Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 179

Thor pushed the door open and walked in, sighing deeply.


"Hey, Jubari, let's go out and look for them again. Vinette and the others aren't back either, so Subaru can just wait for news at home."


Although she had just returned, Jubari got up and followed Tor without hesitation, leaving Subaru sitting alone inside the living room. Even Kanna was turning back into a dragon looking in the sky.


Makoto sat next to Subaru, a small hand gently resting on his shoulder as if to share some of his anxiety.

"What the hell is going on, damn it..."

Subaru irritably scrunched up his hair and repeatedly took out his phone to look at it, but nothing of the message he was expecting appeared.

A message from Tenyi.

Time back to a few hours ago.

Not long after the bell rang, the classroom door was pulled open.

"Hey~~! Kitten come home with us!"

The energetic Lotte Yi appeared at the door, and the Lovelive Champion immediately attracted most of the attention.

"Wow, look, it's Lotteyi hey."

"By the way Hasegawa is really lucky hey! With two such beautiful girly sisters! It's enviable!!!"

"Hey, it would be nice to have a sister."

"Hey...did you guys book a bed in Germany?"

From time to time, whispers reached Lottie's ears, but she didn't even care, and

"Um, Kitten?" , Lotte walked up to Subaru and looked at Subaru in confusion as he struggled with his phone. "What's wrong?"

"Oh Tanya...actually..."

Subaru reluctantly showed his phone to Lotte, which showed a message from a chat with Jihana.

"Jihana and the others said that the men's basketball club switched training times with them today, so they told me to go to their place..."

"HEY?!!!" , Lottie took a few steps backwards. "What about my pudding?!"

"It'll have to wait for another time..."

"How so."

Luo Tianyi was suddenly distracted, it was as if she had used up all her energy just now.

"There's nothing we can do, we can only wait for tomorrow or when we have time..."

Subaru touched Lotte's head comfortingly. We were supposed to go to that new sweet shop in front of the station today, but now it looks like we'll just have to postpone it.


"Then you go home with Thor and True White first. There's no need to look like that lah, it's just a day late delay, I'll take you there."

Lotte raised her head, "Then, it's a date oh! There must be no turning back tomorrow!"

"Well, there must be no regrets."

"All right, then." , Lottie spread her face and took Tor's hand and ran out the door. "We'll be off then, Subaru should be back early too, oh!"


Subaru waved at the two and watched them disappear into the doorway. But why did the atmosphere, which was quite normal, somehow feel a slight chill?

Well, it's better not to understand.

Subaru flew to gather his things and fled out of the classroom in full view of everyone.


Goddess Tiyi, you are simply the treasure this world has given me.

Goddess Tianyi, you are God, my world.

Goddess Tianyi, why do other women gather around you shamelessly when they can't hold their heads up at all in front of you? Oh, I see...must be using their ugliness to match your beauty.

Goddess are mine.

In a dark alley next to the school, a man was perched on the wall, peering into the school's front door, seeing one after another youthful and beautiful female high school students walking out of it.

If anyone had asked for Lotte's autograph in Akihabara at the time, they would have been able to recognize him.

Because he was the fan who had jumped the queue and then been kicked out.

Why hasn't Goddess Tian Yi come out yet ah, is she being blocked by a fan? Hmph, those pseudo-fans, since they prolonged my time looking at Goddess Tien Yi, they really don't know what to do!

The man's eyes grew vicious, as if he wanted to eat alive the fans he imagined were clustered next to Luo Tianyi.

"Ah, it's Goddess Tianyi!"

The man suddenly shrieked out, then covered his mouth and looked longingly at the figure coming out of the school with his eyes wide open.

"Nah nah, let's go to the station tomorrow for pudding, Tor and True White too!"

Lottie bounced along, happily speaking to the two.

"Wasn't I supposed to go, and as for the real white words..."

"I'll go too." , Shinbaek nodded his head.

It seemed that desserts were still very attractive to girls.

"Yay! If we add Kang-nam, we'll have five people. It would be great if Mi-sung could come too. I can't wait to get my pudding on! And cake!"

"Forget about tomorrow for now, we don't know what we're going to do tonight-ah!"

Thor suddenly stopped and patted his head, "I forgot to buy the ingredients, I seem to have finished them yesterday."

"Sorry, you guys go back first, I have to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients."

"Supermarket?!" , Lottie's eyes lit up for a moment. "Let me go! I'll go buy the ingredients!"

"You go? Do you know what to buy?"

"Can't you just write to me, and besides, isn't Thor always in charge of the shopping, so let us buy once in a while to take some of the pressure off you."

"I don't really see the pressure but... let you have it if you want to go."

"Okay then I'll go!"

After saying that Lotte Yi just turned around and ran to the back.

"Hey! Tenyi, you still haven't got the list I gave you!"


Luo Tianyi braked for a moment and turned around apologetically, "Hehe, I forgot about it..."

"...Actually, you just want to go to the supermarket to get a snack, right?"

