Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 136.

"It's okay Subaru, even if you turn out to be a woman, I still like you just the same - my, cousin! Hahahahaha...", after that, Thor also covered his stomach and laughed, even to the point of tears.


"Hey! It's weird for a boy to play Juliet or something, okay!" , Subaru protested, but none of them took him up on his protest.

"Class President, that's all we have to offer, as for Romeo and whoever plays the role of the prince of Snow White, we don't care, even though we'd love to say it, let's vote on it, ehehehehe~"

Then why doesn't the woman get to vote on it? Hey! Give me back my fairness. Hey! Subaru was screaming at the top of his lungs.

That's right! And Aoi! Aoi is class president, hurry up and use your class president powers to shut this proposal down!

Subaru looked hopefully at Aoi, who was still considering it, but even if she was considering it, why would she turn around and cover her stomach?

Then Aoi wiped the corner of her eye and turned, and the moment she opened her mouth, Subaru knew it was all over.

"So, is there anyone else in our class who disagrees?"

"No!!!" The deafening sound of a voice shouting a slogan was heard, and everyone looked at the "heroine" with anticipation.

Aoi, even you........

In that moment, Subaru felt that the world had changed all of a sudden, everyone had become so strange and ruthless... and then he was walking alone in the world, still wearing women's clothes....

"Then I announce that this class will be performing a hybrid version of the plays Romeo and Juliet and Snow White at the Cultural Festival, with the male character to be determined and the female character to be Subaru Hasegawa-san." , Aoi clapped her hands and made the final verdict.


Enthusiastic applause rang out, especially from a few people around Subaru, who probably had their hands clapped red. I don't know if they were celebrating the confirmation of Juliette's choice or the birth of a female costume magnate....

Subaru sat stunned, his face ashen, as if something had fractured as the applause began.

"Subaru, come on! Our class's Cultural Festival performance is all up to you!" , Jubari said to Subaru in a serious manner. However, it was clear from the way she puffed and forced back her expression from time to time, this product....

Thor also waved his fist, "Go for it! Subaru! This is a scene I'll remember for the rest of my life!"

Subaru silently held his head on the table, "Stop it, I want to be quiet, don't ask me who the quiet is."

"Well, then, let's continue the meeting below. Regarding the two male characters in the drama, is there anyone who is willing to play them?"

Not surprisingly, a lot of girls raised their hands. At least the fact that he was quite popular in class gave him some comfort.

"What should we do with this many people...", Aoi knocked her head a little troubled.

"Yes yes~~!" , one of the girls who suggested that they wanted to be in the play at the same time raised her hand. "Because the play will be performed twice in a row! Since there are so many people, we can choose four male heroes to perform twice with Hasegawa-san, so we'll have a few more chances that way!"

"Good idea hey!" , Aoi's eyes lit up. "Then the four chances will be decided by lottery!"

A few minutes later, based on the number of people, Aoi made a simple box used to draw lots.

"Alright, the students who just raised their hands, please come up and draw lots, those who don't have words are those who didn't win, and those who have words are those who won."

"Yes! I'll go first!" , Thor was the first one to rush to the top of the podium, and with a smile on his face, he grabbed a note and let it go to the side.

"I want me too!" , Satania ran up second, staring at the box with a deadly stare, hating to just pivot into it, which took a few seconds before he was satisfied to grab out a note.

"Well, I'll take the next one."

"Hey, Jubari, are you going too?" , Subaru asked, surprised.

"It looks like a lot of fun, it doesn't matter if I participate." , replied Jubari, casually picking up a sign and standing to the side.

The girls who had raised their hands then all came up to take a note, and when everyone was done, Aoi hesitated before grabbing the last note from inside the box.

"So, the results are now announced."

After Aoi spoke, everyone opened their slips of paper at the same time.

"Ehehe, I got it!" , Thor smiled and raised his note.

"Me too." , Jubilee threw the results on the stage.

The drawing of lots is a piece of cake for Your Highness! Hahaha!" , Satania very mid-way threw the note he was holding onto the podium and looked like he was hit too.


The others definitely didn't understand, but Subaru and Vineet who were offstage knew all about it.

These three, must have used some special method to get them.

In that case, three of the original four spots were reserved, leaving only the only one left.

"That, that, I won too." , Aoi apologetically unfolded the note for everyone to see, and then neatly placed it on the podium.

Aoi?! Subaru was surprised, not expecting Aoi to be hit as well.


The rest of the girls returned to their seats more or less disappointed, although they felt that it was a bit suspicious that the first three to take it were all hit, but the whole process was going on right in front of everyone's eyes, so no one came out to question anything.

Coughing a few times, Aoi resumed her class president adult appearance and continued, "Then it's decided that the male characters will be played by me, Tenzin-san, Nutazawa-san, and Hasegawa Toru-san."

"Everyone, the Cultural Festival is only a few days away, so go for it!"


Chapter 243 - Practice for the Drama

Considering someone's shame, class president Aoi had applied for a drama practice room through the homeroom teacher, and the five main actors were gathered in the empty classroom.

This was their play? Subaru took a look at the many notebooks that had been set up next to them. Making so many books in just a day or two, what a horrible enthusiasm....

Let's see what kind of script it is... Subaru picked up one of the books and read it roughly.

Well...after Romeo and Juliet commit suicide, Juliet falls into a deep and permanent sleep and then is kissed by Romeo, who has been reincarnated as a prince....

