clapped her hands. "Chihuahua, Subaru-kun has a present for you oh."

"A present?"

Subaru scratched his head, "Why would you know-"

"Oh-", Hanaori hid a light laugh. "When Shinobu was chasing me, he was also running to my house like this carrying gifts when nothing happened~~"

"Mom! You, you're talking about something!!!" , Jihana blushed for an instant, tugging at Hanayori's clothes and staring at her with discontent.

Chasing... Subaru's mouth twitched, unable to say a word.

"Alright, alright, I'll leave you guys alone, you can talk, hehehehehe~", Hanori pushed Jihana towards Subaru's side and closed the door, looking like she was preparing a snack.

"Hey? Hey...", as soon as Hanori left, it was as if Chihaya had no master mind, neither standing nor sitting, as if the guest had become her and Subaru was the master of the house.

"Jihana." , Subaru called out amusedly. "Sit down, I have something I want to tell you."


Chihuahua's shoulders shook and immediately went to sit down next to Subaru, bowing her head as if she was a child who had made a mistake.

"That, Subaru-nii-san, may I ask what it is...", Jihana said as she raised her head slightly and looked at Subaru.

"Hey - first of all, this." , Subaru handed the bag in his hand to Jihana. "Didn't you scratch your skirt at my house the other day, this is for you as a compensation."



Seeing that Chihuahua still had her head down, Subaru first froze, then suddenly remembered what was caused by the scratching and coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Ah! Thank you for Subaru-san's gift, then I'll take it with pleasure." , Jihana blushed a bit more and snatched the gift from Subaru's hand. "Is it okay to open it now?"

"Can yo."

Hearing that Jihana opened the bag, her eyes immediately lit up as she admired the clothes and took them out of the bag.

"This, do you really want to give it to me?" , Jihana asked in surprise as she hugged her yukata to her chest.

"Of course! It was originally bought just to be given to Jihana."

"For heh heh...", Jihana's hand holding the yukata subconsciously gripped tightly for fear of being snatched away by someone. Laughing, her gaze suddenly faltered and she said somewhat sadly, "But, there should be no chance to wear a yukata now..."

"No, there's a chance." , Subaru shook his head. "Isn't today's summer festival a good opportunity?"

"But Dad won't let me go-"

"Let him allow you to go, then, that won't be fine." , Subaru put his hand on Chihuahua's head and said gently. "Anyway, I'll negotiate with Uncle Shinobu first, and if that doesn't work, we'll think of something else, okay?"

"Subaru-chan...", Jihana looked at Subaru, something shining in her eyes.


"Speaking of which, isn't Uncle Shinobu home right now?"

"Not here oh, Shinobu he's not here right now, but I guess he'll be back soon." , the door was suddenly pulled open and Hanori walked in with tea and snacks.


"Hey~ Chihuahua, what a nice yukata." , Hanori took the yukata from Tomohana and measured it for a while. "Is this Subaru-kun's gift to you? That's great! Subaru-kun is really good at pleasing girls, if Shinobu had been so attentive, Chihika would have been a year or two older than she is now, heh heh..."

"Mom! You're talking nonsense again!" , Chihuahua drummed her face.

"Alright, alright, I'll just leave it at that. I'll go out first and leave you guys alone." , Hanaori chuckled, got up and walked out.

A few seconds later, a voice from the door came in.

"Ah, Shinobu, are you back already?"

"Well, I'm back, speaking of which, do you have any guests today, I see-", the door was pulled open again and Shinobu who appeared in the doorway was talking to Hanaori who was in the back, and suddenly froze when he saw Subaru inside the living room.

"Hello, Uncle Shinobu!" , Subaru stood up in a row and bowed respectfully.

"Hello." , Shinobu bowed slightly in return and walked in.

"Coach-san, what is it that brings you to the humble abode today?" , said Shinobu glancing inadvertently at the yukata in Jihana's hand, his brow furrowed. "Jihana, I think I've made it clear to you that this summer festival-"

"That's why I'm here, Uncle Shinobu." , Subaru looked at Shinobu and slowly lowered his head.