"Where! How! I didn't go shopping just to have a little pudding from the supermarket, did I? Absolutely nothing."

Looking at her wordlessly for a moment, Thor took out a piece of paper and wrote down some ingredients to buy then handed it to her, "That's it, remember to buy them and don't wait to bring me back a bag of snacks."

"Understood!" , Lottie saluted and quickly turned around and ran the other way.

"Really." , Thor shook his head and continued walking home with True White.

What neither of them noticed was that inside a dark alleyway, a pair of eyes had taken it all in.

Chapter 306 - Tenyi is missing?! (below)

On the dusk street, a young girl was hopping along with two bags. It was already dinner time, and the aroma of food was beginning to waft out of homes. The young girl sniffed her nose and quickened her pace.

In fact, if she hadn't spent so long at the supermarket choosing and eating all the various free tasting places, she should be at home right now waiting for dinner to be served.

"Hey~ Pudding pudding? ~Pudding pudding pudding? ~"

Humming the self-created "Pudding Song", the newly acquired Lotte seemed to be having a great time. Although "The Pudding Song" only had that one tune is all.


Lottie lifted one of the bags and looked at it.

"Potatoes, carrots, cabbage...well, all bought!"

She then took a look at the other side of the bag that was much larger than the bag containing the ingredients, and it was full of snacks.

With so many snacks, even Subaru would probably have a bit of trouble lifting them.

God knows how she was able to get that much strength. Was it the food that blessed her?

"Hehehe~ I've bought all the ingredients anyway, so I'll buy that little~ snack by the way, Thor won't say anything about me, right...heh?"

The sunlight in front of him was blocked, and Luo Tianyi raised her head in a daze, not knowing when a figure had appeared in front of her.

With messy hair, thick dark circles under his eyes, and an unkempt beard that looked a bit scruffy, the whole thing looked like a decrepit uncle who had reached middle age.

"Excuse me...what can I do for you?"

Lottie tilted her head, still wondering if it was a fan of his, because it looked familiar, probably signed him somewhere, right?

The man trembled all over, during which he tried to reach out several times, but eventually shrank back.

"God, Goddess Tenyi, it's me, have you forgotten me?"

"Is that you?!"

Luo Tianyi's pupils shrank and immediately took a few steps back. With a frantic glance around, perhaps because it was close to dinner time, there were no pedestrians on this street.

"You you you, may I ask what you want to see me about?"

"I, Goddess Tenyi, am a huge fan of yours! So you finally remembered me? Great! Goddess Tenyi actually remembered me!"

The man answered as if he was babbling nonsense, and then suddenly looked like a madman, holding his head and wailing. All of this made the fear in Luo Tianyi's heart grow a little more, and unconsciously took a few more steps backwards.

"Goddess Tianyi, please give me your autograph!"

The man pulled out a handkerchief from behind his back and smilingly handed it to Luo Tianyi.

"You can just sign - by the way, my name is Ben See Guiwei, please just sign it, Ben See Guiwei, I love you. Hehehehehe..."

"What?! How is that possible?!"

Luo Tianyi subconsciously shouted, then immediately took a few steps back as she saw that the man who called himself Ben See Gui Wei was starting to look abnormal.

"Impossible?" , Ben See Gui Wei approached Luo Tianyi step by step. "I'm a huge fan of yours, and you're not even going to agree to this request?!"

"I... I..."

Facing the approach of Benjamin Guiwei, Lottie stepped back step by step, while constantly looking left and right, hoping to find a pedestrian who could help. However, it seemed that God didn't want to answer her prayers, and so far no one had passed through here.

"Ah~ I see, did you have sex with that Subaru Hasegawa guy? Are you in love with that guy?"

"You, what are you talking about?"

"Goddess Teni! You are my Goddess, my God-given treasure! Now, you're having an affair with another man! I'm the one who considers you a goddess, the one who's your number one fan! Leave it alone and ignore it!!!"

Benjamin Guiwei suddenly tugged frantically at his hair and finally raised his head sharply, his godless and dangerous eyes staring at Lottie, spitting out something that didn't sound like human words.

"You bitch."


Benjamin Guiwei suddenly stormed up, covering her mouth with the handkerchief that was supposed to be signed by Lotte Yi. The food bag had already fallen to the ground, the snacks inside scattered all over the floor with bones, and gradually, Luo Tianyi closed her eyes, and the hand holding the man's arm also weakly dropped down.

Seeing that Luo Tianyi hadn't moved, Benjamin Guiwei frantically took a look at the two ends of the front to make sure no one was there, then carried Luo Tianyi up and quickly ran to one of the sides.

While he was running, the cell phone in Tianyi's pocket suddenly lit up, and the display on it was "Tor is calling".......

The other side.

"Tianyi is so slow... it's almost past dinner time hey...", Thor was walking, looking for Lotte on the street. "The phone doesn't work either, what the hell is he doing, he won't really be back inside the supermarket until he's full, right?"

The more I think about it, the more I think I'm right, and Thor angrily accelerates his pace to the supermarket.

I'll have to talk her up later!

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