Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics, Chapter 152.

"But it's not so bad."

Retreating to the common room, Subaru gathered the lorises together.

"Next up is the other side of the field, and if nothing else it should be Inkani out, so grab this time and get some rest to face them in better shape!"


"Alright, everyone, let's take a break later, we'll talk about the specific arrangements when the results of that match in Yanagiku come out, dismissed."

As soon as Subaru said that, the inside of the lounge immediately became lively. Having won once again, everyone in the girls' basketball club including the sixth graders were very happily sharing the game they had just played.

Subaru sat in the corner, smiling at the little lorises.


Jihana noticed Subaru's side unawares, and after a slight hesitation, went to sit down next to Subaru, while the others just looked at it and didn't pay much attention.

"What's wrong, Jihana?"

"That, Subaru-nii-san...", hesitating, Jihana then said, "Subaru-nii-san, is it true that you're angry?"

"...why would you think I'm angry?" , Subaru asked with a smile.

"Because Takenaka-san and the others... I think they seem to be overly contemptuous of Yanagiku, and that's something that can't come before a match."

"Yeah, confidence is fine, but arrogance isn't."

"Yes, why don't you let me go and talk to Takenaka-san, they should listen-"

Subaru shook her head and interrupted her softly, "No need."

"By the way, I'm the one who forced them to stay in the girls' basketball club, so let me solve this problem since I caused it."

"No, it's not! Subaru-san asked them to join so that we could participate in the national competition, and it's definitely not Subaru-san's fault that we didn't manage the relationship in time..."

Subaru was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and put his hand on Jihana's head, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it, but I also need a favor from Jihana oh."

"Yes, yes! If I can help Subaru-san, I'll do anything!"

"There's no need to be so dramatic."

"You're so...", Subaru attached himself to Jihana's ear.

"Hey? Like this?!" , Jihana looked at Subaru in surprise, then her expression seemed a little sad, "In that case, we..."

"Chihuahua, do you trust me." , Subaru put his hands on Jihana's shoulders and stared into her eyes.

"Subaru-chan... Well, I trust you."

"Then, please."


The lounge was suddenly pushed open, and then a group of adults flooded in. Subaru's hands came back like an electric shock and sat upright in his seat.

"Dad! What are you doing here!" , True Sail soared to his feet, then rushed forward to hug the front-most fenya.

"Haha, you guys won the last match, I came to congratulate you guys."

"Uncle Fenya? And Aunt Hanaori, Uncle Shinobu, why is everyone here..."

Subaru stared blankly at the adults at the door, supposedly only players, coaches and teachers were allowed in the lounge...

"Dad, Mom?!" , Chihuahua also shouted in surprise, then ran up to Hanori.

"Jihana, congratulations, one more fight and you'll win the championship, right?" , Hanaori touched Chihuahua's head.


"Oh~~ Dad, Mom, have you come to see Hyuga and Hanazuki."

"We came to cheer you up ah."

Hyuga took Hana-Moon's hand and bounced over to the couple, Hyuga's mother had long pink hair with big waves just like Hyuga's, and the mother and daughter stood together as if Hyuga and her crossed over future self had met.

So who exactly will be the lucky one who makes Hyuga the future Hyuga?

For a moment, all the members of the girls' basketball club greeted them, and the lounge became even more lively.

So... this was the girls' basketball club's parent group! Subaru's mind reeled, realizing this crucial point.

Immediately, Subaru silently leaned further into the corner, trying to diminish his presence as much as possible. An elementary school girl's high school coach, a status Subaru didn't expect to make the adults understand....

"Huh?! Where's Subaru?!"

The last one to come in shouted as soon as Mitsune entered, catching sight of Subaru exactly in the corner and leading Kanna over that way, and for a moment, Subaru's position caught most of the attention.

"Subaru, what are you doing in a place like this- uh, what's wrong with you?"

"...It's nothing." , Subaru covered his face, as if he was an old monk who saw through the red dust.

Forget it, anyway, Mihoshi-san didn't do anything to trap her nephew... Subaru comforted herself in her heart. But since it was exposed, it wouldn't do to not say hello properly.

"Ahem." , walking slightly awkwardly to the front of the parent group, Subaru scratched his head, "Hello aunts and uncles, that, I'm the coach of the girls' basketball club, Subaru Hasegawa."

"Haha, it's Subaru, I say how the back is a bit familiar." , Kazuya laughed and patted him on the shoulder, then faced the parent group, "Everyone, this is the coach, the one I was just telling you about."

"Subaru-kun it is." , the grown up version of Hyuga stepped forward and gave a small bow. "I'm Hyuga's mother, I've been taking care of our family for such a long time, I'm really sorry for not expressing my gratitude in time, thank you, Subaru-kun."


"Oh~~ Mom, Hyuga, you have to be Oni-san's bride from now on~~"

Hey! Hyuga!

"Aaaah!" , Hyuga's mother covered her mouth in surprise, then laughed, "In that case, we'll have to prepare Hyuga's dowry properly."


HEY? HEY?!!!! Subaru stared at her, unable to say a word.

"Honey! We can't be behind either!" , a long blue haired woman with a simple ponytail came forward, "Subaru-kun, I'm Saji's mother, Nagatsuka Aji, would you like to come work in our NAGA Tsuka, I can tell you all the secrets of the unique Nagatsuka family oh, if you marry Saji in the future, you can inherit our shop."

"Mom! You you you you, what are you talking about!!!" , Saji's face turned red for a moment, but it made Manabu, who had never seen her like this before, blink curiously.

