Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 158

"Hey?" , Subaru froze for a moment.

"I want to stay here." , Shinbaek released his embrace and looked him in the eyes. "I don't want to go back to Sakura Shores, and I don't want to go back, I want to stay here."

"Stay here? But you still have to study, your school is a long way from here."

"It's okay, Rita said that I can transfer to another school and study inside Subaru's school."

"But, you're going to that school to study manga."

"It's okay, Rita asked, it's only because my cousin is in that school that my family arranged for me to go, and to learn manga, I just need to study with Subaru."

Rita... Subaru's mind was filled with Rita's mischievous smile.

"And your family will allow you to stay at my house?"

"Rita said she'd be there to help me explain."

Oh my God....

"What exactly did you and Rita talk about..."

"Well...", Makoto tilted her head, thinking seriously. "Rita also said that Subaru was a genius, and that it was an honor to be lectured by a this?"

Genius? Subaru was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Rita probably saw her own personal information. But I didn't get most of these accomplishments through my own efforts, I'm sorry for that. Subaru thought with a bitter smile.


"I know. Okay, True White, go back to bed."

"But, Rita said-"

"Belyta said it! Hurry up and go back to sleep, and if Rita asks you why, just say Subaru said so!"


277 - Moving Out of Cherry Blossom Villa

The next day, the Hasegawa family had their usual bland weekend breakfast.

"Yah~ Subaru is really cold, driving a beautiful girl like Makebai back like that~"

And then exploded over a single word.


The chopsticks in Tor's hand snapped in half - oh no, four halves - and the sight shot to Subaru for a split second, looking like it should end up about the same as the chopsticks if he didn't have a reasonable explanation.

"No no, you guys listen to me explain." , Subaru waved his hands incessantly, fearing that there would be some misunderstanding, especially Tor who had already shown his claws.

"Subaru you actually drove True White back?!"

"Yes! No! Listen to me-- Hey? Actually?"

Subaru suddenly froze in the middle of the sentence. Thor this is, don't you want me to let True White go back to sleep?

How is that possible?

"Why did you let True White go back! Subaru!" , Thor said, putting down his bowl, very disgruntled.

"I, of course I'm going to let her back in, aren't I?" Subaru was getting more and more baffled.

"So why did you let her go back! Really! Didn't you yourself say that you wished True White had stayed here!"

"...Ah, ah! So that's what it means, ahaha, of course, Shinpachi will definitely stay in Japan! Don't worry, I thought it was - no, I didn't say anything, eat eat eat! By the way, there's still a trip to Sakura Shores after dinner."

Subaru smiled as he picked up his breakfast and was busy changing the subject.

Luckily, the bomb was disarmed... Subaru was relieved.

"Of course Makebai wanted to stay here, but it's a pity she took the initiative to go inside Subaru's room last night and got kicked out~"


Subaru had a bad feeling as soon as Rita spoke, but there was still no time to stop it.


The bomb exploded.

"You - say - what - what?!!!"

Kah, kah.

Thor bowed his head, seemingly calm, but the bowl in his hand was already splintering....

"Make sure you hear me explain..."

Thanks to Rita's badgering, the Hasegawa family's breakfast time was fully doubled, and as for all that extra time, it was all spent on someone's explanation.

"I say Rita, don't be a net pain in the ass!"

Subaru, Shinbaek, and Rita were sitting on the tram, and Subaru was leaning helplessly on his seat as if he had just gone through a violent battle.

Rita covered her mouth and laughed, "Oh~ I'm helping Subaru."

"Where are you helping me...?"

"It's hard having a cousin like that, isn't it, I'm helping you get together with Makoto soon, after all Subaru doesn't really want to emigrate to Germany, does she?"

"Together! .......", Shinbaek who hadn't spoken as if he had been suddenly startled, then silently shrank back, his face slightly red.

"You don't know what's going on in it la."


Rita gave Subaru a meaningful glance and didn't continue. The three of them each went silent with their own thoughts.

"Here we are again."

Subaru looked up at the building in front of him with a complicated expression. Unlike the first time which was relaxed, this time was mainly to bring Shinbaek away, and Subaru really didn't know how to tell Shinbaek's cousin, Sengoku Chihiro, about this.

"Vertebrae! Are you back?!"

A voice interrupted Subaru's thoughts, and then out of it rushed a teenager with a raw face.

"Hmm." , Shinpachi nodded.

Who? Subaru looked at him a few times. He looked like he cared about Makebai, but didn't have any impression that he was the student who moved in after Makebai?

Without waiting for the boy to say a second word, Rita directly blocked in front of Shinbaek, "I say, Kouta-san, do you only have eyes for Shinbaek, it's lonely for Subaru and I to be left alone ah."

Empty too...ah! That's right, Kanda Kota. The boy that Rita had said liked True White.

"Ah, Rita-san, hello." , Kouta nodded slightly. "You and Spine have been out all night, me and Jen-senpai and the others are worried... That, and this is?"

Seeing that Kota had finally noticed him, Subaru touched his nose and walked forward, extending his hand, "Kanda... Kota-san, right? Kanda-san, my name is Subaru Hasegawa, please enlighten me."

"Please teach me more...", Kouta shook Subaru's hand with some confusion. It looked like he was probably wondering where he had heard that name before.

