Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me starting a harem in the comic book world. Chapter 181.

"Don't cry, isn't it nice that you get to be happy and I get to be happy?"

After saying that, Benjamin took out another rope and tied Lotte Yi securely to the post, laughing and walking out.

After Motomi left, the inside of the warehouse became silent again, and Lotte Yi was in tears, the words Subaru had said still echoing in the back of her mind.

"Tian Yi, you should know that not everyone is good, and of course not everyone is bad. When facing a stranger, you must be wary enough to ensure your absolute safety before contacting the other party, got it?"

"Hey~~ Kitten, you're exaggerating."

"It's not an exaggeration at all, there's a saying 'Hell is empty, the devil is on earth'. Sometimes, people are far more frightening than the devil."

Luo Tianyi's cries grew louder, seeming so empty inside the warehouse.



"Goddess Tenyi, I'm back, yo."

Despite all the prayers, that voice rang out.

Honomi walked in with a large bag of snacks in her hand and was eating it.

"How's that, so many snacks, I'm still qualified as a fan, right?" , Benjamin said with a playful smile. "But I'm not a fan of yours anymore, so I didn't want to ask your opinion."

"Please, please, let me go..."

Luo Tianyi's faint voice came out as if it was a flower in a violent storm.

"How can that be, you're not my idol, why should I listen to you."

"And...", Honomi walked up to Lotte. "I've already said I'm going to get pleasure from you, how can I just let you go like this."

"Right by the way."

As if remembering something, Honomi took out an apple from inside the bag, and a fruit knife.

"I'll peel an apple for you, in that case, my job is done."

Honomi whistled as he peeled the apple, which fell to the ground with a thick layer of flesh under his knife, but he didn't care, he just wanted to get it clean as soon as possible.

"Done!" , Benjamin stood up and handed the smaller half of the apple to Lottie. "Eat it, eat it and my job is done."

"No, don't...", Lotte Yi tried not to look away.

"Eat it for me!"

Benjamin held down Luo Tianyi's head and forced the apple into her mouth, Luo Tianyi struggled frantically, but in the end he was no match for his strength. The apple broke into two pieces at the side of Lotte Yi's mouth.

"Ha! You're done eating!"

Benjamin clapped his hands happily, then took off his jacket and lusted . Laughing, "Then next, finish your task."


Don't come over....

Honomi's hand slowly moved closer to Lotte's chest.

Knock knock!

"Don't come over here!!! Kitten!!!!"


Along with Lotte Yui's shout, Honomi's scream followed suit. Lotte Yi opened her eyes and stared blankly at Subaru, who appeared in front of her as if he was a god.


"I'm sorry, Tenyi, I'm late."

After Subaru turned around and untied Tenyi and got all the ropes off, Lottie threw herself inside his arms and cried out loudly.

"Kitten! Kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten..."

"Don't cry, Tiny. It's not all settled yet."

Subaru patted her on the back, then shielded her behind him, looking grimly at Honomi who was slowly getting up.

"So you're the one, I've always thought of such things as 'existence is justified', but now it seems that scum like you among humans have absolutely no need to exist in this world! The scum of society!"

"I say who is it, it's one of the men from that bitch." , Honomi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Hey, that bitch's body is great, right? After enjoying it for so long, let me play with it too."

Subaru's eyes sank completely, "Calling you scum is simply an insult to the word scum."

"Oh yeah, now this scum is going to enjoy that bitch's body, and as for you, you'd better watch!"

Saying that, Motomi suddenly stormed up, and the fruit knife that was just peeling apples had been squeezed in her hand and stabbed at Subaru.

"Tenyi, back off!"

Pushing Lotte back a hand, and with the reflexes from years of playing basketball, Subaru deftly dodged the blade, then punched the other side of Honomi's face.

"You, you...", Benjamin stumbled a few steps before standing, shaking and pointing the knife at Subaru.

"You what you, scum." , Subaru raised his phone. "I've called the police, scum like you, you'd better spend the rest of your life inside a prison."

"Bastard!" , Benjamin roared, swinging his fruit knife and charging back up.

Subaru grabbed the chair next to him in one smooth motion and saw fit to swing it round and slam it heavily into Benjamin's chest.

"One hit." , Subaru laughed and copied up a second chair, waiting for Benjamin to attack.

"Good job Kitten!" , Lottie broke into a smile and started cheering loudly for Subaru.

"Damn it, that bitch!!!"

Honomi's hateful gaze shifted from Subaru to Lotte.

"Go to hell!!!"

Honomi rushed at Subaru again.

