Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 166

Saying hello to the others, Subaru ran to the restaurant with his family in tow.

What he didn't know was that in just this short period of time, without even uploading a Live video, Chichibi High School's school idol, Lotte, had become a complete hit on the internet.

"Hey! Have you seen the online video?"

"What video?"

"Of course it's a video of Sakamoto-sensei's new promotional scene shoot!"

"Oh. That ah, not much interest."

"The point isn't about that, it's about Live during this period! that school idol that went on stage and performed! Not only is the person super good looking, the song is super good too!"


"Really! I'm full and have nothing to lie to you about."

"I'm going to check it out."

In one of the rooms, a man confusedly closed the chat window and clicked on the live video of the promotion that several people had uploaded to N Station.

"Gakuen like it's just like God, and it's not even that."

The man said to himself as he looked at the computer, and then inside the video, it was time for Lotte to make an appearance.

"Ooooooh!!!!" The man stared. "What is this? What is this?! Sailor Moon! Is this the school idol? Never!"

Then Lottie began to sing. The man's eyes widened, even as his mouth unconsciously opened.

"Woman, goddess..."

The man recovered from his daze only after Lottie was off the stage.

"Ahhhhh!!! Goddess!!!"

The man's roar spread throughout the room.

Chapter 289 - Simi's Grandfather

After lunch, the priest, Run and the others arrived at the venue as agreed.

"By the way, how much is littlewings ranked on lovelive right now?" , Subaru asked.

"Hmph...", Himi took out her phone and placed it in front of Subaru. "With the popularity we accumulated last time, we're 5th place oh! It's amazing how many people recognize us even when we walk down the street now."

"Ooh meow~ We also saw Tenyi-san's Live, it was really wonderful."

"Ham, strong opponent."

"Nah, Subaru, the last original song should be yours, right?" , Himi looked at Subaru.

"Well, how's that sound?"

"Still, it's not bad." , Himi flipped her hair. "But we're not going to lose, so watch this afternoon's Live!"

"Haha. Then I'll be waiting with anticipation." , Subaru smiled and ruffled Simi's hair, the latter blushing and letting Subaru do his bidding despite her reluctant face.

"By the way, what are you guys going to sing at the afternoon original?" , Subaru asked curiously.

It's worth mentioning that ever since the first Lovelive ended, Run and the others have been creating their own songs, saying things like, "We can't rely on Subaru all the time, we have to learn how to create our own songs, and when we have no other choice, we'll ask Subaru to help us.

"I thought I said to stay tuned." , Himi winked and said mischievously.

"Haha, so I'm looking forward to it even more."

Subaru was saying when an arm was suddenly placed on his shoulder.

"Subaru, can we talk a little bit."


Subaru looked questioningly at the priest, who was expressionless and couldn't see anything.

"Something to say." , the priest said in a low voice, and then changed his smile to the little lollies, "Sorry, brats, borrow your Subaru for a while."


The little girls tilted their heads and looked at the two men's distant backs in confusion.

They then found a cafe and from the moment they sat down, the priest held his hand to his chin.

"There, is something wrong, making it so mysterious."

Seemingly unable to stand the silence, Subaru spoke first.

"It's a bit complicated and serious, let me sort it out first."


"Subaru you know, Run and the others, mom and dad actually passed away, right?"

"Yeah." , feeling that the next topic didn't seem to be as easy as expected, Subaru adjusted her sitting posture and her expression became a bit more serious.

"Just a few days ago, Himi's mom's dad, Himi's grandfather, found us."

"Hee, Himi's grandfather?! Is Grandpa Simi still here? So why-"

"I know what you mean. Actually Simi's mother, Lisa, is not Japanese but English. She eloped with a Japanese man many years ago, despite her own father's objections. Despite the strenuous objections of Ryan, Simi's grandfather, Liza settled in Japan and gave birth to Simi."

"Since then, Liza has sent pictures to her father every year, but it was this only means of communication that was completely cut off a few years ago, and Rayanne lost all contact with her own daughter. And that was the time when Simi came to our house."

"In other words, Himi's mother, passed away at that time..."

"Yes. Ever since then, Raan has been searching for Simi in Japan, and eventually-"

"I saw Simi on Lovelive."

"That's right."

"Hara, so that's how it was..."

Subaru took a sip of his coffee, but it was completely cold.

"I specifically asked them to come back after today so as not to interfere with this Live, but they contacted me again today and said that they would come over tonight to talk."

