Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 176.

"Where are we now?"

Tanya rubbed her eyes, looking like she was still awake.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but we're almost home oh."

"Home yet?"


I walked quietly with Tiny on my back as the dusky daylight spilled onto the familiar street.

"Okay, come on down."

Standing in front of the house, I put Tenyi down. It's been announced in advance, so everyone should be at the door by now.

"Go open the door."


Tenyi stepped forward and slowly pulled open the door that wasn't locked.

Tor, True White, Kanna...everyone was standing at the entrance, smiling at her.

"Happy birthday, Tenyi!!!"

Chapter 301 The Second Lovelive

Today, it's a party for the idols.

The place is the Tokyo Dome.

"It's finally the day." , Subaru took a deep breath and said to the person next to him. "Are you nervous, Tanya?"


Lotte Yi thought for a moment with her finger on her lips, then said.

Not surprisingly, Lotte Yi and littlewings plus the last year's champion muse all managed to make it to the lovelive. today was also a fight between 20 teams. But today's scale was far more grand than the last one.

At least it had been crushed in terms of popularity.

The grander scale meant a more brutal struggle, and many people were speculating on who would win the title today, and there were even bets being made.

The four teams with the lowest odds and the highest popularity were Littlewings, Lotte, A-rise, and the previous year's champion, Muse.

After drawing the order, Subaru and Lotte Yi returned to the lounge together.

"Tian Yi! How's it going?"

As soon as they entered, the group of Lottie's relatives surrounded them.

"Number fifteen. Not a good or bad result, I guess."

"It would have been nice if it was the finale." , Tor said regretfully.

"Don't worry, even if we didn't draw the finale, with Tenyi's popularity, the final result won't be bad. Here, look, Tenyi's support group."

Subaru pointed at the TV on the wall, which showed a live feed from the venue. There was an area with uniform clothing and a number of people holding up signs with Lotte Yui's name or nickname on them.

"Wow~~ There are so many people!" , Thor leaned in front of the TV and exclaimed.

"Right, so don't worry about it."

"But it seems like Muse's support group is more crowded oh?"

"Uh...don't worry about these details, the vote will still depend on how well the singing went this time. It's up to Tianyi next."

"Hehehe, leave it to me!" , Lottie made a jerking motion. "I'm going to grab all the other teams' response teams!"

Subaru smiled and put his hand on Lovelive's head, "Haha, come on then."

Lovelive was in full swing, and every team's appearance was exchanged for a boil on the scene. Regardless of whether or not it was a support group for the team that came out, it was after all a winner that was killed from hundreds of teams. Each team's song was an auditory treat.

At this time, within Luo Tianyi's support group's side.

"When will Your Highness Tian Yi come out?"

"It's said to be the 15th one, I wonder what songs His Highness Tenyi will bring this time, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"By the way, the other teams are great too, can Your Highness Tian Yi win the championship..."

"What do you know! My Tanya is the strongest! I even bought His Highness 50,000 Tian Yi to win the title!"

"What's 50,000? I'm buying 100,000!"

"100,000? Hmm, 200,000, how dare you buy it?"

"I say three, please calm down...this is a support group, not a show-off group..."

One person seemed so out of place compared to the heated discussion of the fans.

Hmph, a bunch of fake fans. How dare they question Goddess Tianyi's strength and try to make money off of her! What a blasphemy against Goddess Tanya! Bless you for getting hit by a car on your way out!

A middle-aged man with a hat and dark eyes looked coldly at the fans and snorted disdainfully. The man looked towards the stage, his eyes full of impatience.

Forget it, there's no use arguing with these retards. By the way, can those trash teams on stage hurry up and go down ah, the singing is unpleasant. What the heck lovelive, wouldn't it be better to just have Goddess Tian Yi on stage! Why don't we just make this place a concert of Goddess Tenyi. The rest of us wouldn't even want to look good, right?

The man cursed in his heart, and the person sitting next to him, as if he had felt his aura, subconsciously moved to the side, and the man's surroundings even vacated a not insignificant amount of space.



"Good work everyone!"

Subaru greeted the littlewings just off the stage with applause, this time they were still using their own original tunes, it seemed like they hadn't used Subaru's tunes since the last Lovelive, at most they were just asking for advice on certain things they didn't understand.

"How was our performance?" , Simi flicked her hair and said confidently.

"Well! Amazing! The songs are great!"

"Well, well, I'll take your compliment then."

"Ham, when is Tenyi-san going to be on?"

