Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 157


Thor carefully leaned in next to Subaru after setting the cutlery down.

"What did you guys talk about up there, I saw that Rita seem to be crying oh? Subaru, are you-"

"There's nothing! Don't think about that nonsense." , Subaru tapped his hand knife on Tor's head.

"Subaru, you can't be fancy to me oh?"

"...Hurry up and cook dinner, really."


It was only after Tor returned to the kitchen that Subaru had a chance to examine the current situation in the living room. True White and Lotte were sitting on the couch, while Rita was sitting alone and lonely at the table, and Kanna's words were... missing?

So here it is....

Walking over to the couch only to find that Kanna had been sitting on the floor and couldn't see it because it was blocked by the couch.

Subaru sat silently on the other side of the couch, and Makoto looked over at him, not saying anything but his eyes had done a good job of communicating what he was thinking.

Subaru shook his head and whispered, "I'll talk to you later."


After a dinner that was silent to the extreme, Subaru sat inside the courtyard to cool off, shooting mindlessly with a basketball.

Because Rita was in a hurry to catch up and didn't book a room, she also stayed at Subaru's invitation and went along with it, although I myself already had the momentum that I wouldn't leave without True White.

Tor was washing dishes in the kitchen, but he kept his eyes on Subaru. Then, as if he had made a decision, Tor suddenly increased the speed of washing the dishes several times. Then he sat next to Subaru.



"Surely there's still something happening, isn't there-"

"Nah, Thor, what's the difference between a regular guy and a genius, anyway?"

Thor tilted his head in confusion, "Ordinary people? Genius? What's a genius?"

"Geniuses are people with innate talent who can do many things that ordinary people can't do, and people call them geniuses and hang up high to look up to them because they can't reach their heights."

"Well - not really understand hey."

"Haha, Tor, you're a dragon who can kill a human with a wave of your hand, so of course you wouldn't be interested in studying the commoners and geniuses among humans."

"Subaru! --saying we won't talk about it!" , Thor drummed his face, very angry.

"Sorry sorry." , Subaru said with a smile, apologizing for touching Thor's head.


Subaru stared at the basketball in his hand, "Did I make a mistake by keeping True White here..."

"What was Subaru talking about?"

"Nothing." , Subaru shook his head. "Thor, do you want True White to stay here?"

"Me?" , Thor pointed at himself in surprise, then squirmed a bit. "Well... I do think that it's okay for Makebai to stay here, but she must not steal Subaru from me! That's the bottom line!"

"What are you talking about, you." , Subaru knocked her on the head amusedly.

"It's the truth, well...", Tor held her head and looked at him aggrievedly. "True White is so beautiful, Subaru will be charmed."

"You're thinking too much!" , Subaru stood up. "Well, I'm in a much better mood to talk to you for a while, thank you, Thor."


Thor froze in reply and watched as Subaru went up the stairs.

Tuk Tuk.

Why are you knocking on the door when it's my room. Subaru sighed. Subaru pushed open the door and walked in only when an audible "Come in" was heard from inside the room.

Noticing that it was Subaru who came in, Rita turned her attention from the computer to Subaru and looked at him expectantly.

"How was it, Subaru, did Makeba promise to come back with me?"

"I haven't asked her yet."

"You...still won't help me?" , Rita's voice lowered.

"I'll talk to her afterwards, but, I won't talk her back or ask her to stay here, everything, depends on whether she wants to stay here or not."

Rita tottered to her feet, "Subaru! You! I've told you everything! You appear to be so indifferent, but in fact, you've influenced her choice, and if you didn't exist, she would have returned with me!"

"Maybe so, but I want to ask you a question, Rita."

Rita didn't answer him, just listened quietly.

"Is True White really a genius?"

"Of course!"

"Maybe I don't have any real sense of the word genius, but what I saw of Shinbaek was nothing more than an ordinary girl who came all the way to Japan to practice from every morning until late at night because she loved manga, and even forgot to eat. Because she loves manga so she can ask me, who is far less accomplished than her, for advice on how to learn manga... What I see is nothing more than an ordinary girl working towards her goal."


"Tell me, Rita, it was the same way when Shinbaek first learned to draw, wasn't it?"


"And then you weren't, were you?"

"No, don't underestimate people!" , Rita shouted angrily, "Who says we aren't, we also paint every day, every day, even when True White sleeps, we only paint every day! Even so! ...We're still being overtaken one by one by True White..."

"That's because you just can't do what True White does and put everything you have into the painting!"

Rita looked up, surprised at the suddenly yelling boy in front of her.

"Yes, I don't deny the existence of talent, and True White may indeed be more talented than you, but I believe one thing more, you have given far less to the painting than True White has!"

"Don't, don't say stupid things! Do you know the difference between a genius and an ordinary person? That's the difference between apes and humans! Have you ever seen a monkey on par with a human!"

"Difference? Of course I know-"

"No, you don't." , Rita slumped back in her chair. "It's an unbridgeable chasm, and ordinary people who try to cross it to the side of genius just end up falling off the abyss and falling to pieces."

"Geniuses are just ordinary people. Geniuses are only regarded as geniuses after they have done things that ordinary people can't do. You've been with True White, don't you know that she, a genius, has worked hard for the achievements of those geniuses while also putting in the effort of a 'genius'?"


