Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 123

"What's wrong with today, making a mistake annoying a high school student?" , said Hanaori as the Chihuahua family sat in the living room.

"You know he's a high school student, too. If he's a high school student, is it acceptable to come to an elementary school girl's house and threaten to take Tomohana to the summer festival?!"

"You...", Hanori was stunned, then laughed, "It can't be because Chihuahua has someone you like and you're jealous, so you're deliberately driving people away."



Shinobu and Chihuahua shrieked at the same time.

"Me? Why would I be jealous because of that kid?!" , Shinobu took off his glasses and wiped them with some embarrassment.

"But, I think people have a point, you not only disapprove, but you kicked them out, and now you're saying 'that kid', Shinobu, but you never say those things."

"I...", Shinobu was momentarily speechless, then he waved his hand irritably, "Okay, okay, I get it, whatever you like, okay! Jihana, Summer Festival, you can go if you want, I don't care."

Wisdom Flower's eyes lit up with unexplainable joy, "Really! Dad, thank you!"

"Looks like you've made a bunch of good friends in the basketball club this time."

"Yeah! Then, I'll call Subaru! Tell him I can come to the Summer Festival!" , Jihana thudded up the stairs with her yukata in her arms, not even giving Shinobu and Hanaori a chance to talk.

"Heh heh... a girl's a girl." , Hanaori laughed and looked at Shinobu derisively.

Shinobu snorted, "What girl is too big to stay, she's obviously only 11 years old!"

"Surely, it's better to be jealous!" , Hanori laughed like a child who had gotten away with a prank. "But, Shinobu, you know what? Ji Hana, the basketball coach, is famous, oh?"

"Know." , Shinobu replied sullenly. "It's just a light novelist and the president of a company or something miscellaneous, what's the big deal..."


Under Hanori's meaningful eye attack, Shinobu shouted as if giving up, "You're right, okay?! All right?!"

"Uh-huh, that's okay~~"

"You...", Shinobu was speechless, so he simply threw his sleeve away, threw a "I'm going to make some tea" and turned around and went back inside the room.

In Jihua's room, Jihua was standing in front of the mirror, turning left and right. The yukata that was in the bag a moment ago is now on her body.

Jihana admired herself in the mirror, suddenly shyly holding her face, and kept giggling.

"Ah, right, phone call." , Ji Hana knocked her head and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Subaru-niichan? Well, that! Dad's given me permission to come to the summer festival! Mmm! Thank you, Subaru-chan!"

Chapter 221 - Summer Festival, Beginning

"Is Chihuahua here yet, the summer festival is about to start oh." , Lotte said, then looked at Subaru with two glowing eyes, "Kitten Kitten, I've heard that all these festivals will have lots and lots of good food, is that true?!"

"Eat, eat, just eat." , Subaru knocked on Lotte Yi's head without good grace.

It seemed like the cost of snacks and ingredients had skyrocketed after this product came to his house. Under the rule of that stomach that seemed to be connected to a different dimension, every time Subaru wanted to find something to eat, he could only silently take a glass of water to drink.

Next to him, Kanna tugged on Subaru's shirt, lifted her head and said, "Humm, Subaru, I want some candy apples!"

"Yeah~~ I'll bring you to buy it when I go later, okay." , Subaru smiled and touched Kanna's head.


"Hey - that's not fair!" , Lottie deflated. "Kitten is too eccentric too."

"Fine, I'll buy you anything you want to eat later." , Subaru replied helplessly. "But you have to be careful not to eat all the food in people's stalls, at least let them sell some to other pedestrians okay."

"Yeah, I got it!"

And you can really eat it all... Subaru's eyes jumped at the corners.

"Do you two have anything you'd like to eat? We can go buy them together later." , Subaru said to Toru and Shinbaek next to him.

"I'm all right yo, I'll eat whatever Subaru eats." , Thor said back.

Shinbaek shook his head, "I don't know."

"Ah, right, I think it's the first time that Makebai is playing at this kind of festival, but then there's a lot of fun, so I'll take you along."



Hearing someone call out to him, Subaru subconsciously turned his head, then smiled and said to the person next to him, "Jihana is here."

"Subaru-chan!" , Chihuahua ran to everyone and lowered her head to catch a few breaths. And thanks to her she could still run so fast in clogs.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, there's still a little time before we start." , Subaru took out a packet of tissues and handed it to Jihana.

Jihana took the paper, "Yes, yes! Thank you Subaru-san."

"Well, now that Chihika has joined you, I'll go first."

"Ah, Auntie Hanayori." , Subaru then noticed Hanayori who was also wearing a yukata behind Jihana. "That, Jihana can come, did Uncle Shinobu give his permission?"

"Allowed oh, all thanks to Subaru-kun."

"No, I'm just stating the actual situation." , Subaru scratched his head apologetically.

"Then I'll be off then oh, Shinobu is waiting for me too. Jihana, you guys have fun oh." , Hanaori waved her hand and turned to go.

"Bye mom~~", Jihana waved too.

Subaru looked Jihana up and down a few times and nodded his head in satisfaction, "Well - Jihana, this yukata suits you very well, it's very nice."

"Hey, yes, is it. Thanks..."

Subaru clapped his hands, "Alright, now that we're all here, let's go!"

After another ten-minute ride on the tram, Subaru and the others arrived at the site of the summer festival just as night was falling, and although it hadn't officially started yet, it was already crowded. The various vendors were also rubbing their hands together, ready to make a big profit from the festival.

"How about it, have you made contact yet?" , Subaru asked to Jihana who was holding the phone next to him.

"Well, Manabu and the others said that they're waiting for us at a stall up there that sells candy apples."

"I see, so-huh?"

