Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 142

However, Jubilee's face flushed a little more, and this time, was it due to shyness, or was it due to a fever?

Chapter 253 - Did you peek at my fat times?


Was I asleep?

He kept his eyes closed, and as a result, he fell asleep in a daze.

Jubilee slowly opened her eyes, it was dusk outside the window, and the afterglow from before the sun went down shot in, silently reflecting on the boy sitting next to her bed.

"Ah, are you awake?" , the boy spoke, and he seemed to sound a little happy.

"After all that sleep, I thought you were going to be sleeping like this forever. I'll have to carry you back then, what a hassle." , the boy continued wistfully.

After waking up and still being able to see that face, Jia Baili was instantly relieved and rudely shot back, "I'm the one who saved your life, is it troubling to carry your savior back?"

"Save me or something, that's in the game, right." , Subaru spat. "Besides, didn't I also pull you out many times, get even."

"Che~ Stingy."

"There's no such thing as being petty, you don't want to become like Yako when you can't distinguish between reality and the game oh. But recently I've also heard that Yako is gradually becoming able to distinguish between them, are you going to be the second Yako."

"Who would."

"Forget about it, come." , Subaru extended his hand.

Jubari looked at the pill in Subaru's hand in confusion, "What's this?"

"Fever medicine, ah, the health teacher said to take it when you wake up so you'll feel better faster."

"No need." , Jubilee don't look away. "I'll be fine soon with these little illnesses."

"Are you still a child?!" , Subaru cried and laughed. "Well get up quickly, be good and take your medicine, then get some rest."


"Do I still have to feed you, just listen to the doctor and take your medicine."


After a moment's hesitation, only then did Jubari sit up and take the medicine prescribed by the doctor under Subaru's watchful eye.

Seeing Jubari's frown as she ate, Subaru covered her mouth and smirked at the side.

"You're really like a child, but you hate taking medicine at this age."

"Roadless Sai." , Jubari gave him a blank look, then lifted the blanket and was about to get out of bed.

"Wait!" When Subaru was about to lift the blanket, Subaru hurriedly reached out his hand to stop him, but it was too late, and as a result, he stretched out his hand...

It was placed on someone's thigh.

Jubilee instantly froze, her thighs first went cold, then a warm hand was placed on it, even that Jubilee's brain was blank in this situation.

"Hold, sorry!" , Subaru even withdrew his hand, then turned his back to Jubilee.

"What's this...what's going on!!!" Only then did Gabrielle react with a shriek of surprise, and then covered the blanket back up in a hurry.

"You you you you, what did you do to me?!" , Jubari looked at Subaru furiously, the redness on her face had spread to the tips of her ears, and she couldn't even speak properly.

No wonder, before waking up, Jubari, who was still wearing the prince's costume, woke up to see that the top half of her body was only a shirt, while the bottom half was wearing nothing but Fatty....

"How rude! What do you mean, what did I do to you? I didn't do anything!" , Subaru held up his hands in surrender and looked innocently at Jubilee.

"That, that, that, what about my clothes, clothes!?"

Subaru sighed and explained, "Well, you were still wearing your prince costume when you fainted. I saw that you seemed uncomfortable sleeping on the bed, so I asked Vineet and the others to help you change out of your clothes."

"Then why didn't you put me in my school uniform! It really was your sick idea, wasn't it? Pervert, pervert, H!", shouted Jubari as she picked up the pillow behind her and started shooting Subaru.

"Stop it!" , Subaru shouted as he shouldered Jubari's attack, "It was that Satania guy who said you might get hot if you slept in your school uniform again, and then they didn't put it on you!"

"You believe what the Satania fool says?!"

"What do you mean, I believe it!" Subaru continued to cry out. "They're the ones who changed your clothes, not me! It doesn't matter if I believe it or not!"

"...Forget it, humans or whatever, let's destroy it." , Jubilee pulled out a horn directly from inside the nest.

"Stop it!"

After several minutes of arguing, Jubilee finally stopped, and Subaru looked relieved to be liberated and sat down on the edge of the bed again.

"Calm down?" , Subaru asked back.

Jubilee was sitting on the bed panting slightly, this shy look of wanting to find a hole in the ground was pretty rare to see from Jubilee.

"Hmph!" , Jubilee looked away. "I do recall one other thing."


"Even if you weren't involved at the time, but you've been here since, haven't you, like, lifted the covers...and peeked at my fat ass?"

"!!!" , Subaru nearly fell off the bed with a shake, it took him a while to hold on and mechanically turn his head, "Huh?!"

"Look at your reaction...did I get it right?" , Jubilee's expression started to become dangerous.

"Is this my reaction like you guessed right?!"

"Hmm, not easy to say, who knows Subaru you guy, on the surface you're gentle and caring, charming a bunch of nymphomaniac handsome guys in the class, but behind the scenes you're picking up several teenage girls to go back and raise a clothed beast."


Jia Baili's words seemed to pierce Subaru's heart like a sharp knife, and Subaru powerlessly knelt on the ground like a defeated dog: "Jia Baili, so this is how you actually see me after all the time we've spent as classmates?"

"Also, it's not like that's how I see you." , Jia Baili said with her arms wrapped around her, then scratched her cheeks, "Just a casual comment, a casual comment la! Who let you just, just now handle... Anyway, it's even!"

"Okay, okay." , Subaru stood up and smiled, "That finally makes it even, anyway, it's great that you're okay, you just scared me on the stage."

