Regressed Reincarnation: How to Escape a Fantasy World!!

Chapter 151 - The Snow Of Winter Alfheim#2


I look at the huskies in front of me and then take off the head cover of my white jacket, revealing my black hair that was bluish as we go down the waistline. I then take out the white pins from my hair and hold four pins in each hand and three in my mouth as I analyse those monsters' movements. Those monsters vanish from there and arrive right in front of me within a blink and I throw two pins each at those monsters' weak points before jumping back and analysing their current status. Looking at them, three of the 4 pins had hit their body while it broke down before it could reach them.

'This should distort their sense of movement,' I think as I prepare for the next move before one of the huskies jumps at me and slashes me with his paw. I tried to dodge it, but because of a lack of proper reaction, I was hit hard in my stomach and thrown away. I hit one of the trees, fell down, but still tried to stand, barely keeping myself conscious. My eyes observed the huskie who was running towards me again and then I threw 5 more pins at him, using the best possible moment I could make. 2 out of 5 pins hit the husky and make him fall down on the ground, rendering him unable to move.

Then he starts howling as loud as he can, releasing mana out of him. Then magic attacks start coming towards me from random directions. Not giving the attack a chance to overtake me I run towards the fallen husky, while also changing my hands physique to that of sharp claws and almost killing him but before I could do so, the other husky comes in between and growls at me.

'He should not be able to see me or even properly control himself…' I think as I observe the husky with a tired look, trying his best to protect the one behind him. Looks like they are husband and wife.

My eyes focus on them before I take out the pins from my mouth and attack the husky without having any trace of emotions on my face. Both the husky fall completely unconscious due to my attack and I move towards them. Using my claws, I kill them in one single attack and take out their core and store it in my pocket. I then take out another pin from my hair and hit myself and start healing my bleeding stomach as I begin to run away from here.

'The smell of blood is going to attract a lot of monsters to me,' I think as I keep running as fast as I can. Not long after I kept running, I started hearing heavy footsteps of something following behind me.

'Sh*t' I curse realising what was following me and increase my pace hoping that it would find some other prey and leave me alone. I did not sign up for this sh*t, damn it. Just what did I do to deserve this?

I kept running but the sound of the footsteps kept getting closer and closer before I finally thought,' Guess it's do or die now, huh?'

I then slowly stop before jumping and turning around as I take out my pins and face the monster that came into my view right after I stopped running. Looking at me, his prey stopped, he also stopped his steps and observed me carefully.

'Sigh…a black high Husky, huh? I wonder if I could survive this,' I thought as I prepared for another battle, but before I could do so, something else joined our confrontation from top. I and the black husky looked at the giant blue bird who was flying and looking at us. 

'Blue Flare Bird?' My expression turns ugly as I observe the other monster who joined our confrontation. 

'I really did not…sigh…just how bad is my luck, eh?' I think as I change my arm into sharp claws again and then look at both the monsters arriving closer and closer to me. I then take a deep breath and pierce my claws into my chest and then speak," [Sacrificial Magic: Blood Born's Revenge]" 

My aura explodes and my skin tone changes from white to reddish pink as I look at those monsters approaching me. I then jump towards the flying monster and kick it as fast as I can.


A loud voice engulfs the area, and the bird begins to fall to the ground as it keeps hitting against the trees, unable to gain back its flying momentum. My eyes then look at the black husky, who is looking at me with a slightly terrified look as it starts to howl as loud as he could. 

'Sh*t,' I couldn't help but curse as I realise what this howl means in this current situation. I have 2 options:

One is to run away as far as I can before the rest of the black giant huskies join the fight. I could make sure that I will stay alive, but if I encounter another monster after running away, I will surely die as using sacrificial magic would render me unable to move for a while.

The other thing which I can do is to stay here and bet that my energy won't run out before I can kill all the black huskies. It would be a battle against time if that happens. Though I can use the mana cores of the huskies to create a barrier that would help me survive any after wave that could possibly happen.

I ponder over it for a while before finally deciding that it's better to run away than wait for the rest of the huskies to come here. I then began to run as fast as I could until I created enough distance between me and those huskies. 

Finally, after my energy ran out, I looked at the front only to be stupefied as I realised that I had made the wrong choice. 

Why?..hehehe...because there was a demonic beast standing right in front of me.

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