Wait, wait, wait, wait. A kiss? Subaru was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. It's probably a mismatch or something, but it's never really acting.

"Well - Subaru as Juliet, how should we distribute the roles of the four of us?" , Aoi said.

"Please don't be so simple as to condemn my character to death." , Subaru weakly raised her hand.

"Juliet shut up, there's only one female lead, you don't have a choice."


"Let's draw lots." , Japari said. "Just act out whatever you draw."

Thor shook his head and said firmly, "No! I want to play Prince!"


"No, no why! I want to play Prince!"

"Ho~~", Jubilee looked at her faintly for a few moments, then suddenly said, "Then I'll play the prince, and Ben and Satania will play Romeo! Mmm! It's decided."

"That's fine with me, what about Satania-san?" , Aoi looked to Satania.

Satania shaded one eye and smiled evilly, "Hmph... it's a generous offer as an archdemon, so I'll reluctantly let you have it!"

"Let's start practicing then, we don't have much time left."




"Girl, by this bright moon, its silvery light coating the tips of these fruit trees, I swear-"


"Ahem! Girl, by this bright moon, its silvery light coating the tips of these fruit trees, I swear-"


"Ahem! Girl... Hey, I mean Subaru! Do you have the drive or not?" , Aoi said with her hands on her hips and exhaled.

"Ah, is it my turn." , Subaru drooped his eyes and held up his script. "Ah, don't swear by the moon; it is fickle, and every month has a profit and loss. If you swear by it, maybe your love will be as fickle as it is..."


Another round of silence, which was no different from holding a reading, no, it was exactly the dialogue of a reading that fully expressed the heroine's inner frustration at this point.

"I say Subaru, this is a class assignment oh! Shouldn't you do this task well and with a positive attitude to bring glory to the class? You see, all the other students are making clothes and setting up the stage, and they're all contributing to the class oh?"

"The one who has the least right to talk about me here is you, Jia Baili!" , Subaru gave a blank look at some invalid angel lying on the table.


"That's lame, Subaru." , Satania tilted her head. "It's just the five of us here, so what's there to be shy about. We're not shy about playing boys, either. As Your Highness, I'm not going to allow my enchanters to behave in such a humiliating manner!"

"If you're not allowed to, just try to get rid of this weird setting for me! It's already humiliating to have me play Juliet, okay!"

Thor came up and grabbed him by the arm, "Subaru! Don't be so discouraged, it's just playing the female lead for once, look at the four of us playing the male lead, oh and besides, Subaru is so handsome, surely no one will find it unattractive."

"Thor...boy-boy and girl-boy are completely different concepts, okay..."

"Well...I remember saying all the same words, anti...anti..."

"Anticlimactic." , Subaru added with a sigh.

How on earth did I come up with that, even if it's a backstab, at least give me a chance to draw and struggle a bit....

"That's it!" , Thor hammered his palm. "All four of us girls are backstabbing, and only Subaru is a boy backstabbing, so that's earning it!"

Does this still count that way....

"Well, never mind." Subaru stood up, took a look at the four "heroes" in front of him, and sighed again, "Anyway, I'll take it seriously! But first, let me tell you something, if anyone laughs at me, I'll really strike out on the spot oh?"

Aoi hid a light smile, "Alright, alright, Juliette Hasegawa-san, let's get started quickly, these are the lines to remember."

"Come on come on." , Subaru replied sullenly.

"Girl, by this bright moon, its silvery light coating the tips of these fruit trees, I swear-"

"Ah! Don't swear by the moon, it's fickle, there's profit and loss in every month; if you swear by it, maybe your love will be as fickle as it is."

"Then...what should I...point to, and ...", Aoi held her stomach, seemingly in pain. But no one would think she was in pain.

"...I'm leaving bye." , Subaru turned around and ran out the door.

"Hey, won't let you run oh!" , the already aware Satania blocked Subaru's path. Thor leaned against the back doorway and smiled hehehe.

"Sa-Subaru, come on, let's get back to practice."

"I refuse!" , as if Aoi was some horrible demon, Subaru thudded back two steps and ended up tripping over the podium steps and sitting on his butt.

"Why? It's obviously a date!" , Aoi muttered.

Subaru glared, "And you have the nerve to say it! You were definitely laughing at me!"

"I didn't."

"Absolutely have!"

"I didn't." , Aoi spread her hands and acted like it was nothing.

"Well...", Thor came over and touched Subaru's head. "Subaru be good~~"

"Thor you think I'm a child...?"

"Because." , Tor hugged his head. "It's the first time people have seen Subaru being bullied, it's so cute~~"

"Cute as hell!" , Subaru protested. "I'm not acting anyway! It's a shame!"

Aoi sighed, "Okay, okay, I'll apologize to you, I'll just not laugh, just hurry up, you're the hope of our whole class oh. And we're definitely not practicing so enthusiastically just to see your jokes, we're trying to make the class excel a little at the Cultural Festival!"

After a moment of silence, Subaru stood up, "Well, now that you've said that-"

"All right, all right! Juliette come on!" , Satania waved to Subaru with the script.

"Here we go...", Subaru patted the dust off his body.

But there was always a feeling of being tricked, what was going on?

Chapter 244 - Cultural Festival's Group of Friends and Family

Wise Elementary School gym.

"Well, that's the end of today's training."

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