Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 180

So thinking, Thor walked quickly for some distance, then stopped abruptly at a street.

"Is this..."

Confused, he looked at the many puddings and a bit of vegetables scattered on the floor. Thor squatted down and turned it over, finding a slip of paper.

On top of the note was a small ticket printed by the salesman after the purchase.

"Looks like something bought not too long ago, who would leave something here."

Confused to himself, Thor continued to rummage through it and found another note at the bottom of it.

With the thought of "Did this person buy something twice in a row?", Thor unfolded the note, and then the small ticket squeezed in his other hand instantly turned into powder.

This one was!

Thor stared at it, incredulity written all over it.

"Isn't this the shopping list I gave Tenyi?!!!"

"Tilly! Tenyi!!!"

Thor tottered to his feet and shouted. There was no response except for the occasional sound of pots and pans coming from the house.

Thor closed his eyes, his ears turning green suddenly, scales quickly covering them.

After waiting a moment, Thor opened his eyes and picked up the phone with a shaking hand.


"Haha, Conner Sauce, I win this time!" , Subaru raised the handle in his hand and said proudly to Kanna.

"Well - again!"

"Fine, let's kill it with you today!"

The phone suddenly rang, and Subaru and Kanna dropped the handle at the same time.

Seeing that it was an incoming call from Thor, Subaru puzzledly pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Thor?"


When there was no sound for a long time, Subaru looked at his phone in confusion and asked again.

"Subaru, Tenyi she's... missing."

Chapter 307 - Hell is Empty and the Devil is on Earth

The familiar lyrics and tune of the song she sang came to her ears as a vague song was sung, and Lottie woke up leisurely.


She tried to rub her somewhat painful head, but found that her hands had been bound and she couldn't lift them. Not only the hands, but the two feet were also tied together.


Luo Tianyi's body trembled violently, finally remembering her current situation.

"Ah, Goddess Tenyi, you're awake!"

The voice that sounded like a nightmare sounded, and Lotte looked up in horror as the person who claimed to be a fan of hers held the phone that was still playing her song in one hand, smiling at her.

Although it was a smile, this was even creepier.

As if suddenly remembering something, Lotte Yi even looked down at herself, seeing that her clothes were still intact, she took off like a relieved person.

Seemingly seeing what she was thinking, Benjamin Guiwei shook his head and said with a regretful tone, "Rest assured, Goddess Tian Yi, how could I possibly do something that would take advantage of the situation, I'm your most loyal fan, and if Goddess Tian Yi doesn't allow it, there's no way I'd hurt you."

Regardless of how much trust this man's words had, he was considered safe for now. Luo Tianyi forced herself to calm down and think about the ways she could escape.

The best way is to call for help.

Must buy time for Kitten and the others to discover me!

Lotte's mind spun quickly and began to maneuver with this fan.

"You, you say you're a big fan of mine, but what kind of fan would tie up their idol?" , said Lotte Yi, deliberately pretending to be aggrieved.

"I'm sorry! Goddess Tenyi!" , Benjamin suddenly knelt down and cried out in pain. "Forgive me for my offence to you! I have every reason to do this! I will always be your biggest fan!!!"

After that he suddenly raised his head and spoke as if he were a living dead man, "Or do you not consider me a fan of yours?"

"Of course I think you're a fan of mine!" , Lottie replied evenly. "But, if you'll cut me loose, I'll promote you to number one big fan!"

"Ooooooh!!! Number one fan!" , Motomi shouted excitedly, then became expressionless for a split second as if nothing had happened. "Is it possible that I wasn't originally your number one fan?"

"Dang, of course it is! But, but others might not, know. If you'll cut me loose, I'll tell the other fans that you're the number one fan, and no one else can replace you!"

"That's better, I just know it for myself. I don't care what anyone else does."

This guy was much more difficult to deal with than one would think.

Luo Tianyi gritted her teeth. I thought that this person would do something like this because of his excessive worship, and if I go along with baiting him, I might be able to listen to him. But now, it didn't look like that at all.

What to do what to do what to do....

The idol aura didn't work, and Luo Tianyi began to get anxious. She was now completely no match for this person, and the chances of escaping on her own were slim to none. However, waiting for rescue words felt so far away.

That's right! Phone!

I felt that the phone was still in my pocket, Benjamin Guiwei seems to show off his "gentleman" style, really did not touch her, and naturally did not take away the phone.

The first thing to do is to think of a way to distract him. This thought, LuoTianYi raised her head, ChuPo said.

"Right, right, I'm very hungry right now, can you go buy me some food?"

"Ooooooh!!! There it is! Show up!" , Benjamin's reaction was incredibly exaggerated. "Goddess Tenyi's eating attribute! Show up!!!"

When she was active as a school idol, Lotte made this attribute public, so she would also be known as Your Highness the Eater by her fans.

"If you're a fan of mine, this small request should be able to satisfy me, right?"

