Regarding my opening of the harem in the comprehensive world

About Me Opening a Harem in the World of Comics Chapter 197

"If I'm right in my thinking..."

"Okay, I'll try."

They turned around together, and Japari closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then got up and walked slowly over to Jaelu.

Go ahead, Japari! This operation, which I've dubbed "Sissy Wars," is going to be a success!

Chapter 332 - Subaru Hasegawa's Journey to the Celestial Realm (X)

"What's the matter, Jubilee?" , Gaiaru looked in confusion at Jubari who was sitting next to her.

Jubaili lowered her head, and after a while, raised her head fiercely under Subaru's expectation, rushed up and grabbed Gaialu's arm: "Sister~~."


Hearing this cry from Jia Baili, Subaru only felt his body's hairs all stand on end, the huge contrast between the impressionable Jia Baili and the Jia Baili he saw now gave him the feeling as if he had fallen from the heavenly realm to the earth.

"Jia, Jia Baili you what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, just want to ask my sister for one thing~~"

"It's about going to earth, isn't it? No, you've been degraded and can't continue to be contaminated on earth. Be a good boy and follow me to cultivate in the heavenly realm for a while before going to earth, okay?" , speaking of which, Gaiaru's tone had softened.

"But people want to go right now~ I like my sister so much, she won't refuse me, right? Nah, sister~"

"Me!" , Gaeru braked as soon as she uttered a word, as if she had made some great determination, she tilted her head, "No, what I say no means no, and when you return to earth you won't be back for a long time again."

"No, I already know it's wrong, I'll seriously change it, I'll definitely come back more often after I go back this time, because my favorite sister is here~"

"Most, most like...fruit, fruit or no! I can promise you that I won't erase Subaru-kun's memories, but you still have to stay here."

Success! Subaru cheered in his heart.

That's it, Jubari! Promise her! What are you hesitating for? Say yes to her!

In Subaru's opinion, it was already the best to strive for such an outcome, and as for bringing Japari back to earth... even Subaru didn't feel much hope. Once vicissitudes of the sea were hard to come by. Having seen such an excellent Jubari, and then looking at the current Jubari....

This should be the biggest concession that Gaiaru could make, but it didn't matter, Jubari would always return to the earth, and as long as her memories were still there, it was perfectly fine.

However, what made Subaru a little impatient was that Jae Baekri didn't even show any signs of saying yes.

Jubari! Don't just stand there! Promise your sister, in this way...

"I...I see...", Jubilee's hand holding Gaiaru slowly loosened and sat on the floor in disbelief. "So, my sister doesn't trust me that much... Sister, you hate me already, but it's okay, your untalented sister still likes you as much as ever. Just let me stay in the Celestial Realm and just keep cultivating lonely, let me say goodbye to my friends."

"Jia Baili, you-"

"I know all about it, sister, you don't have to say anything. It's only natural that my sister would hate a sister who is such a bad influence on me."

"No, I don't hate you-"

"Even though I said I would reform on earth, my sister still doesn't believe me, also, how can a sister like me be worthy of my sister's trust...", said Jia Baili, a few tears crossing the corners of her eyes.

Hey! Go too far. If you get too greedy, you won't be able to get what you want...

"Japali! ...I'm sorry, I believe you, of course I believe you.", Ga'aylou stretched out her hand to hug Japari slowly. , Gaiaru stretched out her hand to slowly hug Kabari. "I didn't expect that my words would hurt you so much, I'm sorry......words on earth, you can go if you want, I believe you can change on earth because, you're my sister."

That's okay?!!!

"Sister, sister!"

Jubilee burrowed into Gaiaru's embrace and cried loudly, then there were tears across Gaiaru's face as well, and they hugged themselves tightly. But-.

Kabari's hand that reached behind Gaiaru slowly made a fist, then extended her thumb....


Subaru had been completely speechless, although he already knew that Ga'aero was a girl controller, but he didn't expect it to be this serious.

That's right, Ga'aero was a girl controller. This was the result of Subaru's thoughts. It was also Subaru's motive for letting Ga'eru go and spoil her.

From the first time we met, Ga'eru's slightly hostile glances towards her fake boyfriend. Later on, when she found out about Jubaili's depravity, she might have looked at her once in a while, but the fact that Jubaili was at home all day playing games meant that she was always looking at Jubaili with clairvoyant eyes.

And the look on her face when she was talking to Jahberi....

The most important thing is that Subaru was curious to ask Rafael about memory erasure, and there's no such thing as a rule that if an angel stays in the heavenly realm, a human must have his memory erased.

In other words... Gaara only wants her "boyfriend" to forget about Jubari. In other words, to separate herself from Jiali.

If we assume that she is a girl who likes Jubaili very much, then it all makes sense.

So Subaru gave it a try and let Japari go pampered, but the effect was remarkable.

Hmph! From now on, please call me Detective Ko-yah! Detective Subaru Hasegawa!

The release of the sisters' feelings finally ended, and Gaiaru wiped her tears with a tissue and bowed her head slightly to Subaru, "I'm sorry, Subaru-kun, I made you laugh."

Subaru waved his hand in a row, "No no, not at all, I'm touched."

"You should have heard the conversation just now, so I'm counting on you from now on, our Jia Baili."

"Hey? Please? Mmm! ...", Subaru tilted her head in confusion, then suffered a blow to her abdomen. "I know, I'll take care of her."

