Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 141

"What did you say?"

"Well!" , Lotte slapped Subaru's hand away and rubbed the red face that Subaru pinched with discontent. "I'm shifting! There's nothing left for me to do! Besides, I was kind enough to help you hey! Is this how you repay your benefactor!"

"What kind of benefactor isn't a benefactor, don't call yourself a benefactor when you obviously haven't helped me yet, okay!" After that, Subaru squeezed Lotte's face again and rubbed it. Mmm, very soft.

Aoi, who was on the side, finally couldn't watch any more and interrupted, "I say Subaru, do you usually bully your sister like this at home?"

"Yes!" The first time I saw you, I was in the middle of a fight, and I was in the middle of it. Kittens really go too far! I'll sue you for abuse!"

"Is there really such a thing?!" , Aoi's eyes changed for a moment and looked at Subaru with an expression like she was looking at scum, "Subaru, I didn't think you were such a person."

"Me!" Subaru only felt at a loss for words.

Then, Subaru smiled wickedly and slowly approached Lotte Yi, "Well, I can't believe Tian Yi said that about me, so I'll simply do it for you!"

"Yikes!!! No!" , Lottie was scared and immediately roaming around, followed by Subaru. The two of them were suddenly arguing inside the lounge.

"Hey! I say you guys, it's noisy hey!"

Jubari's voice suddenly rang out, and then Jubari walked in with Satania. It was exactly the same costume as the one Tor and Aoi had worn during their performance in the morning, but certain details had been slightly altered.

"Oh!!! Not bad, Satania, Jubari."

"Hey... Makeup, I had a hand in that too, oh!" , followed by Thor, who walked in behind him, smiled proudly and gestured a victory sign.

"Well? Jubilee, you don't look too good, do you?" , said Subaru, suddenly noticing that Jia Baili's face seemed abnormal, and she didn't sound very energetic from just now.

Jubari shook her head, "I'm fine, I just haven't rested well."

"Playing games all night again? Come on, it's a cultural festival today hey, it's okay to play the game in the back."

"What a long-winded ah you."

"You...", Subaru wanted to say something, but seeing the latter's indifferent look, he had to shut up.

"Nah, Subaru.", Thor leaned in next to Subaru. , Tor leaned in next to Subaru and whispered, "I heard that Jubari was not in good spirits today, so I didn't come to the morning show and have been sleeping all the time. I almost fell asleep just now when I was putting on my makeup."

Subaru frowned, "This guy... can't he prioritize, the game can be played at any time - right! I remember there was an event yesterday, I guess I went on that mission..."

I'll have to talk about her sometime. Subaru thought.

"Subaru! What do you think of my clothes? Handsome?!" , Satania ran up to Subaru and spun around, looking at him expectantly.

"Well - very, very handsome..."

I don't know why, but Aoi was fine in it, and when Satania wore this kind of evening gown, it somehow gave off a strong sense of neutrality....

Satania crossed her arms and said proudly, "Right! As expected of my demon, he's quite discerning! As a gentlemanly Archdemon Your Highness, a dress is of course essential!"

"Yes, yes - now that you're so divine, don't make any mistakes when you perform later, or else the Great Demon's face will all be disgraced ah."

"No way!" , Satania patted her chest. "I've memorized all my lines, and I've practiced them many times, so I won't make a mistake!"

"And really confident."


"So boring~"


"So boring~~"


"It's really boring~~~"

"True Sail!" , Saji frowned and looked around before whispering, "We're inside the auditorium now, it's rude to keep complaining like this! And it's too disrespectful to the seniors who have worked so hard to perform!"

"Because it's just boring." , Shinefan looked like he had nothing to do with it. "And Subaru hasn't been on the field."

Saji sighed, "Then just wait and don't bother anyone else."

"I know, I know, Saji you're so nagging."

Seeing that Sanafan stopped complaining, Sae shook her head, and that's when she returned her attention to the stage.

It's no wonder, the lively and active True Fan originally didn't like watching these somewhat boring plays, if it wasn't for Subaru's sake, True Fan probably wouldn't have walked in, let alone waited this long.

After waiting for a while, Zhenfan couldn't hold back again, "How much longer before Subaru comes out-"

"Shh! It's Subaru-chan's turn in class."

"Really?!" , True Sail sat upright in surprise, his little head poking all the way up to the stage. "Where? Where's Subaru? Is it Romeo? Or is it a servant?"

" the princess."

"Hey?" , Manabu suddenly froze, forgetting for a moment what to ask.

"Ooh meow~~ That, Jihana." , with his eyes still glued to the stage, Run said to Jihana next to him.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" , and Chihaya was doing much the same, rather than the row of friends and relatives who had come to watch the movie were gawking at the stage.

"If I'm not mistaken, Subaru-san, it looks like a princess?"


Chapter 252 - The Fainting Jia Baili

Well - what a shame!

On stage Subaru was doing the same actions and saying the same lines as he had done in the morning. Everything hadn't been different, but the sense of shame in Subaru's heart suddenly doubled.

Surely the shame of dressing up as a woman in front of an acquaintance, especially a younger generation, would explode!

But thankfully, thanks to Aoi's devilish practice, at least none of the performances so far have been faulty.

Soon, the plot pushes forward to the part where Romeo is reincarnated and Juliet is asleep. Next up is the appearance of Jubari.

Is everything alright, that guy... Subaru frowned in worry at the thought of Jubari's severe sleep deprivation.

Even for an angel, there was no way she wouldn't sleep all day.

Soon, Jubari took the stage.

"Ah, did Gabrielle-san participate in the performance?"

