Regressed Reincarnation: How to Escape a Fantasy World!!

Chapter 150 - The Snow Of Winter Alfheim

Winter Alfheim, as the name suggests, is consumed by winter throughout the year. It is like Alfheim in many ways, whether it is the forest filled areas or the White Elves that live here. The variety of monsters are also the same, except they have evolved to adapt to the cold environment surrounding the area. 

There are mountains and plain lands too in Winter Alfheim, but the main reason or the lore behind the existence of Winter Alfheim lies in its Fire Dungeon. The Fire Dungeon or the Dungeon of the Phoenix, which is located at the center of this country, is actually a prison in which a mythical creature has been trapped for millenia. Some say that it was the Gods who captured her, other lore says that it was the Ancient races who captured her after she had descended to this planet, but no one knows what is the real reason behind her imprisonment. 

The Snow around the Dungeon that surrounds it is actually a magical circle…a huge magical circle that forms the basis of this country's existence. That circle keeps the power of the Phoenix weakened forever and the dungeon absorbs the Phoenix's growing power and supplies it to the circle, creating an infinite loop of imprisonment. The Phoenix hence, can neither die due to its characteristics nor it could ever escape because of the circle and the dungeon.

The winter Elves, or Novelves, as they call themselves, live a bit away from the dungeon but not too far from it. They are a tribal race that lives based on survival of the fittest. The number of Novelves is far lower than any other race in Visca, numbering around 1000 to 1500. The main reason is once again the magic circle that kills the weaker ones and only the strong ones survive. Conversely, only strong people live in that race and even the weakest one would be at least of Supreme Rank.

Currently, having 4 King ranks within their number, they boast as one of the strongest species thriving in Visca, however due to their nature and condition, their power dwindles considerably outside Winter Alfheim, which is another aspect of the magic circle. 

The magic circle is one of the main reasons that species don't get in or out of Winter Alfheim as the whole of Winter Alfheim is, in a way, a prison in which only death and struggle awaits those who enter it.

But things started changing when a particular group of Adventures entered the Winter Alfheim, of their own volition. Their entry to the Winter Alfheim was something that moved the threads of fate once again, in a way, that the whole Winter Alfheim's fate will come to the risk of extinction, and they both, the Noveleves and the adventurer's party did not have even the slightest of idea of what Fate held for them.

On the outskirts of Winter Alfheim, in the snow-laden woods, a peaceful silence surrounded the area. In that particular area, after a few moments, wearing a grey coloured top with grey tight lower covering, a girl entered with hurried yet soundless steps. Wearing a white, thin, yet furry jacket that covered her whole body and head hid most of her features. Though, her face, which was as white as snow, with strange red symbols on both her cheeks, flushed when the sunlight that pierced through the forest's roof fell directly on her face. Her blue eyes and long ears told us that she was a Novelve, and a very pure one at that. Her blue eyes were observing the surroundings as she kept jumping from one wood to another, and her thin body, which looked like that of a young 15years girl, passed through the area like a fast breeze. 


Silvian Herly, one of the four daughters of the King of Novelves, currently escaping from my own tribe members for not accepting the marriage proposal with the first son of my uncle, the second strongest person in the tribe.

'Sigh…just why do I have to marry that narcissist bastard? How can they even think of someone as high as me to marry someone as creepy as that guy? No way in hell I am doing that,' I think as I recall the stupefied face of that creepy guy when I called him ugly and ran away from there. 

'Thank God, I had that teleportation artifact otherwise my uncle would have beaten me to death,' cold sweat trickled down my forehead when I recalled my uncle's face from there.


"Pfttffttt-Hahahaahahahaha…" I laughed out loud when I thought about that once again. Then I concentrate once again on the road ahead and breathe a bit before calming myself and then looking ahead.

'Though, I teleported within Winter Alfheim only, just where did I exactly teleported to? Let's hope I am not in any danger zone,' I think before continuing to run. Honestly, it has been a week since I have been running and escaping from… I don't know…I am just looking for a place that I know before making any other move. Let's hope I find a familiar place as soon as-

"WWWWHHHHHAAAAAA….." I hear a loud voice from a distance. My expression changes as I realise something.

'A calamity grade…' if it had been just one, there would have been no problem but….that is the sound of Cold Horns, a bulky monster that travels in groups. They like to attack together on their prey and then share their meal among themselves. Though that is not why I was really afraid of it...the major problem was,

'That Cold Horn is being hunted by another monster…' I think as I gulp before starting to run in the other direction, only to find something I didn't really want to encounter. I observe the high calamity grade monster in front of me with a slightly troubled look before sighing and speaking.

"Well, at least it is just two Giant Huskies and not a black monster."

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