"There's something you might not know. I'll tell you. The flower of success, people only envy its present brightness, but in the beginning, its buds were soaked with the fountain of tears of struggle and sprinkled with the rain of blood of sacrifice. And now, like the man who only admired the flower, you have completely forgotten how much suffering that flower went through in order to bloom."

"A successful flower...", Rita repeated frostily.

"The difference between a genius and an ordinary person is like the fairy tale tortoise and hare race, a genius can indeed run faster than a tortoise, and much faster, but that doesn't mean that the tortoise can't reach the finish line."

Subaru took a deep breath and said with a smile on his face to Rita who was staring at him.

"Even if we're ordinary people, if we crawl slowly, one day, we'll reach the finish line, right?"

Chapter 276 - Rita says

"They've been in there a long time, all right?"

"Don't worry about it, Thor, Kitten's not that kind of guy."

"How can you not worry about it?" , Tor withdrew back and said in a low voice. "That Rita, so pretty and big breasted, two people alone in a room, even if Subaru wasn't that kind of person, he wouldn't be able to help it, would he?!"


When it came to boobs, someone looked at the flat airfield in front of them and disdainfully looked away.

"If you're really worried, you can just go in and look around." , Lottie muttered.

"Subaru would be mad at me then..."

"Then you can wait here, I'm not going to wait any longer, I'm going down to play the game."

As soon as Luo Tianyi turned around and went downstairs, her mouth seemed to be chanting something like "It's just a little extra fat on my chest, what's the big deal"....

"What do I do, do I go in?" , Thor patrolled the general vicinity of the room. "Ah! And yes, I could send in a snack and see how it goes - but it's just after dinner and a snack is not appropriate...ahhhhh!!!! What's the best way to do it!!!"

"What's the best way to do it?"


Tor jumped in shock, and Subaru, standing in the doorway, looked at her with a confused look on his face.


"Ah, ah - I was saying what better way to make the snacks, well, that's what."

"...So what have you been doing wandering down the hallway?"

"Went down here unannounced, I'm going to go down and study it now, haha, ahahaha...", Thor scratched his head as he went down the stairs with a flattering smile.

"Strange Thor."

"By the way, I haven't had a chance to ask yet, Tor-san's relationship with Subaru is?" , Rita came out of the room as well.

"Well...Thor is my cousin."

"Ho~~", Rita gave Subaru a meaningful look. "By the way, I heard that inbreeding is allowed in Germany recently, is Subaru going to emigrate in the future?"

"No way!" , Subaru retorted with a grin on his face. Of course he had heard the meaning in Rita's words.

"Really, don't make fun of me as soon as you relax."

Subaru sighed and looked over at the giggling Rita with a look of frustration.

"Because Subaru is funny. Okay, no more jokes." , Rita said with a smile, then her expression got a little more serious. "Let me talk to Makoto for a moment."

"Yeah." , Subaru nodded and walked to the door of Makebai's room. "This is True White's room, you can take care of the back."

"Don't worry, Subaru but he has my True White's heart tied up in knots, I wouldn't want to go back with me anyways, not only True White, people seem to be smitten with Subaru too." , Rita said with a playful smile and threw a wink at Subaru.

"Don't just say things like that casually!" , Subaru replied as quickly as he could, sighing. "I'll go down first, you two can talk."

Reaching the stairs, faintly hearing the sound of the door opening from the second floor, Subaru smiled slightly, believing that the two of them should be able to work it out perfectly on their own-.

It was supposed to be like this....

A few minutes later, Subaru returned to his room to get ready for bed, when Shinbaek's door was still closed and he didn't see Rita or Shinbaek come out, Subaru thought they were still talking and didn't pay much attention to it, returning to his room.


"Shinbaek, can you tell me what's going on here?"

Subaru looked at the real white on his bed with a dark face, but if he wasn't going to bed, he hadn't noticed that there was another real white hiding in his bed.

"Rita said she hated sleeping with me, so she kicked me out, woohoo?"


"Subaru?" , Shinpachi tilted his head.

Subaru held his forehead, "Wait, let me think about where it's better to start spitting."

"So, can Makebaek sleep with you tonight, otherwise, Makebaek won't have a room to sleep in, it's so pitiful, I'm going to cry."

Apologize to all the actors and voice actors in the world for me, hey! A first class master of holding can't even do what you do, okay! And what kind of inexplicable line is that! Why is that crying face a question? I'm asking if I need you to cry!

After a hard spat in his heart, Subaru asked helplessly, "Did Rita tell you to say that?"

"Hmm." , Shinbaek nodded.

That's an admission....

"Rita said that I have a lot of competition, so I have to strike early, or else Subaru will be taken away from me. I don't know what that means, but I don't want Subaru to be snatched away." , Shinbaek stared straight at Subaru, but instead, he made Subaru look embarrassed.

"Don't listen to Rita's nonsense, there's no such thing as being snatched away - what were you guys talking about, anyway! Isn't it time we had a talk about returning home."

"Rita said to let me decide on my own, she won't push me anymore. Also, she said she decided to draw again and that it was all because of Subaru." , Shinbaek leaned into Subaru's position and hugged him. "Subaru, thank you."

"Yeah, Rita she's going to start painting again."

Subaru was happy to know that his words had worked.

"So, what does Makoto want to do? Are you going back to Sakura Village, or to China? I won't interfere with True White's choice, and I'll support you whichever one you choose."

"I want to stay here."

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