"Chihuahua, do you know her?" , next to the real sail asked.

"Of course we know each other, wasn't Kabari-san at Subaru-nii-san's house at that time too, though I don't know where she went later."

True Fan scratched his head, "Yeah, well, never mind, let's just watch the show."

After saying that, True Sail looked at the stage again.

If I can, I'd like to go up there and perform with Subaru-nii-san... Chihuahua folded her hands in front of her chest and thought with a smile.

"Hey? Why is the prince kneeling next to the princess?" , True Sail pointed at the stage.

I remember the prince kissing the princess and then the princess woke up after the kiss. And, and, even a kiss, too, it doesn't take that long!"

If Subaru could hear Tomohana's voice at this point, he would have shouted, "This isn't a new story!" , but right now Subaru didn't have that luxury, because the current situation was a bit of a mess even for him.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong with you, Jubilee?" Subaru asked in a low voice, but the latter didn't respond.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your own website.

At this point, because Jubari was in a state of "kissing" and didn't get up, some people off stage started whispering.

"Hey, hey, hey! Jubilee!"

"Sorry, slightly dizzy." , it took a moment for Jubari to respond, then slowly lifted his head. But Jubari seemed weak until the weight of his head was on Subaru's face before he got up, and this up, the soft skin suddenly slid over his face-.

No?! Jubilee's face seems very hot?

Finally getting his attention back, Subaru noticed that Jubari's face seemed to be a little too hot for his liking.

After Jubari stood up, Subaru sat up slowly, staring at Jubari as he read his lines - her face was a little red, whether it was because she was shy or because she was dizzy.

Subaru frowned and kept his eyes on Jubaili for a moment, keeping an eye out for any contingencies.

After reading her lines, according to the script, it should be Jubaili's line, then Subaru reads another line, the narration sounds, and the play ends.

However, it was as if Japari had forgotten what she was going to do and just stared at Subaru, then, her eyes slowly closed and fell straight down towards Subaru.

"Jubari!" , the precautionary Subaru caught Jubari, no longer hesitating, and just picked up Jubari and ran off down the field, leaving a stunned crowd of spectators...and the narrator.

"Uh- Ahem! The prince awakens the beautiful Juliet with his own prayers, and he runs out of energy. And the awakened Juliet immediately recognizes the prince as her former beloved, Romeo, and in order not to be disturbed any longer, Juliet escapes with the prince to the depths of the dense forest, and lives happily, happily, ever after. Thank you all!"

Pop, pop, pop, pop....

The audience was stunned for a moment, then applauded very tacitly....

"That's okay?" Aoi and the others backstage were also dumbfounded.

From before they went on stage, they knew that Jubari wasn't in good shape, they sweated when they saw that Jubari was about to collapse in front of Subaru, they had already prepared for the performance to fail, but they didn't expect it to come round like this.

"Tenjin-san, is she okay...", Aoi looked worriedly at the door. Subaru ran out the door without saying a word after carrying Jubari from the stage, presumably to the health room.


"Fever, yo." , the school nurse took out a thermometer and looked at it. "It looks like the fever was already a bit feverish plus it didn't get much rest at all today so it got worse."

"Is that so, thank you, teacher!" , Subaru bowed to the school doctor.

"It's okay, that's what I was supposed to do." , the school doctor waved his hand, then handed him some medicine. "These medicines, give them to her when she wakes up, and then pay more attention to rest, she'll be fine soon."

"Well, thank you!"

The school nurse shook her head with a smile and sat back in her seat.


Subaru slowly walked over to Japari's bed, then sat down on the edge of the bed and quietly looked at the sleeping Japari.

Did I misunderstand? So she, she wasn't playing a game? You've got a fever, but you still insist on attending today's show....

"Jubilee!" , and soon, a few more people rushed in.

"You guys, be quiet oh! The patient needs rest." , The school nurse immediately stopped the yelling Satania several.

"Yes~~", Vernette apologized and walked to the bedside with Satania and Llafair.

"How's Japari?"

Subaru shook his head, "It's nothing, just a lack of rest."

"I see...", Vineet let out a sigh of relief, then snapped, "Japuri really, knowing that there's a Cultural Festival performance today and still staying up all night playing games, causing a lack of sleep right now, I was just scared to death! "

"...No oh." , Subaru shook his head. "Jubari she fainted because of her fever, plus she didn't rest all day today."

"Is that so?"

"Well." , Subaru smiled. "Let her get some rest, she insists on performing even though she's sick. I'll just stay here alone with her, you guys go play. Ah, by the way, tell Tor about the situation here for me."

"Is it okay if you're alone?"

"It's okay, I'll let you know when she wakes up."

"Well...", Vineet looked worriedly at Jubari who showed no signs of waking up. "I'll leave that to you, Hasegawa-san."

"Well, leave it to me."

"Then let's go."

Then the three of Vineet walked out of the health room.

After seeing a few people out, Subaru focused his attention on Jubari again and walked to the school nurse's table as if suddenly remembering something, "That, please, sensei, do you have a towel?"

"Towels? There." , the school nurse promised, then took a sterile towel out of the cupboard.

"Thanks." , Subaru thanked, then wet the towel and went back to sit down next to Jubilee's bed, gently using the towel to wipe away the sweat oozing from her forehead.

"Do angels actually get sick too, haha."

Muttering to herself, Subaru washed the towel and folded it before placing it on Jubari's forehead.

After looking at Jubari quietly for a moment, Subaru suddenly laughed.

"I didn't expect that usual look, but it's still quite cute when you're asleep."


Of course there was no response.

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