"Uncle Shinobu, please let Jihana come with us to the Summer Festival."

Chapter 220.


Shinobu didn't answer, but looked at Tomohana, who had her head down and was clutching her yukata tightly.

Seeing this, Subaru was busy explaining, "Ah, it wasn't Chihuahua who asked for it, I wanted to come because -"

"Mr. Coach." Shinobu pushed up his glasses. "At the end of the day this is our family business, Mr. Coach, isn't it a little too lenient?"


"Tolerate!" , Hanaori frowned and gave Shinobu a light shove, but the latter seemed as unmoved as if he didn't feel it.

"That, that! I'm sorry for getting involved in your family business without permission, but I think Chihika really wants to go to the Summer Festival because there are still her friends there, and it would be pitiful if she couldn't even play with her friends on a festival like this but stayed home alone, wouldn't it?"

"Oh? Friends? Jihana doesn't need some basketball playing friends!"

"Dad!" , the words fell out, and Chihuahua raised her head and shouted very excitedly. "I will stay home today, but please don't talk about my friends like that! They're my most important friends!"

"Jihana, you...", Shinobu looked at Jihana in amazement. "Jihana, you know, the reason you transferred schools, but it's all because of playing basketball..."

"Uncle Shinobu, with all due respect, you're wrong."

Shinobu frowned and didn't make a sound.

"That, I know a little bit about what happened to Jihana before she transferred to Huishin Elementary School. I don't think there's anything wrong with those kids who alienated Jihana. Ah! And of course, Chihuahua is not at all at fault."

"So, in the end, it's this basketball's fault." , Shinobu said with a snort.

"No, none of it is wrong. In my opinion, it's just that those kids don't have the same will as Chihika, and Chihika wants to improve herself faster and better, and that's certainly something to be encouraged, and those kids only want to play basketball as entertainment, which is certainly not wrong in terms of a child's playful nature."

Subaru paused, then said, "Uncle Shinobu, there's a Chinese saying that different paths don't lead to different plans. Therefore, Chihuahua just didn't find anyone willing to work as hard as she did to improve herself, and that's why she regrettably transferred to Huishin Elementary School..."

He looked at Jihana again, and at Jihana's somewhat confused look, he smiled and continued, "But now Jihana has found it. Every member of the women's basketball club loves basketball, and rejoices in the daily progress of trying to improve themselves. I, as the coach, can assure you, Ji Hana, is really having a great time."


"Yeah...", Shinobu was slightly touched, but still insisted, "But, the other day Chihika was injured just because of playing basketball, and she has to practice her dance with Hanayo. It's fine this time, but if the next time she gets injured because of playing basketball and can't even dance then, can you take the blame for that?!"

"But, injuries are already normal, and if you dance, you might also sprain your foot or something like that due to some accident, and at that time, should Auntie Hanaori be held responsible for Chihuahua not being able to play basketball because of her dancing injury?"

"Strong words!" and endured a pounding of the table. "Mr. Coach, it seems that the humble abode is too small to accommodate your lectures. Jihua has academic duties today, so you should please return."



"Sorry, Uncle Shinobu." , Subaru stood up and gave a small bow. "I may have spoken a little too harshly, please don't mind. However, I still insist that Chihuahua is a really good group of friends in the women's basketball club, and please make sure you consider having Chihuahua come to the summer festival. I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Subaru headed out the door.

"Subaru-chan!" , Jihana called out to him, and they looked at each other, Subaru smiled slightly, his lips moving but not making a sound.

Be sure to listen to your father oh.

"Slow down." , Shinobu replied sullenly, and stopped talking.

"Shinobu...", Hanayo frowned, then said to Subaru, "Subaru-kun, I'll see you off."

Subaru smiled back and said, "No, Hanayo auntie."

Despite that, Hanori insisted on dropping Subaru off at the front door.

Finished, screwed up... Walking down the street, Subaru scratched his head.

"Now I can only pray that Auntie Hanori will say something for Jihana, but I don't think it's okay for me to say anything... why would Uncle Shinobu be angry..."

Subaru puzzled over the reason for this, but still had no clue.

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