"Of course of course!" , Benjamin even nodded his head. "I'm going to buy you snacks, no matter how many!!!"

It worked! Lotte Yui shouted in her heart.

At the same time, in order to stop Honomi from hesitating too much, Lotte Yi continued, "Then please go quickly and return oh, I'll be very grateful if you can buy it back!"


Honomi shouted as he ran off.

It wasn't until after he was gone that Lotte Yi had a chance to take stock of her surroundings.

It was a very large space, only Lotte Yi had a little light here, and with this faint light, she could barely make out some of the boxes that were sealed up. So it seemed that this should be a warehouse somewhere.

Barely judging some of the information, the only thing she could hope for now was that Kitten would use it to successfully find herself.

Lottie fell down from the side, then flipped up, then down again. After several attempts, the phone finally fell out of her pocket. She even got over to it and used her fingers to manipulate the screen with difficulty, not caring how many missed calls there were already, she dialed Subaru's number directly.

Kitten, pick up the phone!

Meanwhile, the Subaru family.

"Damn it!!! Where the hell is it?!"

Subaru, who had been sitting on the couch for a long time without speaking, suddenly pulled his hair out frantically, and Shinpachi, who was sitting next to him, looked at him worriedly and silently put his hand on his hand.

The ringing of the phone suddenly came to mind, and Subaru grabbed it like a condition radiated.


When he saw the caller ID, Subaru's pupils shrank and he answered.

"Hello! Is it Tanya? Where are you now?!"

"Kitten, I'm in a-duh..."

"Hello? Hello? Hello? Tilly! Tenyi!"

No matter how much he shouted, all that answered him was a busy voice. Subaru soared to his feet and sat back down again.

The call just now had only given him one message.

That was that Tenyi was now under control and very dangerous.

"No, we must go out and find it!"

"Subaru? Then I'll go too!"

"No, you can't go out there, it's too dangerous." , Subaru replied without hesitation, and was about to stand up, then stopped abruptly like an electric shock.


"It's too late to explain to you, you're staying home and not going anywhere!"

After that Subaru pushed the door open and ran out, while his hands were constantly working on his phone, dialing a number.

Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up!

Ten seconds later, the call finally came through, and without waiting for a word from there, Subaru just shouted, "Ryunosuke, here's a phone number, can you help me find out where she last dialed?!"


It was like a redemptive answer.


"I don't know what's going on, though, so I'll give you the coordinates in five minutes, and explain it to me after that."


Subaru quickly hung up the phone and sent Ryuunosuke's phone number. At the same time, he headed over to the supermarket. Since she had been abducted there, she probably wouldn't be too far away.

Subaru gritted his teeth and raced all the way to the supermarket.

Tenyi, wait for me!

Chapter 308 - The Bleeding Hero

Subaru had finally gotten a key clue and the situation was starting to become clearer. However, Lotte Yui here was experiencing infinite fear.

"Ouch yo, Goddess Tenyi, this won't do."

A finger pressed on the phone's hang up button. As if a demonic whisper sounded, Lotte Yi shuddered and raised her head, and Benjy shook one finger out with a smile on his face.

"You, you..."

"I was going to come back and ask Goddess Tenyi what she wanted to eat, but I didn't think ah...", Honomi slowly picked up the phone, then suddenly slammed it down on the ground and roared, "I didn't think Goddess Tenyi would betray me! !!!"

"I, I didn't, I..."

Luo Tianyi wanted to retort, but found she couldn't find anything to say.

"And say no!!!" , Motomi continued to roar. "How dare you call another man while you're on a date with me! This is betrayal, naked betrayal!!!"

After saying that, Honomi sat panting on the chair behind her, staring at Luo Tianyi like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

Luo Tianyi couldn't say anything, the fear in her eyes had finished what she wanted to say.

After a moment of silence, Honomi lowered her head and spoke leisurely.

"Nah, Goddess Tenyi. I've suddenly come to terms with something."

"I suddenly don't want you to be my goddess anymore." , Benjamin looked up and smiled. "Even though I like you so much, even though I would do anything for you, you're still thinking about other men. In that case, what's the point of me continuing to be a fan of yours?"

Benjy leaned in front of Tianyi and gently brushed his hand across Tianyi's cheek, "You, just a whore, can't be satisfied by as many men as you come. In that case, give me, who was once your number one fan, some pleasure too."


Luo Tianyi stared at him, her eyes wavering uncontrollably.

After all this time, Honomi had finally charted his true colors.

"However." , Honmie withdrew his hand. "What goes around comes around, and since you're making a request of me while I'm still your fan, I'll still do what you want properly. I'm going to go inside the supermarket right now and buy snacks while you enjoy your snacks. What a great scene, hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Hon See laughed out loud, and every word he said was like a knife stabbed into Luo Tian Yi's heart.

Tears flowed down in an instant, and it was as if Luo Tianyi had lost her soul, leaving only a shell left in place.

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