Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About me opening a harem in the world of comics, Chapter 196.

Thor flew to the side of Subaru, and the transformed back Conner shielded Subaru between them, left and right.


Subaru then told Toru about what had happened in the short time he'd been here.

"What?! That woman, the invalid angel - ahem, the sister of Jubilee?"

"That's right...that's why people won't do anything to me, you're the one who's so excited."

"How do I know, I saw her put her hand on your forehead as soon as I arrived, and I was subconscious - but she was going to erase your memory too, wasn't she. All the same unforgivable, the man!"

"But that's someone else's family business, and it's true that Japari's degradation..."

"It's fine to degenerate, that's just leaving Jubilee here, why delete your memories."

"So I didn't want that either, but I'm glad you're here. Thank you, Tol."


Regardless of Tor, who was smiling shyly with her face in her hands beside her, Subaru walked up to Gaiaru's face, "Gaiaru-san, sincerely speaking, I don't want to have my memory erased just like that, so can we talk about it, if Gaiaru-san can convince me so that I can also have my memory erased without any regrets."

"Hmm, so it was all pretend before."

"That...", Subaru scratched his head in some embarrassment.

"But it's fine, it wouldn't be good for our angel's reputation if we were to just forcefully erase your memories like that, if word got out. Well, let me see what you really want to say."

"Thank you, Miss Gaiaru, but before that, I need to get Japari back first."

"What about Japari...", Gaiaru looked away, then pointed to a place. "It's not far from there, on top of a tree, where Rafael is sitting with her."

"Yes?" , Subaru looked at Gaiaru in amazement, there was only a dense forest there in his vision, certainly no way there could be Japari.

"I have clairvoyance, finding Japari is a breeze.", Gaiaru answered Subaru's inner question. , Gaiaru answered Subaru's inner question.

So that's how it was... Japari's degradation was also seen that way, right?... But, speaking of which, Gaiaru-san was spying on her sister! No, no, it's unlikely by any stretch of the imagination...probably just an occasional inspection....

"I'll be off then."

After greeting, Subaru waved to Tor and the others, and the five of them headed off to the dense forest.

After Subaru and the others had left, Gaiaru looked at the lonely look on Jubari's face, looked around at the large hole that had been smashed out, grabbed her hair in irritation, and casually waved her hand to repair all the ground before walking into the house.

"By the way, how did you guys find your way here."

"We went to the Magic Circle first, and then we met Vernette..."

Thor told Subaru about the encounter with the magic world.

"What about Vernette? How come she didn't come with you guys?"

"Uh... Vernette, then, should be taking care of Satania right now..."

What happened between Conner, Chappy, and Satania's pet, Alexander, was another story altogether.

"This is it." , walking to the entrance of the forest, Subaru turned back to a few people and said, "I'll just go in, you guys just wait outside."

The four of them nodded and watched as Subaru's figure entered the forest.

On the other side, Japari and Rafael sat quietly on a tree branch.

Japari plucked off a leaf and stroked the leaf veins on it, "Subaru, now, should have been sent back to earth with his memories deleted..."

"Jubari... no, it's okay la, I'll help him remember about you."

"Reminiscing what? How can you remember, the memories have been erased. Idiot Subaru, what's all this talk about being willing to have your memories erased, am I just an insignificant person in his memories..."

With a little more pressure on her hand, the leaves split in half along the vein, as if they were a metaphor for both her and Subaru.

"I don't think so lah...for him-"

"Hey~~! Jubari! Where are you?!!!"

"This voice?!" , Jubilee stared around. "Is it me hallucinating? I thought I heard Subaru calling me?!"

"I think probably not oh, because I heard it too."


Kabari jumped from the branch and flew towards the source of the sound, with Raffaele following close behind.

A short while later, it was true that Subaru was seen not far away. Subaru saw her as well, smiling and waiting in place.

Jubilee flew up to him, looking at him somewhat nervously, and

"Subaru, do you, do you remember me?"

"Of course I remember, who else do you think I just shouted?"

"You're... not having your memory erased?"

Subaru scratched his head and said with a smile, "No, it really is still a bit hard to make me forget you, so I'm going to do a bit of a last struggle."

"Aaaahhhh... I can't stay in this atmosphere any longer." , Rafael hid a laugh and silently went to the other side.

Jubilee laughed and tears slipped down her face as she laughed.


Chapter 331 - Subaru Hasegawa's Journey to the Celestial World (IX)


At Gaeiru's request, there were only Subaru, Jubari, and Gaeiru in the room. Because of this, the atmosphere in the room was so depressing that it was hard to breathe.

Subaru kept his head down, glancing at Jubari from time to time and then withdrawing his gaze with a guilty conscience.

Subaru would love to escape from here right now if he could, but....

If you just run away like that there's a chance that you won't be able to see Jubari afterwards.

"Hey, Japari, say something..."

"How do I know what to say, you're the one who has to say something, aren't you."

"What am I able to say, you're the one who's involved, okay."


Jia Baili raised her head hesitantly, "That, that, sister..."

