Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 177


With a shriek, Lotte's arm suddenly tightened and then it strangled Subaru's neck, taking him several steps backwards before letting go.

"What's going on..."

Subaru turned to look as Thor, as if lifting a child, took Lotte Yi in one hand and set it down.

"Tenyi, you have to watch your image out there, you're an idol, how can you just jump on someone else." , Tor was preaching in a serious manner, but for some reason his eyes drifted to Subaru from time to time.

"Meowhaha~ What a shame that Subaru and Tenyi's LOVELOVE scene was seen by Tor, don't you think, Subaru~"

With a look on her face like she's watching a show, Meisung relentlessly adds fuel to the fire and

"How did you...get in here?"

"Humm, Thor-sama has put cognitive block on us."

Don't just use your abilities casually, hey! It would be disturbing to be found out!

Subaru and the others then returned to the lounge and waited together for the final results to be announced.

"Words." , Mitsune sat next to Subaru. "What are you going to do about the basketball tournament?"

"What else can I do, chill out." , Subaru shrugged.


"Sorry, ahem. I mean, definitely try!"

"It's not just about trying hard this time, after all, it's that Inkya, if they get eliminated in the first round, Jihana and the others..."

Misao didn't finish her sentence, but Subaru knew what she meant.

After working so hard for so long, the result ended at the beginning, no one could accept it, right?

"Don't worry Misao-san, I believe in them, even if they don't win the championship, they won't lose to Yanaya."

"Ho~ You're very ambitious, but you still want to win the championship."

"This is the normal state of a coach ah, on the other hand, you, the advisor-sensei, have no fighting spirit at all ah."

"Oh? Did you say, "Fighting spirit?"

"Ahem! Alright, alright, let's stop talking about it, look, the results are about to be announced."

A strong desire to survive prompted Subaru to change the subject, and in fact this wasn't the time to talk about it, the announcement of the final results of Lovelive had already begun.

"20th place,..."

"Nineteenth place,..."

The moderator read the results slowly, and the further they went, the tighter everyone's hearts clenched.

"5th place, A-rise."

5th place? In that case, there was another team that made it to the top four.

"Fourth place, Aqours."

"Third place, littlewings."

Subaru was stunned again when the hosts had already reported two results.

Tor and the others' eyes lit up, so to speak, Lotte was either the winner or the runner-up.

"Second place, Muse."


Without hearing Lottie's name, the lounge was instantly filled with cheers.

It was already self-evident who the champion was.

"The champion, Luo Tianyi!"

"Kitten Kitten! I'm the champion hey!!!"

Lottie jumped on Subaru again at once, and this time Tor didn't stop her, it was a blessing for everyone to share joy with those closest to them, I guess.

"Congratulations on your championship, Tenyi." , Subaru said with a smile.

Meanwhile, the venue was already noisy when the host announced the second place, and by the time she actually announced that Lotte Yi was the winner, everyone began to cheer, just like how the first muse had won the title.

No matter who the support group was, they were all cheering for the newly born champion at the moment.

Still celebrating inside the lounge, a staff member pushed open the door and walked in, and was stunned to see so many people, then said to Subaru as if he hadn't seen it.

"Hasegawa-san, the supervisor sent me to tell you that it's about time."

"I see. Thank you for taking the trouble to pass it on."

Subaru stood up, and it was his time next.

"The awards ceremony will take place later, but before that, we are fortunate to have Sakamoto-sensei, a famous light novelist and entrepreneur, who is said to be bringing something new and interesting to the table."

Subaru walked onto the stage in response, and the stage boomed again. As a lovelive that was heavily involved with Second Life, how could the audience that came to see it not know about Sakamoto-sensei.

"Hello everyone, I'm sure you've all enjoyed a feast for your ears and eyes, and are looking forward to the next awarding session. I won't take up too much of your time, but I'm going to show you something, something that will be enough to change your identity."

Subaru waved his hand, and the large screen on the stage immediately lit up.

A software with various complex panels, with something like a sound wave on top and a horizontal one like a piano on the bottom.

The discussion in the audience grew louder, Subaru smiled and reached down, and the audience quieted down in a very cooperative manner.

"We all listen to music and we all sing. But are there ever times when you unconsciously hum an unknown tune. Was there ever a time when you thought that you could create songs too?"

"Then don't hesitate to start creating. This software will allow you to complete, the transformation from a listener to a creator!"

Finally, Subaru opened his hands.

"Welcome to, the world of virtual songstresses!!!"

Chapter 303 - The Fanatic Fans

"Welcome, everyone, to the world of, virtual songstresses!!!"

Subaru shouted confidently, and at this moment, the virtual songstress was officially born in this world. A wave that was sweeping Japan and the entire world had begun.

"I'll put specific instructions on the official website of Bleep, but one thing I can reveal ahead of time is that this year's Lovelive winner, Lottie, will be adding her soundtrack to the mix!"