"Again? It's really not a long memory." Subaru shook his head and prepared to throw the chair again.

However, just as Subaru was about to throw it, Honomi suddenly changed direction and ran straight towards the other side, stabbing the knife straight in his hand.

He was aiming at Lotte Yi.

"Tianyi!!!" , Subaru's pupils shrank, and he raced towards Tian Yi.


The sound of the knife tearing through muscle was so small, yet so piercing.

Blood dripped onto the ground, pooling into a small pool of blood. .

Subaru dropped heavily to his knees, his eyes gradually losing their shape, and turned his head dumbly to look at the knife that had stabbed him where his heart was.


Eyes sprung up in a flash, and Lotte rushed up like a madman to hug Subaru.

"I, I, I killed someone! No, it can't be...", Benjamin stepped backwards, his eyes filled with fear.

Me, dying?

That was Subaru's last thought.

Hands drooped weakly and consciousness disintegrated in an instant, leaving only endless darkness.


Chapter 309 - The Ending Emperor, Arrival!


Lotte Yi shook Subaru's shoulder, tears raining down.

"Hey...", Lotte Yi looked up at Motomi, her voice shaking with the person. "You save him, if you save Kitten, do whatever you want to me, I don't want Kitten to save me, so hurry up and make him wake up!!!"

"This, how is this possible..."

"You've got to wake my kitty up!!!"

Lotte cried out, but even then, Subaru didn't show any hint of waking up.

"Ooh... Kitten... Kitten you have to wake up, pranks aren't funny anymore, get up, I promise I'll listen to you from now on, okay. We, we still have to go to the station tomorrow for pudding, we made a promise, how can you go back on your word again, Kitten..."

Lotte trembled as she pressed her hand to the wound on the location of Subaru's heart, blood quickly staining her hand, the thick smell of blood telling her clearly that this wasn't a prank or a dream.

It was the bloody reality.

Subaru was dead.

Lotte held Subaru in her arms, her tears as if they had dried up couldn't come out anymore, leaving only her sobs echoing in the warehouse.


Suddenly, Subaru's chest lit up with a little glow, and on his forehead, a dragon tattoo flickered every now and then.

"Is this... a kitten? Kitten wake up!"

Luo Tianyi tearfully looked at that bit of light, as if a drowning person had caught a straw, and kept shaking Subaru's shoulders.

"Little girl, stop shaking, even if you're not dead, you're still being shaken to death."

"Subaru" suddenly spoke, but that tone of voice was clearly not Subaru herself.

"You, who are you, you're not a kitten!"

Lottie questioned even then, but she refused to let go of Subaru's body, instead tightening her hand even more.

"Ahhhhh, that hardened brat didn't expect to be in such a mess now."

"Subaru" touched his wound and rubbed the blood in his hand like a tease.

"Resurrection, resurrection... resurrection! Resurrection!!!" , Honomi glared at him, shouting as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh? You're the one who caused this body, right? Then I'd better come over here myself, or someone will get angry."

After saying that, Subaru's eyes closed again and his head fell into Lotte's arms.

At the same time, a black wormhole appeared out of thin air next to the two, and a figure slowly walked out....

"Well? Have you heard anything from Tiny?"

"No. What about your side, Thor?"

"Neither." , Thor shook his head. "There's no sign of Teni anywhere, I've searched all the memories of the people on the missing side, and no one has seen Teni."

"I've flown through the area with Vernette, Rafael and Satania, no sign of her, she should be inside a building somewhere." , Jubilee said, cupping her chin.

"Was Tenyi taken or-"

Before the words were finished, Tor and Jubilee looked in one direction at the same time, incredulity written all over their faces.

"This is..."

The two of them looked at each other and immediately flew over towards that side.

"Although this kid has refreshed my perception of humans, this time he has to admit that there are still some dregs in humans, right?"

Coming out of it was a tall man in a long robe with a gray beard and long hair. Subaru would have been able to recognize him if he was still awake.

The Ultimate Emperor.


The door of the warehouse suddenly exploded, and three figures rushed out from inside the dust, looking incredulously at the situation inside the warehouse.


Thor sighed in grief and flashed next to Subaru in a flash, tears coming to his eyes.

"Subaru." , Kanna followed, her small hand gently pushing on Subaru's shoulder.

"Hey! Subaru!"

Jubilee also rushed to Subaru's side, her eyes incredibly shaken, and she turned to the Final Emperor, "Hey! What's going on here, old man!"

"What an ill-mannered angel."

The Ultimate Emperor shook his head and was about to speak when he was interrupted by another voice.

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