Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 165.

"It's okay la, it'll be fine if Tanya says so."

"That's right."

The accompaniment stopped and the tenth song ended. Luo Tianyi took a few breaths and picked up the microphone.

"Thank you all, this next song is an original song."

After Luo Tianyi said this, the audience below became noisy for a moment.

"It really is an original, I already guessed it."

"Che~ You only said it after she said it, the horse put it out afterwards."

"What do you know! If you want to participate in the LOVELIVE it must be an original song, the previous songs were all covers, then this last one must be original, otherwise how can Goddess Tian Yi participate in the LOVELIVE?"

"Goddess Teni?"

"Exactly! Goddess Tianyi has officially been promoted to my goddess! Her singing voice has completely won me over!"

"And a promotion, people don't even know you. Haha..."

"You! Hmph, for someone who doesn't know how to appreciate Goddess Tian Yi's singing voice, I won't even bother to waste my time with him."

Conversations such as these took place in various parts of the audience. The content of the conversations varied, but without exception, they were all in anticipation of Luo Tian Yi's original song.

Get on it, Tian Yi!

Subaru had stood up and looked at the figure on stage with confidence.

Whether or not the first Live would be truly successful depended on this last song.

"The name is Deep Sea Girl."

Lotte closed her eyes and after a few seconds of stillness, slowly picked up the microphone.

"Sorrowful Shimi no SeaにShen Ndan private."

"Eyes open けるの亿劫."

Luo Tianyi was singing quietly on stage, obviously inside the noisy Akihabara, but it felt like everything was so quiet, as if the girl on stage was singing quietly on an empty stage.

After listening for a while, Thor turned to Subaru and asked in confusion, "Subaru, why did you choose a sad song for Tenyi."

"Sad? Thor, did you catch that?" , Subaru asked with a smile.

"I don't quite understand the lyrics, but I feel a little lonely."

"Isn't that great, it shows that you're getting to know humans better."

"But why, exactly?"

"What why?"

"Why did you choose this song, I just asked you if you were listening to me seriously or not." , said Thor, bulging his face.

"Oh, that ah. Just because I like it."


Seeing Subaru's somewhat melancholy expression, as if he was nostalgic for the past, Tor thought that Subaru had some kind of past, but Tor was directly stunned at Subaru's answer.

Actually, Subaru's inner thoughts were like this.

Surely Hatsune Miku's song is good, ehehehe~~!

Subaru wiped the non-existent drool from the corner of his mouth and scratched his hair with some regret.

It was a pity that Hatsune Miku didn't exist in this world. Subaru herself could only remember a few of the many songs she sang. To herself, a virtual singer always had a different charm than a real idol.

If only Hatsune existed in this world as well - wait, Hatsune, a world without virtual songstresses....

Subaru, with his hand on his chin, was actually already wandering away from the stage, even though he was still looking at it.

Then it just so happened that Subaru was seen by Thor at this time, and then he was mistaken for some melancholy teenager with a story....

"Subaru?" , seeing Subaru looking out at the stage again, Thor looked at him quizzically. "Tiny has finished singing oh? What are you looking at?"


"That's right, Tiny!!!"

Subaru suddenly hammered his hand and shouted out, scaring Tor next to him and covering his chest in horror.

"Subaru...are you okay...", Tor shakily reached out his hand and pushed Subaru who was still again.

"Well? What?" , Subaru turned his head, puzzled.

"You were just staring and yelling, what's wrong...?"

"Huh? Ah, that ah, sorry sorry, I'm thinking about things."

"Thinking about things?"

"Well! A very interesting thing!"

"What is it?"

"Haha, it's just a preliminary idea now, I'll let you know when I make actual progress, it'll be a surprise oh!" , said Subaru, smiling and touching Thor's head.


Tor wondered for a moment and finally smiled, "I see, so I'll just wait."

Subaru nodded with a smile as well, and was about to open his mouth when he was interrupted by a voice that ended up being far and near and finally directly to his face.

"Kitten, kitten kitten! Kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten! I made it oh!"

"What for, Tiny! Come on down, I'm suffocating!"

In the instant before Subaru could react, Lotte deftly jumped on top of Subaru, clamped her legs around his waist, and then buried his head in her arms.

Suddenly losing all the light, Subaru also panicked for a moment and danced around.

"Heehee, don't come down~"

"Stop it, Tiny, I can't breathe...I can't come..."

Effectively feeling the difficulty of breathing, Subaru was busy patting Lottie a few times and telling her to hurry down.

Then, maybe it was not seeing plus not feeling much, or maybe it was intentional on someone's part - in any case, Subaru's hand, slapped, on, Lotte's... butt.

And then proceeded to slap it several times....

