Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About My Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 178

Subaru was pushed and stumbled, and Lotte was busy moving forward to help him.

On the other side, Thor had shown his claws, and if this lowly human dared to strike at Subaru again, he would surely tear him to shreds! Even though they would be chastised by Subaru.

"Hey, Goddess Tenui...I'm a huge fan of yours, so please sign my autograph, hehehe..."

"I refuse." , Lottie frowned and said very decisively. "Not only did you yell at Kitten and push him, it was unforgivable, and there's no way I'm giving you an autograph!"

"Sh, what?!"

"That's right, Tiny she said she wouldn't give you an autograph didn't you get it?" , Maxine stepped forward, then shouted to the security guard next to her, "Isn't this situation obvious? There's a troublemaker, hurry up and expel him ah."

"Ah, yes, yes!"

The security guards woke up like a dream and surrounded the man in a group, not letting him take another step closer to Lottie.

"For, why ah!!! Goddess Tianyi, I'm a fan of yours! Goddess Tilly! I'm a fan of yours!!!"

The words behind the man's words couldn't be heard very well anymore, he had been dragged and hauled out by the security guards.

When the farce was over, the other fans all looked at Subaru with nervous faces, suddenly making such a scene, Subaru and his group would be angry, and it wasn't impossible to even just walk away.

However, shortly afterwards Subaru stepped forward and smiled.

"Sorry, everyone, there was a little accident, please don't worry, what I just said still counts, as long as the fans who are properly lined up, they will definitely be able to get Tenyi's autograph."


"Subaru, I want an omelet~", Kanna tugged on Subaru's shirt and looked up at him.

"I can't help it, so many people." , Subaru bent down and ruffled Kanna's hair. "Just bear with me for a little while longer, okay?"


At the same time.

"Please don't come in here again, please don't add to our workload for no reason, really..."

Putting the man down, the security guard complained as he walked inside the venue.

"God, Goddess Tenyi..."

"Damn it! Damn!!!!"

Chapter 304 - Couple Cosplay

"What ah, that man just now, it's unbelievable."

At the table, Misao angrily forked up a piece of meat and brought it to her mouth to chew viciously, as if she was taking it out on the meat.

"Well, don't take it too personally, there are people like that everywhere. On the other hand, it also proves that Tenyi is very popular." , Subaru consoled.

"I'd rather not have that kind of popularity if I can help it."

Lotte Yui said sullenly as she lay on the table. It looked like it had scared her today too.

"Well, let's not let that guy ruin our mood, let's eat. Look, Kanna's almost done eating."

Subaru pointed at Kanna, and sure enough, Kanna, who had been silent since the beginning, was eating her favorite omelet rice spoonful by spoonful, and this time it was almost all finished.

"Well, eat and eat!"

Lotte sat up, cheering like a man and began to fight the food.

But... Subaru's eyes sank.

That said, it was better to be wary of that kind of crazy fan, who knew if he would do something crazy.

"Subaru, do you think I should...", Thor mysteriously leaned in next to Subaru, then scuffed up and showed his claws.


Well, and to stop the even crazier Thor.

Seeing that everyone still looked dull, Subaru spoke up, "Here, how about we go have some fun later?"

"Play? It's getting a little late, is there enough time?" , Mitsung asked.

"It's okay. I remember you didn't drive over here, did you, Mitsunari-san?"

"Well, it just happened to take it for overhaul."

"That's fine, just have Thor take us back when we're really late playing."

"That said..."

"Alright don't hesitate, Mitsune-san wants to play too, right?"

Ten minutes later.

"So, that's what you brought me here for?" , Mitsune's mouth twitched and she looked at Subaru with a mischievous expression.

"No, there's no reason for that! It was a cosplay shop during the summer, what, how did it suddenly become a couple's cosplay..."

"Hmm, this is only slightly related to the cosplay shop you're talking about, right?"

" there's cosplay...", Subaru said weakly.


"Yes, there's no connection at all, I was misremembering." , Subaru extremely simply bowed and apologized, this was nothing compared to a fragile joint.

"Who said there's no correlation, I clearly said both sides can be photographed, so how come it doesn't count as a correlation! Huh?!"


"Well, well, let's go see if there are any other interesting shops than that-"

Making a move to leave, Subaru suddenly felt his clothes being tugged by someone, and after braking to stand firm, Subaru turned around to look.

"Tenyi, Thor, what are you..."

Seeing the expectant looks on their faces, Subaru froze for a moment.

"I'd like to go inside and see what might be interesting." , Thor said straightforwardly.

"Me too!" , Lottie echoed.

HEY?!!! It's a couple cosplay! If I say yes here, I'll be sure to be destroyed by Misei-san.

"This...", Subaru didn't answer, but tossed the burden to Mitsune.

"Meowhaha, in that case, let's go inside and take a look."

