Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics. Chapter 175.

Seeing her intent, I even asked. The decision was up to her, but I didn't want to stay at the amusement park all day, my heart could only take so much.

"I'm hungry!"

"What do you want to eat?"

"Great meal!"

"Hmm...let's see."

Unexpected answer, thankfully I had the foresight to focus yesterday's investigation about food. Since it's a big meal then-.

"I remember there's a French restaurant around here, and there's a pretty famous traditional Japanese restaurant a little further down the road, but I'd recommend the Chinese restaurant across the street from him, but if you want something else, there's a barbecue restaurant, a hotpot restaurant or something..."

I rattled off the more famous shops in the neighborhood as if they were my own. Not by back of course, maps are a good thing.

Hmph, I heard so many shops that I couldn't choose over it.

It's up to Tenyi to choose next-.


This time it was unexpected, so unexpected that it stunned me for a moment.

"Hey? HEY?!!!! This, all of this, you don't like?"

"I want a big meal, not these."

"...What, so you pick one of these shops."

"No, I want to eat a big meal!"


"It was Kitten who said I could have anything I wanted today, but now - hmm, Kitten's so mean."

"No." , I was a little cryptic. "So, we're just going to these stores for a big meal."

"These stores don't have big dinners!"

Tianyi pouted and looked away, "I've heard everything you said about French, Japanese, Chinese cuisine ah, whatever, I didn't even hear about a big restaurant."

A big restaurant....

I'm still speechless, but I'm finally understanding a little more.

Tenyi she...treats the big meal as a dish.

Chapter 300.5 - Tenyi's Birthday Special - Daily Life with Subaru (Part 2)

"I'm full."

Feeling full, I put down my chopsticks and folded my hands together to say something, even though there was still plenty of food on the table. However, it wasn't for me.

Moreover, if I dared to move my chopsticks, I would immediately be attacked by the bar.

It's better not to try something even more dangerous than snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

"You're really able to eat, foodie Tenyi."

I braced my chin and crumbled as I watched Tianyi destroy the food in front of her at an alarming rate. But it's important to emphasize that even though Tianyi eats fast, she's still very good-looking, quite different from the brown man who gobbles up food.

That's why I like to watch Tianyi eat every time, it's probably similar to admiring the scenery, right?

"The people are hungry!"

"You're not a Min, there aren't many in this world who can eat like that, you must be from an alien planet."

I spat on the side in a serious manner, but Tian Yi was obviously a little more interested in food than that, so she just gave me a blank stare.

After quietly enjoying the scenery for a while, Tenyi also finally patted her stomach and said she was satisfied with the food. After confirming that I didn't want any dessert after the meal, I called for the bill.

It's a high-class shop, and I've prepared my heart before looking at the bill, after all, it's Tianyi's birthday, how can I not eat something nice.

"Sir, your bill."

A waiter came up with the bill, and I immediately noticed the complicated look in his eyes, similar to the one I had last year when I met Tianyi for my first meal.

But what's the point of eating so much when you can see Tanya eating so well.

Thinking so, I looked at the bill.

Well, I'd rather cook at home for my next birthday.


Retrieving my bank card somewhat fleshly, I reached out and touched the head of a contented-looking Tanya, who squinted like a kitten.

"Where do you want to go next?"

" amusement park!"

"And an amusement park! Is there nowhere else you want to go?"

"So let Kitten say ah, Akira told you this morning."


I started thinking about where I should go next, and I honestly didn't have a clue.

"Why don't we just take a walk down Commercial Street, see what we see, and if you want to play, go for it."


My suggestion was immediately approved, so we headed to Commercial Street.

"Kitten Kitten! Look at that!"

Tenyi pointed in a direction, and I looked in the direction she pointed and was immediately stunned.

"Love, a couple's hotel?!"

"It's not that! It's the one next to it."

"Oh, oh... So it's a karaoke... ahahaha..."

"Kitten, really horny."

"Sh, what! You're the one who missed the point, okay? That's why my tone just now was questioning ah!"

Strongly denied! One slip and I'll be branded a pervert from now on....

"If it's what Kitten wants..."

"Well? What did you say?"

"Sh, nothing! Stupid kitten!"


Suddenly scolded, I stared blankly at the back of Tanya who turned to walk to the karaoke, her face looking very red.

Hey, there's no need to be so angry even if I was wrong.

Although that's how I feel, but it seems like Tenyi doesn't think so, and as a result, after going in, she just sang by herself and completely left me out.

It's not bad though, I never thought I'd be able to get a mic from her when I went to KTV with Tenyi anyway.

"Kitten Kitten! You sing too!"

Suddenly, a microphone was handed to me. I looked up, and Tanya looked happy, a million miles away from the anger I'd imagined.

"You're... not angry?"

"Angry? Why should I be angry?"

Tanya tilted her head, as if asking "Why would I say something like that?"

"No, nothing."

"I want to sing with the kittens too."

"Yes, Tanya-san."

After singing about ten songs together, at my suggestion of "taking a break first", Tenyi finally put down the microphone she had been holding for almost an hour and sat down on the sofa.

"So you're an alien, Tianyi. Singing for an hour straight and still not having any problems at all."

I finished my drink in one gulp, my voice seemingly redeemed making my entire body tremble.

By the way, how today's drink was different from the usual. It didn't matter though, it tasted good.

"Alright Kitten! I'm done drinking too, so keep singing!"

"So soon! Give me another break ah..."

"N-no, Kitten is always dilly-dallying, not like a boy at all."

"...I know."

Play, eat, sing. No one can match Tanya's mobility on those three things. I resigned myself to standing up, and she patted me on the shoulder as if I were an elder.

"Hehehe... that's... right. Singing with the kitten...yay!"

"Wait...Tanya, you..."

"I'm fine! What...what's wrong?"

She suddenly hiccuped and rocked back on the couch on her butt.

This state....

Are you drunk?

I took a sniff of the glass that Tianyi had been drinking from, and it did have a faint smell of wine. Thinking more carefully, it seems like there was this flavor of wine when I ordered just now....

The waiter actually delivered the wrong drink?

No wonder I said the drinks tasted a little different than I remembered.

"Ehehe... Kitten, come sing along!"

Tianyi raised the microphone in her hand, and now she was acting like a drunken middle-aged man in his seat, raising his glass and saying "Cheers".

It looks like this, the afternoon activities can only end here.......

I'll have to file a complaint against the waitress for bringing in alcohol as a drink! But Tiny is really...can't tell the difference between the taste of a drink and the taste of alcohol, stupid?....

"Tianyi, let's go."

"Hey~~? No more singing?"

"How can you still sing in this state, get some sleep."

"Get some sleep?" , Tiny looked at me with hazel eyes. "Wanna go next door?"


Tianyi's words were like an atomic bomb. . bomb exploded inside my head.

Don't make light of such a dangerous statement, idiot!

"Kitten can always oh if she wants."


A bullet. The bullet quickly and brutally went through my head. A blow to the head.

(My imagination is omitted below)

No, no, no, now is not the time to imagine.

"Tanya, you - fell asleep, ahhh..."

I don't know when, but Tianyi had fallen asleep on the couch, and looking at her peaceful sleeping face, I ghosted out and gently stroked her face with my hand.

"What a little child."



Feeling a movement in my back, I turned my head.

"Tanya, awake?"

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