"Well, um..."

"Uh-that, get dressed, I see you're already in good spirits, so if you're interested, come visit later for the after-night festival, otherwise it's boring to be alone in the health room, right?"

"...What about you?"

"Me? Of course I'm going too, after all, I'm going to participate in all the post-night festivals."

"No, I mean." , Jubilee drooped her eyes at him. "I'm getting dressed, what are you doing here?"

"Hey?" Subaru was first stunned and quickly reacted with an "ah" and immediately jumped outside the curtain. "Sorry sorry, you can change your clothes, I'll wait outside."

Seeing Subaru's comical reaction, Jubari laughed softly and picked up the clothes next to her.


Chapter 254 - The Legend of the Late Night Festival

"Long time no see."

"Ah, have you changed?" Subaru turned around, and Jubari was already in her usual school uniform, casually flicking her hair, looking completely unwell.

Angels are quite strong. Thinking to herself, Subaru then said, "There's still some time left for the Post-Night Festival, let's go find Tor and the others first."

Jubari nodded, "Hmm... Speaking of which, where are the others now?"

"It's probably inside the classroom." , Subaru thought, then said with a helpless handshake, "Thanks to your sudden fainting, I didn't get to play at all this afternoon."

And it made Mansail angry... after all, they were promised to play with them, but they were left to play on their own, so it was only natural to be angry....


"Hehe, then I'll take your thank you without further ado."


"Nah, Subaru, I've heard that the post-night festival, it's going to dance oh."

"Dancing is going to dance." , Subaru looked at the expectant looking Thor. "But can you dance?"

"It will!" , Thor nodded heavily with his eyes closed. "I've heard that post-night festival dancing is easy! Even if I can't, Subaru can just teach me!"

Subaru pawed, "I can't teach you how to dance, because I don't know how to dance myself."

"Then Kitten will dance with me!" , Lotte suddenly jumped onto Subaru's back. "I can dance oh! Just let me call Kitten!"

"Tilly! Don't interrupt children when adults talk!" , Tolle said.

"I'm not young!" , Lottie retorted. "I'm about to turn sixteen!"

It's really a great pity that you're only this size at 16... Feeling the flat of your back as if it wasn't the same at all, Subaru thought regretfully.

"Anyways, Subaru is my dance partner!" , Thor crossed his arms. "Isn't Tiny popular in class? Just go find a girl or guy who's close to you at random."

"No way! Only kittens can dance with me!" , said Lotte Yi also hugged Subaru's neck and rubbed against it.

"You-", Thor bit his teeth and stared at Lotte Yi. And Lotte Yi also uncharacteristically, like a little she-cat protecting her food, she held Subaru tightly and glared at Thor. For a moment, the two stared at each other as if sparks were bursting out of their midst.

The war was on the verge of breaking out.

I saw Thor's hand like an auger coming out of the sea, and then suddenly stopped not far in front of Lotte, and in an instant it turned into a gesture of "yeah".

"Two ice creams!"


"Three copies!"


"Extra large crepes with ice cream and a barbecue buffet!"


There's a flaw! Seeing Lottie's eyes begin to struggle, Thor's eyes widened.

"All food of your choice for the entire day!"

Kill shot!

That's the real killer, Tor! Subaru's expression became serious. It wasn't a temptation everyone could refuse to eat anything they chose in a day, especially with this one on their own back....

Tenyi, defeated. It wasn't on her lips, but Subaru was already declaring the outcome of the battle for the two in her heart.


As it was, Lottie mumbled to herself, her eyes struggling. Was it going to be a whole day of random food within reach? Or is it Subaru's dance partner who doesn't always get results? The answer seems obvious enough -


"HEY?!!!" , not only Subaru, but even Thor was shocked, thudding back a few steps and looking at her with a shocked face.

The two of them would have even wondered if this Lotte was a fake, if it weren't for the voice, the looks, and a very unfortunate certainty that this was indeed Lotte Yi.

"Anyway, whatever I want to eat, the kitten will buy it for me, and as long as I stay by the kitten's side, I can eat whatever I want for the rest of my life." , said, Lotte Yi's hand that was holding Subaru's neck tightened a bit, leaning on his back with a happy face.

Subaru couldn't help but sputter, "No! You shouldn't have such an IQ!"

"Umm-", Thor puffed up his face unhappily and was about to say something when he was interrupted by another voice before the words even started.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Who said Subaru's dance partner is going to be born between you two? As my enabler, of course you dance with me!"

"There's enough chaos here Satania so you don't have to come along for the ride..."

"What?!" , Satania shouted in discontent. "But I'm helping you hey! Since Subaru can't make a choice, let's just not choose anyone to dance with me!"

What kind of logic is that....

"That, I... I also want to dance with Subaru at the Aftermath Festival!"

"Aoi? You too?"

Aoi blushed for an instant and stammered, "Don't misunderstand me! Only, only because we couldn't find a good candidate at the moment, after all, we were the... childhood sweethearts! That way it won't be misunderstood!"

"Hmm - another enemy? but it doesn't matter, Her Highness the Great Demon never cares how many enemies she has, because it's just a number."

"What are you all talking about! Subaru's dance partner can only be me, okay!"

"No it isn't! I know how to dance, I'll teach the kitten!"

"To dance with me is his mission as an ambassador! You guys don't want to get involved!"

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