What a quick reply! Is it only my opinion that carries so little weight?

The three of them were the first to walk in, and Lotte even turned around every now and then to urge Subaru to say something.

"Welcome! Today is a couples-only session in our store oh." , as soon as they walked in, a staff member came up and started introducing them.

So this shop didn't change ah... According to the staff, today it's just for the customers who come to COS the CP inside the famous anime. It's like Face Code and Renta from "Unheard of Flower".

"That, a few of you are...", the staff looked a bit embarrassed as they swept over a few people.

A man, three women, and a young girl, that was a rare configuration as well - no, it should be that only they would have such a lineup as well.

"We're just here to experience some cosplay." , Subaru scratched his head somewhat awkwardly, then said to the two of them, "How about it, do you want to take pictures?"

"Of course!" , Thor and Lotte Yi shouted in unison.

Lottie pointed at Subaru, "And the hero should be a kitten oh!"

"HEY?! Me?"

"Of course, you're the only male here, or do we have to COS the female and the male again?"

"Say, that's right..."

"I'll go first then!" , Lottie raised her hand excitedly.

"I'm fine with that." , Thor said, then looked at MStar.

"Why are you looking at me? You guys can do whatever you want, I'm not participating."

This made Lotte Yi the first person to cosplay a couple with Subaru, and Subaru naturally ceded the choice to Lotte Yi.

It wasn't long before Lotte Yi came out of the dressing room and spun around a few times before stopping in front of everyone.


"Oh!!! Not bad, Tenyi, a witch's outfit."

What Lotte Yi was wearing now was the clothes that the shrine's witches would normally wear, especially this one, Subaru always felt a bit familiar with it, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"Then, please ask this guest to change into her clothes."

The staff handed over the matching men's clothes, and the moment he saw his costume, Subaru finally remembered whose witch costume Lotte was wearing.

Miyamizu Mitsuba.

No wonder it felt so familiar and familiar, but this shop was still a little rough on the workmanship of the witch costume, which was why Subaru didn't recognize it right away.

After putting Takeru's clothes on, Subaru and Lotte took a lot of pictures together, like basically all the classic poses in the anime.

Next it was Tor's turn.

Tor chose an anime that told the story of people and foxes falling in love, where the woman was a very ordinary JK, but the man was a fox demon.

Rather the complete opposite of who they are in reality. Subaru smiled darkly. He's the one who's normal in real life.

Because of his status, Thor just changed into a very ordinary JK uniform. However, when Subaru came out, the 2 girls plus a loli plus a young girl stared at him.

"Kitten, so handsome!!!"

Lotte shouted directly, running up to Subaru and touching him left and right.

"Hey, yeah."

Subaru fiddled with the fox ears on his head and tugged at his clothes. Some of the natural looks made the Tor next to her eyes pop up full of love inside.

It was indeed a gorgeous dress, but there was one was a bit hot to wear and looked like a thick mink coat. It would still feel hot in a shop with the heater on.

After another series of shots, Subaru was back in his costume with Kanna, and the man of the anime he was cosplaying was an actual loli control. This always made Subaru come out feeling afraid to face the others.

"Mihoshi-san, you're the only one left. What are you going to choose?"

"I wouldn't have to." , Miisei shook her head, then stared at Subaru with an evil grin, "Is it possible that Subaru is no longer satisfied with Tor and Tenyi, and is finally reaching out to me as an aunt?"

"No it doesn't!!!"

"Only, it's just that we've all filmed it, and if Miss Starlet doesn't, it always feels like..."

"Ho~?" , Mihoshi stared at Subaru for a moment, then went inside, "If Subaru says so, I'll try it."

A few minutes later, Miisei came out, and she was cosying up to face code, Meiko Honma.

Then Subaru immediately looked stunned.

The long white hair, plain white dress, and the fact that she had purposely taken off her shoes... it was simply a 100% recreation, and if Unheard of Flower was going to be a live-action version someday, Subaru would definitely not hesitate to invite Misao to play the role.

"Meow haha, Renta, face yard ah, to eat eggplant yo."

Chapter 305 - Tenyi is missing?! (above)

After Lovelive, as Subaru had predicted, virtual songstresses were making waves all over Japan, and someone had already created a song using the software.

It should have been something to be happy about, but a dark cloud was hanging over the Hasegawa family today.

"Did you find it?" , Subaru asked briskly as soon as Jubilee entered.

"No." , Jubilee shook her head. "We angels and demons can only find each other by scent, no way for ordinary people."

"Never mind, I'd better go out and find it then!"

Said Subaru about to rush outside.

"Wait!" , Jia Baili grabbed him by the hand. "Where are you going out to look now? Thor and I couldn't find what a mere man like you could do."

"But there's that glimmer of hope!!! If I don't go looking for it, there's no hope at all!!!"

"Subaru, don't talk so horribly."

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