Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 151

"Know what's wrong."

"Got it..."

Until after the rubbing is done - yuck! Coughing, Subaru didn't let go of his hand until Shinpai clearly and deeply realized his mistake.

"How over the top, Subaru." , Shinefan heartily poked his face, which was already as red as a monkey's butt.

"Hmph, now that's a lesson, heh heh...", Sae-Ji ghostly flashed behind True Sailor, gloating.


Shin Fan gave up on the comfort of his face for an instant and opened his paws in a gesture to grab Saeki, but Saeki deftly dodged it.

After pulling away for some distance, Saji then turned around and threw out her tongue, "Hey, you may not be able to catch me if you're here, oh."

"Don't run away!"

Manabu immediately chased after them, with a strong sense of not stopping until he caught Saiki.

"Everyone, there's still a match later ah, don't use up all your energy...", Chihuahua advised, but the two people who had already run far away must not have heard that is.

"Oh~~ Oni-san." , Hyuga bounced up to Subaru, then suddenly held out her hands.


"Hyuga, why...", Subaru was blindsided by the slap.

Hyuga tilted his head, then grabbed Subaru's face like Subaru rubbed Shinpaku, "Oh~ Oni-san's face is also soft."

"Hyuga, are you trying to avenge True Sail...?"

"Oh~~ Oni-san is not allowed to bully Makifan oh."

"So ah..."

Subaru burst into tears, wondering if Hyuga's original strength was too small or if it was the lack of force, and with Hyuga's already soft little hands....

If this is punishment, then let me remain sinful.

As soon as his mind relaxed, Subaru's heart rose to this remarkable thought.


The gentle breeze and Hyuga's "revenge" face massage made Subaru yawn and nod his head a few times as he fell asleep.

"Oh~ Oni-san, do you want to sleep?"

"Yeah." , rubbing his sleepy eyes, Subaru replied with a smile. "I don't know why, but being blown by the wind makes me a little sleepy."

"Then Hyuga sleep with Oni-san oh."

"Yeah, Hyuga, thanks."

Strongly sleepy, Subaru didn't even bother to correct Hyuga's statement anymore and leaned against a nearby tree, Subaru closed his eyes in a daze.


Seeing Subaru leaning against a tree, Hyuga heave and sat down next to him, then rested his head on his shoulder and slowly closed his eyes as well.

"HEY? This, that...", Jihana looked at the two leaning against each other with a shaky face, and after hesitating for a long time, as if she had made up some kind of mind, she sat down on the other side of Subaru, and then slowly leaned on Subaru's shoulder.

For a few minutes, everything was quiet, and the breeze gently brushed by as if singing a lullaby....

PS: Sorry lords of readers, I've been watching the ballgame lately_(:з"∠"_)

The updates will be slow, but there will be two shifts a day, so don't worry!

Chapter 266 - Problems at the Women's Basketball Club

"Subaru-chan, it's time to get up..."

"Ohhhh Oni-san, are you still sleeping?"

"Heehee, since Subaru is sleeping so much, let's tease him a bit!"

"Stop it, Mansail, Subaru-nii-san will be angry."

"Me, let's just wake Subaru-nii-san up first, the match is about to start."

The match...the match?

"Right race!"

Subaru opened his eyes sharply with a yell, and the first thing that caught his eye were the five cute young faces that had come together in front of him.

It was strangely silent for a moment.


Screams rang out on both sides at the same time, and Subaru grabbed the tree behind him, his speech becoming stuttered, "Dada Dada, why is everyone..."

"Scare us to death." , Shin Fan patted his chest and said disgruntledly, "Why are you shouting so loud all of a sudden! You see Ellie, has been intimidated by Subaru."


Subaru looked over to Ellie, who was literally sitting on her knees as if her entire body was limp, gasping for air.

"I'm sorry, Ellie, I didn't mean to scare you." , Subaru said apologetically as he even helped Ally up.

"It's okay, I know Subaru-san didn't mean to."

"Thank you, Ally."

"Than that." , Saji stepped forward. "Subaru-nii-san, the match is about to start oh."

Subaru hammered his palm, "Ah, right, the tournament match."

"Everyone, let's go to the gym, we'll discuss about the match then!"


After arriving at the gym, the audience was already mostly full, both students and parents, and the other three of the four teams selected had already arrived at the gym and were now warming up.

Seeing the Subaru Six appear at the entrance, the twins who were warming up immediately ran over, "How slow you guys are! Let's just have our fifth graders fight if it's any later!"

"Well well, we'll be able to completely handle it if that's the extent."

Tsubaki and Shuu sang along with each other, looking as if they didn't care about the other opponents at all.