"That's good." , Gaeru said with a smile, then leaned in to Subaru's face. "By the way, if you dare to be unfaithful to Jubilee, I will personally come to finish you off, and then you won't be able to go to heaven or hell oh~"

"I, I know..."


"Sister, slow down~~"

Waving her hand towards Gaiaru's back, Japari let out a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations, back on earth to live a decadent life of playing games all day." , Subaru said teasingly.

"I didn't hear any congratulations in your tone." , Jubari gave him a blank stare, then hesitantly extended his hand to Subaru. "Let's go."

"Hey, where to?"

"Of course it's a visit to the heavens, we've been talking about that for a long time, haven't we?"

"Oh, yes! Visiting the heavenly realm, I've been through so much in one morning, I'd forgotten about this. So let's go-"

"I'm coming along!" , Thor suddenly appeared between the two.

"Kitten, I'm going too." , and Lottie scampered out as well.

"Humm, I want to go, too." , Kanna grabbed Subaru by the waist and made a big show of not letting go.

"Me too." , Shinbaek tugged on Subaru's sleeve.

"Yeah, let's all go together then." , Subaru said with a smile, then looked at Jubari, "Nah, Jubari, it's okay. We'll all visit together."



"Yes you can you big-headed bastard!" , Jubari suddenly shouted towards Subaru and flew off into the distance with one wing. "Hurry up and catch up, idiot!"

"Uh-oh! Thor, please."

"Leave it to me."

Thor confidently patted his chest, then flew out with everyone following Jubilee.

Chapter 333 - The Little Lori's Battle Meeting

"I'm back~"

"Welcome back, sister."

Gaeru walked to the living room and looked around, "Hey, where are Subaru-kun and the others? Back already?"

"Well, they went back after I gave them a tour."


"Hey, that, sister~~"

"You, what are you doing?"

Gaiaru took a few steps back, wary of the obsequiously glued-on Japari.

"Allowing me to return to earth is true, isn't it? Hehe, I don't think my sister's words would lie to me, do they?"

"This ah... I'm glad you like it, I won't go back on what I said."

"Great!!!" , Japari raised her hands in cheer.

"You, ah...", Jae'eru laughed and shook her head. "Are you so happy to have you back on earth."

"Of course, when I go back I can-"

Keep playing games at home all day long! Jubilee added in her mind.

Jaelu's eyes were a bit lonely, "Do you like Subaru-kun that much?"


"I don't think Subaru-kun is anything particularly remarkable, and he seems to have a lot of other girls around him, so what is it about him that has you so enchanted?"

"Who, who, who, who, who is divine!!!" , Jia Baili retorted with a flushed face. "I sh, when did I get hooked up with that guy! How is that possible. Really, sister don't talk nonsense!"

"HEY? But isn't he your boyfriend?"

"That, that's because... because...", Jubilee's eyes drifted. "Right! That's because he's the one who's hooked on me! I had no choice but to agree to be with him after chasing me all the time, and I didn't initiate it!"

"What?! Is that guy stalking you? What an outrageous thing to do, I'm going down there now and destroying him!" , said Gaielu, making a gesture to go outside.

"Sister wait!" , Jia Baili was busy dragging her along. "Yea, it's not like that either la, that, it's just..."

Gaeru frowned, "What the hell is going on? Jubari, if you said yes because it's hard to refuse, it's okay, sister will help you out."

"...Fling oh."



"Well? What?"

Jaelu put her ears next to Jubilee's in confusion, who had her head down and her ears were red as if they were on fire.

" it! I like Subaru okay, so don't worry about it, sister!"

"Sh, what, that tone of voice, I'm worried about you meeting someone else right now."

"Sorry...but I'm fine with it, so don't worry sister. By the way, isn't my sister about to get out of school, so you should go pick her up."

Jubaili pushed Ga'eru's shoulders and walked towards the entrance. Ignoring Gaiaru's "What's it like?" and "What do you like about Subaru-kun?", she sent Gaiaru out of the house.

After Ga'eru left the house, Gabrielle silently returned to her room and fell into bed.

"Really, sister. Let me say something stupid ah...but..."

Jubari took out her phone and flipped through the photo album, which contained the pictures everyone had taken today when they were playing with Subaru and the others.

Obviously, she was also very clear about it, right, her own feelings towards Subaru....

With the past vividly in mind, the things that had happened between Subaru and her, the happy, the sad, the shy... all sorts of things, recalling them, Jubari felt like her face was about to melt with heat.


On Christmas Eve, that guy Satania....

What to do....

On the other hand, a special batch meeting was taking place at Subaru's house.

It started when Subaru returned home, and not long after arriving home the doorbell was rung, and a group of loli who seemed to treat Subaru like some kind of evil landlord stood exasperatedly at the door.

"That's too much, Subaru, even though you don't have to train on vacation, you don't have to be completely uninformed! There's a national competition coming up hey!" , Manabu pointed angrily at Subaru.

"This! ......."

Subaru scratched his head in embarrassment, while inwardly chastising himself for not being able to do his duty as a coach.

Incidentally, after this holiday, it was the national competition, and Subaru had promised the little loris to come over occasionally to coach them while they were training, but she didn't go once....

Hyuga walked up to Subaru and gently hammered Subaru's chest, "Oh~ Oni-san, have you got another bride, no, oh no, you can't be fancy to Hyuga oh~ this is punishment~"

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