Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 169

Faith through betrayal (1)

“I, Master. Are you sure you want to do this?”


“This time, you put Blue's Lee Young in charge.... ”

“Oh, don't worry about it. ”

“Yes? But... what you're planning... ”

“We have to deal with this from the beginning. Lee Yi-young is from Lindell anyway, and even if his influence in Casterlock grows, there must be a limit to his ability to move. No, it's better this way. There's still a lot of honey falling. ”

“Ah…. ”

“This is a human being who clearly understands what Gibbs and Takes are. Lee Yi-young from blue... Huhuhuhuhuhuhu.”

I certainly thought so.

Unlike the first impression that was not good, the human being called Lee Young-young was the kind of person who surprised me more and more.

At first, he was just a lucky kid.

It appears that you have obtained your current status using what appears to be the mercenary queen's government.

However, over time, I had no choice but to realize that the progress he showed was not ordinary.

I was curious about how I got my power now, but that's not the point. What was more important was his attitude towards and exploiting power.

‘I understand. ’

It feels like he understands how to deal with power and how to use his position better than anyone else.

In fact, he's only been in Castle Rock a few days. You have acquainted yourself with most of the small and medium-sized clan masters.

‘Of course, through me.... ’

The first thing that comes this way is an indicator of what kind of person Lee is already.

It sounded a little funny, but I thought there was something respectful about it.

The user prioritizes efficiency and draws the target to its side first.

Rewards loyalty and makes you feel how helpful you are.

Almost as if there were consequences to that.

Castelock's politics have changed a lot. from big parts like economics and politics to small parts like nothing else.

Other than Lee, Lee Young has already come to the point where we can't discuss Castle Rock.

‘That's all there is to it. ’

When I was thinking a little differently, I saw Deputy Park Autumn speaking.

“I understand the guild master's thoughts, but I'm a little worried.... ”

“You have nothing to worry about. ”


“I'm not as stupid as you think I am... and I hear that you and Hye-jin don't get along so well... What do you mean? ”


“He's just like us. Most businesses in blue are also about one step behind the law…. The deal you made with this guy wasn't exactly legal, was it? It wasn't a compulsion. It was a compulsion. ”

“Obviously... I did. ”

“If you sum up the stories, it seems like you've also shown a lot of actions that can be said ’just give me the dog'... He's closer to human than Jo Hye-jin. In fact, can we maintain a more intimate relationship... I've told you that I think the same thing. ”

“Master... are you going to talk about our business? ”


“Phew... ”

“Not yet. ”

“Well, then... are you going to tell me eventually? ”

“The more I think about it, the more I think it won't be bad. Maybe he'll be worth seeing when he gets in. Can you imagine what Lee Ri-young of Lindell would look like if she showed up underground? We can get a little bigger... and we can hold onto the Amphitheater. I can strike those who ignore the small rocks. This is it.”

“I'm sure the Master's words are reasonable... but that's a little unsettling. I keep thinking it's not good to get too close... ”

“Ahh. I'm a little careful myself, so don't worry too much. Kmm. Let's just go like this for now. Did you know? Lee Yi-young can flip Marlin over here... Just pretend to be loyal and there's plenty of Congo to fall over. I've got it under control, so don't worry too much. Autumn.”

“ ……. ”

“I was a little worried when I said I lived in the walls. It's good to have connections, obviously. ”

Definitely did.

In a room so spacious that it's not called a barracks, it feels more comfortable than the one sitting here.

Even though the situation was a situation, I could not afford luxury, but it was enough to nod my head that I could lead a good life even after changing to the exhibition system.

Lee Kyung-young cared for this side.

“Even if I see the room where we are... I can see how important he is to me." It's the only way. Huhuhuhuh.He needs me, too. ”


“By the way, Park Autumn. Why are you so grumpy? ”

“It's nothing. ”

“You got a problem with that? ”

“No, it's not like that. But things seem to be going too well.... ”

“There's no need to be nervous. ”

“He said something…. ”


“A bit ominous... Of course, it's just a hunch... I feel like I'm a human being that doesn't do much good. ”

“Tsk. You're being too careful. ”

“Sorry, Master. ”

“Don't be sorry. Because I like that. Of course, it may be hard to believe a crazy guy who shows up out of nowhere, but I heard a story the last time I had a drink with him. ”


“Gambling is not my thing. But when you think you can throw, you have to be able to throw. ”


“Height.... When I heard that story, I thought he deserved something. He's younger than me, but there's something to learn. Huh? There's something to be admired for. That's my situation. I hate gambling, but my gut is telling me it's time to roll the dice. ”

“I see…. ”

“I understand your concern, of course, but I don't want it to be too awkward. What do you think the difference is between me and him? Look at what he's done. Can you believe Lee Yi-young's only been here a year? There's a reason you're friendly with the mercenary queen, of course, but there's definitely a difference. ”

“Like what?"