"Well, that's enough!" , Rita made an X with her hands. "We have a lot to do today, so I won't be chatting here. Excuse me for now, let's go, True White."

After saying that, Rita took True White's hand and walked inside.

"Rita-san, there's something going on today meaning..."

"Ah, forgot to mention that." , Rita turned around. "As of today True White is moving out."

"Move out?!" , Kota was in a hurry. "Rita-san really still wants to take the vertebrae back?! I think it's better to reconsider, and the vertebrae need to have their own choices ah-"

"Nonono.", Rita shook one finger out. "I respect Makeba's choice oh, she wants to stay at Subaru's house, so we're here to move the luggage now. Subaru, don't just stand there, do we need a lady to carry the luggage? That's not very gentlemanly, oh."

"Oh, oh..."

Subaru took one look at Kota and hurried after him, leaving Kota standing blankly at the door, watching the three men's backs as they walked inside Sakura Shores.

"I say, there's no need to talk about such things, right. It's fine to just say you're taking Makoto back to your country." , Subaru leaned in to Rita's ear and said, looking back, the figure still standing in the doorway, unmoving.

"Subaru, leaving aside the fact that sooner or later the lie will be broken, wouldn't it be more cruel if he got deeper and deeper into it and finally learned that True White had actually been staying at your house?"

"That said, though..."


The negotiation with Chihiro went unexpectedly smoothly, and it was only after asking that Rita had already informed Shinbaek's family and managed to get permission. The news of course reached Galaxy, and then a phone call from Hawaii came directly to Subaru. And then, they called Subaru from Hawaii, saying, "Good job, son smash", "This is the continuation of our family's legacy", and so on....

"Thank you for taking care of Makebai during this time." , Subaru bowed to the front with a large bag.

"Can't say I've taken much care of it, these little things." , Misaki waved her hand. "And we like Makebai too, so we'll have to bring Makebai to Sakura Shores more often in the future!"

"Well, sure. Well, True White, thank people too."

"Yeah." , Shinbaek nodded and stepped forward to learn how to bend down together with Subaru. "Thank you all."

"Then we'll take our leave."

Chihiro nodded, "Ah, go ahead. I'll take care of the transfer paperwork for you."

"Thanks. Let's go, Makebai."

Then Subaru, who was carrying all the luggage, and Makebai and Rita, who were empty-handed, walked to the station together.

Seeing the figures of several people disappear around the corner, no one from Sakura Shojo moved.

"Well, I've got things to do so I'll be off", Chihiro waved his hand and walked off to another street. Stopping a few steps away, she looked at the air too, her lips moving slightly to say something, but eventually shook her head and walked away.

"Ren...", Misaki looked over at Ren and nodded when she got a nod from him in response, turning in silently.

"Airtae." , Jen patted the shoulder of the air-tae who looked like she was petrified. "Look on the bright side, Shinbaek isn't for you, she's too talented, you'll suffocate sooner or later with her."

"I know that, Jen-senpai."

"You...", Jen looked at him and finally shook her head. "Well, never mind, let Nanami comfort you, I'm not good at this kind of thing."

"Seven Seas?...", there was a slight ripple in Aira's expression.

"It's just that Seven Seas won't be back for a while, so you'll probably have to wait." , Jen said back as she walked inside.

Airta smiled lightly and followed him inside.

"What's that supposed to mean, making me sound like a child who's frustrated and wants to be comforted."

Chapter 278 - Rita's Return

"Well, the room should be back to its original state."

Subaru clapped his hands and looked around the room in satisfaction. The room that Shinbaku had once lived in was back to its original state after Shinbaku had moved away once.

"Hey eh~"

Rita held her chin with her hand and watched from the side. It was even more of a sigh when she saw Subaru very casually take a real white fat sub or something and just put it inside the wardrobe, even without any waves in her expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." , Rita shook her head. "Now that I'm relieved to see True White living back here, it's about time for me to go."

"Go? Where to?"

"Of course I'm going back home, otherwise Subaru would want to leave me here? I wouldn't mind saying that if Subaru is willing~"

"Don't, don't, you'd better go back to your country." , Subaru shook his head incessantly.

"How cold, Subaru. Just don't want me to stay here that much, or am I already hated, right, after all, I came over here to take Makebai so unreasonably, it's only natural to be hated right, it's pitiful...", said Rita covering her face, as if she was really crying.

"No, I'm not saying that I don't want you here, you see, after all, you have to go back to your studies right, and I can't delay your studies or anything, this..."

At Subaru's clumsy explanation, Rita giggled, "Okay, just kidding. I'm flying this afternoon. It's always okay for Subaru to drop me off then, right?"

Subaru was relieved, "Of course."

"Rita, are you leaving already?" , True White tugged at Rita's clothes.

"Well, I have to go." , Rita turned around and put her hand on True White's face. "Because it's True White's choice and I can't and don't want to interfere. But...I still have something to say to Makebai, so Subaru can listen."


Rita's expression was a bit more serious, "No matter what, Makebai's future is still in drawing. I'm not saying that manga is so bad, but I hope that True White, will think about whether or not he should waste his precious study time to learn another subject in the meantime. No matter what, I still want Makebai to come back to drawing."

Shinbaek was silent for a moment, then hugged Rita, "Yeah, I know, thank you, Rita."

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