"Tonight? That's a bit too soon..."

"How can a parent's heart wait, especially the widow of their own beloved daughter."


Subaru replied, unaware that he was out of it, and his expression looked a little sad.


"Ah, sorry, I got distracted."

"Haha, I had a similar reaction to you when I first heard the news." , the corner of the priest's mouth tugged and he managed a smile.

"So, what is the priest going to do?"

"That's what I came to you for." , the priest stared into Subaru's eyes. "For tonight's meeting, I would like you to come as well."

"Me?!?" , Subaru pointed at himself in confusion. "But this is your family business, I-"

"But there's no denying that you've had a great impact on the little ones and theirs, and I think you could - no, you should come over here."

They stared at each other in silence, and finally, Subaru nodded solemnly.

"I see."

Unbelievable, this sequence of developments....

On the walk back to the venue, Subaru pondered.

If I were to go too, what would I say? Support? Objection? And most importantly, what would Run and Air think?

Thinking about it, Subaru laughed bitterly.

Throwing this question directly at me or something, the priest is really... But, the priest he can't judge at all, so that's why he said that, right?

"Hey~~! Kitten! Where were you?"

Lotte appeared before Subaru's eyes and looked at him quizzically, "Kitten, you don't look so good oh, did something happen?"

Subaru shook his head, "Nothing... By the way, where are Run and the others?"

"They, ah, are already on stage. Before they went on stage, they were complaining that they didn't know where the kittens had gone, and they were obviously about to see their Live or something."

"Ahaha... then let's go watch it now." , Subaru ruffled Lotte's hair.

"Yeah!" , Lotte replied happily, wrapping her arms around Subaru and walking together to the venue.

The first time Misao noticed the two walking over, she also noticed that Subaru didn't seem to be looking very good, frowned and sat next to Subaru.

"What's wrong, what did Run's parents tell you?" , Mitsune asked.


Subaru then recounted everything the priest had said to him to Mitsune.

"Is there still such a thing?!" , Mitsune glared. "So what are you going to do?"

"I was just thinking about that." , Subaru laughed bitterly.

"But yes, Subaru, I can't believe you're all involved in someone else's family business." , Mitsune suddenly elbowed him in the stomach. "Good job thinking, isn't the next step to propose marriage? Tell me, who do you like? Run, Air, or Himi?"

"Mei can't joke with me now that it's this time..."

"Meowhaha, it's just that you look so sad." , Misao laughed and turned her attention to the stage. "If Himi leaves, Run and Air and the others will be lonely too, right?"


Subaru looked to the stage, where the three of them were singing and smiling.

Chapter 290 - Don't take the bass player away! (above)

After finishing the day's activities, Subaru walked alone down the street to the priest's house.

"What should I do..."

Subaru chanted as the afternoon littlewings' performance was still vaguely in front of his eyes, showing them with such a happy expression. And........

"How about it, Subaru! Our new song!"

As soon as Live ended, the three of Simi ran to Subaru at the first opportunity.

"Well! Very exciting!" , Subaru smiled.

The three of them looked at each other for a few moments, then held out their palms to strike together.


"But Subaru, that's just the beginning!" , Himi said suddenly, holding out her finger to Subaru. "Watch this, we'll definitely create more very nice songs in the future!"

Subaru, who had been promptly offering encouragement at this point, was rarely silent, and his mouth opened and closed several times before he finally said hesitantly, "Himi, do you guys want to sing together all the time from now on as well."

"Of course!" , Himi replied immediately. "Isn't it true that school idols can make it all the way to high school graduation!"

"Yes! We'll keep singing, even after high school, we don't want to give up on music." , Run also said.

"Ham, littlewings will never disband."

"By the way why is Subaru asking this question...ah, is it- it doesn't matter lah, Subaru...just, even if you don't have time later on to continue doing our of guidance, and we won't give up!"

In response to Subaru's question, Simi misunderstood that Subaru was apprehensive about continuing to serve as their mentor in the future when she went to college or even to social work.

"No, that's not what I meant. It's just a spur of the moment question, you don't have to be concerned."

"Strange Subaru."


Thinking back, Subaru sighed and lifted his hand to ring the doorbell in front of him.

Within a short time of recalling these, Subaru had somehow made his way to the priest's house.

It was Sakura who opened the door, and seeing that it was Subaru, Sakura froze for a moment, then immediately guessed the reason why Subaru had come over and silently made way for a seat. Subaru nodded with her and walked in.

"Subaru, you're here."

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