"Wait, Jubari. I'm not talking to you right now, it was Subaru-kun who said he had something to say to me." , Jae'eru looked at Subaru, her clear eyes couldn't tell if she was sad or happy.

"Yes." , Jubilee replied very simply, and then looked gloomily at Subaru.

Who do you think I'm doing this for now!

Subaru glared at her, then spoke up, "Miss Gaiaru, that, as rude as it is, I'm going to ask you to let Jubari return to earth."

"Just that?" , Jae'eru's eyebrows raised. "I told you earlier, right, that Japari's degradation would never be allowed, and it's a good thing this hasn't been made known to other, more angels, or else Japari might have been expelled from the heavenly realm! So, I have to deal with this before she's found out!"

"Is it that bad?"

Subaru looked in surprise at Jubari, who nodded and shook her head.

"Sh, what do you mean, this is..."

Jubari hesitated and leaned in to Subaru's ear, "It's true that degradation will be expelled from the heavenly realm, but that's only after an angel has done something similar to a demon, and I've done absolutely nothing of the sort, so my sister is talking too seriously."

"I see." , Subaru nodded.

Seeing the two of them exchanging words with no one else, Gaeru took a sip of her tea with a grimace.


Ah le? I thought I heard someone smacking their lips again... was it Gaiaru-sama....

After the conversation was over, Subaru cleared his throat and said to Jae'eru, "However, I don't think that liking to play games is degenerate, even angels should still have the right to enjoy entertainment, right? As long as Japari's essence is still good, then isn't she still an angel."

"Ho? ~So, you know a lot about angels, then?"

"No, I'm just giving my own opinion..."

Gaeru looked at Subaru for a moment, then got up and said, "Just a minute" and opened the door. After a while, she came in with a small cardboard box.

"This is..."

Subaru looked to Jubari, who also shook her head to indicate that she didn't know what it was.

"Look." , Gaiaru took out a thick stack of paper with beautiful packaging from inside the box. "These are the awards that Japari has received since she was a child."

So many?! Subaru took it and looked at it, study awards, singing competition awards, cooking and such, basically anything.

Gai Ailu took out another photo album: "This is a photo of Jia Baili from her childhood to her childhood, the time taken is basically when she was helping others."

Then flipping through the photo album, it was just as Gai Ailu had said, the photos of Jia Baili were either helping the older angels carry items, or playing with children, and there were even photos of her helping to plant rice seedlings in the fields.

This, is this really that Jubaili... Subaru looked at Jubaili in amazement, and suddenly he could understand a little bit why Ga'eru was doing this....

What I didn't expect, though, was that Jia Baili was a little more surprised than Subaru, "Sister, sister, where did you get all these things from, how come I've never seen them before..."

"This, this...", Gaiaru was in a rare speechless state. "This was commissioned by my mother, she said it would be used for future memories! Well, that's it."


As she spoke, Japari looked through the contents of the box, it was obviously all about her, but it was as if she had amnesia looking through the things one by one curiously, some of which she could only recall with Gaiaru's reminder.

"That's enough." , Gaiaru snatched back the things from Jubari and Subaru's hands and put them inside the box to seal it. "Now you can feel how I feel, it's true that the current Jubari isn't considered degenerate, but, if you want to compare it to the original her, it's far too far behind, I can't accept Jubari becoming like this!"

Ga'eru looked at Japari again, "And... Japari too, this is the first time she's been home since she came to earth, and she usually doesn't come back to visit even if she has a holiday."

"HEY?! Jia Baili, is this your first time back in the Heavenly Realm?"

"Yeah, because it's a hassle to come back..."


It's been almost a year since I've visited home, and I was so good again, but now......with so many reasons, even Subaru's heart was a little bit in agreement with Gaeru's actions.

But I can't... If I'm defeated like this, I'll have to have my memory erased, according to the original plan.

What's the solution... Subaru cupped his chin and thought of a countermeasure.

It just so happened that Gaiaru had no time to worry about him, as she had never seen that cardboard box before, so Gaiaru noisily continued to look at it, but Gaiaru could only accompany her to look at it. When they saw something interesting, they both laughed and smiled happily.

The scene was imprinted in Subaru's eyes, and he thought about it, always feeling some inspiration flashing through his head .

...That's right! That's it!

Subaru's eyes lit up.

I hadn't noticed it just now, but if you think of it that way, it all makes sense. Subaru smiled hehehe, as if a certain detective had possessed him at that moment.

The truth is いつも一つ! (There is only one truth!)

Subaru's laughter managed to get the attention of the two.

"Owww, Subaru, what are you giggling at, it's disgusting."


Finally noticing that there was still Subaru in the room, the two of them were too embarrassed to keep looking at each other, and Japari coughed a few times, returning to Subaru's side.

Subaru beckoned for Jubari to join him, and the two of them whispered with their backs to Gaiaru.

"Jubari, I've thought of something."

"Really? What's the solution?"

"Do you, like, pamper yourself?"

"...huh? You're not sick, are you?"

"Never mind that just answer me quickly."

"Well, that depends on who the other person is, too..."

"What if it was your sister?"

"My sister's problem."

"Then go pamper your sister and beg her to let you back on earth."


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