Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 135

"Yao-san, long time no see."

Yao deflated, "Hey~~ Didn't I say I was going to call someone Yao, Sakamoto-sensei is so cold~~"


"Yao, Sakamoto-sensei is troubled oh?" , Aiya tugged at her clothes.

"It's fine, it's fine, um - these two are Miss Hanazawa Kanae and Miss Yumibi, right?" , noticing two more people in the lounge, Subaru recognized them by memory.

"Yes! I'm Kanae Hanazawa, hello, Sakamoto-sensei." , Kanae walked up to Subaru and bowed. Just like the impression she gave in her previous life, she was a very polite person both in and out of the theater.

"Hello, Miss Kanae!" Subaru excitedly shook Kana's hand. long as you've been around the second dimension, you'll hear "Sesshō no! (se, no) "I'm afraid the first thing that comes to mind is her. It's impossible not to be excited to see her in person.

Of course, it'd be nice to meet Spike Miya~~!

"Hello, Sakamoto-sensei." , After Cilantro, Yuki-bi also came up to greet her.

"Hello, Yuki-san."

"It's fine to call me Bi." , Yorubi smiled and shook Subaru's hand.

After the greeting, Subaru sat down in his seat, opposite the five voices that had been agreed upon in the first place.

No one spoke, because this was the time when Subaru was supposed to give new contracts, and then a few people signed up to officially move to his voice acting office, but-...

"Sakamoto-sensei?" , Yao looked at him questioningly.

"He-that...", Subaru hesitated and cleared his throat, then said, "First of all, I'm happy that you all trust me so much, and you've made what you personally think is the right choice, but..."

"Sorry, I was so careless and didn't pay attention, I just... forgot to establish the firm... ehehehe..."


"Sakamoto-sensei, you're not really fooling us, are you?!" , Yao was lying on the table, looking at him with dissatisfaction.

"Absolutely not...that, how shall I put it..."

"Sakamoto-sensei, can you give us a reasonable explanation." , not as excited as Yao, Saori said calmly.

After all, it wasn't the first time that Subaru had been unreliable....

Subaru scratched his head, "For many, many reasons, that, mostly because I forgot... but don't worry guys, I'm going to form the company starting tomorrow! I can only ask you to wait a few more days..."

"What the hell, is Sakamoto-sensei ever this unreliable." , Yao muttered, suddenly smiling, "But that's how it should be! Earlier it had been a serious look that made me feel like a middle-aged man in a high school skin! Right? Subaru-kun!"

"Subaru-kun...well, well. That's roughly the situation, and I'm very sorry for making everyone's trip today a wasted one - no, it wasn't a wasted trip. Let me give you all a meeting gift next."

"A gift of meeting?"

"Yes." , Subaru stood up, walked to the door, turned around and said, "The meeting is coming up later regarding the decision to produce my next anime, would you be interested in coming along as everyone in the future Bleeping Sound Office?"

"The next animation!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and even Yao flashed next to Subaru at some point.

"Nah, Subaru-kun, what's the anime?!"

"It's an anime movie oh, it's called, 'Your Name'."

"A movie! Your name is... so common feeling hey."

"Well." Subaru puffed out his hands. "If you come to attend, you'll know that this movie isn't ordinary."

"That's for sure ah!" , Yao very exaggeratedly gestured. "Because it's that - a Sakamoto-sensei's work!"

"Follow me, gentlemen."

Subaru beckoned and walked ahead.

I don't know if there's a Shinkai Makoto in this world, but....

Subaru pushed open the door to the conference room, where members of the production team were already waiting.


Subaru smiled and nodded.

But I'm sure it won't insult the film.

Chapter 241 - Proposal for the Cultural Festival (above)

"Ah, exhausted exhausted. Why do I have to run around on a rare weekend." , walking down the street home, Subaru stretched his joints a few times and said to himself.

After turning a corner, Subaru froze - a yellow fur was leaning against the wall next to his house, looking as if it had been waiting for a while.

"Jubari? Why don't you go in?"

"You're not in there, why should I go in there." , Jubilee took off her headphones and said indifferently.

"Did you come to see me...uh, is it homework? But sorry, I haven't done that yet, it's because I'm busy today."

"You haven't done it yet?!" , Jia Baili stared, then waved her hand, "Well, that's only part of the purpose. The main thing is, the community activities of the Cultural Festival, do you participate in them?"

"Ah, the Cultural's almost the Cultural Festival before I know it. You mean the one where the representative club competes against other schools?"

"Yeah, you haven't participated in the club for a long time, those people think you've disappeared on earth."

Subaru giggled, "Why not, I've been attending recently, and I've been in touch on Line about it."

"So, what's your answer?"

After thinking for a moment, Subaru asked, "This... are you participating?"

"I asked you first, you first."

"Yeah... But, the club should have enough numbers besides me, and I've only recently gotten into this game, so if it's League of Legends I can go, but I'd rather not go to this one."

"Yeah? Then I won't go either." , Jubilee said, and then headed to her house. "That's it then, see you tomorrow."

"Hey, don't you have to come in and sit down?"

"No need. You'd better think of what to tell them." , Jubilee waved her hand without turning back.

"Don't you want the homework too?"

"It's okay if you don't do it once so it's okay, next time."

A cultural should be fun!

