Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 168

Monster Wave (4)

‘No matter how much I rub it on you... You're the front... Jeong-wook... ’

I can understand his thoughts. Of course, there is a difference between fighting under orders and running a free folk base while incorporated into the territory.

He wants to keep his guild intact. No, just to be clear, this is already a matter of survival.

Even those who are positive of the Earl's words have this background. I think I would give the right place to a small rock if I were to remain friendly with myself.


‘You want a rear deployment. ’

Earl Castle Rock decided anyway. Castelock has turned the entire area into an exhibition and declared martial law to block the free folk from fleeing the city.

He already knows the Earl will not yield. If you say that you are at the top of the command system, you can plant a feeling of awkward glamour. However, I am in a slightly different position as an honorary bishop.

It also has a plausible status as a free folk and is sufficient to use this as an honorary bishop from the Holy See.

There's nothing wrong with a little rock.

It was a great choice to choose me as a shield for the small rocks, but I thought it was the lowest step in my path not knowing my importance.

It's quite okay to desperately cooperate if you still think this side cares about you.

Some other guilds naturally started to put their forces on his claims as well.

“Guilds and clans run independently, but you need a command system anyway. The Earl seems to have a point. Even though Yi Young is not from Castlock, she is the same Holy Empire. ”

“Hmm…. ”

“I don't think that's bad. ”

“It's not that we didn't think of it... ”

Whether I thought this was an opportunity now, those who opened their mouths everywhere gave me a glimpse.

“Maybe it's a little more... ”

“I'd rather be led by the honorary bishop Lee Young-young... ”

Several guilds have teamed up and the existing guilds and clans who want to benefit from it are also starting to work too well.

It's intuitive to understand that there's something going on with honey.

‘Isn't that right?' Opinions that were thought to be turned upside down quickly.

I don't mind hitting my tail. It's natural to feel like you're seeing puppies who practice martial arts.

‘The Earl had a good idea. ’

Forcing the free folk will help solve the crisis immediately, but if you think about it later, it is not considered a wise way.

Compromising on the right line was natural in the first place. Choosing me as a connection between myself and the free folk was good for me and good for the lord.


A situation none of the free folk in Castle Rock can trust.

I don't know if it's because of the Marlene spirit or because of the sincere devotion to the Castle Rock, but I feel like the Earl trusts me without even knowing it.

‘It's not that I don't understand the rumors that are spreading within the castle. ’

It's an honor and Lee Yi-young has quite a good rating.

Kim Hyun-seong also nodded his head and our regretter seems to like this situation.

If there is someone who can control the troops reliably, even if he has to run in the East and West, he will be relieved.

‘Of course, it's a good story for me.... ’

“I'm... a little overwhelmed. ”

“No, Lee Young-young. I'll be happy to assist you with that. ”

“If Song Jeong-wook says so... Kmm. ”

I've always wanted to try a large-scale military command.

Of course, theoretically, we had to study, but practice is not theoretical. If you miss this opportunity, it's foolish, but humility is the virtue of Koreans.

As soon as I opened my mouth that I was using a little inspiration with the premise that I was lacking, I felt my eyes pouring out towards me.


“If so… I will do my best to organize and operate the unit alongside the owner of Castle Rock. Thank you, Lord Castle. ”

“Please take good care of it. Priestess Lee.”

I feel a little calm now.

I've already seen a lot of gaze pouring in, so there's a lot to say here. Given the importance of troop organization, it makes sense to look at it that way.

‘Who wants to go to the First Wall? ’

I already have a protagonist to enter, but I have to think about it until the end.

While the briefing continues, I see people thinking completely differently. the idea of how to avoid the first wall.

Of course, there were many who had doubts about whether monster waves would really happen, but Kim Hyun-seong in front of them was solving those questions quite brilliantly.

“Most of you who have been hunting recently can feel it. that there's a problem with the ecology of the monsters that live in the forest in front of Castle Rock. ”

“I've definitely... felt it before. Basilisks living in swamps suddenly appeared in the forest and became more frequent. Higher monsters appear outside the forest as well. My clan was also offering to hunt new guild members for a while. ”

“If you look at the signs of monster waves in the Castlock decades ago, you can see that they are remarkably similar. ”


“Perhaps you think the population saturation, or a new monster that might threaten an existing monster, is moving its habitat. ”

“But is that the only sign you can make of the monster wave?" Even after the exhibition system or the commandments became a little more clear.... ”

“By then, it's too late. I think there's a clear difference between knowing and not knowing. If you look at the other graph... ”

“Hnng... I see. ”

I'm sort of having this kind of conversation.

It's not really my timing. We may feel a bit lacking in information from our side, but once we had all the evidence, we were sure something was going to happen.

Some have doubts that they may or may not like to complain about the sudden exhibition system.

In fact, this side has doubts as well.

Given the situation Kim Hyun-seong brought, it is almost certain that a monster wave will occur.

No, we don't need to find any evidence. The monster wave has already happened in the history of Hyunsung Kim.

But I don't feel the reason is a bit clear. Kim Hyun-seong didn't seem to know exactly why the wave happened.

‘Doesn't really matter. ’

It's obvious what we have to do.