Chapter 288 - School Idol Lotte


Lottie jumped off Subaru with an electric shock, her face soaring as red as a ripe apple.

"Huh? Huh? What's going on?"

Subaru gasped a few times and was about to lecture Lotte when he suddenly noticed that something didn't seem right about the atmosphere and looked at the others unknowingly.

"Kitten, you - pervert! Dirty embryo!"

With her hands behind her back, Lotte looked at Subaru aggrievedly, and her seemingly imposing words seemed weak and feeble.

"What's wrong with me?"

Subaru blinked in confusion, then noticed the position of Lotte's hand and froze, then looked at his own hand before carefully recalling what had just happened.


Then he settles down and turns mechanically to the next Tor, "Tor, that, I just, hit..."

"Hmph." , Thor wrapped his arms around himself and stared at Subaru, "Molesting a good woman in broad daylight, I'll take the place of heaven and get rid of you today, you scourge."

"Is it really so!" , Subaru stared.

In retrospect, it looks like the touch is a little different....

No, no, no, what was I thinking, I'm really going to turn nasty if I keep thinking about it.

"Huh?!" , Thor's eyes glazed over and he stuck out his finger at Subaru. "Molesting a good woman in broad daylight, I-"

"I know I know." , Subaru sighed inwardly, then bowed. "Lord Tor, you sir, forgive the little one, I know I'm wrong."

"Hmph, that's more like it." , Thor nodded in satisfaction.

Well, by the way, Tor's favorite martial arts drama recently happened to play the part where the man saved the woman who was being molested by the punks.

Then, Subaru flashed to the side of Luo Tianyi in a flash and smiled obsequiously, "Tianyi, as you can see, I just admitted my mistake, so forgive me, right?"

Lottie said hesitantly, "Its, actually I'm not either, hate... that, if it's a kitten - no! I'm angry now! Huh?"


Looking at Luo Tianyi who changed her face in an instant, Subaru thought for a moment, smiled and said, "How about this, as compensation, I'll treat you to a big meal later?"

"Great meal!" , Lotte Yi's eyes lit up for a moment. "Really?!"

"Of course it's true, the big meal is on me if Tianyi can forgive me!"

"Well, that's alright then. Then, for the sake of your sincere apology, I'll forgive you."

Truly, a fool who can be fooled away by a meal.

Thinking so, Subaru smiled and put his hand on Lotte's head.

"Right on!" , Lottie turned around. "Kitten, did you just see, I made it oh! My first Live."

"Well, of course I saw it, I've been watching you from the stage. It's really amazing that you met so many people on your first Live and still made it."

"Hehe, of course! By the way, what did you think of the last song? You're the creator so you're in a better position to give good advice, right."

"Hey? Ah, this ah,'s nice, it conveys the feelings well."

"And there's more!"

"HEY? And ah, that is..."

Subaru, in a pensive state, took a careful glance, and Lotte was looking at him expectantly.

What am I supposed to say to that! I'm just stunned by the last song!

"Overall, it was awesome! Even I can't find anything wrong with it!"

"Of course it is! So, where is it great?"


If you want me to compliment you, just say so, and talk about giving advice...make me really think hard for a while, okay!

Subaru looked at her speechlessly, who looked like she had a "come on and compliment me" expression and almost didn't get the words out.

"Ahem, super awesome! Very impressive! Perfectly impeccable in song or in any other way! Tenyi is the strongest!"

After hearing Subaru's praise, Luo Tianyi held her face in embarrassment, "Hehehe, it's not that exaggerated."

"Meowhaha~ That's pretty good singing, Tanya."

"Humm, it's very nice."

On the one hand, Misei came along with Kanna in tow. The two of them had run to the front desk from the start, and if they came back at this time -

"Is it over already?"

Subaru looked to the front stage, and sure enough the crowd had dispersed, the crew was packing up, and the five voices were communicating on the other side.

"In that case, there's still one afternoon show left, right. Is that one with Run and the others on stage?" , Maxine asked.

"Well. Having two Live shows in a row is also a bit barely Tenyi, it just so happens that littlewings also needs a stage so as to maximize the use of it."

"Hey eh~ Good job Subaru, you've changed a lot since you went to high school when you were just an idiot who only played basketball."

Subaru laughed, "Haha, people change. Let's go to lunch, shall we? Let's go eat a big meal, we have to treat the hardworking Tanya."

Out of a desire to survive, Subaru didn't give out the real reason for eating a big meal.

"Oh~! Great meal!"

"Haha, is Conner Sauce looking forward to it too? So let's go!" , Subaru smiled and touched Kanna's head.

"Let's go! Eat a big meal~ Eat a big meal~"

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