As expected, putting Lotte's name out there was enough to set off the atmosphere.

Subaru, who had descended from the stage to the cheers of the fans, wiped the sweat from his forehead, relieved as if relieved.

"Good work, Kitten."

The group of family and friends greeted from the stage.

"You're good at it, Subaru, I'm also interested in that virtual singer, teach me how to use it when I get back later." , Misei smiled playfully and elbowed Subaru's stomach.

"Haha, if Misao-san is interested, of course it's no problem."

After Sakamoto-sensei's speech, the last part was the awarding of the winning contestants. Unlike the last time, this time there were awards from the winner to the 20th place.

It actually made a little more sense, after all, being able to make it out of hundreds of teams was a great thing in itself.

Subaru also took this opportunity to see the true nature of the team that had pushed A-rise down.

This school idol, Aqours, was also a 9-member team?

Subaru was a little surprised, and it seemed that this team was similar to the muse's style as well.

Still, what a coincidence. Subaru sighed in his heart.

"Kitten Kitten, I'm back!"

"Oh, hard work. Well then, if there's nothing else, shall we go back?"

The hem of his shirt was suddenly pulled a few times, Subaru turned around and Kanna was looking at him.

"Subaru, I want to eat here."

"Here? Akihabara?"

Conner nodded grumpily, "I want an omelet."

"Omelet rice."

By the way, the last time I also brought Kanna to Akihabara, it was omelet rice at that time.

"Yeah." , Subaru said with a smile. "In that case it's good to eat here, let's go."

"Oh~! Omelet!" , Kanna threw up her hands and took the lead in running towards the door.

Subaru caught up with her, "Slow down - my God..."

He stood stunned in the doorway, unable to say a word.

"What's wrong?"

The people behind caught up with him, and then they turned into expressions similar to his.

Outside the door at this time, there were several circles full of people inside and out, all of them fans.

"Look! His Highness Tenyi is out!"

I don't know who shouted, but everyone's eyes focused on Subaru's side for a split second, blazing as if they were going to burn them.

"Your Highness Tenyi, please give me your autograph!"

"I love you, Your Highness Skyy! You're the strongest!!!"

Subaru was busy blocking the front of the crowd of fans.

Beads of sweat were oozing from the foreheads of the staff members who were blocking the fans with Subaru, and the original encirclement was shrinking.

"Please don't crowd in! Line up, please! Tenyi will be signing autographs for everyone!"

Subaru shouted loudly, getting touched several times on his body just from blocking for a moment, scaring him back a few steps.

Probably because Subaru's words worked, the fans calmed down a bit and began to spontaneously line up. After seeing Lotte sign the autographs for the first few fans, the fans completely calmed down and quietly lined up.

However, not all of the fans were serious about following order.

"Out of the way out of the way out of the way! Let me get to the front!!!"

Very discordant voices rang out, as if a small stone had been thrown into a calm pool of water, and the ranks of the fans were once again noisy.

Subaru frowned, looking at the man who was rampaging through the ranks.

Seemingly not caring in the slightest about the eyes of those around him, the man squeezed all the way from the back to the front and trembled the moment he saw Luo Tianyi.

"Heaven, Goddess Tian Yi!!! I finally got to see Goddess Tanya with my own eyes!!!! You, I watch every single one of your Live shows! Please, be sure to get me an autograph! And a group photo!"

Subaru's side hadn't answered yet, but the fans were already blowing up.

"Huh?! Shamelessly jumping the queue and wanting an autograph and a photo with His Highness Tanya? It's simply delusional!"

"We're a fan club, we don't have any fans as humiliating as you!"

"What do you know!" , the man shouted back. "Do your love for Goddess Teni compare to mine?! I'm the only fan of Goddess Tenyi!!!"


Lotte ducked behind Subaru, pulling on his clothes and looking slightly scared of the man.

"What? That guy, he looks so disgusting." , Mitsune muttered quietly with a frown.

"I'm sick of him, just kill him.", Thor's eyes began to look dangerous. , Thor's eyes started to look dangerous.

"Leave it to me." , Subaru patted her hand comfortingly. Then facing the man, "This gentleman, I don't know how much you love Tenyi, but at least, what I do know is that you can't use that as an excuse to blatantly cut in line, so please go to the back of the line and we can make sure that all the fans in line today will get Tenyi's autograph."

"Huh?" , the man glared at him. "I want to speak to the goddess Tenyi, by what right do you call me to the back."

"By virtue of the fact that we are all part of the community, and as kindred spirits, I feel I need to remind you of what civility is."

Subaru said nonchalantly, his reply provoking the fans to clap.

Once again being vocalized by the fans, the man looked around in panic before shoving Subaru heavily, "Get out of my way, you bastard, I'm looking for Goddess Tenei!"


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