Subaru took out his own phone and took a look at it, then pressed the answer button.

"Hahaha, my enabler yo, where are you now!"

"Me? I'm at the entrance now."

"Hey, we're here too, ah! I see you!"

The call was disconnected straight away, and then everyone saw four people running this way.

"Haha, Subaru, I didn't think we'd all just happen to be here, worthy of being my ambassador!" , Satania thrust in a smile. The ladylike style that the yukata represented was broken by her from head to toe.

"Now that we're assembled, let's go together, there should be fireworks later on, are you going to see them?"

"Of course!"

"Well-huh?" , Subaru suddenly noticed Jubari beside him. "I say, Kaibari, normally looking lazy and lazy, but today, with her hair tied up and dressed so neatly, she looks out of place instead."

The light golden flowery yukata, and the blonde hair that was usually draped messily over her shoulders was properly combed and tied into a ponytail. It did look quite different than usual.

"What do you care!" , Jia Baili rolled her eyes. "Did anything happen after that old man left that day?"

"Old man?" , Subaru froze for a moment, and then realized she was talking about the Final Emperor. "It's okay, he hasn't been back."

Jubilee nodded and stopped talking.

"What what? What are you talking about, what old man?" , Satania interjected with a curious look.

"Nothing la! Let's go."

Walking up the stairs to the mountain, Subaru asked Jubari next to him again, "Saying that you haven't been to my house since that day, did you get hurt?"

"Silly you, I'm an angel, how could I get hurt."

"I see, I'm sorry if it's because of me that you got hurt." , Subaru said with a smile.

Jubilee gave him a blank look, "If you feel sorry you should just restrain yourself, a human actually yelling at a dragon, is it too long to live?"

"Ahaha... I didn't think that much about it at the time, after all, the Final Emperor he was coming to take away Thor, how could I be a shrinking turtle."



"Hey~ Subaru they're so slow." , Manabu forked his waist and looked over at the entrance of the stairs from time to time.

"After all, there are so many people, Subaru-san should be on his way up already." , Saji said. "And I heard that Chihuahua was able to come to the Summer Festival all because of Subaru-san."

Shin Fan puffed out his hands, "Well, Subaru is still a bit useful."

"Oh~ Oni-san!" , Hyuga, who had been quietly eating the apple candy beside her, suddenly rushed out and then all of a sudden hugged Subaru, who had just come up from below.

"Hyuga-san, take your apple candy first, it's all stuck to my shirt." , Subaru ruffled Hyuga's hair.


"Subaru, we've been waiting for a long time oh, I can't believe we made the girls wait this long!" , said Makifumi in an angry manner, followed by Saji and Avery.

"Sorry sorry, wasn't the festival just starting, there's still plenty of time to play, I'll just accompany you guys for whatever you want to play next."

"Hey-", Subaru looked at Lori and then back at the few people behind her, thinking a little. "How about this, we'll play separately for now, and then we'll find a place to meet up when it's time to watch the fireworks, how about that?"

No one objected, and the crowd was roughly divided into groups, Subaru and the lorries who had already agreed to be together in one group, Thor, Conner True White, and Lottie in one group, and the angel demons in one group.

"Tor, call me if you need anything oh.", Subaru instructed Tor. , Subaru instructed Tor, and left first with the lorries.

"Then let's go play too, I've heard that all these rituals of humans are very interesting, what shall we play first?" , Thor leapt to his feet and asked.

"I want some candy apples!"

"Let's go eat first!"

Conner and Lottie said in unison, instantly bursting the momentum of Tor's desire to play like a balloon tie.

"Can't we just play for a little while before we go eat?"

"Hmmm, I'd like to eat applesauce first."

"Me too, I won't have the energy to play if I'm hungry~~"

With a glance at the group of Subaru who had already walked away and the group of Thor who were still discussing whether they should eat or play first, Satania picked a random direction and rushed out first.

"It was decided, let's play from this side first!"

Chapter 222 - Summer Festival, The World of Eating

"What do you guys want to play?" , Subaru asked as he looked left and right.

It was worthy of being the largest summer festival in this area, not only the people, but also the vendors were numerous, and the variety of goods was dazzling. In the end this was also Subaru's first time playing at the festival, and he was curious about all sorts of things.

"Ohhh, Hyuga wants a chocolate banana! And then you want to go fishing for goldfish!"

"Fishing for goldfish, ah, not bad." , Subaru's eyebrows rose.

"I want some fried noodles!" , said True Sail.

"Ah, I also want to go for the chocolate banana's say." , Ally raised her hand.

Saji pushed up her glasses, "I want to try the fried noodles."

"Where's Chihuahua?" , Subaru said to Chihuahua. "Is there anything you want to play with or eat, Chihuahua?"

"My words...", Jihana put a finger to her lips, thought for a moment, and shook her head, "There's no particular place I want to go, I'll just be with everyone."

"In that case-"

"In that case, let's split up!" , Saji grabbed the topic. "I'm going to go get some fried noodles with Makifan, and Hyuga and Avery are going to get chocolate bananas. Subaru-san will just hang out here with Jihana who doesn't know what to play or eat. That's it, okay, True Sail, let's go let's go."

Sayaji said, pushing on Manami's shoulders as the latter questioned "why" as she walked further and further away. On the other hand, Hyuga and Ellie were happily heading the other way to find chocolate bananas. In an instant, only Subaru and Chihuahua were left from the original group of a dozen people.

"Hey... even if you're hungry, you don't have to be in such a hurry...", Subaru's eyelids jumped, and the four of them ran extremely fast, like people who hadn't eaten in days.

"Well, but it doesn't matter." , shrugged his shoulders, Subaru stepped forward. "Chihuahua, let's go, let me know if you see anything you want to play with."


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