"Haha, you're really popular, Subaru." , Kazuya patted Subaru's shoulder who's mind had flown to nowhere. "How about it, it's better to come work at Misawa Group, it's easy to work out at the company and inherit later, oh."

"Maybe it's better to come to our house." , Ally's dad said. "See coach is playing football but his muscles are still far from enough ah, why don't you come to our house, I'll make sure to make you as strong as Ally's brother."

"Dad...", Ally soon fell into an on-call state as well.

Seeing this, Hanaori looked anxious and tugged on Shinobu's sleeve, "Shinobu! Look, they're all after Subaru. If we don't do something soon, it'll be too late! Quickly go tell Subaru-kun that you're willing to teach him all of Minato's knowledge of the tea ceremony!"

"Sh, what! Why should I give all the tea ceremony of the Minato family to that kid?"

"Stingy! Then I'll have to get on my own... I wonder if Subaru-kun would like Japanese dance..."

"What the hell is Makifan and their parents doing..."

"I don't know...the first time I saw Auntie Aji like that..."

On the other side, the fifth year students were already looking dumbfounded.

But they weren't the only ones, Subaru, who was the center of it, had been in a state of soul wandering since a moment ago, leaving only one sentence echoing inside his head.

What the hell was this....

268 Chapter 268 - Staff Movements Before the Final

As the referee's whistle sounded, the second semifinal game also ended, and as expected Ink Valley also defeated his opponent by a large margin and emerged successfully, and the last game was the duel between Huixin and Ink Valley.

"As expected, Yanaya is very strong."

Sitting in the audience, Subaru said with a heavy face. He, who had not participated in the combined training, had only a superficial understanding of Ink Valley, but today, having seen the strength of Ink Valley with his own eyes, it gave him a clearer concept.

And it probably wouldn't be the true strength of Inkani - according to what Jihana had said, Inkani had done the same thing as his side, breaking up the sixth and fifth year students into two teams to participate in the battle.

"And they seem to be doing the same thing as us." , Saji added.

"How's that." , Subaru turned to Tsubaki, who was not far away, "Did you see what Yamiya did and still think they played badly?"

"Well, well... it's just that, if I go on the field with Shuu, I can still beat them up!"

Shuu chimed in, "That's right, that's right, didn't they only win two games, they're obviously saying the same thing as us, what's there to be afraid of!"

" that so, then I'll give you this chance oh."


A little while later, after the break after the Ink Valley competition, the final match also started with much anticipation.

However, because of the time, the Huixin Primary School side had a slight advantage.

The players all arrived outside the field, and when the coach's scheduled time had passed, the official match was about to begin.

"Alright, everyone, our team needs to make some adjustments."

"Oh? ~"

The lorises all looked at Subaru with curious faces, in addition to Ally and Jihana, and maybe even Sae who saw something of the situation.

"I also know that everyone's goal is to get the team uniform reward after the championship, but we can't fully reveal our true strength, so I've decided Shuu and Saeki to swap, and Ally and Hazuki to swap."

"What what what, Coach! Are you going to let me and Shuu play together?!" , Tsubaki said with wide eyes and excitement.

"That's right, it's time for your twin team to make an appearance."

"Great!" , Tsubaki and Shuu gave a high five, then one left and one right posed a Superman Pose, "It's time to show them what the ace duo of the Huishin Girls Basketball Club can do!"

"Well, come on!"

"Yami, come on." , Saji said smiling at Yami.

"Well, I know it, but it's just Yamiya, I'll make them regret it with my shooting." , Yami responded with a flick of her hair, full of carelessness.

"Alright, the whistle has been blown, let's go on the field."


Tomohana, Airi, Yami, Tsubaki, and Shuu replied in unison, then ran to the center of the field, both sides saluting before the match.

"Although I also know what you guys are up to, but it's really daring to send only two sixth years in the beginning." , said a small girl with long yellow hair who stood in the center of Yanaya's team.

Tsubaki wrapped her arms around her and looked over with slanted eyes, "You're the satin dwarf that Makifan said, you look really short now hey."

"That's right, don't look down on fifth years ah, you don't know until you've fought even if you dare to do it!" , Shuu also did the same pose, echoing the voice.

"You guys!" , once again called a satin dwarf, the ace of Ink Valley, Bluefield didn't look at the two angrily, then grinned and laughed, "Well, let me show you guys how to respect Hokage with a basketball."


For a while, the stadium was several times thicker with gunpowder, and even the audience, boiling with their declaration of battle.

"That girl is Bluefield, right?" , Subaru pointed to the person next to him who was confronting Tsubame Shuu.

"Yeah, that's the satin dwarf." , Makifumi replied sullenly with a very unconvinced glance.

"Satin dwarf?"

Subaru was stunned for a moment, then took a few moments to examine her.

A small figure, and the red satin tied to her waist-length hair... haha, I have to say that Manabu's description was pretty apt.

While Subaru and the others were chatting, the match had already started.


Jihana got the ball, hesitated a little, and then passed it to Tsubaki.

"All right! Attacking, Shuu!"

"Got it, Tsubaki!"

Seeing this scene, Subaru's mouth lifted slightly while saying silently in his heart.

Thank you, Chihaya.

"Subaru-nii-san, Tomohana she...", Sae was stunned as she said looking at Subaru, after seeing the curve of his mouth, Sae got stuck for a moment and swallowed all her words.

"Shuu! Pass the ball!"


Not to be outdone by the twins, basically no one could match them in terms of togetherness, and they managed to get inside by just passing the ball between the two of them.

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