"Me?" , Lottie scratched her head. "It's like a's 15, right, Subaru?"

"Don't give me that quick forgetfulness!" , Subaru knocked her on the head. "It'll be your turn soon, get in shape."

Run a few is number 12, which means that Lotte Yi will be next next.

"What's Tian Yi-san going to sing this time?" , Run looked up, curiously.

"'The End of the World Singer'."

"The End of the World Singer?!"

When they heard Tenyi's answer, the little girls immediately showed a nostalgic expression.

After all, it's because of this song that they are able to know Subaru, littlewings are able to exist, and there are so many happy or touching things that happen afterwards.

But then, they were a little lost.

"What's wrong?"

Subaru who took in all the changes in their expressions was a little curious.

"Ooh meow~ If it's this song, I feel like we won't be able to win Tenyi-san hey."

"Well, we won't know until the results come out, so we can't raise the others' momentum first and destroy our own." , Subaru smiled and ruffled Run's hair.

"Ooh meow~ I know."

"Aha, Subaru-kun, you guys are here."

Another voice sounded, Subaru subconsciously turned around, then smiled, "Spike Nago, you guys disappeared as soon as you left the field, I wanted to say hello."

The person who came was the previous champion, one of the Muses, Takasaka Hotaru Nago. Their appearance was number 7, not a very favorable order.

"Haha, since A-rise and the others wanted to talk to us about something, they went over there first. Is this Lotte-chan-san? I've heard all your songs hey, very nice to say!"

"Thanks." , Lotte Yi nodded.

After greeting, Spike Nago was about to take his leave.

"Hey? Won't you continue to watch the other teams perform?"

"Ahaha... I'd love to see it, but I have other things to take care of, so I'll leave."

"Oh...okay then."

"I'll be off then, bye, Subaru-kun~~"

Subaru gave her a confused glance at Subaru's back as she waved and ran off to the restroom.

Did you talk to A-rise about something, what was it? Seeing Spike Nago's face wasn't looking very good.

"The next contestant to appear, Lotte Yui."

"Ah, Tenyi, it's your turn."

"Well! I'm on stage!" , Lottie ran a few steps ahead, then turned around and waved.

"Come on!"

"Go for it, Tanya-san!"

At the same time, along with the host's announcement, the scene began to boil.

"Oh!!! Is His Highness Tenyi finally on stage?!!!"

"Your Highness Skyy! Your Highness! Your Highness! Your Highness! ......."

A rhythmic shout of "Your Highness Tanya" began to ring out. Not only the other support groups, but Subaru in the background is also gushing.

As expected of the third ranked school idol, this popularity wasn't something to sneeze at.

"Thank you all!" , Lottie waved her hand on stage.

"The song I'm going to sing is 'The End of the World Singer'! Please enjoy!"

Chapter 302.

"It's a miracle that my hand is in it."

"Thank you all!" , Lottie waved her hand.


The stage was boiling once again, and soon the neat, unified chants of the responding groups rang out again, the difference being that this time it drove a lot of people who weren't responders. This momentum looked like it didn't lose any of the fire that Muse had when she came on stage.

Those teams that were still celebrating getting the back sign probably had their hearts chilled out. The audience's enthusiasm was limited, and if it didn't boil over once, it would be a little more difficult to mobilize it the next time.

Coupled with the pressure from these popular teams at the front of the line, the teams that hadn't performed yet only felt a dark cloud hanging over them.

But that wasn't something Subaru could think about right now, as he was welcoming the next Lotte.

"Kitten Kitten! See my show!"

As soon as she was off the field, Lotte jumped on top of Subaru, ignoring the fact that she was still wearing her skirt.


Subaru reached out to catch Lottey, who deftly flipped onto Subaru's back and said excitedly, "I made it, didn't I? The audience down there is very happy!"

"I saw it, a lot of people who aren't part of Tianyi's support group are shouting it, Tianyi will definitely get a good ranking this time."

"Hey~ Ah, by the way, I heard there's still gambling at lovelive hey, did Subaru buy me?"

"Eh...of course I did, but, but I bought 10,000 yen all at once!"

"So much! Well, if I win the championship, Subaru is going to give me half of it oh."

"Okay, fine."

Actually a penny didn't buy it....

The three concerned contestants had finished their performances and Subaru was relaxed, so all that was left to do was wait for the results to be announced.

If there were no suspense, the top four would be occupied by Muse, littlewings, Lotte, and A-rise.

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