Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 174.

"Stop! Mihoshi-san please stop." , Subaru directly made a surrender.


Mihoshi looked left and right with her clothes and was happy.

"By the way, when did you come over..."

"Me? I'm already here, I just happened to go to the lying toilet just now."


Subaru nodded and felt relieved at the same time. I thought I had unintentionally learned some remarkable summoning spell, and it was the kind that only worked on Miisei-san....

I shudder to think about it.

"Subaru is fine if it's my turn to talk next oh."

"What's wrong?"

They sat on the couch, while Lottie and Kanna and True White fiddled with their new clothes on the other side.

"This." , Misei took out a piece of paper from her arms and handed it to Subaru.

"What's this, all this mystery..."

Subaru said as he spread out the paper.

"This, this is...this is really a grievance."


The following day, Huixin Primary School gym.

"Everyone, assemble! I have something to say."

There was still a small amount of time before the end of the moment.

After the little lollies were all assembled, Subaru looked at the crowd and slowly spoke.

"The results of the National Elementary School Basketball Competition are out."

As soon as they heard this, the little lollies all perked up and looked at Subaru attentively.

"The time is, two months later, the preliminary round, the first opponent is..."

Subaru looked at the nervous-looking lorises and suddenly smiled.

"Our old rival, the Slash Valley Girls' Academy."

"Ink Valley?!"

Not surprisingly, everyone screamed. No one expected that they, who had always regarded each other as strong enemies, would meet each other in the first game.

"Is it that Ink Valley? A former participant in the sports games in Yanaya?" , Saji asked uncertainly.

"It's that Yamiya."

After receiving Subaru's confirmation, the dumbfounded expressions of the little girls disappeared instead, replaced by the full wariness on everyone's faces.

"Great!" , True Sail suddenly shouted. "The first game let us meet them, finally we don't have to hold back, the first game will be revenge!"

"Hmph... I was worried that Yanaya might not be strong enough to be eliminated before he met us, but this arrangement is just what I wanted." , Yami snorted.

"This time, we won't lose to them again." , Tsubaki shouted.

"Right! Because of us now." , Shuu shouted as well.

The loris smiled at each other for a few moments and shouted in unison.

"But a whole!!!"

The smile on Subaru's face grew wider as he listened to the little lollies' declaration.

Faced with a strong enemy who had defeated them, they were undefeated and undeterred, forever thinking about how they could get back to their feet, forever energetic.

Truly, elementary school students are wonderful!

"All right! Everyone, let's work together toward nationals."


PS: The last and most important high math test tomorrow.

Reader lord, give me some of your meta (fog)

Really, the readers are awesome!

request leave of absence

As the question.

I'd like to take a day off, I just finished my exams and I'm exhausted _(:з"∠)_.

Take a day off and I'll make it up later.

Thank you all for your readership.

Do I have to get 100 words to post it?

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

I'm not going to be able to post it until I get 100 words together.

Do I have to get 100 words before I can post it?

Chapter 300.5 Tenyi's Birthday Special - Daily Life with Subaru (Previous)

PS: Today, July 12th, is His Highness Tenyi's birthday. That's why I'm posting this birthday special. Trying out the first person writing style, I hope you'll enjoy it.

"Tenyi, hurry up, I'm already packed!!!"

After confirming that nothing had been forgotten, I shouted upstairs.

"Got it got it~"

I sighed at this reply coming from upstairs, this product is always like this, only becoming aggressive when it comes to food and singing. I knew I was going out later, but would never speed up a step until I saw a specific facility or game.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, today is that foodie's birthday.

Before I knew it, Tianyi had been at my house for a whole year.

This time last year, I went back to China because I missed my old city, and I met her in that back mountain. I didn't want to leave her behind, so I brought her back.

It's definitely not because Tianyi is pretty, huh? I'm not a pervert, am I? Tianyi is not a child bride either! Oh, shit!

Anyway, since Tien Yi seems to forget everything, and since it's pathetic that she's the only one who doesn't know her birthday, we made the day she first came to Earth her birthday.

At my strong request, I had to be allowed to take her out for the rest of the day until we returned in the evening to celebrate together.

"Ah la, Subaru, are you ready already, do you have your phone wallet with you? Has the schedule been properly confirmed in advance?"

A woman came up to me and said to me in a childish tone.

But I'm not a kid anymore, ah.

"Mom - I'm a sophomore in high school, I know all these things, don't worry."

"Well, it's Tanya-san's birthday after all, you have to go through it smoothly."

"I know, I know."

"Kitten! I'm ready!"

Tenyi's voice and the thud on the stairs sounded at the same time, and before long, a pavilion girl was standing in front of me.

"How's it going?"

Tenyi curled her fingers in her hair and seemed a little shy to look at me.

The hairstyle remained the same as before, but what she wanted to ask me should be the clothes.

"It's very nice, it suits you oh."

Out of gentlemanly manners, I immediately offered my words of praise. In fact, Tianyi did have a face that was a beauty, and no amount of compliments could be too much to use on her. However, my vocabulary is too lacking, so since I can't describe it with words, I'll just reflect it in my mind.

Even with such a compliment, Tanya happily accepted it.

After saying goodbye to everyone, I headed to the station with Tenyi.

Today's plan was probably-.

No plan.

Despite that and Mom's chest beating promise, I really didn't have a specific plan. That didn't mean I hadn't done my homework though, I just wanted to leave the decision to Tanya.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Well...want to go to the amusement park first!"

"Going to an amusement park right off the bat? Where are the other places?"

If you get tired of playing at the amusement park, you won't have much energy to go anywhere else in the afternoon ah.


Tiny made thoughtful shapes, fingers on lips a little at a time, and finally looked at me, "What does Kitten think?"

"I think it's Tiny's birthday, so you decide just fine."

"But I can't think of anything good hey, that's why I wanted a little advice from Kitten."

"...Then let's go to an amusement park."

Actually, I couldn't think of anything fun, and excluding some inappropriate places, it seemed like there were only a few that I could play.

Deciding on a destination, we took the corresponding tram.

"Wow~~ Tour! Le! Park!"

"Hey, don't shout like that every time you come here."

I spat helplessly to Tenyi who was standing in the doorway with her hands wide open, and I don't know who brought it up, Tor, Kanna-san, and even Makebaek would occasionally shout along!

Unimaginable image, right? I, however, saw it with my own eyes several times.

"Kitten Kitten! I want to ride the roller coaster first!"

"Yes yes..."

"Whahahahaha! So much fun! Kitten, kitten, kitten! Sit on that next!"

"Well, let's go."

Within a few steps, Tiny turned around and looked at me with his arms folded and his face bulging.

"Really, Kitten, you're going too slow, go faster!"

See, once immersed in play, the normally dawdling and slow Tanya is like a new person.

But today, for one day, it's all up to her.

I ran ahead and headed to the next location with Tian Yi. To everyone else, we look like kids visiting an amusement park for the first time. Although she just keeps acting like a kid.

But that's one of the most adorable things about her.

The trampoline, the carousel, the pirate ship, the haunted house...we were laughing and shouting everywhere.

I was happy to see her happy smiling face.

Oh sorry, correction, it wasn't laughter inside the haunted house, it was super screams that could easily pierce my eardrums and then kill my brain.

At that time, I thought I was seeing death. It was simply more terrifying than the sonic poison work of a certain southern princess in some anime.

Is the volume of the singer always this horrible?

But I've sung too, haven't I? No fair.

After playing almost all the places once, I sat down on a bench with Tenyi to rest, and for a normal person, it should have been over. But to Tenyi, it seemed like it was just an intermission.

"Where to next? Go somewhere else for fun?"

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