“Every time I made a choice, I didn't roll the dice, and he did. That's why I'm moaning in Castle Rock, and that's why Lee Young is rubbing Lindel. Do you understand me? ”

“Yes, of course. Master.”

“You can't get anything without risking something. Oh, that's what he said. I think he told me to follow him. Kmm. Enough of this talk. It's time for a meeting. Just in case... You kept your things, right? ”

“Yes, Master. Everything is stored in the Guild Storage. ”

“Any eggs?”

“Don't worry, we're taking good care of it. ”

“Yes, you should. So I can rub it in after work. I keep caring about the outside. The more time like this, the harder I have to work. Make sure you take care of the kids. ”


After a long conversation, you come out and the huge wall flashes into view.

You can see soldiers patrolling outside from the top of the Wall, as well as guild members training in joint exercises, as well as those bearing the Red Mercenary Insignia.

Of course, the most obvious is the woman with red hair mixed with them.

Cha Hee?

I told Lee Yi-young that I might get help from the Red Mercenaries, but I didn't really think I'd find this place.

It was clear to me that I had flown on the griphon shortly after the first meeting.

The strong body and strong impression was the image of the mercenary queen who had heard it before in the drink.

Just looking up made my heart throb for no reason, so I won't need another word.

‘We've known each other since Earth. ’

Honestly, if someone asks you if you're jealous, you'll say you're jealous.

Even a mercenary queen's power is powerless, but the beauty of her looks is a nagging word.

Her red lips, strong eyes, and burning hair felt like a goddess from the myth.

As I stare at her dazed for a moment, I see her waving her hand toward this side.

Of course, the waist should be bent straight down.

It is correct to be as polite as possible.

When I put my back back back back on for a moment, I saw that I couldn't see it, and I went in first for the meeting.

It is unimaginable to enter the conference room later than the mercenary queen.

After catching my escape, I ran to the meeting room, and everyone was already gathering and talking about various things to me.

‘It's a little late. ’

It's natural to feel like a mistake.

It was a bit of a relaxation, actually. When you think of it as an exhibition system, you make a big mistake.

“You're a little late. ”

“Oh... yes. I'm sorry."

“Well, that's okay. Tiny Rock Master. The troop formation is incomplete. But I want you to start moving with a little bit of tension today. ”

‘This is it.’

“I'm so sorry about this. ”

It sure feels good to see Lee Young-young talking like it's nothing.

‘It's good to be a friend of the powerful. ’

“Then we better get back to what we were talking about. ”


“Ah. Even the Master of the Tiny Rock, sit down quickly. I was organizing a unit. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“A slightly smaller guild or clan has decided to run a unified operation. We tried to give you as much autonomy as we could, but we had no choice but to concentrate on the structural structure. ”

“What do you care so much? Babe? Not if the commander's tough. Isn't that right? You can rule disobeying orders by military law. All you have to do is blow their heads off. Is everyone wrong about me? ”

“Yes, that's right. Cha Hee.”

“Ah... Ahem. The mercenary queen is right. ”

“Look, everybody says that, right? In an exhibition situation, the commander's orders are the law. This is the same for Lindell and the same for Castle Rock. I don't even need to know where I'm from, and just in case... I'm not as soft as we are. Disobedience means death. ”

“Yes... yes! ”

“I understand.”


“Okay, okay. I'll be quiet, so don't look at me like that. Babe.”

I took a quick look around and saw almost every clan and guild master trying not to make eye contact with the mercenary queen.

I feel like I'm unaware of it.

Maybe that's the natural response.

Being with the most powerful man in Lindell and a force within five fingers of the Holy Empire would not have been a situation familiar to the free folk of Castelok.

However, I remember the way I waved my hands a while ago, but I think a human named Song Jeong-wook from a small rock is ready to embrace it.

I don't know, but the mercenary queen's government has spoken well in advance.

‘I'll be safe. Thank you, Win-young. Huhuhuhuhu.’

It is natural for a scenario in which the scenario is placed backwards in the right place and continues to receive sweet honey to come to mind.

Since you played a crucial role in treating Lee Young-young as a commander, you may get sweeter honey.

“Ah. I'd better get organized first. Let's start with the first star wall. ”


“In the case of the 1st Wall, I thought it would be best to trust someone as it is a strategic point of high risk. ”


Perhaps one of the guilds with a similar size to a small rock will enter.

Reducing the size of rivals is a huge advantage here, too. No wonder the tail goes up for no reason.

“A small rock will take care of the first Wall. ”


‘Well…. ’

It was natural that my head turned quickly.

It was Lee Young who was smiling brightly, raising one tail of his mouth.

That son of a bitch! ’

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