Catch incoming monsters. That's all. Apart from me, most people understand this very well.

After the briefing, the voice of conversations began to be heard everywhere.

No wonder I thought I should say something. We were having a conversation in the Middle East without knowing what to do.

“Then I'll tell you as your commander. I would like you to submit the divisions and major pathologies of each guild and clan. You must be precise in your description in order to be reasonably deployed, so you must not hide anything. ”


“Consolidation of supplies held by each guild. And I'm going to integrate the stuff from our blue as well. ”

“That's …. ”

“There will be reinforcements within Lindell. The supplies arriving from Lindell are also going to be integrated, so I hope you'll join me. I plan to leave the Materials Management to the Merchants Guild and the Castlock Merchants Guild. Don't worry, the rest of the supplies will be distributed in a reasonable manner after work is done. ”

“But... there are situations that each guild or group has..." ”

“Here is a list of our free supplies in blue. Some small and medium-sized guilds will pay more than the total amount. I want you to consider the situation of each guild, but I didn't use my gut to make things easier for you. I'm sure you'll find it rather disastrous, but if you don't want to follow me, you'd better go under the command of Castle Rock territory and fight together. ”

“I'm not saying I won't follow.... ”

The first thing about controlling idiots who don't listen is grabbing the food line.

I'd rather keep my side of the fence for supplies.

Song Jeong-wook from the small rock is nodding his head and opening his mouth to me.

“I agree 100 times with the honorary bishop Lee Young-young. ”

It feels a little sudden and loyal, but not bad.

“We'll use the barracks inside the walls and wait at all times for the minimum troops left in the Guild House. And the whole training starts tomorrow. Those of you from the Red Mercenaries will be your direct trainers. ”

“Ah. Are the Red Mercenaries coming? ”

You hear a voice of hope.

“We're in constant communication with Lindell. If the timing is right, Cha Hee Ra will be able to fight with you. ”


Visibly liked faces.

It's a story that will blow their anxiety away.

It's obvious what you're thinking.

I'm glad you have a Red Mercenary.

Together we can make it through this.

I'm thinking about it.

I feel like it's because of Cha Hee Ra's glow that she looks at me a little more.

Of course, the fact that I was personally prepared as a commander was also why they liked me.

Even though Kim Hyun-seong has been telling us about his plans since he asked us to go to Castle, the confidence of the commander in an anxious situation gives confidence to his friends.

‘If you just follow me, I'll let you suck my honey.’. ’

“Hahaha. I'm so glad Lee is in Castle Rock. ”

Meanwhile, Song Jong-wook continues to fart towards this side.

It seemed like I wanted to be placed in the rear.

“The Castlock Merchant Guild will allow you to start sorting after receiving all your supplies inside today. Other guilds will also be armed and relocated to the Walled Barracks. ”

“Inside today? ”

“Yes, it's in today. ”

“I've got to keep this busy. ”

“If something comes up, you have to report it to me yourself. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“What barracks can I go to? ”

“You'll be all set when you get back. ”

You'll need some time to sort it out, so you'd better give it this much time.

Let's talk about taking care of things as if they were all ready. The way they looked at me began to slowly change, too.

Maybe you really think I'm lucky to have command.

‘That's what I want. ’

As the honorary bishop of the Holy Empire, you can get help from other city priests as well, or you can get help from the Red Mercenaries as a mercenary queen's government. Perhaps, given that we can also get the help of the Yojora Guild in Celia, the human being, Lee Young, will be considered a pretty capable commander just for that background.

“I will make arrangements with Earl Castle as soon as possible. So let's dismiss. We need to get this sorted out as soon as possible. It's an exhibition system, as Earl Castle said. I'm also not a person who likes to create distractions, so if you just keep up with the controls, something will fall on you, too. ”

“Ah…. ”

“Don't just think about it right now, but you might want to think about it after the wave. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

When this side woke up first, the excellent soldiers who woke up at the same time flashed into view.

Let's move out and see what they look like coming this way.

Of course, the most active thing was Song Jeong-wook, who made me here.

“Lee, what time can I come in? ”

“Actually, I hope everyone will gather by noon.... ”

“This might take a while.... ”

“A little, then, but I'll take your convenience. ”

“Hahaha. Thank you for this. ”

“No, you can't be too inflexible. ”

“You are the same, Ig Young. Ever since you first came to Castle Rock, I've known you to be a light in Castle Rock. Hahahaha.”

He's not the only one waving his tail. Most of them are throwing words or opening their mouths.

It's been a while since I got rid of them.

My time with Jungyan was a little slower when I spoke to the locator that was on my body.

‘I have to organize my troops.... ’

It's not a big deal.

At this point, I need Ms. Jo Hye-jin, who is smarter than me, to do it.

“Hyejin? ”

“Yes, Vice Guild Master. ”

“I'm going to take care of some business for a while. I have something to organize too... I think Hyejin can handle the troop organization. ”


“On the 1st Wall, hold only small rocks, Song Jeong-wook, and the rest roughly. ”

“Ah…. ”

“If you have sinned, shouldn't you be punished? ”

From Song Jeong-wook's point of view, I thought my back head would freeze.

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