Manabu interjected, "Tsubaki Shuu! Don't take the enemy lightly, although it's disconcerting, that satin dwarf has a bit of strength."

"Don't call us Shuu ah!" , Tsubaki and Shuu shouted in unison.

"And it's just an inkstone, it's a complete piece of cake if it's at this level."


Subaru frowned, the morning's victory seemed to have overwhelmed the fifth year who had never played an official match before.

And that was exactly what Subaru was more worried about.

"Tsubaki, Shuu, go ahead and gather, there's going to be a battle meeting later."


"You guys go too." , Subaru said to the sixth graders behind him.


A few minutes later, the fifth year and sixth year students split into two rows and stood in front of Subaru.

Subaru cleared his throat and said, "I've already arranged what I need to arrange regarding the tournament, but next, while there are still ten minutes left, I want to talk about another matter."

Ten pairs of eyes focused together on Subaru, waiting quietly for the rest of the story.

"Regarding this morning's victory, since I wasn't present, I can't give a very direct and reliable assessment, but there is one thing that I'm qualified enough to tell you even if I'm not here."

Subaru's tone grew serious, and the sixth year students plus Mimi and Hana-Moon listened solemnly and attentively, but the other three, although they were apparently listening, their minds actually flew off somewhere.

Not caring what was going on with the others, Subaru continued, "On the field of play, one thing is important! That is, never underestimate your opponent, there is an old Chinese saying 'the lion fights the rabbit with all its might', not to mention that you are not the strongest! I acknowledge everyone's progress, though! You're not the only one who can improve, others also have this chance. So, for the next match, I hope you all take it seriously and give it your all to win!"


"The arrangements remain the same, let one team go first."

"Hehe, leave it to me." , Tsubaki made a jerking motion. "Be sure to beat them to the punch!"

"All you have to do is pass me the ball and I'll show them what a sniper is." , Yami said indifferently with a flick of her hair.

"...Well, that's up to you two." , After a moment of silence, Subaru suddenly smiled.

"Subaru-nii-san...", Jihana looked worriedly at Subaru, looking like she was about to stop talking.

As the one who had been exposed to basketball for the longest time, and who was once a member of the girls' basketball club at another school, she knew exactly what Subaru was worried about, but couldn't find any way to help the seemingly distressed Subaru.

Subaru smiled and shook her head, giving her an encouraging look.

The whistle blew and the members of the first team took to the field, Subaru and the second team retreating to their bench seats on the sidelines.

Soon, not even three minutes into the game, the girls' basketball club scored eight points, led by Chihika and Saki, while their opponents were able to score two points just by passing the ball.

"What the hell, easy easy." , Shuu puffed out her hands. "If it's all just like this, it won't be difficult to make it to the national tournament, right?"

"Does Shuu really think so?" , Subaru asked with a hand on his chin, smiling.

"Of course ah, you see, it's only three minutes and the score is so far behind, if it continues like this, the victory will definitely be ours, and we've saved our strength!"

"Yes. But, didn't I just say, don't underestimate your enemy oh, maybe the opponent also saved his strength to deliberately confuse us?"

"There's no such thing as that la, they all look like they're working hard, I don't think they'll save their strength."

"That's right. Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." , Subaru stood up and went straight outside.

At this rate, there would be no difficulty for the girls' basketball club to win, and Subaru could feel free to leave the field to them and think about how to solve the girls' bigger problem at the moment.

Mimi stared at Subaru's back until he walked out of the gym, then slowly spoke.

"Master, angry..."

Catching the water from the faucet and washing away the last bit of heaviness from his head, Subaru braced his hands on the counter and quietly watched the flow of water.

"So, what to do now, what to do..."

Subaru gawked, as if that would be a way to fall from the sky.

"Ahhh, Subaru?"

Subaru turned his head subconsciously, then froze slightly, "Uncle Kazuya?"

"I thought the coach was supposed to be inside the stadium right now, why is he outside."

"Ahaha... because I was thinking about something so..."

"The school thing?"

"Uh, no."

"That's a company thing? Don't be shy, just tell me if you have any problems."

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine - not!"

The approach really fell from the sky.

"Subaru?" , seeing Subaru suddenly froze, Kazuya looked at him in confusion.

"Uncle Fenya, I have a problem, please make sure you help me!"


Chapter 267 - Girls Basketball Club's Parent Group

At the whistle, the second game of the girls' basketball club was over, and Huishin Elementary managed to win by a wide margin.

"Everyone, good work." , Subaru smiled and clapped his hands to greet the players who were coming down the court.

"Easy easy." , Shuu took the cup of water handed over by Tsubaki and smiled with a smile.

"It's nice, Shuu, I wish I was the one to play the last quarter."

"But because you're the starter ah."

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