"Welcome back! Subaru!" , back home, Thor came out immediately to greet her. "May I ask if you want to shower first, or eat first, or - yes - say -"

Subaru knocked her on the head and threw down a sentence and went inside the living room, "I'm going to watch TV, and also don't learn any of this from now on."

"Hey~~ Let me finish-"

"Ah, Kitten, welcome back." , said Lottie, who was lying on the couch, and then returned her attention to the TV.

"Speaking of which, Tor, is there anything you'd like to do for the Cultural Festival soon?"

"Culture Festival!" , Lottie jumped up from the couch in a flash, her eyes shining, "It's that legendary one with all kinds of food and lots and lots of fun, right!"

"Where did you hear that from..."

"I heard it from someone in my class!" , Lotte Yi proudly puffed up her small breasts, although there was no goods whatsoever that is.

"Hey~~ So Tian Yi is getting along well with the people in her class now."

"Tian Yi is very popular right now." , Tor said. "Since she's a transfer student from China, everyone's curious about her, and the last time I got her to go home with me I saw her holding a big bag of snacks."

"Well, they volunteered that one to me oh! I didn't ask for it!" , Lotte Yi explained evenly.

"I know, Tenyi wouldn't do anything like that." , Subaru laughed and tugged at the two rings on her head.

"Kitten! Stop pulling my hair all the time!" , Lottie slapped his hand away and held her head in aggravation.

"Because I think it's funny so I want to tug on it every time to try it" is not something I would say of course... Subaru laughed.

"So, Tenyi just wants to eat I see, what about Tor, is there anything you want to do."

"I don't know hey...", Tor put his finger on his lips and thought about hugging Subaru's arm, "But I'll do whatever Subaru wants to do lah."

Subaru chuckled lightly, "That's nothing."

Then, the next day.

Class President Ogiyama Aoi's last stroke fell on the board and turned to the crowd at the podium.

"There are a few proposals for what our class will do at the Cultural Festival, do you have any new ones, if not, we'll start voting."

Drama, cafe, haunted house, divination...they're all some pretty normal options right? Subaru nodded, it didn't matter to him which of these random ones were held.

Then there was-.

"", Subaru said as he looked at Jubari, who was lying on the table next to him. "This is definitely your proposal, isn't it."

"Huh?" , Jia Baili sat up sharply, mentally comparing her thumbs, "It's just fun to be different!"

"Different, my ass! You pay for all that equipment in the game room!"

"...misstep misstep." , Jubari knocked his head.

Subaru pawed his hands, "Well, but I guess not many people will vote for the Game Hall then."

The results of the vote came out, and in the end, the Game Hall won by an overwhelming number of votes....

Oh my god... Subaru rubbed his face, looking incredulously at the difference between the number of votes on the board for the game hall and the other proposals.

"Well then, the final proposal is the tour, the game room." , after reading the votes, Aoi was also a bit helpless. "Please ask the student who made this suggestion to explain the exact approach."

"What should I do, Subaru...", Jubari looked to Subaru beside her for help.

"So, can you think about doing things in the future."

Sighing, Subaru stood up.

Aoi looked at him in surprise, "Subaru... was it you who suggested the playroom."

"No, I was denying the proposal." , Subaru shook his head, then said the reason why he couldn't open the game hall again.

"Also...", Aoi cupped her chin. "So, does anyone else think the game hall can be run or can give specific methods?"

No one spoke, but in the end they all fell for Jiali's momentary illusions.

"Then, this proposal of the game hall is hereby nullified, and we'll choose the second place with the votes, hey- it's the drama. Then, please explain to the student who proposed the drama."

"Yes yes~~!" , and soon, a few girls stood up. However, since they didn't have much contact with the class, Subaru could only manage to get acquainted.

"The play we are proposing is Romeo and Juliet."

"Hey~~", as soon as he said that, the other students suddenly shouted like complaining, especially many of the boys, who were already talking about casting their votes again.

"But!" , ignoring the attitudes of her classmates, one of the proposed girls continued, "We decided to also mix in the plot of Snow White and, more crucially, to have all the male characters in the play played by girls and all the female characters, played by boys!"

"Ohhhh!!!" , everyone was immediately interested, the girls did all agree, but there were still some boys who objected because they didn't want to be in the play.

"And, the choice of the heroine of the play has already been decided." , another girl smiled hip-hop and suddenly pointed at Subaru who also stood up, "It's you, Hasegawa-san!"

A long silence.



And then, that's great, the unanimous vote.

Chapter 242 - Proposal for the Cultural Festival (below)

"I I I I star in the female, heroine?!!!" , Subaru pointed to himself, still looking like he was living in a dream. "But, I'm a boy!"

"It's just because you're a boy that you're acting! Hasegawa-san is so handsome, she must be pretty too if she's wearing makeup as a lady!"

"No, no, no, I'm glad you say that, but, I'm starring in Female! Master? No, not Romeo or Prince?"

"Of course not! We told you beforehand, the female roles are played by boys, and the male roles are played by girls."

"Pfft-", next to him, Jubari was already shaking with laughter, and after having a hard time slowing down, he patted his hand, "Plus, come on, Hasegawa Juliet-san- -Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I can't, I'm dying of laughter."

"Jubilee!" , Subaru shouted in annoyance, suddenly feeling a tug on his right sleeve as well.

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